Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems definition

Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems means a Solar Energy Collection System

Examples of Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems in a sentence

  • Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems shall be shown on the plans submitted for the building permit application for the building containing the system.

  • Roof-Mounted and Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems should be permitted as-of-right on all other permitted buildings and structures throughout the community.Height.

  • Roof-Mounted and Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems should be required to meet the same height restrictions as any other building or structure.

  • In addition, a written statement showing the method of shutdown shall be posted inside the main electrical panel of the unit that can be readily accessible for and to firefighting personnel.2. Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems - Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems shall be shown on the plans submitted for the building permit application for the building containing the system.

  • Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems shall be subject to the general requirements set forth at § 200-92.

  • Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems shall be permitted within the Town subject to the submission of, application for and review and issuance of an applicable building permit.

  • Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems are also permitted on front or corner building facades All Solar Energy System appurtenances such as, but not limited to, plumbing, water tanks, mounting structures, and support equipment shall be screened to the maximum extent possible without compromising the effectiveness of the Solar Collector Panels.

  • Height: All Roof-Mounted Solar Energy Systems shall be subject to the maximum height regulations specified for principal and accessory buildings within the underlying zoning district.B. Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems shall be shown on the plans submitted for the building permit application for the building containing the system.

  • Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems shall be permitted in all zoning districts within the Town subject to the submission of, application for and review and issuance of an applicable building permit.

  • In addition, Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems are permitted on front or corner building facades All Solar Energy System appurtenances such as, but not limited to, plumbing, water tanks, mounting structures, and support equipment shall be screened to the maximum extent possible without compromising the effectiveness of the Solar Collector Panels.

Related to Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems

  • Solar energy system means a system of components that produces heat or electricity, or both, from

  • Renewable energy system means a fixture, product, device, or interacting group of fixtures, products, or devices on the customer's side of the meter that use 1 or more renewable energy resources to generate electricity. Renewable energy system includes a biomass stove but does not include an incinerator or digester.

  • energy infrastructure means any physical equipment or facility which is located within the Union or linking the Union to one or more third countries and falling under the following categories:

  • public service infrastructure means publicly controlled infrastructure of the following kinds:

  • Small wind energy system means a wind energy conversion system that collects and converts wind into energy to generate electricity which has a nameplate generating capacity of one hundred kilowatts or less.

  • renewable energy sources means renewable sources such as small hydro, wind, solar including its integration with combined cycle, biomass, bio fuel cogeneration, urban or municipal waste and other such sources as approved by the MNRE;

  • Critical Energy Infrastructure Information means all information, whether furnished before or after the mutual execution of this Agreement, whether oral, written or recorded/electronic, and regardless of the manner in which it is furnished, that is marked “CEII” or “Critical Energy Infrastructure Information” or which under all of the circumstances should be treated as such in accordance with the definition of CEII in 18 C.F.R. § 388.13(c)(1). The Receiving Party shall maintain all CEII in a secure place. The Receiving Party shall treat CEII received under this agreement in accordance with its own procedures for protecting CEII and shall not disclose CEII to anyone except its Authorized Representatives.

  • Generating Company means any company or body corporate or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, or artificial juridical person, which owns or operates or maintains a generating station;

  • Renewable Energy Source means an energy source that is not fossil carbon-based, non- renewable or radioactive, and may include solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, landfill gas, or wave, tidal and thermal ocean technologies, and includes a Certified Renewable Energy Source.

  • Net energy metering means the difference between the kilowatt-hours consumed by a customer-generator and the kilowatt-hours generated by the customer- generator's facility over any time period determined as if measured by a single meter capable of registering the flow of electricity in two directions.

  • Electric generation service means the provision of retail

  • Building Energy Benchmarking means the process of measuring a building’s Energy use, tracking that use over time, and comparing performance to similar buildings.

  • Electric System means all electrical wires, equipment, and other facilities owned or provided by the utility that are used to transmit electricity to customers.

  • Electric System Upgrades means any Network Upgrades, Distribution Upgrades, or Interconnection Facilities that are determined to be necessary by the CAISO or Participating Transmission Owner, as applicable, to physically and electrically interconnect the Project to the Participating Transmission Owner’s electric system for receipt of Energy at the Point of Interconnection (as defined in the CAISO Tariff) if connecting to the CAISO Grid, or the Interconnection Point, if connecting to a part of the Participating TO’s electric system that is not part of the CAISO Grid.

  • Office of the Interconnection Control Center means the equipment, facilities and personnel used by the Office of the Interconnection to coordinate and direct the operation of the PJM Region and to administer the PJM Interchange Energy Market, including facilities and equipment used to communicate and coordinate with the Market Participants in connection with transactions in the PJM Interchange Energy Market or the operation of the PJM Region. On-Site Generators:

  • Critical infrastructure means existing and proposed systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, the incapacity or destruction of which would negatively affect security, economic security, public health or safety, or any combination of those matters.++

  • energy storage means, in the electricity system, deferring the final use of electricity to a moment later than when it was generated, or the conversion of electrical energy into a form of energy which can be stored, the storing of such energy, and the subsequent reconversion of such energy into electrical energy or use as another energy carrier;

  • Utility system means a water system, solid waste

  • Infrastructure means infrastructure serving the County and improved or unimproved real estate and personal property, including machinery and equipment, used in the operation of the Project, within the meaning of Section 4-29-68 of the Code.

  • Interconnector means equipment used to link the electricity system of the State to electricity systems outside of the State;

  • Solar energy means the sun used as the sole source of energy for producing electricity.

  • Energy storage system means a system which stores energy and releases it in the same form as was input.

  • Renewable energy project means (A) a project

  • Generation Interconnection Customer means an entity that submits an Interconnection Request to interconnect a new generation facility or to increase the capacity of an existing generation facility interconnected with the Transmission System in the PJM Region. Generation Interconnection Request:

  • Green infrastructure means a stormwater management measure that manages stormwater close to its source by:

  • Infrastructure project means any construction or acquisition of treatment works,