Common use of STRUCTURED DAILY ACTIVITIES Clause in Contracts

STRUCTURED DAILY ACTIVITIES. CONTRACTOR shall encourage structured daily 17 activities to include Resident’s responsibility for daily household duties, including, but not limited to: 18 house cleaning, and basic household operations. CONTRACTOR shall encourage Residents to live 19 productive, drug-free lives, which may include working, going to school, attending appropriate self-help 20 program meetings, volunteering in the community, and taking increased responsibility for treatment goals 21 established by the individual. Staff will assist Residents in establishing budgets and savings. Residents 22 will not be charged for services. Residents are expected to save money and failure to follow financial 23 plan may be cause for termination. CONTRACTOR shall encourage Residents to maintain adequate 24 grooming, and use their leisure time in a constructive manner. CONTRACTOR shall coordinate 25 vocational, educational, and other supportive services. CONTRACTOR shall make referrals and require 26 Residents to attend self-help programs, such as Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, or other 27 support programs.

Appears in 4 contracts

Samples: 1 Agreement, 1 Agreement, 1 Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

STRUCTURED DAILY ACTIVITIES. CONTRACTOR shall encourage structured daily 17 14 activities to include Resident’s responsibility for daily household duties, including, but not limited to: 18 15 house cleaning, cleaning and basic household operations. CONTRACTOR shall encourage Residents to live 19 16 productive, drug-free lives, which may include working, going to school, attending appropriate self-help 20 17 program meetings, volunteering in the community, and taking increased responsibility for treatment goals 21 18 established by the individual. Staff CONTRACTOR staff will assist Residents in establishing budgets and 19 savings. Residents 22 will not be charged for services. Residents are expected to save money and failure to 20 follow financial 23 plan may be cause for termination. CONTRACTOR shall encourage Residents to 21 maintain adequate 24 grooming, grooming and use their leisure time in a constructive manner. CONTRACTOR shall 22 coordinate 25 vocational, educational, and other supportive services. CONTRACTOR shall make referrals 23 and require 26 Residents to attend self-help programs, such as Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics 24 Anonymous, or other 27 support programs.

Appears in 4 contracts


STRUCTURED DAILY ACTIVITIES. CONTRACTOR shall encourage structured daily 17 15 activities to include Resident’s responsibility for daily household duties, including, but not limited to: 18 16 house cleaning, cleaning and basic household operations. CONTRACTOR shall encourage Residents to live 19 17 productive, drug-free lives, which may include working, going to school, attending appropriate self-help 20 18 program meetings, volunteering in the community, and taking increased responsibility for treatment goals 21 19 established by the individual. Staff CONTRACTOR staff will assist Residents in establishing budgets and 20 savings. Residents 22 will not be charged for services. Residents are expected to save money and failure to 21 follow financial 23 plan may be cause for termination. CONTRACTOR shall encourage Residents to 22 maintain adequate 24 grooming, grooming and use their leisure time in a constructive manner. CONTRACTOR shall 23 coordinate 25 vocational, educational, and other supportive services. CONTRACTOR shall make referrals 24 and require 26 Residents to attend self-help programs, such as Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics 25 Anonymous, or other 27 support programs.

Appears in 2 contracts


STRUCTURED DAILY ACTIVITIES. CONTRACTOR shall encourage structured daily 17 20 activities to include Resident’s responsibility for daily household duties, including, but not limited to: 18 21 house cleaning, and basic household operations. CONTRACTOR shall encourage Residents to live 19 22 productive, drug-free lives, which may include working, going to school, attending appropriate self-help 20 23 program meetings, volunteering in the community, and taking increased responsibility for treatment goals 21 24 established by the individual. Staff will assist Residents in establishing budgets and savings. Residents 22 25 will not be charged for services. Residents are expected to save money and failure to follow financial 23 26 plan may be cause for termination. CONTRACTOR shall encourage Residents to maintain adequate 24 27 grooming, and use their leisure time in a constructive manner. CONTRACTOR shall coordinate 25 28 vocational, educational, and other supportive services. CONTRACTOR shall make referrals and require 26 29 Residents to attend self-help programs, such as Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, or other 27 30 support programs.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: 1 Agreement, 1 Agreement

