Enhanced Custody Receipt Mandatory Tender Drawing definition

Enhanced Custody Receipt Mandatory Tender Drawing means a drawing on a Letter of Credit to pay the purchase price of the related Enhanced Custody Receipts upon the occurrence of an Enhanced Custody Receipt Mandatory Tender Event.

Related to Enhanced Custody Receipt Mandatory Tender Drawing

  • Mandatory Tender Date means any date on which a Multi-Modal Bond is subject to mandatory tender in accordance with the Certificate.

  • Unapplied Downgrade Advance means any Downgrade Advance other than an Applied Downgrade Advance.

  • Mandatory Tender Event means (a) each failure by the Fund to make a scheduled payment of dividends on a Dividend Payment Date; (b) the occurrence of a Liquidity Provider Ratings Event (which shall constitute a single Mandatory Tender Event upon the occurrence of such Liquidity Provider Ratings Event, whether or not continuing and whether or not such Liquidity Provider Ratings Event also results in a Mandatory Purchase Event; provided that, a subsequent Liquidity Provider Ratings Event, following restoration of the short-term debt ratings to the requisite level, shall constitute a new Mandatory Tender Event); (c) in the event of a failure by the Fund to pay the Liquidity Provider the applicable fee due in advance under the terms of the VRDP Fee Agreement by seven Business Days prior to the beginning of the month to which such payment relates if the Liquidity Provider (in its sole discretion) thereafter provides written notice to the Fund that such failure to pay such fee constitutes a Mandatory Tender Event; (d) the eighth day prior to the scheduled date of the occurrence of an Extraordinary Corporate Event; (e) the Fund shall have obtained and delivered to the Tender and Paying Agent an Alternate VRDP Purchase Agreement by the fifteenth day prior to the Scheduled Termination Date, Liquidity Provider Ratings Event Termination Date or Related Party Termination Date, as the case may be, of the VRDP Purchase Agreement being replaced; (f) the Fund shall have provided a Notice of Proposed Special Rate Period in accordance with this Statement; or (g) in the event of a breach by the Fund of its Effective Leverage Ratio covenant with the Liquidity Provider in the VRDP Fee Agreement and the failure to cure such breach within 60 days from the date of such breach (which 60-day period would include the Effective Leverage Ratio Cure Period), if the Liquidity Provider (in its sole discretion) thereafter provides written notice to the Fund that the failure to timely cure such breach constitutes a Mandatory Tender Event (subject to the Fund curing such breach prior to the delivery date of such notice from the Liquidity Provider).

  • Mandatory Tender Notice means, in connection with the Mandatory Tender of VRDP Shares, a notice delivered by the Fund or the Tender and Paying Agent on behalf of the Fund to the Holders and the Liquidity Provider specifying a Mandatory Tender Event and Purchase Date.

  • Mandatory Tender with respect to a Mandatory Tender Event, means the mandatory tender of all VRDP Shares by Holders for Remarketing, or, in the event (i) no Remarketing occurs on or before the Purchase Date or (ii) pursuant to an attempted Remarketing, VRDP Shares remain unsold and the Remarketing Agent does not purchase for its own account the unsold VRDP Shares tendered to the Tender and Paying Agent for Remarketing (provided, that the Remarketing Agent may seek to sell such VRDP Shares in a subsequent Remarketing prior to the Purchase Date), for purchase by the Liquidity Provider at the Purchase Price pursuant to Section 2 of Part II of the Articles Supplementary and the VRDP Shares Purchase Agreement.

  • Applied Downgrade Advance has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 2.06(a).

  • Debt Prepayment Application means, with respect to any asset disposition, the application by the Company or any Subsidiary thereof of cash in an amount equal to the Net Proceeds Amount (or portion thereof) with respect to such asset disposition to pay Senior Indebtedness of the Company or such Subsidiary.

  • Downgrade Advance means an Advance made pursuant to Section 2.02(c).

  • Principal Prepayment Amount For any Distribution Date and for any Loan Group, the sum with respect to the Mortgage Loans in such Loan Group of (i) Curtailments received during the Prior Period from such Mortgage Loans and (ii) Payoffs received during the Payoff Period from such Mortgage Loans.

  • Loan Combination Custodial Account means the “Loan Combination Custodial Account” or analogous account established for the Mortgage Loan pursuant to the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement.

  • Principal Prepayment Period The month preceding the month in which the related Remittance Date occurs.

