Discourse definition

Discourse just means ‘ways of speaking, writing and representing’: i.e. our writing, talk, speeches, tweets, grafitti, cartoons, videos, internet memes, as well as the words and signs we use on our placards, and so on. The discourse of the Nazi Analogy constructs the contemporary Jew as a Zio-Nazi.31 As a 2006 inquiry by the United Kingdom’s All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) against Antisemitism put it, ‘a discourse has developed that is in effect antisemitic because it views Zionism itself as a global force of unlimited power and malevolence throughout history.’ When Zionism is redefined in this way, ‘traditional antisemitic notions . . . are transferred from Jews (a racial and religious group) on to Zionism (a political movement).’32
Discourse means to both the writing and speaking in the classroom that teachers and students engage in as they seek ways to represent ideas, concepts and their thinking. It is the ways in which they discuss agree and disagree, and explore the discipline.
Discourse means “interpretation.”453 “Interpretation,” that is to say, of the stanzas. “Sayings” means “expressions.”454 The interpreta- tion explains the expressions of the stanzas, whose lines are then given.

Examples of Discourse in a sentence

  • Xxxxxxxxxx, Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World: A Derivative Discourse, (University of Minnesota Press, 1993) (analyzing the relationship between nationalism and colonialism); X.

More Definitions of Discourse

Discourse means the online, open-source, software that allows for long-form discussions on which Token Holders can engage;
Discourse just means ‘ways of speaking, writing and representing’: i.e. our writing, talk, speeches, tweets, grafitti, cartoons, videos, internet memes, as well as the words and signs we use on our placards, and so on.
Discourse is by no means an uncontested and agreed-upon concept, nor is the methodological application of discourse as a means for analysis. On the contrary,
Discourse means the online open-source software that allows for long form discussions online and which shall feature a SERUM DAB page where Serum Token Holders can engage;
Discourse. , used as a mass noun, means roughly the same as “language use” or “language-in-use”. As a count noun (a discourse), it means a relatively discrete subset of a whole language, used for specific social or institutional purposes. More specifically, “discourse” as a mass noun and its strict linguistic sense, refers to connected speech or writing occurring at suprasentential levels. As Van Dijk (1985) points out, our modern linguistic conception of discourse (as language use) owes much to the ancient distinction between grammar and rhetoric. Grammarians explored the possibilities a language can offer a “calculus” for representing the world, and were concerned with correctness of usage. By contrast, rhetoricians focused upon practical uses of speech and writing as means of social and political persuasion. In this regard, Georgakopoulou and Goutsos (1999) point out that “despite the centuries-old tradition of the mother discipline of rhetoric, three decades ago there were only two isolated attempts to study language beyond the sentence with specifically linguistic methods; namely Harris (1952) and Mitchell (1957). While Harris used invented data and attempted to find the formal structural properties of connected speech, most discourse analysts these days prefer to work with naturally occurring data
Discourse refers to the type of cultural knowledge that is represented in master narratives and upon which people draw in their identity work. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx’x articulation of “the significance of processes of identification and disidentification with the discursive and social practices of femininity” in young women’s identity work is illuminating.75 Put more simply, female identity is formed through identification. Working with junior high students to script, act out, and film stories about the identity dilemmas girls face, Gonick discovered that the young women drew on hegemonic as well as alternative understandings of what it means to be a girl to construct their characters. To put it in the language I have been using, the young women built their stories from cultural master narratives, both identity-damaging and identity- supporting strands. As Gonick describes it, “This dynamic involves a double movement between a subject speaking/writing her way into existence by using the stories or discourses that are available and in the moment of doing so, also subjecting herself to the constitutive force and regulative norms of those discourses.” 76 Given the complexity of narrative female identity, it is impossible to study all aspects of it here. Thus I focus on the stories young women tell about their gendered identity and the cultural discourses upon which they draw as they work to situate themselves as young women in their various contexts. I am particularly curious about places where the young women experience slippage or a gap between their own self- understanding and cultural narratives about girlhood, as it is these gaps that counternarratives can exploit, and places where their religious identities and gender identities intersect.
Discourse or there means ‘statement’. The extreme generality of ‘logos’ also lends plausibility to Plato’s identification of logos with thought.