Expectation Sample Clauses

Expectation. Employees are expected to maintain an appropriate appearance that is businesslike, neat and clean, and does not constitute a safety hazard as determined by the requirements of the area in which they work. The Department Head or designated representative may authorize exceptions on a day to day basis based upon particular assignments. For example, requiring professional dress on an otherwise casual day when appropriate or more casual attire may be authorized when staff is assigned to activities where such attire may be appropriate. However, all attire must meet the business necessity of the department.
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Expectation. The Company’s expectation is that all employees in their capacity as employees will behave in a manner that reflects well on the Company and on the employee. Poor time-keeping, unreasonable or unexplained absence, rudeness to colleagues or members of the public, damage to the Company’s property, breach of the Company’s rules, failure to respect the property or rules of concert and rehearsal halls are all examples of Misconduct. Theft, fraud, fighting, assault, threatening behaviour, deliberate damage to Company or colleagues’ property, serious incapacity while at work or on the Company’s business due to alcohol or illegal drugs, breaches of Company policies, and falsification of sickness records are all examples of Gross Misconduct.
Expectation. To provide support and organize services by telephone as necessary for mothers and newborns released from hospital on postpartum discharge. Goal: To comply with the Ontario Ministry of Health’s mandatory requirements for a telephone follow-up within forty-eight (48) hours of postpartum discharge. The Employer and the Union agree as follows: - The current normal hours of work for nurses covered by the Collective Agreement are between 0830 hours and 1630 hours, exclusive of one (1) hour meal break, Monday to Friday, defined in Clause 9.01; - A weekend is defined, for the purposes of this Letter of Understanding, as hours between 1630 hours Friday to 0830 hours Monday; - Weekend premium begins at 0001 Saturday until 2400 hours Sunday; - The parties agree to the following terms of Postpartum Enhancement Follow-up Telephone Call Duty on weekends and holidays. - This Letter of Understanding outlining Postpartum Enhancement Follow-up Telephone Call Duty forms part of the Collective Agreement. - The Collective Agreement shall remain in effect except as modified below: Telephone Duty on Weekends and Paid Holidays
Expectation. 1. Contractor to demonstrate provider agreements with at least 15% of 340B non-hospital providers in each applicable rating region. 2. Contractor to demonstrate provider agreements that reflect a mix of essential community providers (hospital and non-hospital) reasonably distributed to serve the low-income, vulnerable, or medically underserved populations. Or meet Alternate Standard Contractor requirements. Refer to Article 3, Section 3.3.3. January 1, 2022- December 31, 2022
Expectation. Contractor shall maintain a network that includes a sufficient geographic distribution of care, including essential community providers, and other providers, to provide reasonable and timely access to Covered Services for low income, vulnerable, or medically underserved populations in regions served by Contractor. Contractor to demonstrate provider agreements with at least 15% of 340B non-hospital providers in each applicable rating region. Contractor to demonstrate provider agreements that reflect a mix of essential community providers (hospital and non-hospital) reasonably distributed to serve the low-income, vulnerable, or medically underserved populations. Performance Level: 1. Sufficient ECP participation: 10% performance credit. 2. Developing ECP participation: no penalty or credit. 3. Insufficient ECP participation: 10% performance penalty. Alternate Standard Contractor Expectation: Contractor to produce access map to demonstrate low income, medically underserved enrollee access to health care services. Low income, vulnerable, or medically underserved individuals shall be defined as those Covered California enrollees who fall below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Maps shall demonstrate the extent to which provider sites are accessible to and have services that meet the needs of specific underserved populations, including:  Individuals with HIV/AIDS  American Indians and Alaska Natives  Low income and underserved individuals seeking women’s health and reproductive health services  Other specific populations served by Essential Community Providers in the service area such as STD Clinics, Tuberculosis Clinics, Hemophilia Treatment Centers, Black Lung Clinics and other entities that serve predominantly low income, medically underserved individuals. Performance level: Alternate Standard Contractors shall not be eligible for performance credits, nor shall they be subject to performance penalties. Submission of the above required mapping is a contract compliance requirement.
Expectation. Participating States calculate their leveraging for purposes of demonstrating a 10 to 1 ratio across all of their Approved State Programs according to the following formula: Cumulative Private Leverage Ratio for all Approved State Programs = [Total Cumulative Private Financing Generated by all Approved State Programs]/[Total Cumulative SSBCI Funds Used by all Approved State Programs]
Expectation. Employees are expected to maintain an appearance that is businesslike, neat and clean and that does not constitute a safety hazard as determined by the requirements of the area in which they work. Management may authorize exceptions on a day-to-day basis based upon particular assignments and may allow occasional “casual days” when appropriate.
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Expectation. Contractor reports Exchange enrollment in integrated healthcare models, based on definition in Attachment 7, Article 4, Section 4.03
Expectation. The Administrator shall provide the employee with written notice of the Administrator’s specific expectations for improvement.
Expectation. The educator establishes procedures that enable democratic decision-making and accountability within the institution Question: Does the educator establish structures that enable/ensure active participation by all stakeholders in decision making processes and are there to clear lines of accountability?
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