Best price/quality ratio definition

Best price/quality ratio means evaluation based on criteria such as qualitative, environmental and/or social aspects and may include for example: technical merits, aesthetic and functional characteristics, social and environmental characteristics as more particularly set out in Regulation 67 of the Regulations and provided it is appropriately linked to the subject matter of the contract.

Related to Best price/quality ratio

  • Established catalog price means the price included in a catalog, price list, schedule, or other form that:

  • Baseline means the “Initial Small Business Lending Baseline” set forth on the Initial Supplemental Report (as defined in the Definitive Agreement), subject to adjustment pursuant to Section 3(a).

  • Established catalogue price means the price included in a catalogue, price list, schedule, or other form that:

  • Quarterly (1/Quarter) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the months of March, June, August, and December, unless specifically identified otherwise in the Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements table.

  • Catalog price means a price included in a catalog, price list, schedule, or other form that is regularly maintained by the manufacturer or vendor, is either published or otherwise available for inspection by customers, and states prices at which sales are currently, or were last, made to a significant number of buyers constituting the general public; and

  • Working level (WL) means any combination of short-lived radon daughters in 1 liter of air that will result in the ultimate emission of 1.3E+5 MeV of potential alpha particle energy. The short-lived radon daughters are—for radon-222: polonium-218, lead-214, bismuth-214, and polonium-214; and for radon-220: polonium-216, lead-212, bismuth-212, and polonium-212.

  • VWAP Minimum Price Threshold means, with respect to any particular VWAP Purchase Notice, the Sale Price on the VWAP Purchase Date equal to the greater of (i) 80% of the Closing Sale Price on the Business Day immediately preceding the VWAP Purchase Date or (ii) such higher price as set forth by the Company in the VWAP Purchase Notice.

  • Quarterly (1/Quarter) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the months of March, June, August, and December, unless specifically identified otherwise in the Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements table.

  • PJM Region Reliability Requirement means, for purposes of the Base Residual Auction, the Forecast Pool Requirement multiplied by the Preliminary PJM Region Peak Load Forecast, less the sum of all Preliminary Unforced Capacity Obligations of FRR Entities in the PJM Region; and, for purposes of the Incremental Auctions, the Forecast Pool Requirement multiplied by the updated PJM Region Peak Load Forecast, less the sum of all updated Unforced Capacity Obligations of FRR Entities in the PJM Region.

  • Base Capacity Resource Price Decrement means, for the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 Delivery Years, a difference between the clearing price for Base Capacity Resources and the clearing price for Capacity Performance Resources, representing the cost to procure additional Capacity Performance Resources out of merit order when the Base Capacity Resource Constraint is binding.

  • Minimum Level (ML means the concentration at which the entire analytical system must give a recognizable signal and an acceptable calibration point. The ML is the concentration in a sample that is equivalent to the concentration of the lowest calibration standard analyzed by a specific analytical procedure, assuming that all the method-specified sample weights, volumes and processing steps have been followed.

  • Gross Standard Volume as herein used means volume corrected to a temperature of sixty degrees (60°) Fahrenheit, in accordance with the latest API/ASTM measurement standards, and at equilibrium vapor pressure.

  • Applicable water quality standards means all water quality standards to which a discharge is subject under the federal Clean Water Act and which has been (a) approved or permitted to remain in effect by the Administrator following submission to the Administrator pursuant to Section 303(a) of the Act, or (b) promulgated by the Director pursuant to Section 303(b) or 303(c) of the Act, and standards promulgated under (APCEC) Regulation No. 2, as amended.

  • Baseline Value for each of the Company and the Peer Companies means the dollar amount representing the average of the Fair Market Value of one share of common stock of such company over the five consecutive trading days ending on, and including, the Effective Date.

  • Uptime means the time period when specified services are available with specified technical and service standards as mentioned in section titled WARRANTY SUPPORT” "%Uptime" means ratio of 'up time' (in minutes) as mentioned in section titled “Warranty support”

  • Working level month (WLM) means an exposure to 1 working level for 170 hours (2,000 working hours per year divided by 12 months per year is approximately equal to 170 hours per month).

  • Normal Minimum Generation means the lowest output level of a generating resource under normal operating conditions.

  • Mean Sea Level means the average height of the sea for all stages of the tide. It is used as a reference for establishing various elevations within the floodplain. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the term is synonymous with the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988, or other datum, to which Base Flood Elevations shown on a community's Flood Insurance Rate Map are referenced.

  • Minimum Sale Price means (i) with respect to a Receivable (x) that has become 60 to 210 days delinquent or (y) that has become greater than 210 days delinquent and with respect to which the related Financed Vehicle has been repossessed by the Servicer and has not yet been sold at auction, the greater of (A) 55% multiplied by the Principal Balance of such Receivable and (B) the product of the three month rolling average recovery rate (expressed as a percentage) for the Servicer in its liquidation of all receivables for which it acts as servicer, either pursuant to this Agreement or otherwise, multiplied by the Principal Balance of such Receivable or (ii) with respect to a Receivable (x) with respect to which the related Financed Vehicle has been repossessed by the Servicer and has been sold at auction and the Net Liquidation Proceeds for which have been deposited in the Collection Account, or (y) that has become greater than 210 days delinquent and with respect to which the related Financed Vehicle has not been repossessed by the Servicer despite the Servicer’s diligent efforts, consistent with its servicing obligations, to repossess the Financed Vehicle, $1.

  • Metric means a) when referenced in the context of a Named User, the individual Named User category and type (and corresponding Named User definition setting for such Named User’s use rights) as further described in Section 2.1 hereof -and- b) when referenced in the context of a Package, the individual business metric corresponding with each Package as further described in Section 2.2 hereof;

  • Ambient air quality standard means an established concentration, exposure time, and frequency of occurrence of air contaminant(s) in the ambient air which shall not be exceeded.

  • Water quality volume means the volume equal to the first one-half inch of runoff multiplied by the impervious surface of the land development project.

  • Sound level meter means an instrument which includes a microphone, amplifier, RMS detector, integrator or time averager, output meter, and weighting networks used to measure sound pressure levels.

  • Locational Marginal Price or “LMP” shall mean the market clearing price for energy at a given location in a Party’s RC Area, and “Locational Marginal Pricing” shall mean the processes related to the determination of the LMP.

  • Supply Price has the meaning set forth in Section 6.2.

  • Locational Deliverability Area Reliability Requirement means the projected internal capacity in the Locational Deliverability Area plus the Capacity Emergency Transfer Objective for the Delivery Year, as determined by the Office of the Interconnection in connection with preparation of the Regional Transmission Expansion Plan, less the minimum internal resources required for all FRR Entities in such Locational Deliverability Area.