Temporary Positions A) The Employer may create regular temporary positions for vacation relief for more than one (1) incumbent for up to six (6) months duration. B) The Employer may create regular temporary project positions (i.e. grant funded, capital projects, pilot projects, or term specific assignments) for up to twelve (12) months’ duration. These positions are not renewable after the end date of the project, unless the Union and Employer agree to renew/extend the time limits. C) These positions will be posted and filled in accordance with Article 17.01-
Temporary Employment 15.4.1 A temporary employee will be an employee who is engaged on either a full or part-time basis to work in a position which is temporary in nature for a specified period of time and/or for a specific project, task or tasks. 15.4.2 A respondent will not dispense with a permanent position for the purpose of creating temporary position(s).
Temporary Position (i) is a position that the Employer has determined will be in excess of eight
Probationary This category describes persons taken on strength on a probationary basis with the prospect, if their services are found satisfactory, of a change of category to Regular full-time or Regular part-time (Section 1.2, following).
TEMPORARY LEAVE OF ABSENCE A. Members shall be entitled to the following temporary leaves of absence with full pay each school year. Such days of temporary leave must be taken as either one-half (1/2) or one (1) full working day. No personal leaves of absence shall be taken immediately prior to or immediately after holidays or vacations. Any exceptions must be requested in writing to the Superintendent or his designee and must have written approval. 1. Members are entitled to three (3) days personal leave annually subject to advance notice and approval secured from the Superintendent or designee. Personal leave means an activity that requires the member’s presence during the working day and is of such a nature that it cannot be attended to at a time when schools are not in session. Unused personal days shall be transferred to accumulated sick leave time on July 1st each year of this Agreement and all succeeding Agreements. 2. Up to five (5) working days at any one time shall be granted to members in the event of death of a member’s spouse, child, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, parent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparent, or any person with whom the member has made his/her home, and any other member of the immediate household. 3. In the case of the death of a near relative, defined as first cousin, uncle, aunt, niece or nephew, there shall be no deduction from personal leave entitlement of up to three (3) days, subject to advance notice to and approval of the Superintendent. 4. A member shall also be granted a reasonable amount of bereavement time with full pay for the purpose of travel in cases where the funeral is out of state. Such time off is subject to the approval of the Assistant Superintendent to whom the member is reportable. 5. Any other leave of absence granted by the Board may be without pay. 6. No leave of absence with pay shall be granted due to the requirements of a second job. 7. Professional leave for such purposes as attending meetings, seminars and visiting other schools may be granted. 8. If a member is subpoenaed by a court of law to appear on behalf of the Board, such member shall do so without loss of pay.
Temporary Employee Employees may be hired for a specific term not to exceed six (6) months, to replace an employee who will be on approved leave of absence, absence due to WSIB disability, sick leave, long term disability or to perform a special non-recurring task. This term may be extended a further six (6) months on mutual agreement of the Union, employee and Hospital or by the Hospital on its own up to twelve (12) months where the leave of the person being replaced extends that far. The period of employment of such persons will not exceed the absentee's leave. The release or discharge of such persons shall not be the subject of a grievance or arbitration. This clause would not preclude such employees from using the job posting provision under the collective agreement and any successful applicant who has completed his probation period will be credited with the appropriate seniority. The Hospital will outline to employees selected to fill such temporary vacancies and the Union, the circumstances giving rise to the vacancy, and the special conditions relating to such employment.
Temporary Work 3.4.1 The Contractor shall have the sole responsibility for the design, erection, operation, maintenance, removal and repair of Temporary Work. 3.4.2 The Contractor shall engage and pay for registered professional engineering Personnel skilled in the appropriate disciplines to perform those functions referred to in GC 3.4.1 where required by Laws or by the Agreement and in all cases where such Temporary Work is of such a nature that professional engineering skill is required or prudent to produce safe and satisfactory results. 3.4.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of 3.1 - CONTROL OF THE WORK, GC 3.4.1 and
Temporary Layoffs A. The Employer may initiate a temporary layoff for up to twelve (12) working days per fiscal year. Employees will be given thirty (30) days’ notice before the effective date of a temporary layoff. Employees may request alternative temporary layoff days from their manager or supervisor and any requests will be considered and approved or denied in writing. B. A temporary layoff will not affect an employee’s incremental movement, vacation and sick leave accrual rates, or seniority. C. A temporary layoff is leave without pay. An employee may not use any leave for a temporary layoff day(s).
Temporary Employees 3.3.1 A temporary employee is an employee who is hired for short-term work assignment which is not ongoing (i.e. normally 12 months or less and not extending beyond 24 months). The employee's benefits and working conditions are as per Article 34 (Temporary Employees).
Temporary Roads As necessary to attain stabilization of roadbed and fill slopes of Temporary Roads, Purchaser shall employ such measures as out- sloping, drainage dips, and water-spreading ditches.