Group B Litigation Claim definition

Group B Litigation Claim means (a) any claim, right or cause of action which has been or may be asserted by or on behalf of a Debtor, whether known or unknown, in law, equity or otherwise against Goldman, Sachs & Co. arising out of or related to its underwriting of eToys' initial public offering of common stock (the "IPO"), including, without limitation, the claims, rights and causes of action asserted by the Creditors' Committee in the lawsuit captioned EBC I, Inc. f/k/a eToys, Inc., by the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors of EBC I, Inc. against Goldman, Sachs & Co., Index No. 02661805, pending in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York and (b) any claim, right or cause of action which has been or may be asserted by or on behalf of a Debtor, whether known or unknown, in law, equity or otherwise relating to the IPO against any other entity which acted as an underwriter in connection with the IPO. As used in this Section 1.54, the term Debtor includes the Estate of any and all Debtors.

Related to Group B Litigation Claim

  • Litigation Claims means the claims, rights of action, suits or proceedings, whether in law or in equity, whether known or unknown, that any Debtor or any Estate may hold against any Person or Entity, including, without limitation, the Causes of Action of the Debtors or their Estates, in each case solely to the extent of the Debtors’ or their Estates’ interest therein. A non-exclusive list of the Litigation Claims held by the Debtors as of the Effective Date will be Filed with the Plan Supplement, which will be deemed to include any derivative actions filed against any Debtor as of the Effective Date.

  • Transaction Litigation means any Legal Proceeding commenced or threatened against a Party or any of its Subsidiaries or Affiliates (and/or their respective directors and/or executive officers) or otherwise relating to, involving or affecting such Party or any of its Subsidiaries or Affiliates, in each case in connection with, arising from or otherwise relating to the Transaction or the consummation thereof, other than any Legal Proceedings among the Parties or their Affiliates related to this Agreement.

  • Unresolved Claim means a Claim, which at the relevant time, in whole or in part: (a) has not been Finally Determined to be a Proven Claim in accordance with the Amended Claims Procedure Order and this Plan; (b) is validly disputed in accordance with the Amended Claims Procedure Order; and/or (c) remains subject to review and for which a Notice of Allowance or Notice of Revision or Disallowance (each as defined in the Amended Claims Procedure Order) has not been issued to the Creditor in accordance with the Amended Claims Procedure Order as at the date of this Plan, in each of the foregoing clauses, including both as to proof and/or quantum;

  • Unresolved Claims has the meaning set forth in Section 7.6(c).

  • Indemnification Claim has the meaning set forth in Section 10.3.

  • Infringement Claim means a third party claim alleging that the Equipment manufactured by Motorola or the Motorola Software directly infringes a United States patent or copyright.

  • Third Party Claim has the meaning set forth in Section 8.3.

  • Settled claim means the original tort claim resolved by a structured settlement.

  • Third Party Infringement Claim has the meaning set forth in Section 9.4.

  • Infringement Action has the meaning set forth in Section 9.6(b).

  • Indemnity Claim has the meaning set forth in Section 8.3.

  • Contested Claim means any Tax, Indebtedness or other claim or liability (i) the validity or amount of which is being diligently contested in good faith, (ii) for which adequate reserve, or other appropriate provision, if any, as required in conformity with GAAP shall have been made, and (iii) with respect to which any right to execute upon or sell any assets of the Company or of any of its Subsidiaries has not matured or has been and continues to be effectively enjoined, superseded or stayed.

  • Rejection Claim means a Claim arising from the rejection of an Executory Contract or Unexpired Lease pursuant to section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code.

  • Released Claim means the matters that are subject to release and discharge pursuant to ARTICLE 10 hereof;

  • Clean Claim means a claim that:

  • Tax Claim has the meaning set forth in Section 6.05.

  • Intercompany Claim means any Claim held by a Debtor against another Debtor.

  • Excluded Claim means a dispute, controversy or claim that concerns (a) the validity or infringement of a patent, trademark or copyright; or (b) any antitrust, anti-monopoly or competition law or regulation, whether or not statutory.

  • Proven Claim means (a) a Claim of a Creditor, Finally Determined as an Allowed Claim for voting, distribution and payment purposes under the Plan, (b) in the case of the Participating CCAA Parties in respect of their CCAA Party Pre-Filing Interco Claims, and in the case of the Non-Filed Affiliates in respect of their Non-Filed Affiliate Unsecured Interco Claims and Non- Filed Affiliate Secured Interco Claims, as such Claims are declared, solely for the purposes of the Plan, to be Proven Claims pursuant to and in the amounts set out in the Amended and Restated Meetings Order, and (c) in the case of Employee Priority Claims and Government Priority Claims, as Finally Determined to be a valid post-Filing Date claim against a Participating CCAA Party;

  • Affected Claim means any Claim other than an Unaffected Claim;

  • Threatened litigation as used herein shall include governmental investigations and civil investigative demands. “Litigation” as used herein shall include administrative enforcement actions brought by governmental agencies. The Contractor must also disclose any material litigation threatened or pending involving Subcontractors, consultants, and/or lobbyists. For purposes of this section, “material” refers, but is not limited, to any action or pending action that a reasonable person knowledgeable in the applicable industry would consider relevant to the Work under the Contract or any development such a person would want to be aware of in order to stay fully apprised of the total mix of information relevant to the Work, together with any litigation threatened or pending that may result in a substantial change in the Contractor’s financial condition.

  • D&O Claim means any right or claim of any Person against one or more of the Directors and/or Officers howsoever arising on or before the D&O Bar Date, for which the Directors and/or Officers, or any of them, are by statute liable to pay in their capacity as Directors and/or Officers or which are secured by way of any one of the Directors’ Charges;

  • 503(b)(9) Claim means a Claim or any portion thereof entitled to administrative expense priority pursuant to section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code.

  • Third party claimant means any individual, corporation, association, partnership, or other legal entity asserting a claim against any individual, corporation, association, partnership, or other legal entity insured under an insurance policy or insurance contract.

  • Settled Claims means any and all claims, debts, demands, rights or causes of action, suits, matters, and issues or liabilities whatsoever (including, but not limited to, any claims for damages, interest, attorneys’ fees, expert or consulting fees, and any other costs, expenses or liability whatsoever), whether based on United States or Canadian federal, state, provincial, local, statutory or common law or any other law, rule or regulation, whether fixed or contingent, accrued or unaccrued, liquidated or unliquidated, at law or in equity, matured or un-matured, whether class or individual in nature, including both known claims and Unknown Claims, (i) that have been asserted in any of the Nortel II Actions against any of the Released Parties, or (ii) that could have been asserted in any forum by the Class Members in the Nortel II Actions, or any of them, against any of the Released Parties, that arise out of or are based upon the allegations, transactions, facts, matters or occurrences, representations or omissions involved, set forth, or referred to in the Nortel II Actions and that relate to the purchase of Nortel common stock or call options or the sale of Nortel put options during the Class Period or (iii) any oppression or other claims under the Canada Business Corporations Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-44, as amended, that arise out of or are based upon the allegations, transactions, facts, matters or occurrences, representations or omissions, set forth or referred to in the Nortel II Actions. Settled Claims does not mean or include claims, if any, against the Released Parties arising under the United States Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 1001, et seq. (“ERISA”) that are not common to all Class Members and which ERISA claims are the subject of an action pending before the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, denominated In re Nortel Networks