Prescription legend drug definition

Prescription legend drug means any drug which under federal
Prescription legend drug means any drug which under federal or State law requires dispensing by prescription or order of a licensed physician, veterinarian, or dentist and is required to bear the statement "Rx only" or similar wording indicating that such drug may be sold or dispensed only upon the prescription of a licensed medical practitioner and is not a controlled dangerous substance or stramonium preparation.
Prescription legend drug means, for the purpose of this Section V.K.5., any medical substance, the label of which, under the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as from time to time amended, is required to bear the legend: "Caution: Federal Law prohibits dispensing without a prescription".

Examples of Prescription legend drug in a sentence

  • Prescription (legend) drug costs are excluded from services covered as part of the nursing facility per diem rate as set forth in paragraph 81.10(5)“d.” The Iowa Medicaid program will provide direct payment for drugs covered pursuant to 441—subrule 78.1(2) to relieve the facility of payment responsibility.

  • Prescription (legend) drug costs are excluded from services covered as part of the nursing facility per diem rate as set forth in paragraph 81.10(5)“c.” The Iowa Medicaid program will provide direct payment for drugs covered pursuant to 441—subrule 78.1(2) to relieve the facility of payment responsibility.

  • The drugs designated as preferred drugs on our formulary may change from time to time.Prescription Legend Drug: any medicine whose label is required to contain the following or similar wording: “Caution: Federal Law prohibits dispensing without prescription.” Prescription legend drug also includes investigational drugs used to treat the HIV virus as described in Wis.

  • By Gromov’s compactness theorem, the curves converge to a J ⊕Jstd ⊕Jstd- cusp-curve, v1 ∪ v2 ∪ ...

  • The social sciences, especially political science and history, are often taught with American exceptionalist assumptions.

More Definitions of Prescription legend drug

Prescription legend drug means any drug which under Federal or State law requires dispensing by prescription or order of a licensed physician, veterinarian or dentist and is required to bear the statement "Caution: Federal law prohibits dispensing without a prescription" and is not a controlled dangerous substance or a stramonium preparation.

Related to Prescription legend drug

  • Legend drugs means any drugs which are required by state

  • Legend drug or "prescription drug" means any drug or device that has been determined to be unsafe for self- medication or any drug or device that bears or is required to bear the legend:

  • Prescription drug order means a lawful order from a practitioner for a drug or device for a specific patient, issued for a legitimate medical purpose within the prescriber’s course of legitimate practice and including orders derived from collaborative pharmacy practice.

  • OID Legend means the legend set forth in Section 2.06(g)(3) hereof to be placed on all Notes issued under this Indenture that have more than a de minimis amount of original issue discount for U.S. Federal income tax purposes.

  • Prescription drug means any drug required by federal law or regulation to be dispensed only

  • Prescription drugs means drugs, medicine and controlled substances which by law can only be prescribed for human use by persons authorized by law.

  • Regulation S Legend means the legend set forth in Section 2.06(g)(iii) which is required to be placed on all Regulation S Global Notes issued under this Supplemental Indenture.

  • Nonprescription drug or "over-the-counter drug" means any

  • Narcotic drug means any of the following, whether produced directly or indirectly by extraction from substances of vegetable origin, or independently by means of chemical synthesis, or by a combination of extraction and chemical synthesis:

  • Private Placement Legend means the legend set forth in Section 2.06(g)(1) hereof to be placed on all Notes issued under this Indenture except where otherwise permitted by the provisions of this Indenture.

  • Drug abuse means any pattern of pathological use of drugs that causes impairment in social or occupational functioning, or that produces physiological dependency evidenced by physical tolerance or by physical symptoms when it is withdrawn.

  • Automatic identification device means a device, such as a reader or interrogator, used to retrieve data encoded on machine-readable media.

  • Nonprescription drugs means nonnarcotic medicines or drugs which may be sold without a prescription and are prepackaged and labeled for use by the consumer in accordance with the requirements of the statutes and regulations of this state and the federal government;

  • FFDCA means the United States Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended from time to time, together with any rules, regulations and requirements promulgated thereunder (including all additions, supplements, extensions and modifications thereto).

  • Loss Absorption Regulations means, at any time, the laws, regulations, requirements, guidelines, rules, standards and policies relating to minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities and/or loss absorbing capacity instruments of the United Kingdom, the PRA, the United Kingdom resolution authority, the Financial Stability Board and/or of the European Parliament or of the Council of the European Union then in effect in the United Kingdom including, without limitation to the generality of the foregoing, any delegated or implementing acts (such as regulatory technical standards) adopted by the European Commission and any regulations, requirements, guidelines, rules, standards and policies relating to minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities and/or loss absorbing capacity instruments adopted by the PRA and/or the United Kingdom resolution authority from time to time (whether or not such regulations, requirements, guidelines, rules, standards or policies are applied generally or specifically to the Company or to the Regulatory Group).

  • Biological safety cabinet means a containment unit suitable for the preparation of low to moderate risk agents where there is a need for protection of the product, personnel, and environment, according to National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 49.

  • Participating Prescription Drug Provider means an independent retail Pharmacy, chain of retail Pharmacies, mail-order Pharmacy or specialty drug Pharmacy which has entered into an agreement to provide pharmaceutical services to participants in the benefit program. A retail Participating Pharmacy may or may not be a select Participating Pharmacy as that term is used in the Vaccinations Obtained Through Participating Pharmacies section.

  • Regulation S Temporary Global Note Legend means the legend set forth in Section 2.06(g)(iii) hereof.

  • FDCA shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 3.1(hh).

  • Restrictive Legend shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.05(c).

  • Covered drug means any prescription drug that: