Intercompany Settlements Messages. 19.1 This Section addresses the settlement of revenues associated with traffic originated from or billed by CLEC-1 as a facilities based provider of local exchange telecommunications services outside the BellSouth region. Only traffic that originates in one Bell operating territory and bills in another Bell operating territory is included. Traffic that originates and bills within the same Bell operating territory will be settled on a local basis between CLEC- 1 and the involved company(ies), unless that company is participating in NICS.
19.2 Both traffic that originates outside the BellSouth region by CLEC-1 and is billed within the BellSouth region, and traffic that originates within the BellSouth region and is billed outside the BellSouth region by CLEC-1, is covered by this Agreement (CATS). Also covered is traffic that either is originated by or billed by CLEC-1, involves a company other than CLEC-1, qualifies for inclusion in the CATS settlement, and is not originated or billed within the BellSouth region (NICS).
19.3 Once CLEC-1 is operating within the BellSouth territory, revenues associated with calls originated and billed within the BellSouth region will be settled via Telcordia (formerly BellCore)’s, its successor or assign, NICS system.
19.4 BellSouth will receive the monthly NICS reports from Telcordia (formerly BellCore), its successor or assign, on behalf of CLEC-1. BellSouth will distribute copies of these reports to CLEC-1 on a monthly basis.
19.5 BellSouth will receive the monthly Calling Card and Third Number Settlement System (CATS) reports from Telcordia (formerly BellCore), its successor or assign, on behalf of CLEC-1. BellSouth will distribute copies of these reports to CLEC-1 on a monthly basis.
19.6 BellSouth will collect the revenue earned by CLEC-1 from the Bell operating company in whose territory the messages are billed (CATS), less a per message billing and collection fee of five cents ($0.05), on behalf of CLEC-1. BellSouth will remit the revenue billed by CLEC-1 to the Bell operating company in whose territory the messages originated, less a per message billing and collection fee of five cents ($0.05), on behalf on CLEC-1. These two amounts will be netted together by BellSouth and the resulting charge or credit issued to CLEC-1 via a monthly Carrier Access Billing System (CABS) miscellaneous bill.
19.7 BellSouth will collect the revenue earned by CLEC-1 within the BellSouth territory from another CLEC also within the BellSout...
Intercompany Settlements Messages. 19.1 This Section addresses the settlement of revenues associated with traffic originated from or billed by New Phone as a facilities based provider of local exchange telecommunications services outside the BellSouth region. Only traffic that originates in one Xxxx operating territory and bills in another Xxxx operating territory is included. Traffic that originates and bills within the same Xxxx operating territory will be settled on a local basis between New Phone and the involved company(ies), unless that company is participating in NICS.
19.2 Both traffic that originates outside the BellSouth region by New Phone and is billed within the BellSouth region, and traffic that originates within the BellSouth region and is billed outside the BellSouth region by New Phone, is covered by this Agreement (CATS). Also covered is traffic that either is originated by or billed by New Phone, involves a company other than New Phone, qualifies for inclusion in the CATS settlement, and is not originated or billed within the BellSouth region (NICS).
Intercompany Settlements Messages. 14.3.1 AT&Twill receive themonthlyNICS and CATS reports fromTelcordia on behalf of CUSTOMER and will distrbi ute copies of these reportsto CUSTOMER on amonthly basis.
14.3.2 Through CATS AT&Twill collectthe revenue earned by CUSTOMER from the RBOC in whose territory the messages aerbilled, less a per message billing and collectoi n fee of five cents ($0.05), ATT 1 – SERVICESA/ T&T-9STATE or such other amount as may be approved by the Direct Participants and Telcordia, on behalf of CUSTOMER. AT&Twill remithte revenue billed by CUSTOMER tohe RBOC in whose territory themessages originated, less a pemr essage billni g and collectoi n fee of five cents ($0.05), or such other amount as may be approved by the Direct Participants and Telcordia, on behalf of CUSTOMER. These two (2) amousntwill be netted together by AT&T and the resulting charge or credit issued to CUSTOMER via Carrier Access Billing System (CABSm) monthly basis in arrears. iscellaneousbill on a
14.3.3 Through NICS AT&Twill collecthe revenue earned by CUSTOMERwithin the AT&T territory from another LEC also within the AT&T territory (ICNS) where the messagesare billed, less a per message bilnlig and collectoi n fee of five cents ($0.05), on behfaol f CUSTOMER. AT&Twill remit the revenue billed by CUSTOMERwithin the AT&reTgion to the LEC also within the AT&T Southeast Region 9-State, where the messages originatedle, ss a per message billingand collection fee of fivecents ($0.05). These two (2) amountwsill be netted together by AT&T and the resulting charge or credit isused to CUSTOMER viaa CABSmisclleaneous bill on amonthly basis in arrears.
14.3.4 AT&T and CUSTOMER agree that monthly-netted amosunotf less than fifty dollars ($50.00) will not be settled.
Intercompany Settlements Messages. 19.1 This Section addresses the settlement of revenues associated with traffic originated from or billed by Al- Call as a facilities based provider of local exchange telecommunications services outside the BellSouth
Intercompany Settlements Messages. 19.1 This Section addresses the settlement of revenues associated with traffic originated from or billed by BroadRiver as a facilities based provider of local exchange telecommunications services outside the BellSouth region. Only traffic that originates in one Xxxx operating territory and bills in another Xxxx operating territory is included. Traffic that originates and bills within the same Xxxx operating territory will be settled on a local basis between BroadRiver and the involved company(ies), unless that company is participating in NICS.
