Purchases Permitted By Applicable Law, etc Sample Clauses

Purchases Permitted By Applicable Law, etc. On such Closing Date your purchase of Notes shall (a) be permitted by the laws and regulations of each jurisdiction to which you are subject, without recourse to provisions (such as Section 1405(a)(8) of the New York Insurance Law) permitting limited investments by insurance companies without restriction as to the character of the particular investment, (b) not violate any applicable law or regulation (including, without limitation, Regulation T, U or X of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System) and (c) not subject you to any tax, penalty or liability under or pursuant to any applicable law or regulation, which law or regulation was not in effect on the date hereof. If requested by you, you shall have received an Officer's Certificate certifying as to such matters of fact as you may reasonably specify to enable you to determine whether such purchase is so permitted.
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Related to Purchases Permitted By Applicable Law, etc

  • Purchase Permitted By Applicable Law, Etc On the date of the Closing such Purchaser’s purchase of Notes shall (a) be permitted by the laws and regulations of each jurisdiction to which such Purchaser is subject, without recourse to provisions (such as section 1405(a)(8) of the New York Insurance Law) permitting limited investments by insurance companies without restriction as to the character of the particular investment, (b) not violate any applicable law or regulation (including, without limitation, Regulation T, U or X of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System) and (c) not subject such Purchaser to any tax, penalty or liability under or pursuant to any applicable law or regulation, which law or regulation was not in effect on the date hereof. If requested by such Purchaser, such Purchaser shall have received an Officer’s Certificate certifying as to such matters of fact as such Purchaser may reasonably specify to enable such Purchaser to determine whether such purchase is so permitted.

  • Purchase Permitted by Applicable Laws The purchase of and payment for the Notes to be purchased by such Purchaser on the terms and conditions herein provided (including the use of the proceeds of such Notes by the Company) shall not violate any applicable law or governmental regulation (including, without limitation, Section 5 of the Securities Act or Regulation T, U or X of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System) and shall not subject such Purchaser to any tax, penalty, liability or other onerous condition under or pursuant to any applicable law or governmental regulation, and such Purchaser shall have received such certificates or other evidence as it may request to establish compliance with this condition.

  • Purchase Permitted by Applicable Laws; Legal Investment The purchase of and payment for the Capital Securities as described in this Agreement and pursuant to the Subscription Agreement shall (a) not be prohibited by any applicable law or governmental regulation, (b) not subject the Purchaser or the Placement Agents to any penalty or, in the reasonable judgment of the Purchaser and the Placement Agents, other onerous conditions under or pursuant to any applicable law or governmental regulation, and (c) be permitted by the laws and regulations of the jurisdictions to which the Purchaser and the Placement Agents are subject.

  • Compliance with Applicable Law; Permits (a) CCT and each of its Consolidated Subsidiaries is in compliance, and has been operated in compliance, in all material respects, with all applicable Laws, including, if and to the extent applicable, the Investment Company Act, the Securities Act and the Exchange Act other than as would not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect with respect to CCT. CCT has not received any written or, to CCT’s knowledge, oral notification from a Governmental Entity of any material non-compliance with any applicable Laws, which non-compliance would, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to be material to CCT and its Consolidated Subsidiaries, taken as a whole. CCT has operated in compliance with all listing standards of the NYSE since CCT Common Stock began trading on the NYSE on November 14, 2017 other than as would not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to be material to CCT and its Consolidated Subsidiaries, taken as a whole. CCT is not subject to any “stop order” and is, and was, fully qualified to sell shares of CCT Common Stock in each jurisdiction in which such shares were registered and sold, other than as would not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect with respect to CCT.

  • Actions Prohibited by Applicable Law, Etc In no event shall the Custodian incur liability hereunder if the Custodian or any Subcustodian or Securities System, or any Subcustodian, Eligible Securities Depository utilized by any such Subcustodian, or any nominee of the Custodian or any Subcustodian (individually, a “Person”) is prevented, forbidden or delayed from performing, or omits to perform, any act or thing which this Agreement provides shall be performed or omitted to be performed, by reason of: (i) any provision of any present or future law or regulation or order of the United States of America, or any state thereof, or of any foreign country, or political subdivision thereof or of any court of competent jurisdiction (and neither the Custodian nor any other Person shall be obligated to take any action contrary thereto); or (ii) any “Force Majeure,” which for purposes of this Agreement, shall mean any circumstance or event which is beyond the reasonable control of the Custodian, a Subcustodian or any agent of the Custodian or a Subcustodian and which adversely affects the performance by the Custodian of its obligations hereunder, by the Subcustodian of its obligations under its subcustodian agreement or by any other agent of the Custodian or the Subcustodian, unless in each case, such delay or nonperformance is caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the Custodian. Such Force Majeure events may include any event caused by, arising out of or involving (a) an act of God, (b) accident, fire, water damage or explosion, (c) any computer, system outage or downtime or other equipment failure or malfunction caused by any computer virus or any other reason or the malfunction or failure of any communications medium, (d) any interruption of the power supply or other utility service, (e) any strike or other work stoppage, whether partial or total, (f) any delay or disruption resulting from or reflecting the occurrence of any Sovereign Risk (as defined below), (g) any disruption of, or suspension of trading in, the securities, commodities or foreign exchange markets, whether or not resulting from or reflecting the occurrence of any Sovereign Risk, (h) any encumbrance on the transferability of cash, currency or a currency position on the actual settlement date of a foreign exchange transaction, whether or not resulting from or reflecting the occurrence of any Sovereign Risk, or (i) any other cause similarly beyond the reasonable control of the Custodian. Subject to the Custodian’s general standard of care set forth in Subsection 6(a) hereof and the requirements of Section 17(f) of the 1940 Act and Rules 17f-5 and 17f-7 thereunder, the Custodian shall not incur liability hereunder if any Person is prevented, forbidden or delayed from performing, or omits to perform, any act or thing which this Agreement provides shall be performed or omitted to be performed by reason of any (i) “Sovereign Risk,” which for the purpose of this Agreement shall mean, in respect of any jurisdiction, including but not limited to the United States of America, where investments are acquired or held under this Agreement, (a) any act of war, terrorism, riot, insurrection or civil commotion, (b) the imposition of any investment, repatriation or exchange control restrictions by any governmental authority, (c) the confiscation, expropriation or nationalization of any investments by any governmental authority, whether de facto or de jure, (d) any devaluation or revaluation of the currency, (e) the imposition of taxes, levies or other charges affecting investments, (f) any change in the applicable law, or (g) any other economic, systemic or political risk incurred or experienced that is not directly related to the economic or financial conditions of the Eligible Foreign Custodian, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or the Delegation Agreement, or (ii) “Country Risk,” which for the purpose of this Agreement shall mean, with respect to the acquisition, ownership, settlement or custody of investments in a jurisdiction, all risks relating to, or arising in consequence of, systemic and markets factors affecting the acquisition, payment for or ownership of investments, including (a) the prevalence of crime and corruption in such jurisdiction, (b) the inaccuracy or unreliability of business and financial information (unrelated to the Approved Foreign Custody Manager’s duties imposed by Rule 17f-5(c) under the 1940 Act or to the duties imposed on the Custodian by Rule 17f-7 under the 1940 Act), (c) the instability or volatility of banking and financial systems, or the absence or inadequacy of an infrastructure to support such systems, (d) custody and settlement infrastructure of the market in which such investments are transacted and held, (e) the acts, omissions and operation of any Eligible Securities Depository, it being understood that this provision shall not excuse the Custodian’s performance under the express terms of this Agreement, (f) the risk of the bankruptcy or insolvency of banking agents, counterparties to cash and securities transactions, registrars or transfer agents, (g) the existence of market conditions which prevent the orderly execution or settlement of transactions or which affect the value of assets, and (h) the laws relating to the safekeeping and recovery of a Fund’s Foreign Assets held in custody pursuant to the terms of this Agreement; provided, however, that, in compliance with Rule 17f-5, neither Sovereign Risk nor Country Risk shall include the custody risk of a particular Eligible Foreign Custodian of a Fund’s Foreign Assets.

  • Compliance with Applicable Laws; Permits (a) The Company and each of its Subsidiaries have conducted their businesses in compliance with all applicable PRC, U.S. and other national, federal, provincial, state and other Laws (including any applicable antitrust or competition Laws) and applicable requirements of the NYSE in all material respects.

  • COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER INSTRUMENTS, NONE BURDENSOME, ETC The Company is not in violation of any term of its Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws, as amended, or any mortgage, indenture, contract, agreement, instrument, judgment, decree or order by which the Company is bound or to which its properties are subject or, to its knowledge any statute, rule or regulation applicable to the Company which would materially and adversely affect the business, assets, liabilities, financial condition, operations or prospects of the Company. The execution, delivery and performance of and compliance with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby will not result in any such violation and will not be in conflict with or constitute a default under any of the foregoing and will not result in the creation of any mortgage, pledge, lien, encumbrance or charge upon any of the properties or assets of the Company pursuant to any of the foregoing.

