Antineoplastic drug definition

Antineoplastic drug means a chemotherapeutic agent that controls or kills cancer cells.

Examples of Antineoplastic drug in a sentence

  • Also unstructured data can sometimes be parsed with regular expression or code.

  • Antineoplastic drug contamination on the hands of employees working throughout the hospital medication system.

  • Antineoplastic drug contact requires the use of an isotonic wash to the body or eyes.

  • Antineoplastic drug contamination of surfaces throughout the hospital medication system in Canadian hospitals.

  • Antineoplastic drug therapy is a covered benefit in accordance with Michigan law.

  • The negative economic impact of measures to contain the virus have been mitigated to an extent by fiscal and monetary stimulus, by measures taken to reopen world economies and the development and rollout of vaccines.

  • Antineoplastic drug exposure in an ambulatory setting: A pilot study.

  • Antineoplastic drug treatment received in the 18 months post tisagenlecleucel infusion: yes/no.If yes, indicate the reason: no CR/relapse/other• Date of last visit:• Disease status on the date of the last visit: a) CR b) CRi c) active disease Response evaluation: at least two evaluations of the response will be carried out, aninitial one (approximately in the third month) and another at 18 months.

  • Antineoplastic drug admixtures will be prepared in a vertical laminar airflow containment hood (a NSF Class II biological safety cabinet without air recirculation).

  • As discussed, although limited in the U.S., federal coverage represents no less than 90 per cent of insured losses above a specific threshold; should the country suffer extreme terrorism losses, the U.S. federal government (hence the taxpayers) would be the prime contributor.56 Linking insurance with risk mitigationWhen adequately designed, insurance coverage can also play an important role in encouraging firms to invest in mitigation measures, hence limiting the consequences of an attack.

Related to Antineoplastic drug

  • Opioid antidote means any drug, regardless of dosage amount or method of administration, which has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of an opioid overdose. “Opioid antidote” includes, but is not limited to, naloxone hydrochloride, in any dosage amount, which is administered through nasal spray or any other FDA-approved means or methods.

  • Therapeutic diet means meals served that are soft, low-fat, low-sodium or controlled calorie.

  • HIV means human immunodeficiency virus.

  • Cannabinoid means any of the chemical compounds that are the active constituents of marijuana.

  • Vaccine means a specially prepared antigen which, upon administration to a person, will result in immunity and, specifically for the purposes of this rule, shall mean influenza and pneumococcal vaccines.

  • Antibody means a molecule or a gene encoding such a molecule comprising or containing one or more immunoglobulin variable domains or parts of such domains or any existing or future fragments, variants, modifications or derivatives thereof.

  • Nicotine product means a product that contains nicotine and is not any of the following:

  • Drug means (i) articles or substances recognized in the official United States Pharmacopoeia

  • Anabolic steroid means any drug or hormonal substance, chemically and pharmacologically related

  • Diagnostic mammography means a method of screening that

  • Biomarker means a parameter or characteristic in a patient or Patient Sample, the measurement of which is useful (a) for purposes of selecting appropriate therapies or patient populations or monitoring disease susceptibility, severity or state, or monitoring therapies for such patient and/or (b) for predicting the outcome of a particular treatment of such patient.

  • Diagnostic Product means In Vitro Diagnostics, In Vivo Diagnostic Agents and any product used for Diagnosis.

  • Generic Drug means any Prescription Drug approved by the FDA that has the same bio-equivalency as a specific Brand Name Drug.

  • Tobacco product means any substance containing tobacco leaf, including but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, hookah tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco, bidis, blunts, clove cigarettes, or any other preparation of tobacco; and any product or formulation of matter containing biologically active amounts of nicotine that is manufactured, sold, offered for sale, or otherwise distributed with the expectation that the product or matter will be introduced into the human body by inhalation; but does not include any cessation product specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in treating nicotine or tobacco dependence.

  • Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient or “API” shall mean one or more of the following active pharmaceutical ingredients: tenofovir alafenamide (“TAF”), tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (“TDF”), elvitegravir (“EVG”), and cobicistat (“COBI”).

  • Prosthesis means an artificial substitute for a missing body part.