High Schools. Wherever possible, no more than eighty students shall be tested at any one time.
High Schools. The regular school day for clinicians assigned to any high school (including schools operated by entities other than the BOARD) shall be seven hours and fifteen minutes with a continuous lunch period of forty-five minutes with no work responsibilities.
High Schools. English 25 World Language 30 Mathematics 30 Science 30 Social Studies 30 Art 28 Business Education 30 Homemaking/Culinary Arts 28 Industrial Arts 28
High Schools. Teachers, within a department, shall be declared surplus based upon inverse seniority, as defined above, and certification.
High Schools. All teachers are expected to be in their buildings for their 8-hour work day.
High Schools. The principal, assistant principal (discipline), counselor/social worker, and a regular education teacher shall serve as members.
High Schools. Preparation periods shall be no less than one period based on a seven period day. Teachers who agree to teach during this period shall be paid for additional preparation time based on the Teacher’s base salary using the following formula: Teaching 1 preparation period ½ of year = 1.075% of base Teaching 1 preparation period full year = 1.151% of base For High Schools: Preparation periods shall be no less than two periods based on an eight period day. Teachers who agree to teach during a preparation period shall be paid for additional preparation time based on the Teacher’s base salary using the following formula: Teaching 1 preparation period ½ of year = 1.069% of base Teaching 1 preparation period full year = 1.138% of base.
High Schools. One (1) representative from the following areas: business, computer literacy, CTE, fine arts, physical education, computer programming, special education, alternative education, English as a second language, library media, and health to be nominated from and elected by the entire faculty; one (1) representative from the following areas: English, social studies, science, mathematics, and foreign languages to be nominated from and elected by the entire faculty; the association faculty representative(s) elected by the teacher association with the greatest membership in the district; one (1) representative from the counseling staff.
High Schools. High school scheduling and teaching periods are defined in board policy. Article 12 EDUCATOR EVALUATION EDUCATOR COLLABORATIVE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM, (ECAP) PERFORMANCE ASSISTANCE, AND REMEDIATION
High Schools a) Average of thirty (30) students per class with a maximum of thirty-two (32) students per class and one hundred eighty (180) students over two (2) days, excluding PE.