  • Notification Requirements and Deliveries in Connection With Securitization of a Serviced Companion Loan (a) Any other provision of this Article X to the contrary notwithstanding, including, without limitation, any deadlines for delivery set forth in this Article X, in connection with the requirements contained in this Article X that provide for the delivery of information and other items to, and the cooperation with, the Other Depositor and Other Exchange Act Reporting Party of any Other Securitization Trust that includes a Serviced Companion Loan, no party hereunder shall be obligated to provide any such items to or cooperate with such Other Depositor or Other Exchange Act Reporting Party until the Other Depositor or Other Exchange Act Reporting Party of such Other Securitization Trust has provided each party hereto with not less than 30 days written notice (or, in each case, such shorter period as required for such Other Depositor or Other Exchange Act Reporting Party to comply with related filing obligations, provided that (i) such Other Depositor or Other Exchange Act Reporting Party, as applicable, has provided written notice as soon as reasonably practicable and, concurrently with such written notice, obtained verbal confirmation of receipt of such written notice, in each case, in accordance with Section 12.04 of this Agreement and (ii) such period shall not be less than 3 Business Days) (which shall only be required to be delivered once), (i) setting forth the contact information for such Person(s) and, except as regards the deliveries and cooperation contemplated by Section 10.08, Section 10.09 and Section 10.10 of this Agreement, stating that such Other Securitization Trust is subject to the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act, and (ii) specifying in reasonable detail the information and other items not otherwise specified in this Agreement that are requested to be delivered; provided that if Exchange Act reporting is being requested, such Other Depositor or Other Exchange Act Reporting Party is only required to provide a single written notice to such effect; provided further, that this notice requirement does not apply to any Serviced Companion Loan that is included in any Other Securitization as of the Closing Date. Any reasonable cost and expense of the Master Servicer, Special Servicer, Operating Advisor, the Asset Representations Reviewer, Custodian, Trustee and Certificate Administrator in cooperating with such Other Depositor or Other Exchange Act Reporting Party of such Other Securitization Trust (above and beyond their expressed duties hereunder) shall be the responsibility of such Other Depositor or Other Securitization Trust. The parties hereto shall have the right to confirm in good faith with the Other Depositor of such Other Securitization Trust as to whether applicable law requires the delivery of the items identified in this Article X to such Other Depositor and Other Exchange Act Reporting Party of such Other Securitization Trust prior to providing any of the reports or other information required to be delivered under this Article X in connection therewith and (i) upon such confirmation, the parties shall comply with the deadlines for delivery set forth in this Article X with respect to such Other Securitization Trust or (ii) in the absence of such confirmation, the parties shall not be required to deliver such items; provided that no such confirmation will be required in connection with any delivery of the items contemplated by Section 10.08, Section 10.09 and Section 10.10 of this Agreement. Such confirmation shall be deemed given if the Other Depositor or Other Exchange Act Reporting Party for the Other Securitization Trust provides a written statement to the effect that the Other Securitization Trust is subject to the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act and the appropriate party hereto receives such written statement. The parties hereunder shall also have the right to require that such Other Depositor provide them with the contact details of such Other Depositor, Other Exchange Act Reporting Party and any other parties to the Other Pooling and Servicing Agreement relating to such Other Securitization Trust.

  • Compliance with Applicable Laws; Distribution of Prospectus and Reports; Confirmations In connection with its respective activities hereunder, each party agrees to abide by the Conduct Rules of FINRA and all other rules of self-regulatory organizations of which the relevant party is a member, as well as all laws, rules and regulations, including federal and state securities laws, that are applicable to the relevant party (and its associated persons) from time to time in connection with its activities hereunder (“Applicable Laws”). You are authorized to distribute to your customers the current Prospectus, as well as any supplemental sales material received from the Fund or the Distributor (acting on behalf of the Fund) (on the terms and for the period specified by us or stated in such material). You are not authorized to distribute, furnish or display any other sales or promotional material relating to a Fund without our prior written approval, but you may identify the Funds in a listing of mutual funds available through you to your customers. Unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing, you shall deliver or cause to be delivered to each customer who purchases shares of any Funds from or through you, copies of all annual and interim reports, proxy solicitation materials, and any other information and materials relating to such Funds and prepared by or on behalf of the Funds or us. If required by Rule 10b-10 under the Securities Exchange Act or other Applicable Laws, you shall send or cause to be sent confirmations or other reports to your customers containing such information as may be required by Applicable Laws.

  • Payment Permitted in Certain Situations Nothing contained in this Article or elsewhere in this Indenture or in any of the Securities shall prevent (a) the Company, at any time except during the pendency of any case, proceeding, dissolution, liquidation or other winding up, assignment for the benefit of creditors or other marshalling of assets and liabilities of the Company referred to in Section 1502 or under the conditions described in Section 1503 or Section 1504, from making payments at any time of or on account of the principal of (and premium, if any) or interest on the Securities, or on account of the purchase or other acquisition of Securities, or (b) the application by the Trustee of any money deposited with it hereunder to the payment of or on account of the principal of (and premium, if any) or interest on the Securities or the retention of such payment by the Holders, if, at the time of such application by the Trustee, it did not have knowledge that such payment would have been prohibited by the provisions of this Article.

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