Public Safety Agreement definition

Public Safety Agreement has the meaning set forth in Section 8.3.

Examples of Public Safety Agreement in a sentence

  • On October 9, 2018, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approved the CenturyLink Master Services Public Safety Agreement for Products and Services for E911 equipment for Sumter County.

  • The Public Safety Agreement was in the amount of $12,600 for seven unincorporated places and an additional $1,200 for maintenance of and upgrades to the Repeater and building on Pine Mountain.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Grenier, seconded by Commissioner Samson to enter into agreement with the Town of Gorham for the EMS/Ambulance contract in the amount of $21,300 and the Public Safety Agreement in the amount of $12,600.

  • Contractor Selection and Solids Building Improvement Contract Approval RESULT:APPROVED [UNANIMOUS]MOVER:SECONDER:DJud Bowers, Council MemberBill Herrin, Council MemberAYES:Jones, Bowers, Herrin, Powers, Johnson, Barbee, FoxDirector of Public Safety Agreement for Contract between the City of Port Wentworth, Chatham County, Georgia and Contractor Matthew W.

  • INITIATIVE 1 (CONT’D) Binational Agreements/DeclarationsBinational Agreements and Declarations (i) During 2006-07, State of Arizona and State of Sonora signed the Public Safety Agreement.

  • Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Pricing for Lumen (formerly CenturyLink) Master Services Public Safety Agreement for Products and Services for E911 Equipment (Staff Recommends Approval).

  • If the County decides to not do anything, the fee would be due within the time indicated in the contract.c. Robin Frost, Gorham Town Manager, Chad Miller, EMS Director and Police Chief PJ Cyr presented updated information to the Board which reduced the EMS/Ambulance contract from$25,000 to $21,300 and the yearly Public Safety Agreement at a cost of $12,600.Mr. Miller explained that he is now keeping tracking of where calls are generated from by Unincorporated Place.

  • Continue reporting semiannually to cover the six-month periods ending March and September.

  • The County Administrator stated that the amount of the Public Safety Agreement presented at the meeting had an additional $1,200 included.

  • Town of Carroll, Public Safety Agreement: Chief Jeremy Oleson presented 2014 statistics to the Board.

Related to Public Safety Agreement

  • Public safety agency means a functional division of a public agency, county, or the state that provides fire fighting, law enforcement, ambulance, medical, or other emergency services.

  • Public Safety and/or “Nuisance” means anything which is injurious to the safety or health of an entire community or neighborhood, or any considerable number of persons, or unlawfully obstructs the free passage or use, in the customary manner, of any navigable lake, or river, bay, stream, canal, or basin.

  • Transportation Agreement means an agreement pursuant to the Tariff under which Transporter provides Transportation or other contract services to a Shipper.

  • Public or private safety agency means a unit of state or local government, a special purpose district, or a private firm, which provides or has the authority to provide firefighting, police, ambulance, emergency medical services or hazardous materials response.

  • Training Agreement means an agreement registered under the provisions of the Industrial and Commercial Training Act 1985.

  • commercial air transport means an aircraft operation involving the transport of passengers, cargo, or mail for remuneration or hire.

  • Biological safety cabinet means a containment unit suitable for the preparation of low to moderate risk agents where there is a need for protection of the product, personnel, and environment, according to National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 49.

  • Transportation Service Agreement means the contract between KUB and the Customer whereby KUB agrees to provide transportation gas service to the Customer.

  • Labor compliance agreement means an agreement entered into between a contractor or subcontractor and an enforcement agency to address appropriate remedial measures, compliance assistance, steps to resolve issues to increase compliance with the labor laws, or other related matters.

  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan or "SWPPP" means a document that is prepared in accordance with good engineering practices and that identifies potential sources of pollutants that may reasonably be expected to affect the quality of stormwater discharges from the construction site, and otherwise meets the requirements of this Ordinance. In addition the document shall identify and require the implementation of control measures, and shall include, but not be limited to the inclusion of, or the incorporation by reference of, an approved erosion and sediment control plan, an approved stormwater management plan, and a pollution prevention plan.

  • Safety Management System has the meaning given to it in the ISM Code.

  • Marketing Agreement means an agreement entered into, with the director, by producers, distributors, processors, or handlers pursuant to this act and binding only on those signing the agreement.

  • Health and Safety Plan means a documented plan which addresses hazards identified and includes safe work procedures to mitigate, reduce or control the hazards identified;

  • Compliance agreement means a written agreement between a person and the Commissioner to achieve compliance with this quarantine.

  • New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual or “BMP Manual” means the manual maintained by the Department providing, in part, design specifications, removal rates, calculation methods, and soil testing procedures approved by the Department as being capable of contributing to the achievement of the stormwater management standards specified in this chapter. The BMP Manual is periodically amended by the Department as necessary to provide design specifications on additional best management practices and new information on already included practices reflecting the best available current information regarding the particular practice and the Department’s determination as to the ability of that best management practice to contribute to compliance with the standards contained in this chapter. Alternative stormwater management measures, removal rates, or calculation methods may be utilized, subject to any limitations specified in this chapter, provided the design engineer demonstrates to the municipality, in accordance with Section IV.F. of this ordinance and N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.2(g), that the proposed measure and its design will contribute to achievement of the design and performance standards established by this chapter.

  • International air transportation means transportation by air between a place in the United States and a place outside the United States or between two places both of which are outside the United States.

  • Imminent danger to the health and safety of the public means the existence of any condition or practice, or any violation of a permit or other requirement of this chapter in a surface coal mining and reclamation operation, which condition, practice, or violation could reasonably be expected to cause substantial physical harm to persons outside the permit area before such condition, practice, or violation can be abated. A reasonable expectation of death or serious injury before abatement exists if a rational person, subjected to the same conditions or practices giving rise to the peril, would not expose the person's self to the danger during the time necessary for abatement.

  • Natural environment means the air, land and water, or any combination or part thereof, of the Province of Ontario; (“environnement naturel”)

  • Tax Compliance Agreement means the Federal Tax Certificate, Tax Compliance Agreement, Arbitrage Agreement, or other written certification or agreement of the Issuer setting out representations and covenants for satisfying the post-issuance tax compliance requirements for the Tax-Exempt Bonds.

  • Cooperation Agreement means that certain Mortgage Loan Cooperation Agreement, dated as of the Closing Date, among Borrower, Lender and Sponsor, as the same may from time to time be amended, restated, replaced, supplemented or otherwise modified in accordance herewith.

  • Public safety employee means a public employee who is employed as one of the following:

  • Labor peace agreement means an agreement between an entity and a

  • Environmental Management Plan or “EMP” means the environmental management plan for the Project, including any update thereto, incorporated in the IEE;

  • Environmental Management System means an environmental management system or plan of management to address all environmental risks and to ensure compliance with all Environmental Laws and licences;

  • Planning Agreement means an agreement, undertaking or obligation pursuant to the provisions of section 106 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 or section 111 of the Local Government Act 1972, section 33 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 or an infrastructure agreement pursuant to section 38 or section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 or the section 104 of the Water Industry Act 1991;

  • Public safety answering point or “PSAP” means an answering location for 9-1-1 calls originating in a given area. A PSAP may be designated as Primary or Secondary, which refers to the order in which calls are directed for answering. Primary PSAPs respond first; Secondary PSAPs receive calls on a transfer basis only, and generally serve as a centralized answering location for a particular type of emergency call. PSAPs are staffed by employees of Service Agencies such as police, fire or emergency medical agencies or by employees of a common bureau serving a group of such entities.