Georgia ITS definition

Georgia ITS means the Georgia Integrated Transmission System, the electric transmission systems owned individually by Georgia Power, Georgia Transmission Corporation, the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia and the City of Dalton, Georgia, and operated as an integrated transmission system.

Examples of Georgia ITS in a sentence

  • Along with JEA and FPL, Duke Energy Florida and the City of Tallahassee each own transmission interconnections with the Georgia ITS.

  • We recognize that our jurisdiction to review an agency's construction of a statute necessarily involves an exercise of 5 GPC's management of the Georgia ITS is subject to the di- rection of a committee that includes Dalton representatives.

  • Under the Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT), other customers do not have to make such invest- ments to use the Georgia ITS facilities.

  • FERC responds that Order 888 does not unduly discriminate between old and new customers of integrated transmission systems like the Georgia ITS; and that if Dalton has evidence that the tariff results in undue discrimination in its individual circum- stances, Dalton remains free to file a petition under FPA s 206 for redress, and FERC will consider its claim.

  • Specifically, Dalton and the other non-jurisdictional owners of the Georgia ITS facilities invested millions of dollars in those facilities in order to use the facilities each owns and receive reciprocal open access transmission services from the other owners.

  • In another stab at demonstrating the discriminatory effect of Order 888's open access requirement, Dalton alerts us to an agreement entered into between it and Georgia Power Company (GPC) in partial implementation of antitrust condi- tions contained in operating licenses issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for jointly owned nuclear facilities connected to the Georgia ITS.

  • Any reference made to necessary certifications includes but is not limited to conforming to the standards of all applicable technical society, organization, body, code and standards including Georgia ITS certification.

  • The Georgia ITS is one very clear example of such an arrangement where transmission owners have worked closely to ensure reliability of the transmission system.Interconnection agreements between neighboring utilities are also indicative of the steps taken in the past to coordinate with other systems and to ensure greater reliability across a large area of the country.

  • The Existing Condominium Documents are in full force and effect and neither Mortgage Borrower nor, to Borrower’s knowledge, any other party to the Existing Condominium Documents is in default thereunder, and to the best of Borrower’s knowledge, there are no conditions which, with the passage of time or the giving of notice, or both, would constitute a default thereunder.

  • In section 9 (stay of legal proceedings), subsection (4) (stay unless the arbitration agreement is null and void, inoperative, or incapable of being performed) does not apply to a domestic arbitration agreement.

Related to Georgia ITS

  • Dominant in its field of operation means having more than ten employees and annual gross revenues in the preceding twelve months which, if added to the annual amount of the contract awarded, exceed $500,000.

  • AT&T NORTH CAROLINA means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in North Carolina.

  • Georgia means the territory recognised by the international community within the state borders of Georgia, including land territory, internal waters and territorial sea, the air space above them, in respect of which Georgia exercises its sovereignty, as well as the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf adjacent to its territorial sea, in respect of which Georgia may exercise its sovereign rights in accordance with the international law;

  • California Renewables Portfolio Standard means the California Public Utilities Code Section 399.11, et seq.

  • New Mexico CANCELLATION section is amended as follows: If You are the original purchaser of this Agreement, You may return this Agreement and receive a refund if: (i) You have not made a claim under the Agreement; and (ii) You return this Agreement within twenty days after the date We mail You a copy of the Agreement or within ten days after You receive a copy of the Agreement if We furnish You with the copy at the time the Agreement is purchased. We may not cancel this Agreement without providing You with written notice at least fifteen (15) days prior to the effective date of cancellation. Such notice shall include the effective date of cancellation and the reason for cancellation. If this Agreement has been in force for a period of seventy (70) days, We may not cancel it before the expiration of the Agreement term or one (1) year, whichever occurs first, unless: 1) You fail to pay any amount due; 2) You are convicted of a crime which results in an increase in the service required under the Agreement; 3) You engage in fraud or material misrepresentation in obtaining this Agreement; or 4) You commit any act, omission, or violation of any terms of this Agreement after the effective date of this Agreement which substantially and materially increases the service required under this Agreement. A ten percent (10%) penalty per month (or each portion thereof) shall be applied to refunds not paid or credited within sixty (60) days of receipt of a returned Agreement.

  • Nursing home means that term as defined in section 20109 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.20109.

  • AT&T SOUTH CAROLINA means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in South Carolina.

  • Designer means a competent person who: -

  • AT&T GEORGIA means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in Georgia.

  • California company means a sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, corporation, or other business entity that was a licensed California contractor on the date when bids for the public contract were opened and meets one of the following:

  • funeral home means a building or structure with facilities for the preparation of dead persons for burial or cremation, for the viewing of the body and for funeral services;

  • factory means any premises including the precincts thereof—

  • Utah This Agreement is subject to limited regulation by the Utah Insurance Department. To file a complaint, contact the Utah Insurance Department. Coverage afforded under this Agreement is not guaranteed by the Utah Property and Casualty Guaranty Association. Proof of loss should be furnished by You to the Administrator as soon as reasonably possible. Failure to furnish such notice or proof within the time required by this Agreement does not invalidate or reduce a claim. CANCELLATION section is amended as follows: We can cancel this Agreement during the first sixty (60) days of the initial annual term by mailing to You a notice of cancellation at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of cancellation except that We can also cancel this Agreement during such time period for non-payment of premium by mailing You a notice of cancellation at least ten (10) days prior to the effective date of cancellation. After sixty (60) days have elapsed, We may cancel this Agreement by mailing a cancellation notice to You at least ten (10) days prior to the cancellation date for non-payment of premium and thirty (30) days prior to the cancellation date for any of the following reasons: (a) material misrepresentation, (b) substantial change in the risk assumed, unless the We should reasonably have foreseen the change or contemplated the risk when entering into the Agreement or (c) substantial breaches of contractual duties, conditions, or warranties. The notice of cancellation must be in writing to You at Your last known address and contain all of the following: (1) the Agreement number, (2) the date of notice, (3) the effective date of the cancellation and, (4) a detailed explanation of the reason for cancellation. ARBITRATION section is amended to include the following: Any matter in dispute between You and Us may be subject to arbitration as an alternative to court action pursuant to the rules of (the American Arbitration Association or other recognized arbitrator), a copy of which is available on request from Us. Any decision reached by arbitration shall be binding upon both You and Us. The arbitration award may include attorney's fees if allowed by state law and may be entered as a judgment in any court of proper jurisdiction.

  • North Carolina CANCELLATION section is amended as follows: We may not cancel this Agreement except for nonpayment by You or for violation of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.