Salary Step Advancement. No period of unpaid leave shall be counted toward time served for purposes of salary step advancement. Completion of at least 75% of the assigned work year for the employee in a paid status is a prerequisite to salary advancement.
Salary Step Advancement. Salary step advancement procedures shall be in accordance with the LAAC Section 4.92.
Salary Step Advancement. A. Notwithstanding LAAC Section 4.92, subsections (a), (c), (d), and (f)(1), the following salary step advancement procedures shall apply to all employees of this Unit who are appointed or promoted on or after July 1,2008, to classifications that are compensated on a salary range.
Salary Step Advancement. Upon adoption of this MOU, notwithstanding Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC) Section 4.92, subsections (a), (b), and (f) (1), the following salary step advancement procedures shall apply to all members of this Unit who are appointed or promoted on or after the effective date of this MOU to classifications that are compensated on a salary range basis. FULL – TIME EMPLOYEES
Salary Step Advancement. A. Advancement in the salary rate of an employee on salary schedule 12 through 21 shall be made automatically at the beginning of the pay period following completion of one year of aggregate active service at each step rate until salary is received at the fifth step rate for schedule 12 through 16 and sixth step for schedule 18 through 21 within the salary schedule prescribed for the employee's class and pay grade.
Salary Step Advancement. Incremental steps, where applicable, shall take effect on the first working day of each school year during the term of this Agreement; provided the employee has been actively employed continuously for at least one-half (1/2) of the previous employment year. An employment year shall be defined as the number of paid days, (including recognized holidays), for the position had it been in place for the whole school year. If an employee changes positions within the bargaining unit they shall stay on the same step.
Salary Step Advancement. A. Employees classified as Deputy City Attorney I shall, upon completion of one year in a step of the range prescribed for that class, be advanced to the next higher step unless there is a finding by the City Attorney that an employee has rendered less than satisfactory service. Such employee shall not be advanced to the next higher step unless and until the City Attorney finds that the employee is rendering satisfactory service.
Salary Step Advancement. Upon completion of a full year of employment in paid status, on salary steps 1, 2, 3 or 4, and with a satisfactory or better service at the previous step as documented in the employee's annual performance evaluation, an employee shall be advanced to the next salary step effective the first day following completion of one (1) full year of employment at the previous step. Employees hired by the County on or before December 31, 1991 shall be advanced to salary Step 6 after five full years of service at Step 5.
Salary Step Advancement. Salary step advancement shall occur on the first working day of each fiscal year. In order to advance a step on the salary schedule, a new employee must have been hired prior to January 1.
Salary Step Advancement. 5 A unit member who is promoted to a classification in 6 a higher salary range shall be placed on the step of the 7 new salary range which is next above the step on the 8 previous range. Unit members shall advance one step 9 on the salary schedule of their classification, annually, 10 on July 1 of each school year if they were employed 11 by the District at least six (6) months, in the same