Proposed regulation definition

Proposed regulation means a proposal by an agency under the provisions of section 4-168, as amended by this act, for a new regulation or for a change in, addition to or repeal of an existing regulation;
Proposed regulation means a proposal by an agency for a new regulation or for a change in, addition to, or repeal of an existing regulation;
Proposed regulation means a document that is proposed for consideration by the Executive Council.

Examples of Proposed regulation in a sentence

  • Proposed regulation was published in the State Register on October 28, 2016.

  • The estimated economic effect of the proposed regulation on the small businesses which it is to regulate, is:(1) The Proposed regulation will have no adverse or beneficial effects; and(2) The Proposed regulation will have no direct or indirect effects.

  • Proposed regulation section 38.3 provides that any person may submit an application to the Commission for certification as the ERO within sixty (60) days following the issuance of a new final regulation.

  • Proposed regulation 23.606 would implement these requirements.Proposed regulation 23.606(a)requires that swap dealers and major swap participants make available for disclosure and inspection all information required by the Commission, including those items listed in section 4s(j)(3).

  • Proposed regulation 41.27(d) would implement the directive of sections 18 An example of a time advantage would be providing certain market participants with faster access to an electronic trading system.

  • Proposed Requirements Proposed regulation 22.8 has noanalog in the Part 1 Provisions.

  • Once again, the false injection consisted of Verses 128 and 129 at the end of Sura 9.

  • Residual Financial Interest Proposed regulation 22.2(e)(4)clarifies that, if an FCM places or deposits its own property in an FCM Physical Location or a Cleared Swaps Customer Account, as applicable, then that property becomes Cleared Swaps Customer Collateral.

  • Proposed regulation 38.251(g) addresses market disruptive events, as opposed to incidents that threaten the integrity of a DCM’s internal technological systems.

  • Proposed regulation 23.607 would implement these prohibitions by requiring that the swap dealer or major swap participant adopt policies and procedures that would prevent unreasonable restraint of trade or the imposition of a material anticompetitive burden on trading or clearing.III.

Related to Proposed regulation

  • CSD Regulations means the CSD’s rules and regulations applicable to the Issuer, the Agent and the Notes from time to time.

  • AIFM Regulation means Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 231/2013.

  • Prospectus Regulation means Regulation (EU) 2017/1129.

  • Proposed decision means the presiding officer’s recommended findings of fact, conclusions of law, decision, and order in a contested case in which the administrator did not preside.

  • EU Regulation means a regulation within the meaning of Article 288 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union;

  • SRM Regulation means Regulation (EU) No. 806/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 July 2014, establishing uniform rules and a uniform procedure for the resolution of credit institutions and certain investment firms in the framework of the Single Resolution Mechanism and the Single Resolution Fund and amending Regulation (EU) No. 1093/2010, as amended or replaced from time to time (including by the SRM Regulation II).

  • Regulation CF means Regulation Crowdfunding promulgated under the Securities Act.

  • OHS Regulation means the Workers Compensation Act (British Columbia), including without limitation, the Occupational Health & Safety Regulation (BC Regulation 296/97, as amended by BC Regulation 185/99) enacted pursuant to such Act, all as such Act or Regulations are amended or re-enacted from time to time.

  • Delegated Regulation means the Commission Delegated Regulationsupplementing Directive 2014/91/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014, once it has entered into force and is directly effective in Ireland;

  • Proposed Plan As defined in Section 3.17(a)(iii).

  • 1933 Act Regulations means the rules and regulations of the Commission under the 1933 Act.

  • the Regulation means the Associations Incorporation Regulation 2010.

  • public regulation means any national, provincial or local government legislation or subordinate legislation, or any licence, tariff, directive or similar authorisation issued by a regulatory authority or pursuant to any statutory authority;

  • Benchmarks Regulation means Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of investment funds and amending Directives 2008/48/EC and 2014/17/EU and Regulation (EU) No 596/2014;

  • FRB Regulation D means Regulation D as promulgated by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR Part 204, as amended.

  • Market Abuse Regulation means Regulation (EC) No …/… of the European Parliament and of the Council on insider dealing and market manipulation (market abuse);

  • Rule 430A Information means information with respect to the Securities and the offering thereof permitted to be omitted from the Registration Statement when it becomes effective pursuant to Rule 430A.

  • 430A Information with respect to any registration statement, means information included in a prospectus and retroactively deemed to be a part of such registration statement pursuant to Rule 430A(b).

  • CRD IV Regulation means Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 26, 2013, as the same may be amended or replaced from time to time.

  • UK Prospectus Regulation means Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the EUWA;

  • SEC Regulation D means Regulation D as promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, as the same may be in effect from time to time.

  • CDM Regulations means the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015;

  • Ground Regulations means those ground regulations issued by the Club from time to time that set out the terms and conditions upon which spectators are granted entry to the Ground.

  • Rule 430B Information means the information included in any preliminary prospectus or the Prospectus or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing that was omitted from the Registration Statement at the time it first became effective but is deemed to be part of and included in the Registration Statement pursuant to Rule 430B.

  • Regulation G means Regulation G of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System as from time to time in effect and any successor to all or a portion thereof.

  • PPPFA Regulations means the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017 published in terms of the PPPFA.