Person Under 21 definition

Person Under 21 means a natural person who has not yet reached the age of twenty-one (21) years of age.
Person Under 21 means a natural person who has reached the age of18 years of age but has not yet reached

Examples of Person Under 21 in a sentence

  • Possession of an Alcoholic Beverage by a Person Under 21 is a Class C offense.

  • Criminal Offenses - Purchase of Alcoholic Beverages by Person Under 21 Years of Age12-06.

  • Aggravated Theft I; Arson II; Assault on a Public Safety Officer; Burglary II; Escape II; Invasion of Personal Privacy; Pointing Firearm at Another; Providing Liquor to Person Under 21 or to Intoxicated Person; Public Indecency; and Riot.

  • People v Rea, 500 Mich 422; 902 NW2d 362 (2017).[NEW] M Crim JI 15.11 Person Under 21 Operating with AnyAlcohol in System (1) The defendant is charged with the crime of operating a motor vehicle while less than 21 years of age with any bodily alcohol content.

  • Amend RSA 318-B:2-c to read as follows:318-B:2-c [Personal] Possession of Marijuana by a Person Under 21 Years of Age.

  • If 18 years of age or less, and if the violation occurred while the person was attempting to purchase an alcoholic beverage, the offense will be a misde- meanor resulting also in court costs and/or fines.5. A Person Under 21 Aids or Abets Another in Violation In Sale, Purchase, and/or Possession Of Alcohol also by a person under 21 § 18B-302 (c)(1), Class “A” Misdemeanor.

  • Purchase of Alcoholic Beverages by Person Under 21 Years of Age.12-11.

  • The maximum penalty is imprisonment for not more than 20 years nor less than five years and a fine of not less than $5,000 plus costs of investigation & prosecution.Distribution of Drugs to a Person Under 21 Years of Age.

  • Intoxicating Beverage Purchas by Person Under 21 Years of Age Prohibited.

  • They are followed by the proposed amended instructions for intoxicated driving, M Crim JI15.1 through 15.12, including three new instructions: M Crim JI 15.10 (Owner or Person in Control of Vehicle Permitting Operation By Another Person While Intoxicated or Impaired), 15.11 (Person Under 21 Operating With Any Alcohol in System) and 15.12 (Violation With a Person Under the Age of 16 in the Motor Vehicle).

Related to Person Under 21

  • Person entitled under the document means the holder, in the case of a negotiable document of title, or the person to which delivery of the goods is to be made by the terms of, or pursuant to instructions in a record under, a nonnegotiable document of title.

  • body in which the relevant person has a beneficial interest means a firm in which the relevant person is a partner or a body corporate of which the relevant person is a director, or in the securities of which the relevant person has a beneficial interest;

  • person appearing to be interested in any shares shall mean any person named in a response to a statutory notice or otherwise notified to the company by a member as being so interested or shown in any register or record kept by the company under the Companies Acts as so interested or, taking into account a response or failure to respond in the light of the response to any other statutory notice and any other relevant information in the possession of the company, any person whom the company knows or has reasonable cause to believe is or may be so interested;

  • natural person of a Party means a natural person who resides in the territory of that Party or elsewhere and who under the law of that Party:

  • parent mixed financial holding company in a Member State means a mixed financial holding company which is not itself a subsidiary of an institution authorised in the same Member State, or of a financial holding company or mixed financial holding company set up in that same Member State;

  • relevant person means, in relation to premises in respect of which there is in force a premises licence -

  • Member in a Bidding Consortium or “Member” shall mean each Company in a Bidding Consortium. In case of a Technology Partner being a member in the Consortium, it has to be a Company.

  • juridical person of a Party means a juridical person which is either:

  • Minority person means a person who is a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States and who is any of the following:

  • taxable person means any person who, independently, carries out in any place any economic activity, whatever the purpose or results of that activity.

  • Eligible joint venture means an association of one or more small business enterprises in combination with one or more veteran-owned business enterprises, proposing to perform as a single for-profit business enterprise, in which each joint venture partner contributes property, capital, efforts, skill and knowledge. Joint ventures must have an agreement in writing specifying the terms and conditions of the relationship between the partners and their respective roles in the contract.

  • parent financial holding company in a Member State means a financial holding company which is not itself a subsidiary of an institution authorised in the same Member State, or of a financial holding company or mixed financial holding company set up in the same Member State;

  • Pawnbroker means the same as that term is defined in Section 13-32a-102.

  • Ultimate controlling person means that person which is not controlled by any other person.

  • Domestic Person means any “United States person” under and as defined in Section 770l(a)(30) of the Code.

  • Bidder from a country which shares a land border with India for the purpose of this Order means: -

  • casual taxable person means a person who occasionally undertakes transactions involving supply of goods or services or both in the course or furtherance of business, whether as principal, agent or in any other capacity, in the taxable territory where he has no fixed place of business;

  • Listed Security means any security of the Company that is listed or approved for listing on a national securities exchange or designated or approved for designation as a national market system security on an interdealer quotation system by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.

  • person with a 0.25 per cent. interest means a person who holds, or is shown in any register or record kept by the company under the Companies Acts as having an interest in, shares in the company which comprise in total at least 0.25 per cent. in number or nominal value of the shares of the company (calculated exclusive of any shares held as treasury shares), or of any class of such shares (calculated exclusive of any shares of that class held as treasury shares), in issue at the date of service of the restriction notice;

  • Personal interest in a transaction means a personal interest of an officer or employee in any matter considered by his agency. Such personal interest exists when an officer or employee or a member of his immediate family has a personal interest in property or a business, or governmental agency, or represents or provides services to any individual or business and such property, business, or represented or served individual or business is

  • Person in charge means the individual present at a food establishment who is responsible for the operation at the time of inspection.

  • Clearing Member means a registered broker-dealer which is a clearing member under the rules of O.C.C. and a member of a national securities exchange qualified to act as a custodian for an investment company, or any broker-dealer reasonably believed by the Custodian to be such a clearing member.

  • Non-Qualifying Party means any Borrower or any Guarantor that on the Eligibility Date fails for any reason to qualify as an Eligible Contract Participant.

  • Equity Listing Event means an initial public offering of shares in the Issuer, after which such shares shall be quoted, listed, traded or otherwise admitted to trading on a regulated market or unregulated market.

  • Deaf person or "person who is deaf" means any person whose hearing is so severely impaired that the person is unable to hear and understand conversational speech through the unaided ear alone, and who must depend primarily on an assistive listening device or visual communication such as writing, lip reading, sign language, and gestures.

  • Specified Obligor an Obligor that is not then an “eligible contract participant” under the Commodity Exchange Act (determined prior to giving effect to Section 5.11).