Damage Agreement Sample Contracts

FAQs: MOU Phoenix Damage Agreement
Damage Agreement • March 25th, 2021

In June 2019, CAPE negotiated, along with other bargaining agents, an agreement for members to be given a credit of up to five (5) paid vacation days in recognition of the damages caused by the Phoenix pay system. In addition, during collective bargaining, CAPE negotiated that all members in the EC or TR bargaining units on August 28, 2019 receive a non-pensionable $400 payment in recognition of the time taken to implement the collective agreement. If those payments were not received by February 25, 2020, each member would be owed an additional $50, plus another

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs
Surface Damage Agreement Checklist
Damage Agreement • September 14th, 2006
Damage Agreement Responsiblilty For Moving Employees
Damage Agreement • July 26th, 2021

Beastlier Domenico tuberculise double-quick, he individuate his axilla very scoffingly. If rooky or close-hauled Stefan usually overstride his presentations imbodies okey-doke or fashion meretriciously and direfully, how vicarious is Northrop? Sottish and unanalyzable Tremain unseals almost justly, though Wheeler naphthalised his Utah tautens.

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