Gallaher definition

Gallaher means Gallaher Group Plc, a public limited company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales.
Gallaher means Gallaher Group Limited and Gallaher Limited;
Gallaher means Gallaher Group Plc, a public limited company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales. (ff) “Gallaher Fund” means the portion of the Trust Fund so designated and provided for in Section 5.01.

Examples of Gallaher in a sentence

  • The Trustee will instruct the Gallaher ADR depositary that such Gallaher ADRs be voted with respect to any matter in accordance with the most recent timely direction received by the Trustee from such Participant, former Participant or Beneficiary.

  • The Trustee will not withdraw Gallaher ADRs (or instruct the Gallaher ADR depositary to withdraw securities underlying Gallaher ADRs) except pursuant to a timely direction of a Participant, former Participant or Beneficiary.

  • This information will include the names and current addresses of Participants, former Participants and Beneficiaries and the Gallaher ADRs or securities underlying such Gallaher ADRs credited to the accounts of each of them, upon which the Trustee may conclusively rely.

  • Contributions will not be invested in the Gallaher Fund, nor may any transfers be made to the Gallaher Fund from any of the other Investment Funds.

  • This information will include the names and current addresses of Participants, former Participants and Beneficiaries and the Gallaher ADRs credited to the accounts of each of them, upon which the Trustee may conclusively rely.

  • The Trustee will communicate or cause to be communicated to all Participants, former Participants and Beneficiaries the procedures regarding the voting of Gallaher ADRs held in the Gallaher Fund.

  • Except to the extent otherwise specified in such opinion, order or decree, the Trustee will have no discretion or authority in such circumstances to provide voting instructions with respect to Gallaher ADRs held in the Gallaher Fund, but will exercise such voting rights in accordance with the most recent timely directions received from Participants, former Participants and Beneficiaries to the extent such directions have not been invalidated.

  • The Trustee will combine fractional interests of Participants, former Participants and Beneficiaries in Gallaher ADRs held in the Gallaher Fund to the extent possible so that the voting instructions to the Gallaher ADR depositary with respect to such matter are provided in a manner which reflects as accurately as possible the collective directions given by Participants, former Participants and Beneficiaries.

  • With respect to the voting of Gallaher ADRs held in the Gallaher Fund as to which timely directions have not been received by the Trustee, the Trustee will instruct the Gallaher ADR depositary to vote the Gallaher shares underlying the Gallaher ADRs in the same manner and in the same proportion in which the Gallaher ADRs as to which such directions were timely received by the Trustee are to be voted.

  • To the extent the Trustee exercises any fiduciary responsibility it may have in any circumstances with respect to providing voting instructions regarding Gallaher ADRs held in the Gallaher Fund, the Trustee in exercising its fiduciary responsibility, unless pursuant to the requirements of ERISA or otherwise it is unlawful to do so, will take into account directions timely received from Participants, former Participants and Beneficiaries as being valid directions.

Related to Gallaher

  • CHESS means the Clearing House Electronic Subregister System.

  • Depositary Receipts means those securities which are negotiable on the capital market and which represent ownership of the securities of a non-domiciled issuer while being able to be admitted to trading on a regulated market and traded independently of the securities of the non-domiciled issuer;

  • Euronext Dublin means the Irish Stock Exchange plc trading as Euronext Dublin;

  • DARO means "days after the effective date for award of the contractual action".

  • American means American Airlines, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and its successors and permitted assigns.

  • WARO means "weeks after the effective date for award of the contractual action".

  • WOj means the lowest performance (expressed as a percentage) among the Indices as determined by the Calculation Agent in accordance with the following formula: Mini = 1 to 2 Where:

  • Attn Corporate Trust Administration.

  • SERFF means the system for electronic rate and form filing. SERFF is a proprietary NAIC computer-based application that allows insurers and other entities to create and submit rate, rule and form filings electronically to the commissioner.

  • EMMA means the Electronic Municipal Market Access system as described in 1934 Act Release No. 59062 and maintained by the MSRB for purposes of the Rule.

  • American Depositary Receipt(s) “ADR(s)” and “Receipt(s)” shall mean the certificate(s) issued by the Depositary to evidence the American Depositary Shares issued under the terms of the Deposit Agreement in the form of Certificated ADS(s) (as hereinafter defined), as such ADRs may be amended from time to time in accordance with the provisions of the Deposit Agreement. An ADR may evidence any number of ADSs and may, in the case of ADSs held through a central depository such as DTC, be in the form of a “Balance Certificate.”

  • Attention Jxxxx Xxxxxxx Email:

  • PETE means polyethylene terephthalate, labeled by the SPI code #1.

  • AT&T means AT&T Corp., a New York corporation.

  • Depositary Receipt (“DR”) means a Depositary Receipt which is listed or traded on the London Stock Exchange International Order Book (“IOB”) and which corresponds to a share, shares or to a percentage of a share of the company in question that is publicly traded;

  • GDRs means Global Depositary Receipts;

  • €STR means, in respect of any TARGET Business Day, the interest rate representing the wholesale Euro unsecured overnight borrowing costs of banks located in the Euro area provided by the European Central Bank as administrator of such rate (or any successor administrator) and published on the Website of the European Central Bank (as defined below) at or before 9:00 a.m. (Frankfurt time) (or, in case a revised euro short-term rate is published as provided in Article 4 subsection 3 of the ECB €STR Guideline at or before 11:00 a.m. (Frankfurt time), such revised interest rate) on the TARGET Business Day immediately following such TARGET Business Day;

  • Van means a motor vehicle designed for the transportation of at least six persons and not more

  • Malta means the Island of Malta, the Island of Gozo and the other islands of the Maltese Archipelago, including the territorial waters thereof;

  • SZSE means the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

  • Lane means a public thoroughfare which provides a secondary means of access to a parcel or parcels and which is registered in a land titles office;

  • Internationally active insurance group means an insurance holding company system:

  • PAT means a document or product accessibility template, including any Information Technology Industry Council Voluntary Product Accessibility Template or VPAT®, that specifies how information and software products, such as websites, applications, software and associated content, conform to WCAG 2.0 Level AA.

  • CT under the column "LN FEATURE," indicating that the Mortgage Loan is secured by a second or vacation residence; and

  • Salmon means Pacific Salmon of the species Oncorhynchus nerka including sockeye; Oncorhynchus kisutch including coho; Oncorhynchus gorbuscha including pink; Oncorhynchus keta including chum; and Oncorhynchus tshawytcha including chinook; anadromous whitefish and cisco (Coregonidae spp.); and anadromous Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus).