Proved Mineral Interest definition

Proved Mineral Interest means, collectively, (i) all Mineral Interests which constitute proved developed producing reserves, (ii) all Mineral Interests which constitute proved developed non-producing reserves, and (iii) all Mineral Interests which constitute proved undeveloped reserves.

Related to Proved Mineral Interest

  • Mineral Interests means rights, estates, titles, and interests in and to oil and gas leases and any oil and gas interests, royalty and overriding royalty interest, production payment, net profits interests, oil and gas fee interests, and other rights therein, including, without limitation, any reversionary or carried interests relating to the foregoing, together with rights, titles, and interests created by or arising under the terms of any unitization, communization, and pooling agreements or arrangements, and all properties, rights and interests covered thereby, whether arising by contract, by order, or by operation of Laws, which now or hereafter include all or any part of the foregoing.

  • Proved Reserves means “Proved Reserves” as defined in the Definitions for Oil and Gas Reserves (in this paragraph, the “Definitions”) promulgated by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (or any generally recognized successor) as in effect at the time in question. “Proved Developed Producing Reserves” means Proved Reserves which are categorized as both “Developed” and “Producing” in the Definitions, “Proved Developed Nonproducing Reserves” means Proved Reserves which are categorized as both “Developed” and “Nonproducing” in the Definitions, and “Proved Undeveloped Reserves” means Proved Reserves which are categorized as “Undeveloped” in the Definitions.

  • Proved Undeveloped Reserves means Proved Reserves which are categorized as “Undeveloped” in the Definitions.

  • Proved Developed Non-Producing Reserves means oil and gas reserves that, in accordance with Petroleum Industry Standards, are classified as both “Proved Reserves” and “Developed Non-Producing Reserves.”

  • Unleased mineral owner means a royalty interest owner who owns oil and/or gas rights free of a lease or other instrument conveying all or any portion of the working interest in such rights to another. At the time of this order, the unleased mineral owners identified by Ascent include those listed on Exhibit A.

  • Net Revenue Interest means, with respect to any Property, the interest in and to all Hydrocarbons produced, saved, and sold from or allocated to such Property after giving effect to all royalties, overriding royalties, production payments, carried interests, net profits interests, reversionary interests, and other burdens upon, measured by, or payable out or production therefrom.

  • Proved Developed Reserves means oil and gas reserves that, in accordance with Petroleum Industry Standards, are classified as both “Proved Reserves” and one of the following: (a) “Developed Producing Reserves” or (b) “Developed Non-Producing Reserves.”

  • Oil and Gas Interests means: (a) direct and indirect interests in and rights with respect to oil, gas, mineral and related properties and assets of any kind and nature, direct or indirect, including, without limitation, working, royalty and overriding royalty interests, mineral interests, leasehold interests, production payments, operating rights, net profits interests, other non-working interests, contractual interests, non-operating interests and rights in any pooled, unitized or communitized acreage by virtue of such interest being a part thereof; (b) interests in and rights with respect to Hydrocarbons and other minerals or revenues therefrom and contracts and agreements in connection therewith and claims and rights thereto (including oil and gas leases, operating agreements, unitization, communitization and pooling agreements and orders, division orders, transfer orders, mineral deeds, royalty deeds, oil and gas sales, exchange and processing contracts and agreements and, in each case, interests thereunder), and surface interests, fee interests, reversionary interests, reservations and concessions related to any of the foregoing; (c) easements, rights-of-way, licenses, permits, leases, and other interests associated with, appurtenant to, or necessary for the operation of any of the foregoing; (d) interests in oil, gas, water, disposal and injection xxxxx, equipment and machinery (including well equipment and machinery), oil and gas production, gathering, transmission, compression, treating, processing and storage facilities (including tanks, tank batteries, pipelines and gathering systems), pumps, water plants, electric plants, gasoline and gas processing plants, refineries and other tangible or intangible, movable or immovable, real or personal property and fixtures located on, associated with, appurtenant to, or necessary for the operation of any of the foregoing; and (e) all seismic, geological, geophysical and engineering records, data, information, maps, licenses and interpretations.

  • Indicated Mineral Resource means that part of a mineral resource for which quantity, grade or quality, densities, shape and physical characteristics, can be estimated with a level of confidence sufficient to allow the appropriate application of technical and economic parameters, to support mine planning and evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit. The estimate is based on detailed and reliable exploration and testing information gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes that are spaced closely enough for geological and grade continuity to be reasonably assumed.

  • Collateral Interest means a fractional undivided interest in the Trust which shall consist of the right to receive, (i) to the extent necessary to make the required payments to the Collateral Interest Holder under this Supplement, the portion of Collections allocable thereto under the Agreement and this Supplement and funds on deposit in the Collection Account allocable thereto pursuant to the Agreement and this Supplement and (ii) amounts available for payment to the Collateral Interest Holder pursuant to subsections 4.07(k), 4.12(e), 4.12(f), 8.01(b), 8.02(a) and 8.02(b) or any other provision of this Supplement.

  • Proved Developed Producing Reserves means Proved Reserves which are categorized as both “Developed” and “Producing” in the Definitions, “Proved Developed Nonproducing Reserves” means Proved Reserves which are categorized as both “Developed” and “Nonproducing” in the Definitions, and “Proved Undeveloped Reserves” means Proved Reserves which are categorized as “Undeveloped” in the Definitions.

  • Property Value means the aggregate fair value of the properties (land and buildings) held by the Group according to the latest consolidated Financial Report, adjusted for any investments in and depreciations of the properties, respectively, during the period starting on the day falling immediately after the last day of the period covered by the latest consolidated Financial Report and ending on the relevant Record Date.

  • Oil and Gas Properties means (a) Hydrocarbon Interests; (b) the Properties now or hereafter pooled or unitized with Hydrocarbon Interests; (c) all presently existing or future unitization, pooling agreements and declarations of pooled units and the units created thereby (including without limitation all units created under orders, regulations and rules of any Governmental Authority) which may affect all or any portion of the Hydrocarbon Interests; (d) all operating agreements, contracts and other agreements, including production sharing contracts and agreements, which relate to any of the Hydrocarbon Interests or the production, sale, purchase, exchange or processing of Hydrocarbons from or attributable to such Hydrocarbon Interests; (e) all Hydrocarbons in and under and which may be produced and saved or attributable to the Hydrocarbon Interests, including all oil in tanks, and all rents, issues, profits, proceeds, products, revenues and other incomes from or attributable to the Hydrocarbon Interests; (f) all tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances and Properties in any manner appertaining, belonging, affixed or incidental to the Hydrocarbon Interests and (g) all Properties, rights, titles, interests and estates described or referred to above, including any and all Property, real or personal, now owned or hereinafter acquired and situated upon, used, held for use or useful in connection with the operating, working or development of any of such Hydrocarbon Interests or Property (excluding drilling rigs, automotive equipment, rental equipment or other personal Property which may be on such premises for the purpose of drilling a well or for other similar temporary uses) and including any and all oil xxxxx, gas xxxxx, injection xxxxx or other xxxxx, buildings, structures, fuel separators, liquid extraction plants, plant compressors, pumps, pumping units, field gathering systems, tanks and tank batteries, fixtures, valves, fittings, machinery and parts, engines, boilers, meters, apparatus, equipment, appliances, tools, implements, cables, wires, towers, casing, tubing and rods, surface leases, rights-of-way, easements and servitudes together with all additions, substitutions, replacements, accessions and attachments to any and all of the foregoing.

  • Royalty Interest is defined in Section 1.01.

  • Total hydrocarbons (THC) means the sum of all volatile compounds measurable by a flame ionization detector (FID).

  • Net Smelter Returns means the gross proceeds received by the Purchaser in any year from the sale of Product from the mining operation on the Property, less:

  • Oil means petroleum in any form including crude oil, fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse and refined products (other than petrochemicals which are subject to the provisions of Annex II of the present Convention) and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes the substances listed in Appendix I to this Annex.

  • Stored value means monetary value that is evidenced by an electronic record.

  • Measured Mineral Resource means that part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity, grade or quality, densities, shape, and physical characteristics are so well established that they can be estimated with confidence sufficient to allow the appropriate application of technical and economic parameters, to support production planning and evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit. The estimate is based on detailed and reliable exploration, sampling and testing information gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes that are spaced closely enough to confirm both geological and grade continuity.

  • Eligible Real Property means, as to any Borrower, Real Property owned by such Borrower in fee simple in each case which are acceptable to Agent in good faith based on the criteria set forth below. In general, Eligible Real Property shall not include: (i) Real Property which is not operated by a Borrower except as Agent may otherwise agree; (ii) Real Property subject to a security interest, lien, mortgage or other encumbrance in favor of any person other than Agent (and other than those permitted under Section 9.8(b), 9.8(c) or 9.8(d) hereof or are subject to an intercreditor agreement in form and substance satisfactory to Agent between the holder of such lien and Agent); (iii) Real Property that is not located in the continental United States of America; (iv) Real Property that is not subject to the valid and enforceable, first priority, perfected security interest, lien and mortgage of Agent; (v) Real Property where Agent determines that issues relating to compliance with Environmental Laws adversely affect such Real Property in such manner that such Real Property would not be acceptable for purposes of including it in the calculation of the Borrowing Base based on the customary practices, procedures and policies of Agent and its Affiliates; provided, that, if the Real Property is acceptable for such purposes in accordance with such practices, procedures and policies, subject to the satisfaction of the other conditions set forth herein and any requirements arising pursuant to such practices, procedures and policies, such Real Property will be considered Eligible Real Property but subject to the right of Agent to establish Reserves to reflect the adverse affect of any environmental conditions or events with respect thereto on its value or the ability of Agent to sell or otherwise realize on such Collateral; (vi) Real Property improved with residential housing; (vii) Real Property that is not subject to a then current final written appraisal by an appraiser reasonably acceptable to Agent (which shall be one of the appraisers selected by Agent from its list of approved appraisers), on which Agent and Lenders are expressly permitted to rely, and that is in form, scope and methodology reasonably satisfactory to Agent; (viii) if requested by Agent, Real Property for which Agent shall not have received a then current environmental audit conducted by an independent environmental engineering firm reasonably acceptable to Agent (based on Agent’s list of approved firms and in form, scope, substance and methodology reasonably satisfactory to Agent, the results of which are satisfactory to Agent; (ix) if requested by Agent, Real Property for which Agent shall not have received, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Agent, a valid and effective title insurance policy (whether in the form of a pro form policy or a marked up title policy commitment) issued by a company and agent reasonably acceptable to Agent: (A) insuring the priority, amount and sufficiency of the Mortgage with respect to such Real Property, (B) insuring against matters that would be disclosed by surveys and (C) containing any legally available endorsements, assurances or affirmative coverage requested by Agent for protection of its interests; and (x) any Real Property other than the Baldwyn Real Property, except as Agent may otherwise agree. Any Real Property that is not Eligible Real Property shall nevertheless be part of the Collateral.