Examples of Estimated Cash in a sentence
XNo Fiscal Impact Estimated Cash Receipts to:NONE Estimated Operating Expenditures from:NONE Estimated Capital Budget Impact: NONE The cash receipts and expenditure estimates on this page represent the most likely fiscal impact.
Please see discussion.No Fiscal Impact Estimated Cash Receipts to: Estimated Expenditures from:Non-zero but indeterminate cost.
FUND Total $ No Fiscal Impact Estimated Cash Receipts to: Estimated Expenditures from: FY 2008FY 20092007-092009-112011-13Fund Insurance Commissioners RegulatoryAccount-State 138-171,000071,00000Total $71,000071,00000 The cash receipts and expenditure estimates on this page represent the most likely fiscal impact.
The Estimated Cash Purchase Price shall be paid as provided in Section 8.3(a).
FUND Total $ No Fiscal Impact Estimated Cash Receipts to: Estimated Expenditures from: Non-zero but indeterminate cost.