plain language definition

plain language means language that can be understood by a reasonable person, applying a reasonable effort;
plain language means communication that –
plain language means language that the intended audience, including individuals with limited English proficiency, can readily understand and use because that language is concise, well- organized, uses simple vocabulary, avoids excessive acronyms and technical language, and follows other best practices of plain language writing.

Examples of plain language in a sentence

  • Hourly Rate for: Regular (Non-Rush) Consultation $ Voice Talent $ Language Director $ Recording Studio Fees $ Community Review $ Plain Language Editing $ Readability and Usability Review $ TBD $ TBD $ Minimum Fees.

  • Plain Language Editing – This work involves reviewing an English source text and revising the text in accordance with principles of plain language or plain English.

More Definitions of plain language

plain language means language that the intended audience, including individuals with limited English proficiency, can readily understand and use because that language is concise, well organized, and follows best practices of plain language writing for that audience.
plain language means language that is clear, concise, and visually easy to read. It must use common words, rather than jargon, acronyms, or unnecessary legal language.
plain language means written and presented in a manner calculated to be understood by the average participant or beneficiary.
plain language means communication that is clear and easy to understand, avoid uncertainty and or confusion and is adequate and appropriate in the circumstances, taking into account the factually established or reasonably assumed level of knowledge of the person or average person at whom the communication is targeted
plain language means writtenand presented in a manner calculated to be understood by the average participant, beneficiary, or enrollee.
plain language means writing designed to ensure the reader understands the meaning of the passage as quickly, easily, and completely as possible, avoiding verbose, convoluted language, and jargon;
plain language means written in a clear and coherent manner using words with common and every day meanings, appropriately divided and captioned reflecting its various sections, and understandable to those parties that will be receiving the content.