  • Collateral Enhancement Obligation means any warrant or equity security, excluding Exchanged Equity Securities, but including without limitation, warrants relating to Mezzanine Obligations and any equity security received upon conversion or exchange of, or exercise of an option under, or otherwise in respect of a Collateral Debt Obligation; or any warrant or equity security purchased as part of a unit with a Collateral Debt Obligation (but in all cases, excluding, for the avoidance of doubt, the Collateral Debt Obligation), in each case, the acquisition of which will not result in the imposition of any present or future, actual or contingent liabilities or obligations on the Issuer other than those which may arise at its option; provided that no Collateral Enhancement Obligation may be a Dutch Ineligible Security.

  • Interest Drawing has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 3.6(a).

  • Whole Loan Custodial Account means the “Whole Loan Custodial Account” established for the Mortgage Loan pursuant to the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement.

  • Additional Series Equipment Notes means Equipment Notes issued under the Indenture and designated as a Series (other than “Series AA” or “Series A”) thereunder in the principal amounts and maturities and bearing interest as specified in Schedule I to the Indenture amended at the time of original issuance of such Additional Series under the heading for such Series.

  • Latest Term Loan Maturity Date means, at any date of determination, the latest maturity or expiration date applicable to any Term Loan hereunder at such time, including the latest maturity or expiration date of any New Term Loan or any Extended Term Loan, in each case as extended in accordance with this Agreement from time to time.

  • Prepayment Account for any Class of Loans shall mean an account (which may include the Prepayment Account established under the Security Agreement) established by the Borrower with the Collateral Agent and over which the Collateral Agent shall have exclusive dominion and control, including the exclusive right of withdrawal for application in accordance with this subsection (viii). The Collateral Agent will, at the request of the Borrower, invest amounts on deposit in the Prepayment Account for any Class of Loans in Cash Equivalents that mature prior to the last day of the applicable Interest Periods of the Eurodollar Loans of such Class to be prepaid; provided, however, that (i) the Collateral Agent shall not be required to make any investment that, in its sole judgment, would require or cause the Collateral Agent to be in, or would result in any, violation of any Law, (ii) such Cash Equivalents shall be subjected to a First Priority Lien in favor of the Collateral Agent and (iii) if any Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, the selection of such Cash Equivalents shall be in the sole discretion of the Collateral Agent. The Borrower shall indemnify the Collateral Agent for any losses relating to such investments in Cash Equivalents so that the amount available to prepay Eurodollar Loans on the last day of the applicable Interest Periods is not less than the amount that would have been available had no investments been made pursuant thereto. Other than any interest or profits earned on such investments, the Prepayment Accounts shall not bear interest. Interest or profits, if any, on the investments in any Prepayment Account shall accumulate in such Prepayment Account until all outstanding Loans of any applicable Class with respect to which amounts have been deposited in the Prepayment Accounts have been prepaid in full, at which time so much thereof as is not required to make payment of the Senior Credit Obligations which have become due and payable (whether by scheduled maturity, acceleration or otherwise) shall be withdrawn by the Collateral Agent on the next Business Day following the day on which the Collateral Agent considers the funds deposited therein to be collected funds and disbursed to the Borrower or its order. If the maturity of the Loans has been accelerated pursuant to Section 8.02, the Administrative Agent may, in its sole discretion, cause the Collateral Agent to withdraw amounts on deposit in the Prepayment Account for the applicable Class of Loans and, subject to Section 8.03, apply such funds to satisfy the Senior Credit Obligations of the applicable Class or Classes.

  • Counterparty Downgrade Collateral Account means an interest-bearing account of the Issuer with the Custodian into which all Counterparty Downgrade Collateral is to be deposited.

  • Reserve Account Draw Amount means, for any Payment Date, an amount equal to the lesser of (a) the Available Funds Shortfall Amount, if any, for such Payment Date and (b) the amount of cash or other immediately available funds on deposit in the Reserve Account (excluding any net investment earnings) on such Payment Date; provided, however, that if such Payment Date is the Redemption Date, the “Reserve Account Draw Amount” shall mean an amount equal to the amount of cash or other immediately available funds on deposit in the Reserve Account on the Redemption Date.

  • Class A Liquidity Facility has the meaning set forth in the Intercreditor Agreement.

  • Application for Final Payment means Contractor’s final invoice for payment that includes any portion of the Work that has been completed for which an invoice has not been submitted, amounts owing to adjustments to the final Contract Sum resulting from approved change orders, and release of remaining Contractor’s retainage.

  • Class A Cash Collateral Account means, in respect of the Class A Liquidity Facility, an Eligible Deposit Account in the name of the Subordination Agent maintained at an Eligible Institution, which shall be the Subordination Agent if it so qualifies, into which amounts shall be deposited as referred to in Section 3.05(f).