Check digit definition

Check digit means a single number or the letter X used to verify the accuracy of the transcription of the vehicle identification number.
Check digit means a device, which mathematically tests the accuracy of a series of digits. In BSP, it is used in STD and credit card numbers.
Check digit means a single numberor the letter X used to verify theaccuracy of the transcription of the vehicle identification number.

Examples of Check digit in a sentence

  • Digit 12 (left to right) of the site ID x 12 Using a sample of 001085434216 The check digit is: 0 1x0 0 2x0 3 3x1 0 4x0 40 5x8 306x5287x4248x3369x42010x21111x17212x6264 264 / 9 remainder 3 Check digit = 3 Full number is 0010854342163.

  • Check digit calculation example Sum the following numbers: Digit 1 (left to right) of the site ID x 1 Digit 2 (left to right) of the site ID x 2 Digit 3 (left to right) of the site ID x 3 .

  • Refer to HL7 table 0061 - Check digit scheme as defined in Chapter 2.

  • Check digit routineThe check digit is calculated using the taxpayer identification number in modulus 9 routine.

  • Numerical Country code (2N) Railway location number (5N) Check digit (1N) - The numerical country code is a two digit code identifying the country as defined in paragraph 3.1. - The railway location number identifies the location within the relevant country with a five- digit code.

  • TRANSIN is 15 digits number on similar lines with GSTIN and it is based on state code, PAN and Check digit.

  • Restrictions:If idType [Field #1.3.1] = 1, then must be a concatenation (no spaces) of:(i) Prefix: 1-2 upper case alphabetical characters(ii) ID number: 6 integers(iii) Check digit: 0 to 9, or “A”, enclosed by parentheses If idType [Field #1.3.1] = 4, then must be exactly 20 uppercase alphanumeric characters.

  • There shall be no duplication of the pre-printed 7 digit sequence number.NOTE: Check digit feature cannot calculate to 0 (zero).

  • Is the taxpayer’s ID number- Must be printed in OCR-A font at 10 characters per inch (non-bold)- Must be placed exactly 8/16” (1/2”) above the bottom margin- Must start exactly 2 spaces to the right of the form ID Field name Example form ID and scan line: 1234567890_ _123456789_ _3Form ID Scan line Check digit Form IDs and scan lines must be printed in OCR-A 10 cpi (non-bold).

  • For the construction below, we will use any such code which is asymptoti- cally good (i.e., has rate and relative distance both positive as ).

More Definitions of Check digit

Check digit means a number or letter added to a string of numbers which allows for the detection of errors.
Check digit means a numeric value that is part of customer reference numbers and is used for error detection purposes. The check digit is intended to validate the correctness of customer reference numbers to minimise errors when customer reference numbers is entered in payment instruction;
Check digit means a numerical code which shall serve in formal checks as to the precision of the entries of IBANs used by payment service providers within the Republic of Bulgaria.
Check digit means an automated error detection in a cheque code line;
Check digit means the final digit at the end of the PAN.

Related to Check digit

  • Check Meter means the Buyer revenue-quality meter section(s) or meter(s), which Buyer may require at its discretion, and which will include those devices normally supplied by Buyer or Seller under the applicable utility electric service requirements.

  • Location Routing Number (LRN means the ten (10) digit number that is assigned to the network switching elements (Central Office–Host and Remotes as required) for the routing of calls in the network. The first six (6) digits of the LRN will be one of the assigned NPA NXX of the switching element. The purpose and functionality of the last four (4) digits of the LRN have not yet been defined but are passed across the network to the terminating switch.

  • Double check valve assembly means an assembly composed of two single, independently acting, check valves including tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly and suitable connections for testing the water tightness of each check valve.

  • Automatic Number Identification or "ANI" means a Feature Group D signaling parameter which refers to the number transmitted through a network identifying the billing number of the calling party.

  • Location Routing Number or "LRN" means a unique ten- (10)-digit number assigned to a Central Office Switch in a defined geographic area for call routing purposes. This ten- (10)-digit number serves as a network address and the routing information is stored in a database. Switches routing calls to subscribers whose telephone numbers are in portable NXXs perform a database query to obtain the Location Routing Number that corresponds with the Switch serving the dialed telephone number. Based on the Location Routing Number, the querying Carrier then routes the call to the Switch serving the ported number. The term "LRN" may also be used to refer to a method of LNP. "Long Distance Service" (see "Interexchange Service").

  • Automatic Location Identification (“ALI”) means a feature that provides the caller’s telephone number, address and the names of the Emergency Response agencies that are responsible for that address.

  • Statewide popular election means a general election in

  • Batch number means a unique numeric or alphanumeric identifier assigned prior to any testing to allow for inventory tracking and traceability.

  • Unique User ID means a string of characters that identifies a specific user and which, in conjunction with a password, passphrase or other mechanism, authenticates a user to an information system.

  • Automatic Location Identification Gateway or "ALI Gateway" is a computer facility into which CLEC delivers Automatic Location Identification (ALI) data for CLEC Customers. Access to the ALI Gateway will be via a dial-up modem using a common protocol. "Automatic Number Identification" or "ANI" is the Billing telephone number associated with the access line from which a call originates. ANI and Calling Party Number (CPN) usually are the same number. "Automatic Route Selection" or "ARS" is a service feature that provides for automatic selection of the least expensive or most appropriate transmission facility for each call based on criteria programmed into a circuit Switch routing table or system.

  • NERC Interchange Distribution Calculator means the NERC mechanism that is in effect and being used to calculate the distribution of energy, over specific transmission interfaces, from energy transactions.

  • Positive identification means a method of identifying a person that does not rely on the use of a private personal identifier such as a password, but must use a secure means of identification that includes any of the following:

  • Baggage Identification Tag means a document issued by the carrier solely for identification of checked baggage, part of which is given to the passenger as a receipt for the passenger’s checked baggage and the remaining part is attached by the carrier onto a particular piece of the passenger’s checked baggage.