Colour. The CPA Xxxx primary colour palette is CMYK four-colour process, as follows: CPA blue, CPA light blue, CPA green, CPA light green. CPA Blue is PMS 293; C100 M52 Y0 K0; R0 G111 B186; HEX#006FBA; CPA Light Blue is PMS 633; C100 M0 Y10 K25; R0 G115 B151, HEX#007397; CPA Green is PMS 347; C100 M0 Y86 K3; R0 G154 B73; HEX#009A49; CPA Light Green is PMS 361; C69 M0 Y100 K0; R67 G176 B42; HEX#43B02A. It is recommended that in most applications the CPA Xxxx appear in full colour. When full colour is not available, the CPA Xxxx xxx appear in greyscale, in accordance with the guidelines in (d) below). For purposes of maintaining a consistent corporate image the CPA Xxxx must never appear in any other colours.
Colour. The colour of the light emitted measured after one minute and measured after photometric stability has been obtained, as described in paragraph of this annex, shall both be within the required colour boundaries.
Colour. 7.1. The colour of the light emitted shall be white.
Colour. 3.6.1. The colour of the light emitted by the filament lamp shall be white unless otherwise specified on the relevant data sheet.
Colour. The colour of the light emitted by the front fog lamp shall be either white or selective yellow by choice of the applicant. The selective yellow colour, if any, of the beam may be obtained either by the colour of the light source or by the lens of the front fog lamp or by any other suitable means.
Colour. 2.1. Colour tests shall be made with a measuring system that determines CIE trichromatic co-ordinates of the received light with an accuracy of ±0.002.
Colour. The colour of the light emitted as measured under the same conditions as described paragraph in 1.1. of this annex shall both be within the required colour boundaries.
Colour. 7.1 The colour of the light emitted shall be white. Expressed in CIE trichromatic co- ordinates, the light emitted by each part of the system shall be in the following boundaries: limit towards blue x ≥ 0.310 limit towards yellow x ≤ 0.500 limit towards green y ≤ 0.150 + 0.640 x limit towards green y ≤ 0.440 limit towards purple y ≥ 0.050 + 0.750 x limit towards red y ≥ 0.382
Colour. The colour of the light source shall be measured in an integrating sphere using a measuring system which shows the CIE chromaticity co-ordinates of the received light with a resolution of 0.002. The following figure shows the colour tolerance area for colour white and the restricted tolerance area for the gas-discharge light sources X0X, X0X, X0X, X0X, X0X, X0X, X0X, X0X, X0X, X0X, X0X and D8S."
Colour. The colour of the light source shall be measured in an integrating sphere using a measuring system which shows the CIE chromaticity co-ordinates of the received light with a resolution of 0.002." Annex 5, amend to read: "Annex 5 Optical setup for the measurement of the position and form of the arc and of the position of the electrodes1 The gas-discharge light source shall be positioned as shown in the main drawing of the respective category. An optical system shall project a real image A' of the arc A with a magnification of preferably M = s'/s = 20 on a screen. The optical system shall be aplanatic and achromatic. In the focus-length f of the optical system a diaphragm d shall cause a projection of the arc with nearly parallel observation directions. To get the angle of the half divergence not larger than = 0.5°, the diameter of the focus-diaphragm with respect to the focus-length of the optical system shall be not more than d = 2f tan(). The active diameter of the optical system shall be not more than: D = (1 + 1/M)d + c + (b1 + b2)/2. (c, b1 and b2 are given in the sheets prescribing the position of the electrodes). A scale on the screen shall enable to measure the position of the electrodes. The calibration of the arrangement advantageously can be done by using a separate projector with a parallel beam in connection with a gauge whose shadow is projected to the screen. The gauge shall show the reference axis and the plane parallel to the reference plane and at distance "e" mm from it. In the plane of the screen a receiver has to be mounted movable in a vertical direction on a line corresponding to the plane at "e" from the reference plane of the gas discharge light source. The receiver shall have the relative spectral sensitivity of the human eye. The size of the receiver shall be not more than 0.2 M mm in the horizontal and not more than 0.025 M mm in the vertical direction (M = the magnification). The range of measurable movement shall be such that the required measures of the arc bending r and arc diffusion s can be measured. For the measurement of the stray light, the size of the receiver shall be circular with a diameter of 0.2M mm diameter." Annex 7, Table 1, row "Lamp voltage and wattage", amend to read: