Materials of definition

Materials of. Environmental the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2.1(p); Concern" "MCCMI Shareholders Agreement" that certain shareholders agreement among the shareholders of Marine Car Carriers (MI) dated as of March 1, 1995;

Examples of Materials of in a sentence

  • If requested by the Company, you agree to deliver to the Company upon the termination of your employment, or at any earlier time the Company may request, all memoranda, notes, plans, files, records, reports, and software and other documents and data (and copies thereof regardless of the form thereof (including electronic copies)) containing, reflecting or derived from Confidential Information or the Materials of the Company or any of its affiliates which you may then possess or have under your control.

  • The Borrower and its Significant Subsidiaries do not have liabilities under Environmental Laws or relating to Materials of Environmental Concern that have not been disclosed in public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission as of the Closing Date that would reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

  • Information relating to the Trust Assets furnished by the Seller to any Underwriter upon which the mathematical calculations reflected in the Computational Materials of such Underwriter are based.

  • Neither Mortgagee, its agents or representatives owe any duty of care to protect Mortgagor or any other party against, or to inform Mortgagor or any other party of, any Materials of Environmental Concern or any other adverse condition affecting the Property.

  • This Agreement shall not confer upon either Party intellectual property rights in Materials of the other Party (to the extent not covered by this Article 14) unless otherwise so provided elsewhere in this Agreement.

  • In no event shall any site visit, observation or testing by Mortgagee, its agents or representatives be a representation that Materials of Environmental Concern are or are not present in, on or under the Property, or that there has been or shall be compliance with any law, regulation or ordinance pertaining to Materials of Environmental Concern or any other applicable governmental law.

  • There has been no matter with respect to Environmental Laws or Materials of Environmental Concern which, in the aggregate, would reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

  • Except as disclosed in the Specified Exchange Act Filings, the Borrower and its Significant Subsidiaries do not have liabilities under Environmental Laws or relating to Materials of Environmental Concern that would reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect, and, to the knowledge of the Borrower, there are no facts, circumstances or conditions that could reasonably be expected to give rise to such liabilities.

  • Boeing and Seller shall each use Proprietary Information and Materials of the other only in the performance of and for the purpose of this Agreement and/or any Order.

  • The Borrower and its Significant Subsidiaries do not have liabilities under Environmental Laws or relating to Materials of Environmental Concern that have not been disclosed in public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission as of the Effective Date that would reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

Related to Materials of

  • Materials of Environmental Concern any gasoline or petroleum (including crude oil or any fraction thereof) or petroleum products or any hazardous or toxic substances, materials or wastes, defined or regulated as such in or under any Environmental Law, including asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls and urea-formaldehyde insulation.

  • Hazardous Materials Claims means any enforcement, cleanup, removal or other governmental or regulatory action or order with respect to the Property, pursuant to any Hazardous Materials Laws, and/or any claim asserted in writing by any third party relating to damage, contribution, cost recovery compensation, loss or injury resulting from any Hazardous Materials.

  • Pyrophoric material means any liquid that ignites spontaneously in dry or moist air at or below 130° F (54.4° C) or solid, other than one classed as an explosive, which under normal conditions is liable to cause fires through friction, retained heat from manufacturing or processing, or which can be ignited readily and, when ignited, burns so vigorously and persistently as to create a serious transportation, handling, or disposal hazard. Included are spontaneously combustible and water-reactive materials.

  • Hazardous Materials Laws means any laws, ordinances, regulations, rules, orders, guidelines or policies relating to the environment, health and safety, Environmental Activities, Hazardous Materials, air and water quality, waste disposal and other environmental matters.

  • Labeling means all labels and other written, printed, or graphic matter on an article or any of its

  • Material of Environmental Concern means and includes pollutants, contaminants, hazardous wastes, and toxic, radioactive, caustic or otherwise hazardous substances, including petroleum, its derivatives, by-products and other hydrocarbons, or any substance having any constituent elements displaying any of the foregoing characteristics.

  • Hazardous Materials Law means any federal, state or local laws, ordinances, or regulations relating to any Hazardous Materials, health, industrial hygiene, environmental conditions, or the regulation or protection of the environment, and all amendments thereto as of this date and to be added in the future and any successor statute or rule or regulation promulgated thereto.

  • Hazardous Materials Activity means any past, current, proposed or threatened activity, event or occurrence involving any Hazardous Materials, including the use, manufacture, possession, storage, holding, presence, existence, location, Release, threatened Release, discharge, placement, generation, transportation, processing, construction, treatment, abatement, removal, remediation, disposal, disposition or handling of any Hazardous Materials, and any corrective action or response action with respect to any of the foregoing.

  • Chemicals means substances applied to forest lands or timber including pesticides, fertilizers, and other forest chemicals.

  • Hazardous Materials Activities shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.20(b).

  • Chemical agent shall mean any compound which, when suitably disseminated, produces incapacitating, damaging or lethal effects on people, animals, plants or material property.

  • Recycling means the series of activities by which materials that are no longer useful to the generator are collected, sorted, processed, and converted into raw materials and used in the production of new products. This definition excludes the use of these materials as a fuel substitute or for energy production.

  • Hazardous Materials Contamination means contamination (whether now existing or hereafter occurring) of the improvements, buildings, facilities, personalty, soil, groundwater, air or other elements on or of the relevant property by Hazardous Materials, or any derivatives thereof, or on or of any other property as a result of Hazardous Materials, or any derivatives thereof, generated on, emanating from or disposed of in connection with the relevant property.

  • Materials means things of all kinds (other than Plant) to be supplied and incorporated in the Works by the Contractor.

  • Asbestos-containing material or “ACM” means asbestos or any material containing more than one percent (1%) asbestos as determined using methods specified in 40 CFR 763, Subpart E, Appendix E, Section I, Polarized Light Microscopy* including Category I and Category II ACM and all friable material.

  • labelling means any words, particulars, trade marks, brand name, pictorial matter or symbol relating to a food and placed on any packaging, document, notice, label, ring or collar accompanying or referring to such food;

  • Pretreatment means the reduction of the amount of pollutants, the elimination of pollutants, or the alteration of the nature of pollutant properties in wastewater prior to or in lieu of discharging or otherwise introducing such pollutants into a POTW.

  • Friable asbestos material means any material that contains more than 1% asbestos by weight and that can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder when dry, by hand pressure.

  • Asbestos means the asbestiform varieties of serpentinite (chrysotile), riebeckite (crocidolite), cummingtonite-grunerite, anthophyllite, and actinolite-tremolite.

  • Remanufacturing means the activity of overhauling, retrofitting, fabricating, or repairing a product or its component parts for ultimate sale at retail.

  • Organic Materials means, for the purposes of Section 9.4 of the Act, any chemical compound of carbon, including diluents and thinners which are liquids at standard conditions and which are used as dissolvers, viscosity reducers or cleaning agents, including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons but excluding methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, metallic carbonic acid, metallic carbide, metallic carbonates, and ammonium carbonate are not organic materials.