Discharge Ramp Rate definition

Discharge Ramp Rate means the Ramping Capability of an Energy Storage Resource Model Participant or solar-storage Open-Loop Hybrid Resource in Discharge Mode.
Discharge Ramp Rate means the Ramping Capability of an Energy Storage Resource Model Participant or solar-storage Open- Loop Hybrid Resource in Discharge Mode. Changes made to delete the references to solar storage. As part of its July 26, 2023 filing in Docket No. ER23-2484, PJM expanded the provisions in its Tariff and its Operating Agreement to apply to a broader set of mixed technology resources, but mistakenly did not delete the references to solar storage resources from the definition. This change is consistent with the intent of the Docket No. ER23-2484 filing, which was accepted by FERC in PJM Interconnection, L.L.C., Letter Order, Docket No. ER23-2484-000 (Sept. 22, 2023).

Examples of Discharge Ramp Rate in a sentence

  • The default Hourly Discharge Ramp Rate is specified during the asset registration process and can be updated by a Market Participant from the Market Portal.

  • A single Hourly Discharge Ramp Rate value will be used for an Electric Storage Resource to ramp up or down for Energy and for regulating up or down between the corresponding Hourly Economic Maximum Discharge Limit and zero (0).

  • An Offer shall include an Hourly Discharge Ramp Rate, expressed for each Hour in MW/minute.

  • If the Electric Storage Resource is being dispatched between zero (0) and the corresponding Hourly Economic Maximum Discharge Limit then the Hourly Discharge Ramp Rate is used.

  • If no Hourly Discharge Ramp Rate is submitted, the default Hourly Discharge Ramp Rate will be used.

  • Default Charge and Discharge Ramp Rate for Electric Storage Resources provided to the Transmission Provider during asset registration can be overridden by hourly Charge and Discharge Ramp Rate, and hourly Charge and Discharge Ramp Rate can be overridden by Charge and Discharge Ramp Rate curve.

  • Discharge Ramp Rate and Charge Ramp Rate The Discharge Ramp Rate represents the speed at which electric storage resources can move from zero output to full output, or Maximum Discharge Limit.251The Charge Ramp Rate represents the speed at which electric storage resources can move from zero output to fully charging, or the resource’s Maximum Charge Limit.252 viii.

  • A Market Participant may specify a Charge Ramp Rate curve and Discharge Ramp Rate curve for use in the Real-Time Energy and Operating Reserve Market and each curve may include up to ten (10) linear segments.

  • This Discharge Ramp Rate value will be used in the Real-Time Energy and Operating Reserve Market, RAC and LAC process while ramping up or down for Energy and for regulating up or down between corresponding Hourly Economic Maximum Discharge Limit and zero (0).

  • Those physical and operating characteristics are as follows: (1) State of Charge, (2) Maximum State of Charge, (3) Minimum State of Charge, (4) Maximum Charge Limit, (5) Maximum Discharge Limit, (6) Minimum Charge Time, (7) Maximum Charge Time, (8) Minimum Run Time, (9) Maximum Run Time, (10) Minimum Discharge Limit, (11) Minimum Charge Limit, (12) Discharge Ramp Rate, and(13) Charge Ramp Rate.