exchange traded futures definition

exchange traded futures means a contract traded on a stock exchange stating that the holder agrees to purchase a security or an index at a particular price on a specified future date

Related to exchange traded futures

  • Exchange Traded Fund means a mutual fund scheme that invests in securities in the same proportion as an index of securities and the units of exchange traded fund are mandatorily listed and traded on exchange platform.

  • exchange-traded security means a security that is listed on a recognized exchange or is quoted on a recognized quotation and trade reporting system or is listed on an exchange or quoted on a quotation and trade reporting system that is recognized for the purposes of National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation and National Instrument 23-101 Trading Rules;

  • Publicly Traded Securities means shares of common stock, depositary receipts or other certificates representing common equity interests, in each case, that are traded on a national securities exchange or that will be so traded when issued or exchanged in connection with a Fundamental Change described in clause (a) or (b) of the definition thereof.

  • Publicly traded partnership means any partnership, an interest in which is regularly traded on an established securities market. A “publicly traded partnership” may have any number of partners.

  • publicly traded company means any company whose principal class of shares is listed on a recognised stock exchange provided its listed shares can be readily purchased or sold by the public. Shares can be purchased or sold “by the public” if the purchase or sale of shares is not implicitly or explicitly restricted to a limited group of investors;

  • Publicly traded corporation means any Person other than an individual that is organized under the laws of and for which its principal place of business is located in one of the states or territories of the United States or District of Columbia or another country that authorizes the sale of marijuana that:

  • Qualified United States financial institution means an institution that:

  • EU Securitization Regulation means Regulation (EU) 2017/2402 of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 12, 2017.

  • Foreign market vehicle means any motor vehicle originally manufactured outside the United States,

  • Recognised Futures Exchange means an international futures exchange which is recognised by the SFC or which is approved by the Manager.

  • Personal Securities Transaction means any transaction in a Covered Security in which an Access Person has a direct or indirect Pecuniary Interest.

  • Securities Financing Transactions Regulation means Regulation (EU) 2015/2365 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on transparency of securities financing transactions and of reuse and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012;

  • Recognised Exchange means the stock exchanges or markets set out in Appendix II.

  • Alternative Stock Exchange means at any time, in the case of the Ordinary Shares, if they are not at that time listed and traded on the ASX, the principal stock exchange or securities market on which the Ordinary Shares are then listed or quoted or dealt in;

  • Determining Futures Exchange means the options and/or futures exchange, on which respective derivatives of the Underlying (the "Derivatives") are mostly liquidly traded, such options and/or futures exchange shall be determined by the Calculation Agent acting in accordance with relevant market practice and in good faith by way of notice pursuant to § 6 of the General Conditions.In the case of a material change in the market conditions at the Determining Futures Exchange, such as a final discontinuation of derivatives' quotation linked to the Underlying at the Determining Futures Exchange or a considerably restricted number or liquidity, it shall be substituted as the Determining Futures Exchange by another options and/or futures exchange that offers satisfactorily liquid trading in the Derivatives (the "Substitute Futures Exchange"); such options and/or futures exchange shall be determined by the Calculation Agent acting in accordance with relevant market practice and in good faith. In the event of such substitution, any reference to the Determining Futures Exchange in the Terms and Conditions of these Securities shall be deemed to refer to the Substitute Futures Exchange.