19.2 Both traffic that originates outside the BellSouth region by BroadRiver and is billed within the BellSouth region, and traffic that originates within the BellSouth region and is billed outside the BellSouth region by BroadRiver, is covered by this Agreement (CATS). Also covered is traffic that either is originated by or billed by BroadRiver, involves a company other than BroadRiver, qualifies for inclusion in the CATS settlement, and is not originated or billed within the BellSouth region (NICS).
Intercompany Settlements Messages. 14.3.1 BellSouth will receive the monthly NICS and CATS reports from Telcordia on behalf of CUSTOMER and will distribute copies of these reports to CUSTOMER on a monthly basis.
14.3.2 Through CATS BellSouth will collect the revenue earned by CUSTOMER from the RBOC in whose territory the messages are billed, less a per message billing and collection fee of five cents ($0.05), or such other amount as may be approved by the Direct Participants and Telcordia, on behalf of CUSTOMER. BellSouth will remit the revenue billed by CUSTOMER to the RBOC in whose territory the messages originated, less a per message billing and collection fee of five cents ($0.05), or such other amount as may be approved by the Direct Participants and Telcordia, on behalf of CUSTOMER. These two (2) amounts will be netted together by BellSouth and the resulting charge or credit issued to CUSTOMER via Version: 3Q06 MBR 07/18/06 a Carrier Access Billing System (CABS) miscellaneous xxxx on a monthly basis in arrears.
14.3.3 Through NICS BellSouth will collect the revenue earned by CUSTOMER within the BellSouth territory from another LEC also within the BellSouth territory (NICS) where the messages are billed, less a per message billing and collection fee of five cents ($0.05), on behalf of CUSTOMER. BellSouth will remit the revenue billed by CUSTOMER within the BellSouth region to the LEC also within the BellSouth region, where the messages originated, less a per message billing and collection fee of five cents ($0.05). These two (2) amounts will be netted together by BellSouth and the resulting charge or credit issued to CUSTOMER via a CABS miscellaneous xxxx on a monthly basis in arrears.
14.3.4 BellSouth and CUSTOMER agree that monthly-netted amounts of less than fifty dollars ($50.00) will not be settled.
Intercompany Settlements Messages. 3.19.1 This Section addresses the settlement of revenues associated with traffic originated from or billed by TriStar as a facilities based provider of local exchange telecommunications services outside the BellSouth region. Only traffic that originates in one Xxxx operating territory and bills in another Xxxx operating territory is included. Traffic that originates and bills within the same Xxxx operating territory will be settled on a local basis between TriStar and the involved company(ies), unless that company is participating in NICS.
3.19.2 Both traffic that originates outside the BellSouth region by TriStar and is billed within the BellSouth region, and traffic that originates within the BellSouth region and is billed outside the BellSouth region by TriStar, is covered by this Agreement (CATS). Also covered is traffic that either is originated by or billed by TriStar, involves a company other than TriStar, qualifies for inclusion in the CATS settlement, and is not originated or billed within the BellSouth region (NICS).
3.19.3 Once TriStar is operating within the BellSouth territory, revenues associated with calls originated and billed within the BellSouth region will be settled via Telcordia (formerly BellCore)’s, its successor or assign, NICS system.
3.19.4 BellSouth will receive the monthly NICS reports from Telcordia (formerly BellCore), its successor or assign, on behalf of TriStar. BellSouth will distribute copies of these reports to TriStar on a monthly basis. 3.19.5 BellSouth will receive the monthly Calling Card and Third Number Settlement System (CATS) reports from Telcordia (formerly BellCore), its successor or assign, on behalf of TriStar. BellSouth will distribute copies of these reports to TriStar on a monthly basis.
Intercompany Settlements Messages. 4.19.1 This Section addresses the settlement of revenues associated with traffic originated from or billed by ITC/\DeltaCom as a facilities based provider of local exchange telecommunications services outside the BellSouth region. Only traffic that originates in one company's operating territory and bills in another company's operating territory is included. Traffic that originates and bills within the same company's operating territory will be settled on a local basis between ITC/\DeltaCom and the involved company(ies), unless that company is participating in NICS.
4.19.2 Both traffic that originates outside the BellSouth region by ITC/\DeltaCom and is billed within the BellSouth region, and traffic that originates within the BellSouth region and is billed outside the BellSouth region by ITC/\DeltaCom, is covered by this Agreement (CATS). Also covered is traffic that either is originated by or billed by ITC/\DeltaCom, involves a company other than ITC/\DeltaCom, qualifies for inclusion in the CATS settlement, and is not originated or billed within the BellSouth region (NICS).
Intercompany Settlements Messages. 17.1.22 BellSouth will receive the monthly NICS and CATS reports from Telcordia on behalf of CUSTOMER and will distribute copies of these reports to CUSTOMER on a monthly basis.
Intercompany Settlements Messages. 19.1 This Section addresses the settlement of revenues associated with traffic originated from or billed by as a facilities based provider of local exchange telecommunications services outside the BellSouth region. Only traffic that originates in one Xxxx operating territory and bills in another Xxxx operating territory is included. Traffic that originates and bills within the same Xxxx operating territory will be settled on a local basis between and the involved company(ies), unless that company is participating in NICS.
19.2 Both traffic that originates outside the BellSouth region by and is billed within the BellSouth region, and traffic that originates within the BellSouth region and is billed outside the BellSouth region by, is covered by this Agreement (CATS). Also covered is traffic that either is originated by or billed by, involves a company other than, qualifies for inclusion in the CATS settlement, and is not originated or billed within the BellSouth region (NICS).