STRUCTURED DAILY ACTIVITIES. CONTRACTOR shall encourage structured daily 17 33 activities to include Resident’s responsibility for daily household duties, including, but not limited to: 18 34 house cleaning, and basic household operations. CONTRACTOR shall encourage Residents to live 19 35 productive, drug-free lives, which may include working, going to school, attending appropriate self-help 20 36 program meetings, volunteering in the community, and taking increased responsibility for treatment goals 21 37 established by the individual. Staff will assist Residents in establishing budgets and savings. Residents 22 7 of 13 1 will not be charged for services. Residents are expected to save money and failure to follow financial 23 2 plan may be cause for termination. CONTRACTOR shall encourage Residents to maintain adequate 24 3 grooming, and use their leisure time in a constructive manner. CONTRACTOR shall coordinate 25 4 vocational, educational, and other supportive services. CONTRACTOR shall make referrals and require 26 5 Residents to attend self-help programs, such as Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, or other 27 6 support programs.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: 1 Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

STRUCTURED DAILY ACTIVITIES. CONTRACTOR shall encourage structured daily 17 13 activities to include Resident’s responsibility for daily household duties, including, but not limited to: 18 14 house cleaning, cleaning and basic household operations. CONTRACTOR shall encourage Residents to live 19 15 productive, drug-free lives, which may include working, going to school, attending appropriate self-help 20 16 program meetings, volunteering in the community, and taking increased responsibility for treatment goals 21 17 established by the individual. Staff CONTRACTOR staff will assist Residents in establishing budgets and 18 savings. Residents 22 will not be charged for services. Residents are expected to save money and failure to 19 follow financial 23 plan may be cause for termination. CONTRACTOR shall encourage Residents to 20 maintain adequate 24 grooming, grooming and use their leisure time in a constructive manner. CONTRACTOR shall 21 coordinate 25 vocational, educational, and other supportive services. CONTRACTOR shall make referrals 22 and require 26 Residents to attend self-help programs, such as Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics 23 Anonymous, or other 27 support programs.

Appears in 1 contract


STRUCTURED DAILY ACTIVITIES. CONTRACTOR shall encourage structured daily 17 18 activities to include Resident’s responsibility for daily household duties, including, but not limited to: 18 19 house cleaning, and basic household operations. CONTRACTOR shall encourage Residents to live 19 20 productive, drug-free lives, which may include working, going to school, attending appropriate self-help 20 21 program meetings, volunteering in the community, and taking increased responsibility for treatment goals 21 22 established by the individual. Staff will assist Residents in establishing budgets and savings. Residents 22 23 will not be charged for services. Residents are expected to save money and failure to follow financial 23 24 plan may be cause for termination. CONTRACTOR shall encourage Residents to maintain adequate 24 25 grooming, and use their leisure time in a constructive manner. CONTRACTOR shall coordinate 25 26 vocational, educational, and other supportive services. CONTRACTOR shall make referrals and require 26 27 Residents to attend self-help programs, such as Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, or other 27 28 support programs.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: 1 Agreement

STRUCTURED DAILY ACTIVITIES. CONTRACTOR shall encourage structured daily 17 19 activities to include Resident’s responsibility for daily household duties, including, but not limited to: 18 20 house cleaning, and basic household operations. CONTRACTOR shall encourage Residents to live 19 21 productive, drug-free lives, which may include working, going to school, attending appropriate self-help 20 22 program meetings, volunteering in the community, and taking increased responsibility for treatment goals 21 23 established by the individual. Staff will assist Residents in establishing budgets and savings. Residents 22 24 will not be charged for services. Residents are expected to save money and failure to follow financial 23 25 plan may be cause for termination. CONTRACTOR shall encourage Residents to maintain adequate 24 26 grooming, and use their leisure time in a constructive manner. CONTRACTOR shall coordinate 25 27 vocational, educational, and other supportive services. CONTRACTOR shall make referrals and require 26 28 Residents to attend self-help programs, such as Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, or other 27 29 support programs.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: 1 Agreement

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