Examples of Critical group in a sentence
Critical group" means the group of individuals reasonably expected to receive the greatest exposure to residual radioactivity for any applicable set of circumstances.
Critical group fish consumption consists of a mix of 66% mackerel, 16% cod, 11% sea trout and 7% plaice.
These have been justified both technically on the basis of the maximum operational requirement and on the basis of insignificant environmental impact (Critical group dose <10µSv/year).
Globally, algorithm i presented better scores for the two most important groups (PTV and Critical group), while algorithm B got the best scores for the remaining groups.
Critical group: a group of members of the public, reasonably homogenous concerning its exposure to a certain radiation source and a certain exposure pathway, and which receives the highest effective dose (or equivalent dose, as the case may be) by this exposure pathway and from this source.