BioLine Royalty Payments definition

BioLine Royalty Payments means payments payable by BioLine to BGN with respect to Net Sales of Products by an Invoicing Entity, as set forth in Section 7.5 below.

Examples of BioLine Royalty Payments in a sentence

  • In the event that BioLine or an Affiliate of BioLine is legally required to make royalty payments to one or more third parties to obtain a Third Party License from such third party(ies) in order to practice the Licensed Technology in a particular country, BioLine may offset such third-party payments against the BioLine Royalty Payments that are due to BGN pursuant to Section 7.5 with respect to sales in such country.

Related to BioLine Royalty Payments

  • Royalty Payments has the meaning set forth in Section 7.3.1.

  • Royalty Payment has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1.

  • Royalties means all royalties, fees, expense reimbursement and other amounts payable by a Loan Party under a License.

  • Royalty Fee means a royalty fee in the amount of $0.00 of Actual Production payable by BC Hydro to the Province for each year of the Term in accordance with Article 6 of the Master Agreement.

  • Royalty Year means, (i) for the year in which the First Commercial Sale occurs (the “First Royalty Year”), the period commencing with the first day of the Calendar Quarter in which the First Commercial Sale occurs and expiring on the last day of the Calendar Year in which the First Commercial Sale occurs and (ii) for each subsequent year, each successive Calendar Year.

  • Sublicense Revenue means [***].

  • Sublicense Fees shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.3 below.

  • Minimum Royalty shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.3.

  • Sublicense Revenues means [***].

  • Sublicensing Revenue means all (i) cash, (ii) sublicensing fees and (iii) all other payments and the cash equivalent thereof, which are paid to LICENSEE by the Sublicensees of its rights hereunder, but excluding the following payments:

  • Net Sales Revenue shall have the meaning as set out in Schedule "A"

  • Royalty Rate means the percentage defined in Exhibit B.

  • Royalty means an interest in an oil and gas lease that gives the owner of the interest the right to receive a portion of the production from the leased acreage (or of the proceeds of the sale thereof), but generally does not require the owner to pay any portion of the costs of drilling or operating the wells on the leased acreage.

  • Third Party Royalties means royalties payable by either Party to a Third Party in connection with the manufacture, use or sale of Franchise Products.

  • Net Sales means [***].

  • Sublicense Income means any payments that Company receives from a Sublicensee in consideration of the sublicense of the rights granted Company under Section 2.1., including without limitation license fees, royalties, milestone payments, and license maintenance fees, but excluding the following payments: (a) payments made in consideration for the issuance of equity or debt securities of Company at fair market value, and (b) payments specifically committed to the development of Licensed Products.

  • Sales Revenue means receipts from the sale, lease, or rental of goods, services, or property;

  • Milestone Payments has the meaning set forth in Section 4.2.

  • Royalty Period means the partial calendar quarter commencing on the date on which the first Licensed Product is sold or used and every complete or partial calendar quarter thereafter during which either (a) this Agreement remains in effect or (b) Company has the right to complete and sell work-in-progress and inventory of Licensed Products pursuant to Section 8.5.

  • License Fees means the license fees, including all taxes thereon, paid or required to be paid by Licensee for the license granted under this Agreement.

  • Royalty Report has the meaning set forth in Section 6.3(a).

  • Volumetric Production Payments means production payment obligations recorded as deferred revenue in accordance with GAAP, together with all undertakings and obligations in connection therewith.

  • License Fee means the amount payable by the licensee to DMRC as per rates offered by the Selected Bidder for utilization of licensed space and accepted by DMRC to be paid by the Licensee along with other charges and any kind of Central or State Taxes, local levies, statutory dues, etc. that may be payable by the licensee as per prevalent law.

  • Contract Quarter means a three-month period that commences on January 1, April 1, July 1 or October 1 and ends on March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31, respectively.

  • Milestone Payment means a payment identified in the Implementation Plan to be made following the issue of a Satisfaction Certificate in respect of Achievement of the relevant Milestone;

  • Sales Milestone Payment has the meaning set forth in Section 8.3.1.