Subordinated Indebtedness Fund definition

Subordinated Indebtedness Fund means the fund by that name established pursuant to the Second Resolution.
Subordinated Indebtedness Fund means the fund by that name established pursuant to Section 502(a).
Subordinated Indebtedness Fund means the Fund so designated established pursuant to the provisions of the Trust Agreement concerning Subordinates Indebtedness.

Examples of Subordinated Indebtedness Fund in a sentence

  • Money in the Subordinated Indebtedness Fund that on the last day of each Fiscal Year is in excess of the amount then required by Section 5.06 hereof to be therein may at the direction of the Corporation either be retained therein or transferred to any other fund or account established pursuant hereto; provided, however, that if no direction has been given by the Corporation, the excess on the last day of each Fiscal Year shall be transferred by the Trustee to the Residual Fund.

  • Except as permitted hereby, the Corporation shall not create or cause to be created any lien or charge prior or equal to that of the Bonds on the Trust Estate; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall prevent the Corporation from incurring Subordinated Indebtedness that is secured by a lien or charge on the Subordinated Indebtedness Fund that is subject and subordinate to the lien or charge thereon created hereby.

  • The Trustee shall pay out of the Subordinated Indebtedness Fund all amounts required for such payments in accordance with the Supplemental Indenture authorizing the issuance of such Subordinated Indebtedness.

  • Subject to Section 5.06 of this Indenture, the Corporation shall deposit in the Subordinated Indebtedness Fund all Sales Tax Revenues paid to the Corporation and all other money not otherwise required hereby to be applied to a purpose other than those of the Subordinated Indebtedness Fund as may be required for payment of Subordinated Indebtedness.

  • The Corporation reserves the right to incur Subordinated Indebtedness in furtherance of its corporate purposes secured by a lien on the Trust Estate that is subject to and subordinate to the first priority lien on the Trust Estate granted to Holders of Outstanding Bonds and payable from amounts on deposit in the Subordinated Indebtedness Fund pursuant to the Master Indenture.

More Definitions of Subordinated Indebtedness Fund

Subordinated Indebtedness Fund means the Subordinated Indebtedness Fund established pursuant to Section 502 of the Sewer System Revenue Bond Resolution.
Subordinated Indebtedness Fund means the fund so designated, created and established pursuant to Section 5.02 hereof.
Subordinated Indebtedness Fund means the Fund designated as the Subordinated Indebtedness Fund established in Section 502 of the General Resolution.
Subordinated Indebtedness Fund means the fund so designated, created and established pursuant to the section of the Indenture described herein under the heading “Establishment of Funds and Accounts”.
Subordinated Indebtedness Fund means the Fund by that name established pursuant to Section 5.02.
Subordinated Indebtedness Fund means the Subordinated Indebtedness Fund established pursuant to Section 502.
Subordinated Indebtedness Fund means the fund so designated, created and established pursuant to Section 5.01 hereof.