Common use of Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement Clause in Contracts

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definition) Closing 5.1(a) Closing Date 5.1(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)

Appears in 5 contracts

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Ophthalmic Imaging Systems), Asset Purchase Agreement (Ophthalmic Imaging Systems), Asset Purchase Agreement (Ophthalmic Imaging Systems)

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Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation Notice of Objection 10.2(a) Assignment and Assumption Agreements 4.2(b) Assumed Cure Costs 2.6 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Auction 7.2(a) Bankruptcy Case Recitals Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Business definition) Recitals Cash Amount 3.1 Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Company Preamble Company Permits 5.7 Company Plan 5.8(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition8.6 Deposit Amount 3.2 Effective Date Preamble Excess Severance Amount 8.8(b) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionFinal Allocation Statement 10.2(a) 6.4(aInventory 2.1(b)(ii) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vMaster List 2.1(b)(ix) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bNecessary Consent 2.6(a) IRI Project 6.8(iiNon-Transferred Employees 8.8(b) ISA 6.4(iiiProposed Allocation Statement 10.2(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aPurchase Price 3.1 Purchased Assets 2.1(b) Purchased Assets 2.1 Contracts 2.1(b)(iv) Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiIntellectual Property 2.1(b)(vi) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aReal Property 2.1(b)(i) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iSeverance Cap 8.8(b) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(aTangible Personal Property 2.1(b)(iii) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i4.4(a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a10.1 Transferred Books and Records 2.1(b)(x) Transferred Employees 8.8(a) WARN Act 5.9(c)

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement, Asset Purchase Agreement (FTD Companies, Inc.), Asset Purchase Agreement

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAgreement Recitals Arbiter 2.4(b)(iii) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Balance Sheet 4.6(a) Balance Sheet Date 4.6(a) Basket 7.4(a) Cap 7.4(b) Cash Consideration 2.2(a) Closing 2.6 Closing Balance Sheet 2.4(b)(ii) Closing Date 2.6 Closing Date Purchase Price 2.2 Closing Working Capital 2.4(b)(i) Closing Working Capital Statement 2.4(b)(ii) COBRA 4.14(p) Company Recitals Company Documents 4.2 Company Marks 6.5 Company Permits 4.17(b) Company Plans 4.14(a) Company Property 4.10(a) Company Properties 4.10(a) Copyrights 1.1 (in Business Intellectual Property definition) Earn-Out Payments 2.5 Term Section Earn-Out Period 2.5(d) Employees 4.14(a) EBITDA 2.5(a)(i) ERISA Affiliate 4.14(a) Estimated Closing 5.1(aBalance Sheet 2.4(a)(i) Estimated Closing Date 5.1(aWorking Capital 2.4(a)(i) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bEstimated Closing Working Capital Excess 2.4(a)(ii) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEstimated Closing Working Capital Shortfall 2.4(a)(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act Financial Statements 4.6(a) Financing 5.7 Financing Commitment 5.7 FIRPTA Affidavit 2.8(a)(xii) First Year 2.5(a)(ii) Identified GAAP Adjustments 2.4(b)(ii) Included Current Assets 2.4(b)(i) Included Current Liabilities 2.4(b)(i) Loss 7.2(a) Losses 7.2(a) Marks 1.1 (in Affiliate Intellectual Property definition) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements Material Contracts 4.13(a) Maximum Earn-Out Amount 2.5 Member Representative 8.2(a) Multiemployer Plan 4.14(a) Term Section Note Reduction 2.5(b)(iii)(B) Owned Property 4.10(a) Owned Properties 4.10(a) Ownership Interests Recitals PBGC 4.14(i) Patents 1.1 (in Damages Intellectual Property definition) 6.4(aPersonal Property Leases 4.11(b) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchase Price 2.2 Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 5.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a7.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Real Property Lease 4.10(a) Real Property Leases 4.10(a) Restricted Capital Interests 6.9(h) Revenue 2.5(a)(iii) Related Persons 4.22 Second Year 2.5(a)(iv) Selling Member Documents 6.2(i) Seller 3.1 Selling Member Indemnified Parties 10.3(a7.2(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiSelling Members Recitals Selling Member’s Portion 2.5(b)(iii) Software Products 6.8(viStraddle Period 6.9(b) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b7.1 Term Section Target Working Capital 2.4(a)(ii) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b6.9(c)(i) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aThird Party Claim 7.3(b) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iTitle IV Plans 4.14(a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aTrade Secrets 1.1 (in Intellectual Property definition) Unresolved Claims 7.5(a)

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Purchase Agreement (Banctec Inc), Purchase Agreement (Banctec Inc), Purchase Agreement (Banctec Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Asset Acquisition Statement 2.6 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionBase Purchase Price 3.2 Closing 4.1 Commitment Properties 7.15(a) Closing 5.1(aCommunity Preamble Consents 5.3 Consent Condition 7.3(b) Closing Easements 5.9(b) Effective Date 5.1(aPreamble Exchange Act 7.10(b) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bEmployee Benefit Plans 5.11(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEmployee Schedule 5.11(a) Escrow Account 3.3(b) Escrow Agent 10.5 3.3(b) Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionFunds 3.3(b) Estimated Adjustments Amount 3.4(e) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Final Report 3.4(f) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) 5.5 Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(iiIndemnity Escrow Agreement 3.3(b) ISA 6.4(iiiIndependent Accountants 3.3(f) MediVision ESE Leased Real Property 5.9(c) Limited Partners’ Meeting 7.10(a) Losses 10.2(a) Non-Competition Period 7.13 Nonassignable Assets 2.5(b) Owned Real Property 5.9(a) Phase I Assessment 7.18 Phase II Assessment 7.18 Preliminary Report 6.4(i3.4(e) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiProxy Statement 7.10(b) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aPurchase Price 3.2 Purchase Price Adjustments 3.4(e) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Purchaser Objection Notice 3.4(e) Qualified Plans 5.11(c) Real Property Leases 5.9(b) Restricted Area 7.13 Restricted Party 7.13 Revised Statements 2.6 Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) 5.2 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiMarks 7.6 Title Commitments 7.15(a) Software Products 6.8(viTitle Company 7.15(a) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(bTitle Defect 7.15(c) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aTitle Policies 7.15(b) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i3.2 Transferred Employees 8.1(a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Transition Services Agreement 7.7

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement, Asset Purchase Agreement (Northland Cable Properties Eight Limited Partnership), Asset Purchase Agreement (Northland Cable Properties Seven Limited Partnership)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i280G Approval 8.18 ACAS Cap 10.5(c) ACAS Cap Exceptions 10.5(c) Term Section Adjusted Tax Reserve 11.1 Adjustment Escrow Account 3.1(a)(ii) Adjustment Escrow Agreement 3.1(a)(ii) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities Recitals Antitrust Laws 8.4(a) Audited Financial Statements 5.6(a) Balance Sheet 5.6(a) Balance Sheet Date 5.6(a) Basket 10.5(a) Buying Group 11.4(b)(iii) Cancelled Options 2.3 Belgian Activities Cap 10.5(a) Cap Exceptions 10.5(a) Carlyle 8.9(c) CERCLA 5.18(c) CHG 12.9 Claim 8.7(c) Closing 4.1 Closing Date 4.1 Closing Deduction Refund or Credit 11.4(b)(i) Closing Deductions 11.4(a) Closing Statement 3.2(b) Closing Working Capital 3.2(b) Collateral Source 10.7(a) Common Stock Recitals Company Recitals Company Benefit Plan 5.14(a) Company Confidentiality Agreement 8.6(a) Company Documents 5.2 Company Pension Plan 5.14(c) Company Property 5.10(a) Company Properties 5.10(a) Contribution and Subscription Agreement Recitals Copyrights 1.1 (in Business Intellectual Property definition) CPIII Recitals Debt Commitment Letter 7.7 Employee 5.14(a) Employment Laws 5.15(c) Environmental Permits 5.18(a) Equity Sellers Representative 12.3(b) ERISA 5.14(a) Estimated CapEx Adjustment Amount 3.2(a) Term Section Estimated Cash 3.2(a) Estimated Closing 5.1(aStatement 3.2(a) Closing Date 5.1(aEstimated Debt Amount 3.2(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bEstimated Net Working Capital 3.2(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEstimated Working Capital Adjustment 3.2(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act Excluded Matter 1.1 (in Affiliate definitiondefinition of Material Adverse Effect) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Facility Sublease Amendment 8.13 Final CapEx Adjustment Amount 3.2(f)(v) Final Cash 3.2(f)(v) Final Closing Date Indebtedness Amount 3.2(f)(v) Final Working Capital 3.2(f)(v) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.6(a) 6.4(aFinancing Fees Deduction 11.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vBenefit Plan 5.14(e) Group 5.9(n) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(iiIndemnitees 8.7(a) ISA 6.4(iiiIndemnity Escrow Account 10.6(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iIndemnity Escrow Agreement 3.1(a)(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiIndemnity Escrow Amount 10.6(a) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iIndependent Accountant 3.2(d) Loss 10.2(a) Losses 10.2(a) Machinery and Equipment 5.11(b) Marks 1.1 (in Intellectual Property definition) Material Contracts 5.13(a) Maximum Amount 8.7(f) Net Debt Adjustment Amount 3.2(f)(iv) Options Recitals Option Deduction 11.4(a) Ordering Rule 11.4(b)(iii) Owned Property 5.10(a) Owned Properties 5.10(a) Parent Recitals Patents 1.1 (in Intellectual Property definition) Personal Property Leases 5.11(a) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bTax Period 5.9(p) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aReturns 11.6(b) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiPrior Return(s) 11.4(b)(i) Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Confidentiality Agreement 8.6(b) 15 Term Section Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 7.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Real Property Lease 5.10(a) Real Property Leases 5.10(a) Related Party Transaction 5.22 Related Persons 10.9 Releasee/Releasees 10.9 Rollover Shares 2.2 Securities Recitals Securities Act 7.5 Sellers Recitals Seller Documents 6.2(i) 6.2 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiRepresentative 12.3(a) Software Products 6.8(viSellers’ Tax Contest Claim 11.5 Shares Recitals Short Period 11.6(a) Step-Down Date 10.6(b)(i) Straddle Period Return(s) 11.6(c) Stub Period Return(s) 11.6(b) Sub-Basket 10.5(a) Subsidiary 6.1 Equity Securities 5.5(a) Survival Period 10.1(b10.1 Taxpayer 5.9(a) Tax 6.16 Benefit Amount 11.1(b) Tax Claim 11.4(b) Notice 11.5 Tax Return 6.16 Contest Claim 11.5 Termination Date 5.2(a4.2 Transaction Fees Deduction 11.4(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iUCI Recitals Unaudited Financial Statements 5.6(a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Unresolved Claims 10.6(b)(i) Updated Schedules 8.11(a) Utilized Tax Attributes 11.4(b)(iii) Warrants Recitals WGM 12.9

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (UCI Holdco, Inc.), Stock Purchase Agreement (United Components Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAccounting Referee 3.3(d) Acquisition Price 3.1 Adjusted Acquisition Price 3.1 Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Balance Sheet 5.6 Balance Sheet Date 5.6 Term Section CERCLA 1.1 (in Business definitiondefinition of Environmental Law) Certificate 3.4(d) Certificate of Merger 2.2 Claim Notice 9.2(b) Closing 5.1(a4.1 Closing Date 4.1 Closing Net Working Capital 3.3(b) Closing Date 5.1(aStatement 3.3(b) Company Preamble Company Benefit Plan 5.14(a) Common Stock Recitals Company Documents 5.2 Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b7.5 Copyrights 1.1(in definition of Intellectual Property) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiERISA 5.14(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Estimated Closing Statement 3.3(a) Estimated Net Working Capital 3.3(a) Exchange Act 5.24 Expiration Date 9.2(a) Final Net Working Capital 3.3(f) Financial Statements 5.6 Holdback Amount 3.4(b) Initial Working Capital Adjustment 3.1 Letter of Transmittal 3.4(c) Liquor Licenses 7.12 Marks 1.1 (in Affiliate definitiondefinition of Intellectual Property) Excluded Assets Material Contracts 5.13(a) Merger 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements Outside Date 4.2(a) Purchaser Documents 6.2 Patents 1.1 (in Damages definitiondefinition of Intellectual Property) 6.4(aPaying Agent 3.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Per Share Purchase Consideration 3.2 Personal Property Leases 5.11 Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bWorking Capital Adjustment 3.1 Purchaser Preamble Real Property Lease, Real Property Leases 5.10 SEC Filings 5.24 Selling Stockholder Preamble Selling Stockholder Shares Recitals Stockholder Fund 3.4(a) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bStockholder Group 10.11 Stockholders 3.4(d) Pre-Closing Tax Stockholders’ Representative Preamble Survival Period 11.3(a9.1(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Term Section Surviving Corporation 2.2 TABC 7.12 Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a1.1 (in definition of Intellectual Property)

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (Sixx Holdings Inc), Stock Purchase Agreement (Bailey Lee Ann)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAllocable Amount 2.7(d) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation Schedule 2.7(d) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionClosing 2.1 CPRE Indemnified Parties 11.3(a) Closing 5.1(aDispute Notice 2.10(b) Closing Date 5.1(aDisputed Item 2.10(b) Confidentiality Employee Group 7.1 Employment Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) 7.2 Excluded Assets 2.2 2.2(b) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionHIG Adjustment Amount 2.10(a) 6.4(aHIG Adjustment Amount Statement 2.10(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vHIG Extension Anniversary Date 2.10(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bTerm Section HIG Payment Amount Approvals 2.10(e) IRI Project 6.8(iiIndemnified Party 11.4 Indemnifying Party 11.4 Independent Accountant 2,10(d) ISA 6.4(iiiLoss or Losses 11.2(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) PostNon-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iTransferred Employees 7.1 Offer of Employment 7.1 Purchase Price 2.7(a) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a11.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iPurchasing Insurer Policy 2.9(b) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Required Approvals 8.1 Resolution Period 10.1(b2,10(c) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(bDispute Accountant 2.7(d) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i10.1(b) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a12.9 Transferred Employees 7.1 Unresolved Items 2,10(d) UPR Fee 2.7(c)

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement, Asset Purchase Agreement (Tower Group, Inc.)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iActual IMF 2.7(a)(xii)(A) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionAllocated Asset Values 2.11 Assignment and Assumption 2.6(a)(iv) Assignment of Leasehold Interest 2.6(a)(ii) Xxxx of Sale 2.6(a)(iii) Buyer Preamble Buyer I Preamble Buyer II Preamble Buyers Preamble Buyer Guaranteed Obligations 10.11 Buyer Indemnified Parties 8.2(a) Buyer Parent Preamble California Real Property 11.3(a) Cap 8.4(c) Claim Notice 8.3(a) Closing 5.1(a) 2.5 Closing Cash Consideration 2.2 Closing Date 5.1(a2.5 Closing Sales Tax 2.12 Closing Sales Tax Forms 2.12 Closing Statement 2.4 Co-Insurer 2.10(e) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bCode 9.2(d) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiCurrent Year Tax Appeal 2.7(a)(vii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Deductible 8.4(b) Defeasance Amount 2.3(b) Deed 2.6(a)(i) Deposit 2.3(a) Deposit Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition2.3(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Disclosing Party 6.7(c) EPA 11.4(b) Estimated Proration Statement 2.7(b) Existing PIP 2.10(b)(i) Final Accounting Period 2.7(a)(xii)(A) Final Accounting Period Statement 2.7(a)(xii)(A) Final Proration Period 2.7(b) Final Settlement Statement 2.7(b) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition4.8 Franchise Agreements 4.6(a)(ii) 6.4(aGround Leases 4.6(a)(iv) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vIMF 2.7(a)(xii) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bIndemnified Party 8.3(a) IRI Project 6.8(iiIndemnifying Party 8.3(a) ISA 6.4(iiiInitial Purchase Price 2.2 Interim Liquor Agreement 6.9(b) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iLouisiana Real Property 11.6(a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiManagement Agreements 4.6(a)(i) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iMassachusetts Real Property 11.7 Material Contract 4.6(a) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period Natural Hazard Consultant 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiNegotiated PIP 2.10(b)(i) Purchaser New Jersey CCO 11.9 New Mexico Property 11.10 New Mexico Real Property 11.10 Non-Party Affiliate 8.7(f) Non-Stale A/R 2.7(a)(i) Notifying Party 6.4 Occasional Sale Certificate 2.12 OFAC 3.6 Operating Profit 2.7(a)(xii)(A) Outside Date 9.1(c) Owner’s Affidavit 2.6(a)(xii) Parent Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Parent Indemnified Parties 10.2(a8.2(b) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iParent Marks 6.5 PILOT Agreements 4.6(a)(v) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(aPlan Assets 4.5(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiPotential Contributor 8.4(h) Software Products 6.8(viProrated Items 2.7(a) Qualifying Income 9.2(d) Receiving Party 6.7(c) Released Claims 8.5(d) Resale Certificate 2.12 Required Franchisor Consents 7.1(c) Required Manager Consents 7.1(b) Sales Tax 2.12 Selling Subsidiaries or Selling Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(bRecitals Specified Waiver 2.10(f) Tax 6.16 Tax Stale A/R 2.7(a)(i) Terminating Management Agreement 2.10(b)(ii) Third Party Approvals and Notifications 2.10(a) Third Party Claim 11.4(b8.3(a) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aTitle Policies 7.2(c) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iTRS Leases 4.6(a)(iii) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aTrue-Up Accountant 2.7(b) True-up Amount 2.7(b) Unresolved Items 2.7(b) Withheld Assets 2.10(f)

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Northstar Realty Finance Corp.), Asset Purchase Agreement (Inland American Real Estate Trust, Inc.)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation Statement 11.2 Antitrust Division 8.4(a) Antitrust Laws 8.4(b) Assigned Permits 2.1(b)(xii) Assumed Contracts 2.1(b)(ix) Assumed Leases 2.1(b)(viii) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in 2.2 Auction Date 7.2(a) Avoidance Actions 2.1(c)(vii) Bankruptcy Case Recitals Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Bid Deadline 7.2(a) Bidding Procedures Order 7.2(a) Break-Up Fee and Expense Reimbursement 7.4 Business definition) Recitals Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Company Preamble Competing Transaction 7.1 Deposit 3.2 D&O Policies 2.1(c)(iii) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionEffective Date Preamble Excluded Assets 2.1(c) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages 2.3 Exterior Business Recitals Financial Statements 1.1 (in 5.16 FTC 8.4(a) Initial Incremental Bid Amount 7.2(b)(i) Inventory 2.1(b)(ii) Leased Machinery and Equipment 2.1(b)(i) Leased Real Property 5.13(b) Liquidated Damages definitionAmount 4.6(b) 6.4(aMachinery and Equipment 2.1(b)(i) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vMaterial Contracts 5.11(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bOwned Machinery and Equipment 2.1(b)(i) IRI Project 6.8(iiOwned Real Property 2.1(b)(iv) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aPeriodic Taxes 11.1 Purchased Assets 2.1(b) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Intellectual Property 2.1(b)(x) Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iQualified Bid 7.2(b(iii) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aQualified Bidder 7.2(b)(ii) Real Property 5.13(b) Retained Employees 9.1 Sale Hearing 7.2(a) Seller or Sellers Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iSubsequent Incremental Bid Amount 7.2(b)(iv) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(aSupplies 2.1(b)(iii) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a4.4(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Transactions Recitals Transferred Employees 9.1

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement, Asset Purchase Agreement

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAgreement Recitals Balance Sheet 5.8(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Balance Sheet Date 5.8(a) Closing 4.1 Closing Date 4.1 Common Stock 5.4(a) Company Marks 7.4 Company Plans 5.16(a) Confidential Information 7.3(c) Copyrights 1.1 (in Business Intellectual Property definition) Closing 5.1(aDomain Names 5.14(n) Closing Date 5.1(aEmployees 5.16(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bExpenses 8.2(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiFinancial Statements 5.8(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act Indemnification Claim 8.3 Losses 8.2(a)(i) Marks 1.1 (in Affiliate Intellectual Property definition) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements Material Contracts 5.15 Multiemployer Plan 5.16(a) Patents 1.1 (in Damages Intellectual Property definition) 6.4(aPersonal Property Leases 5.13(b) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a8.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Real Property Leases 5.12(a) Restricted Business 7.3(a) Restricted Territory 7.3(a) Securities Act 6.5 Shareholder Recitals Shareholder Documents 6.2(i5.2(a) Seller Shareholder Indemnified Parties 10.3(a8.2(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiShares Recitals Straddle Period 8.5(c) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 8.1 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a8.5(e)(i)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (Nova Lifestyle, Inc.)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth in the sections indicated: , when such terms are used in the main text of this Agreement and all the exhibits and schedules (unless as otherwise defined in relevant exhibit or schedule): Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAgreement Recitals Amended Business License 2.5 Amended Certificate of Approval 2.5 Base Date Balance Sheet 4.7(a ) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionCash Consideration 2.2(a ) Closing 5.1(a) 2.5 Closing Certificate 2.5 Closing Date 5.1(a2.5 Company Recitals Company Documents 4.2 Company Marks 6.7 Company Permits 4.18(b ) Company Property 4.11(a ) Company Transaction Expenses 6.11 Company Welfare Plans 4.15(a ) Confidential Information 6.1 Copyrights 4.13(a ) Domestic Shareholder Recitals Employee Benefits Plans 4.15(a ) Equity Interests Recitals FCPA 6.15 Financial Statements 4.7(a ) Foreign Shareholder Recitals Intellectual Property 4.13(a ) Intellectual Property Licenses 4.13(a ) Loss/Losses 8.2(a ) Management Letters 6.1 Management Shareholder Recitals Marks 4.13(a ) Material Contracts 4.14(a ) Necessary Approvals 7.3 Non-competition and Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b7.1(h ) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiOccupied Property 4.11(a ) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionParties/Party Recitals Patents 4.13(a ) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities Payment Acknowledgement 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiPersonal Property Leases 4.12(b ) Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 5.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a8.2(a ) Term Section Purchaser’s Environmental Assessment 6.8(a ) Real Property Lease 4.11(a ) Related Party Transaction 6.9 Related Persons 4.23 Reference Date 4.7(a ) Restricted Business 6.14(a ) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Recitals Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 3.2 Tax Claim 11.4(b8.4(i ) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aThird Party Claim 8.3(b ) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aTrade Secrets 4.13(a )

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Equity Purchase Agreement (American Dairy Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i2018 Actuarial Valuation Report 5.9(f) Accounting Firm 3.4(c) Acquired Entities 2.1(b)(vii) Adjustment Escrow Account 4.3(c) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation Notice of Objection 10.2(b) Allocation Principles 10.2(a) Alternative Commitment Letters 8.11(c) Alternative Financing 8.11(c) Alternative Lenders 8.11(c) Assignment and Assumption Agreements 4.2(b) Assumed Accounts Payable 2.3(d) Assumed Benefit Plans 2.1(b)(xiv) Assumed Cure Costs 2.5 Assumed Employee Liabilities 2.3(e) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Auction 7.3(a) Balance Sheet Date 5.15(a)(ii) Bankruptcy Case Recitals Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Bills of Sale 4.2(a) BIS 5.24(a) Break-Up Fee 7.2(a) Business definitionRecitals Business Permits 2.1(b)(viii) Cash Amount 3.1 Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Closing Statement 3.4(b) COBRA 8.8(d) Collective Bargaining Agreement 5.10(a) Commitment Letters 6.4(a) Company Preamble Company Disclosure Letter Article V Company Plan 5.9(a) Company SEC Documents 5.6 Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b8.6 Contributor 5.11 DB Retirement Plan 5.9(f) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiDebt Agreements 8.11(e) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Debt Commitment Letter 6.4(a) Debt Financing 6.4(a) Deposit Amount 3.2 Dutch Borrower Credit Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionObligations 4.2(e) Effective Date Preamble Enforceability Exceptions 5.2 Equity Commitment Letter 6.4(a) Equity Financing 6.4(a) Estimated Cash Amount 3.4(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 2.2(b) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aFinal Allocation Statement 10.2(b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock and Asset Purchase Agreement (Shiloh Industries Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquisition Recitals Actual Cash on Hand 2.7(d) Actual Indebtedness 2.7(b) Actual Transaction Expenses 2.7(c) Actual Working Capital 2.7(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionTerm Section Allocable Purchase Price 2.8(b) Arbiter 2.5(b)(iii) Audited Financial Statements 4.7(a) Balance Sheet 4.7(a) Balance Sheet Date 4.7(a) Basket 7.4(a) Cap 7.4(b) Closing 5.1(a2.9 Closing Date 2.9 Closing Date Cash Payment 2.3(a) Closing Date 5.1(aStatement 2.6(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bClosing Statement 2.6(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiCompany Preamble Company Documents 4.2 Company Marks 6.4 Company Permits 4.18(b) Company Plan 4.15(a) Contingent Equity Payment 2.5(a) Contingent Payments 2.3(c) DEA 4.23(a) Disclosure Schedule Article IV Equity Consideration 2.3(b) Escrow Agent 10.5 7.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition7.5 Estimated Cash on Hand 2.6(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Estimated Indebtedness 2.6(a) Estimated Transaction Expenses 2.6(a) Estimated Working Capital 2.6(a) FCPA 4.18(a) Final Closing Statement 2.6(d) Final Determination Date 2.6(d) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition4.7(a) 6.4(aFTC 4.23(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vFundamental Representations 7.1 Term Section Gross Profit Statement by Product Line 2.5(b)(ii) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bHIPPA 4.23(h) IRI Project 6.8(iiIP Agreements 4.13(h) ISA 6.4(iiiInsurance Policies 4.19 Leased Real Property 4.11(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iLoss or Losses 7.2(a) MediVision Material Contracts 4.14(a) Multiemployer Plan 4.15(b) Membership Interests Recitals Merger Agreement Recitals Multiple Employer Plan 4.15(b) NDA Transfer Milestone 2.5(c) Net Adjustment Amount 2.7(e)(i) Owners Preamble Preliminary Gross Profit Statement by Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiLine 2.5(b)(i) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iPreviously Leased Real Property 4.11(a) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchase Price 2.3 Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 5.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a7.2(a) Real Property Lease 4.11(a) Related Persons 4.20 Restricted Business 6.2(a) Restricted Parties Preamble Restricted Territory 6.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) 3.1 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a7.2(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Sellers Preamble Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 7.1 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i8.3 Third Party Claim 7.3(b) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)8.4 Unaudited Financial Statements 4.7(a) USDA 4.23(a) Term Section Zylera Corp Recitals

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Equity Interest Purchase Agreement (Cerecor Inc.)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA 2009 Audited Financial Statements 5.24 Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iList 5.23 Acquired Customers 2.1(a) Actions 5.6 Additional Excluded Insurance Policies 2.2(d) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation 11.1(b) Antitrust Laws 9.12(a) Assigned Contracts 2.1(s) Assumed Customer Contracts 2.1(a) Assumed Independent Contractor Contracts 2.1(k) Assumed Intellectual Property 2.1(s) Assumed Intellectual Property Licenses 2.1(s) Assumed Leased Real Property 2.1(j) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionAssumed Personal Property Leases 2.1(h) Assumed Plans 2.1(v) Assumed Real Property Leases 2.1(j) Assumed Vendor Contracts 2.1(e) Back-up Bidder 8.1(e) Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Bankruptcy Exceptions 5.3 Chapter 11 Case Recitals Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 COBRA Continuation Coverage 7.3 Competing Bid 8.1(c) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bCredit Bid Amount 3.1(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiCredit Bid and Release 3.1(b) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 DOJ 9.12(a) Employee Plans 5.17(a) Term Section Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) 5.28 Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Documents 2.1(x) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Excluded Plans 2.2(h) Execution Date Preamble Exempt Trust 5.17(c) Expense Reimbursement 8.1(b) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.24 First Lien Indebtedness 3.1(b) 6.4(aFTC 9.12(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Holdings Preamble Insurance Policies 5.20 Integris JV Consent 4.2(g) Material Contracts 5.8(a) Material Permits 5.9(a) Most Recent Balance Sheet 5.24 MSH Preamble MSN Preamble MSN Bylaws 5.1 MSN Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v5.1 MSNH Preamble MSNH SEC Documents 5.28 Named Insured 4.2(h) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bOutside Back-up Date 8.1(e) IRI Project 6.8(iiOutside Date 4.4(b) ISA 6.4(iiiPrevailing Bidder 8.1(e) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aPurchase Price 3.1(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiNames 2.1(i) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Disclosure Schedule Article VI Purchaser’s Documents 7.2(i6.2 Purchaser Termination Fee 4.6(b) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aQualified Plan 5.17(c) Registered IP 5.7(a) Representatives 9.2(a) Rights of Indemnity 5.27 Securities Act 5.28 Seller Preamble Seller Reserves 5.23 Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Schedule Article V Sellers’ Documents 6.2(i5.3 Significant Customers 5.22 Term Section Significant Vendors/Suppliers 5.22 Subsidiary Organizational Documents 5.1 Third Party Insurance Policies 5.20(b) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Transferred Employee 7.1 WARN Act 7.4

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Medical Staffing Network Holdings Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquirer Recitals Acquisition Transaction 7.7 Agreement Recitals Antitrust Division 7.4(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities Antitrust Laws 7.4(b) Balance Sheet 5.7(a) Balance Sheet Date 5.7(a) Basket 9.4(a) Cap 9.4(b) Certificate 3.1(c) Certificate of Merger 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definition) Closing 5.1(a) 2.2 Closing Date 5.1(a2.2 Company Recitals Company Common Stock 3.1 Company Documents 5.2(a) Company Licenses 5.13(d) Company Marks 7.10 Company Permits 5.18(c) Company Plans 5.15(a) Company Preferred Stock 5.4 Company Property 5.11(a) Company Properties 5.11(a) Company Stockholder Approval 5.2(b) Confidential Information 7.1 Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant 7.1 Corporate Statutes 2.1 Debenture Cap 9.7(a) Dissenting Shares 3.1(d) Dissenting Stockholders 3.1(d) DGCL 2.1 Escrow Amount 3.2(b)(ii) Effective Time 2.3 ELA Accounts 5.10(o) ERISA Affiliate 5.15(a) Financial Statements 5.7(a) Financing Condition 6.5 Financing 6.5 Financing Commitments 6.5 FTC 7.4(a) GCC 2.1 HSR 5.3(b) Indemnity Escrow Account 9.5 Term Section Indemnity Escrow Amount 3.2(b)(i) Insurance Regulatory Approvals 5.3(b) Losses 9.2(a) Material Contracts 5.14(a) Merger Recitals Merger Consideration 3.1(c) Options 3.4(iii) Owned Property 5.11(a) Owned Properties 5.11(a) Owner Indemnified Parties 9.2(a) Owners Recitals Paying Agent 3.4 Per Share Price 3.1(c) Personal Property Leases 5.12(b) Purchase Price 2.2 Real Property Lease 5.11(a) Reinsurance Agreements 5.28 Related Persons 5.23 Representatives 7.7 Restricted Business 7.8(a) Selling Stockholder Shares 3.1(c) Signing Stockholders Recitals Signing Stockholder Documents 4.2 Signing Stockholder Indemnified Parties 9.2(b) Statutory Statements 5.7(c) Stockholder Representative 11.2(a) Straddle Period 9.6(c) Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 9.1 Surviving Corporation 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b9.6(d)(i) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a10.1(a) Third Party Claim 9.3(b) Total Cash Merger Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i3.1(c) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Unresolved Claims 9.5

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Fortegra Financial Corp)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iTERM SECTION 2005 FINANCIALS SECTION 8.1(C) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities ACTUAL CAPEX AMOUNT 8.28(A) AGREEMENT PREAMBLE AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6.5(A) BALANCE SHEET 6.5(A) BALANCE SHEET DATE 6.5(A) CAP 10.2(A)(II) CAPEX TARGET AMOUNT 8.28(A) CLOSING 4.1 CLOSING DATE 4.1 CLOSING DATE ALLOCATION STATEMENT 8.13(D) CLOSING DATE STATEMENT 3.1(B)(II) CLOSING DATE WORKING CAPITAL 3.1(B)(II) CLOSING NET AMOUNT 3.1(B)(V) COLLAR AMOUNT 3.1(B)(I) COMMITMENT LETTER 7.7 COMMON STOCK RECITALS COMPANY PREAMBLE CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT 8.6 COPYRIGHTS 1.1 (in Business definitionIN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY DEFINITION) Closing 5.1(aCREDIT AGREEMENT RELEASE DOCUMENTS 8.25(A) Closing Date 5.1(aDEDUCTIBLE 10.2(A)(I) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bEMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN 6.13(A) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEMPLOYEE PENSION PLAN 6.13(B) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS 6.17(A) EQUITY COMMITMENTS 7.7 ERISA 6.13(A) ERISA AFFILIATE 6.13(H) ESTIMATED PURCHASE PRICE 3.1(B)(I) ESTIMATED STATEMENT 3.1(B)(I) ESTIMATED WORKING CAPITAL 3.1(B)(I)(A) EXCLUDED CLAIM 10.3(D) EXCLUDED MATTER 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionIN MATERIAL ADVERSE EFFECT DEFINITION) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements EXPENSES 10.1(A) FINAL DETERMINATION 10.3(C) FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6.5(A) FINANCING 7.7 FOREIGN BENEFIT PLAN 6.13(J) INDEMNITEES 8.7(A) INDENTURE RELEASE DOCUMENTS 8.25(B) INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTING FIRM 3.1(B)(III)(B) LOSSES 10.1(A) MARKS 1.1 (in Damages definitionIN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY DEFINITION) 6.4(aMATERIAL CONTRACTS 6.12(A) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vNONCOMPETITION PERIOD 8.18(A) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bNEGATIVE CLOSING ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT 3.1(B)(V) IRI Project 6.8(iiNEGATIVE ESTIMATE ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT 3.1(B)(I) ISA 6.4(iiiOUTSIDE DATE 4.3(A) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iOWNED PROPERTY(IES) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii6.9(A) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iPARENT PREAMBLE PARENT PLANS 8.10(C) PostPATENTS 1.1 (IN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY DEFINITION) POSITIVE CLOSING ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT 3.1(B)(V) POSITIVE ESTIMATE ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT 3.1(B)(I) POST-Closing Covenants 10.1(bCLOSING TAXABLE PERIOD 8.12(B)(II) PrePRE-Closing Covenants 10.1(bCLOSING TAXABLE PERIOD 8.12(B)(II) PrePRELIMINARY ALLOCATION STATEMENT 8.13(D) PRELIMINARY PURCHASE PRICE 3.1(A) PURCHASE PRICE 3.1(B)(VI) PURCHASER PREAMBLE PURCHASER INDEMNIFIED PARTIES 10.1(A) PURCHASER PLANS 8.10(A) REAL PROPERTY LEASE(S) 6.9(B) REGISTERED IP 6.11(A) REIMBURSEMENT PERIOD 8.28(A) REPRESENTATIVES 6.26 SECTION 338(H)(10) ELECTION 8.13(A) SECURITIES ACT 7.5 SELLER PREAMBLE SELLER INDEMNIFIED PARTIES 10.1(B) SELLER MARKS 8.16 SEPARATE PRE-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aCLOSING TAX RETURNS 8.12(B)(II) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiSERVICES 8.11(C) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iSHARES RECITALS STRADDLE PERIOD 8.12(B)(IV) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aSURVIVAL PERIOD 11.1 TAX AUTHORITY 8.12(D)(I) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iTHIRD PARTY CLAIM 10.3(B) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(aTRANSFER TAX 8.12(F) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiTRANSFER TAX PARTY 8.12(F) Software Products 6.8(viUNAUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6.5(A) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(bWARN ACT 6.14(C) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aWORKING CAPITAL 3.1(B)(I)(A)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (Viasystems Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes The following is a list of additional terms used in this Agreement, Agreement and a reference to the following terms have meanings set forth Section hereof in the sections indicatedwhich such term is defined: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAccounting Firm 3.2(c) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Amended Organizational Documents 6.2(d) Annual Cumulative Gross Revenue Statement 3.2(e) Appraiser 3.3(d)(iii) Assigned Back Patents 8.14(f)(ii) Closing 2.6 Closing Date 2.6 Competing Business 6.11(a) E Sub Preamble E Sub Existing Encumbrances 2.1(b) E Sub Patent Assignment Agreement 2.1(b) E Sub Security Agreement 2.1(c) Ericsson Assigned Patents 2.1(a) ETSI 6.14(b) Independent Director 6.2(d) Insolvency Event 1.1(e) JAMS 8.14(b) LME Preamble [***] [***] LME Patent Assignment Agreement 2.1(a) [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] Non-Consolidation Opinion 5.1(g) Offer Price 6.12(a) Offered Patents 6.12(a) Offering Notice 6.12(a) Operating Agreement 2.3 Other Patents 8.14(f)(v)(B) Parties Preamble Party Preamble Patent Purchaser 6.12(a) Quarterly Cumulative Gross Revenue Statement 3.2(b) Quarterly Payment 3.2(b) Quarterly Payment Date 3.2(b) *** Text Omitted and Filed Separately with the Secretary of the Commission Confidential Treatment Requested Term Section [***] [***] Restricted Party 6.11(a) Restriction Period 6.11(a) Sale Payment 3.3(c) Specified Mobile License 3.4(a) Termination Date 7.1(d) Transfer 6.12(a) UP Preamble UP Assigned Assets 2.2(b) UP Assigned Patents 2.2(a) UP Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definition2.2(b) Closing 5.1(aUP Change of Control Notice 3.3(a) Closing Date 5.1(aUP Contribution and Assumption Agreement 2.2(b) Confidentiality UP Patent Assignment Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival 2.2(a) UP Sub 1 Preamble UP Sub 2 Preamble UP Subs Preamble UP Subs Guaranty and Pledge Agreement 2.5 UPLLC Preamble UPLLC Interest Assignment Agreements Recitals UPLLC License 2.4 Value-Impacting Existing Encumbrance 8.14(a) VIEE 8.14(a) VIEE Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a8.14(b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Master Sale Agreement

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAccepted Contracts 8.12(a) Accepted Intellectual Property Licenses 8.12(a) Accepted Real Property Leases 8.12(b) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Antitrust Division 8.4(a) Antitrust Laws 8.4(b) Asset Acquisition Statement 11.2 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Avoidance Actions 2.2(c) Bankruptcy Case Recitals Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Bill of Sale 4.2(a) Business definition) Recitals Cash Purchase Price 3.1 Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 COBRA 9.1(e) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bCollective Bargaining Agreements 5.30(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiCompany Preamble Company SEC Documents 5.4 Deposit Amount 3.2 ERISA Affiliate 5.10(b) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 3.2 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition5.4(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements Excluded Matter 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 definition) Expense Reimbursement 7.2 FIRPTA 4.2(d) FTC 8.4(a) Indemnified Persons 11.1 X.X. Xxxxxxx Preamble Leased Real Properties 5.7(b) Leased Real Property 5.7(b) Term Section Letter of Credit Purchase Price 3.1 Listed Employee Plan 5.10(a) Loss 10.5 Lost Profits 10.5 Material Contracts 5.9 Material Intellectual Property License 5.8 Material Owned Real Properties 5.7(a) Material Property Loss 10.5 Parent Preamble Parent Shares 3.1 Personal Property Leases 5.7(g) Petition Date Recitals Purchased Assets 2.1(b) Purchase Price 3.1 Purchaser Preamble Real Property Lease 5.7(b) Real Property Leases 5.7(b) Referee 11.3 Rejected Contracts 8.12(a) Subscription Rights 3.1 SEC 5.4 Securities Act 5.4(a) Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Preamble Sellers Preamble Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Preamble Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)11.1

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Additional Escrow Amount 3.4 Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Alternative Transaction 7.2(d) Antitrust Laws 8.4(b) ARRA 9.2(b) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionBankruptcy Case Recitals Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Bidder X 7.2(b) Break-Up Fee 7.1 Chapter 11 Plan Recitals Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Strictly Confidential Term Section COBRA 9.2(b) Compromised Liabilities 2.4(b) Confidential Information 8.6 Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bCure Amounts 2.5 Custom Modifications 5.9(b)(ii) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiDeposit 3.2 Employee Benefit Plans 5.11(b) Expedited Sale Order Request 7.3(d) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) 3.2 Equity Commitment Letter 6.6 Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Contracts 2.2(e) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Exclusivity Period 7.2(a) Expense Reimbursement 7.1 Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.4 Individual Property Failure 8.10(c) 6.4(aInitial Termination Date 4.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vLeased Real Property 5.8(b) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bLeased Tangible Personal Property 5.5(b) IRI Project 6.8(iiMaterial Contract 5.10 Material Terms of the BPO 7.3(a) ISA 6.4(iiinetPark 5.9(b)(ii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iNew Title Objection 8.10(a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiOther Bidders 7.2(b) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iOwned Purchased Intellectual Property 5.9(a) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bOwned Real Property 2.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPCAA Parent Preamble Permitted New Utility Easement 8.2(b)(viii) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aPersonal Property Leases 5.5(b) Petition Date 7.3(a) Potential Transaction 7.2(a) Purchaser Plans 9.2(a) Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Business Name Trademarks 8.8 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiContracts 2.1(c) Purchased Intellectual Property 2.1(d) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a6.2 Real Property Lease 5.8(b) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 COBRA Beneficiaries 9.2(b) Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 5.2 Sellers Preamble Term Section Termination Date 5.2(a4.4(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iTitle Company 8.10(c) Title Objection 8.10(a) Title Policy 8.10(c) Trade Payables 2.4(c) Transferred Employees 9.1 Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aWelfare Benefits 9.2(d)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Macquarie Infrastructure CO LLC)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i3.3(b) Agreement Preamble Recitals Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definition3.3(b)(ii) Balance Sheet 5.8(a) Balance Sheet Date 5.8(a) Basket 9.4(a) Cap 9.4(b) Closing 5.1(a4.1 Closing Balance Sheet 3.3(a) Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Closing Net Working Capital 3.3 Term Section Closing Net Working Capital Statement 3.3(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival COBRA 5.17(l) Common Stock 5.4(a) Company Recitals Company Documents 5.2(a) Company Marks 7.4 Company Plans 5.17(a) Company Properties 5.12(a) Company Property 5.12(a) Confidential Information 7.6(c) Cure Period 10.1(b7.1(f) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiCurrent Assets 3.3 Current Liabilities 3.3 Employees 5.17(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in ERISA Affiliate definition5.17(a) Estimated Closing Balance Sheet 3.3 Estimated Closing Net Working Capital 3.3 Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Subsidiary 2.1(a) Expenses 9.2(a)(iv) FCPA 5.30 Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.8(a) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vICDR 10.3(b) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b9.3(a) IRI Project 6.8(iiLosses 9.2(a)(i) ISA 6.4(iiiMaterial Contracts 5.16(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iMultiemployer Plan 5.17(d) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiOFAC 5.29 Owned Properties 5.12(a) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iOwned Property 5.12(a) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPersonal Property Leases 5.13(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bProposed Purchase Price Allocation 3.5 Protest Letter 3.3(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchase Price Allocation 3.5 Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a9.2(a) Purchaser Undisputed Amount 3.3(a) Real Property Lease 5.12(a) Restricted Business 7.6(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i5.2(b) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a9.2(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiSellers Recitals Sellers Representative 10.12 9 Term Section Sellers Undisputed Amount 3.3(b) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Shares Recitals Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a9.1 Title IV Plans 5.17(c)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (T-3 Energy Services Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquired Assets 2.1 Acquired Intellectual Property Rights 2.1(f) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation Schedule 11.1(b) Assigned Contract Assumption Notice 2.8(a) Assigned Contracts 2.1(d) Assignment and Assumption Agreement 4.2(b) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionAudited Financial Statements 5.12 Back-up Bidder 8.1(c) Term Section Balance Sheet Date 5.12 Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Xxxx of Sale 4.2(a) Chapter 11 Case Recitals Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 COBRA Continuation Coverage 7.3 Competing Bid 8.1(b) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bDeposit Escrow 3.2(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEquipment 2.1(b) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) Exceptions 5.2 Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Corporate Records 2.2(j) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Excluded Plans 2.4(f) Execution Date Preamble Executory Contract List 2.7(a) FDA 5.13(c) FDCA 5.13(a) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.12 Health Care Laws 5.13(a) 6.4(aImprovements 2.1(b) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vInsurance Policies 5.20(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bInterim Financial Statements 5.12 IP Contracts Leased Real Property 2.1(d) IRI Project 6.8(ii2.1(a) ISA 6.4(iiiMaterial Contracts 5.7(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iNamed Insured 4.2(h) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiOriginal Agreement Recitals Outside Back-up Date 8.1(c) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iOutside Date 4.4(b) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPrevailing Bidder 8.1(c) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiPurchase Price 3.1(a) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iDisclosure Schedule ARTICLE VI Recharacterization 9.12 Reimbursement Receivables 2.2(q) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aRepresentatives 9.2(a) Safety Notices 5.13(f) Sale Order 8.2 Term Section Seller Preamble Seller Broker Fee 5.11 Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Schedule ARTICLE V Seller Documents 6.2(iRegistered Intellectual Property Rights 5.8(a) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(aSoftware 5.8(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(viStraddle Period 11.1(b) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(bEquity Interest 2.1(v) Tax 6.16 Tax Third Party Claim 11.4(b12.3(a) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iThird Party Insurance Policies 5.20(c) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aTax 11.1(a) Transferred Employee 7.1 VAT Receivables 2.2(p)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (BIND Therapeutics, Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAdditional Taxes 11.5 Additional Wind Down Payment 9.6 (b) Agent Preamble Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Apollo 1.1 (in Business definitionDefinition of “Priority Noteholders” Aristeia 1.1 Definition of “Priority Noteholders” Asset Acquisition Statement 11.3 Avenue 1.1 Definition of “Priority Noteholders” Bankruptcy Cases Recitals Carve-Out Modification Motion 9.10 Cash Portion 3.1(a)(ii) Claims 9.7 Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Colorado Sale Transaction 9.5 (a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bCredit Bid Recitals Direction Letter 9.9 EIC Preamble Encumbered Purchased Assets Recitals Indenture Recitals Outside Date 5.1 (c) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiNon-Party Person 12.12 (a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 Noteholders’ Asset Sale Proceeds 9.5 (in Affiliate definitionb) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 Petition Date Recitals Potential Purchaser 8.2 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(ab) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii(a) Purchaser Preamble Assignment 12.11 (b) Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified 7.2 Released Parties 10.2(a) 9.7 Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Documents 6.2 Seller Documents 6.2(iRepresentatives 8.2 (a) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Settlement Agreement Recitals Subject Entities 9.7 Structured Dismissal Motion 9.8 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i5.1 (b) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a11.2 U.S. Sale Transaction 9.5 Wind Down Account 9.5 (b) Wind Down Budget 9.6 (a) Wind Down Cap 9.6 (b) Wind Down Expenses 9.6 (a) Wind Down Payment Shortfall 9.6 (b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Endeavour International Corp)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquisition Transaction 6.6(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionRecitals Asset Allocation Statement 6.18(d) Balance Sheet 4.7(a) Balance Sheet Date 4.7(a) Basket 8.4(a) Cap 8.4(b) Cash Price 2.2 Closing 5.1(a2.5 Closing Balance Sheet 2.4(b) Closing Date 5.1(a2.5 Term Section Closing Working Capital Statement 2.4(b) COBRA 4.15(p) Common Stock 4.4(a) Company Recitals Company Documents 4.2 Company Marks 6.17 Company Permits 4.18(b) Company Plans 4.15(a) Company Property 4.11(a) Company Properties 4.11(a) Confidential Information 6.7(c) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b6.1 Customer Deposit Liability Exhibit B Disclosure Schedule Update 6.14(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEmployees 4.15(a) ERISA Affiliate 4.15(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 8.6 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition8.6 Expenses 9.3 Final Closing Working Capital 2.4(d) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition4.7(a) 6.4(aFIRPTA Affidavit 2.7(h) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vGovernment Contract 4.28 Indemnity Escrow Amount 8.6 Loss 8.2(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bLosses 8.2(a) IRI Project 6.8(iiMaterial Contracts 4.14(a) ISA 6.4(iiiMultiemployer Plan 4.15(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iOwned Property 4.11(a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiOwned Properties 4.11(a) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iPBGC 4.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPersonal Property Leases 4.12(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Term Section Purchase Price 2.2 Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 5.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 8.2(a) Real Property Lease 4.11(a) Real Property Leases 4.11(a) Related Persons 4.23 Representatives 6.6(a) Restricted Business 6.7(a) Revised Statements 6.18(d) Section 338(h)(10) Election 6.18(a) Selling Stockholders Recitals Selling Stockholder Documents 3.2 Selling Stockholder Indemnified Parties 8.2(b) Short Year Returns 8.5(b)(iv) Stockholder Representative 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iStraddle Period 8.5(c) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Shares Recitals Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 8.1 Tax Claim 11.4(b8.5(d)(i) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a9.1(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iThird Party Claim 8.3(b) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aTitle IV Plans 4.15(a)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (Deep Down, Inc.)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquisition 6.1(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Asset Acquisition Statement 10.4 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 2.2 Benefits Plan 3.9(i) Business Recitals Business Employee(s) 4.9(a) Cap 10.2(e) Change in Control Agreements 10.1(b) CIVCO 5.3 Copyrights 1.1 (in Business Purchased Intellectual Property definition) Closing 5.1(aCo-Sale Notice 2.4(c) Closing Date 5.1(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Employee Plans 1.1 Escrow Agent 10.5 2.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 2.5 Excluded Employee 9.2 Interim Financial Statements 4.5 Leased Real Property(ies) 1.1 (in Affiliate Purchased Assets definition) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Material Contract 3.8(a) Multiple Employer Plan 4.10(j) Note 2.5 Objection Notice 3.1(c) Occupants 3.14 Quarterly Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii4.5 Purchaser Recitals Purchaser Indemnifiable Costs 9.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(b) Purchaser Preamble Balance Sheet 4.5 Purchaser Documents 7.2(iBalance Sheet Date 4.5 Purchaser Financial Statements 4.5 Purchaser’s Year-End Financial Statements 4.5 Quarterly Financial Statements 3.5 Registration Rights Agreement 2.4(a) Purchaser 12 Term Section Research and Development Contract 3.11(b) Restricted Business 5.3(a) Restrictive Contract 3.8(b) Revised Statements 10.4 Rights to Acquire Equity Securities 4.4(a) Seller Recitals Seller Balance Sheet 3.5 Seller Balance Sheet Date 3.5 Seller Financial Statements 3.5 Seller Year-End Financial Statements 3.5 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Shares 2.3 Survival Period 11.1 Termination Costs 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(bTransferred Employees 9.1(a) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aTriggering Issuance 2.4(c) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aWARN 3.8(e)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Purchase Agreement (Colorado Medtech Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquisition Proposal 7.2(b)(xvii) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Recitals Antitrust Laws 7.4(b) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Balance Sheet Data 5.4(a) Balance Sheet Date 5.4(a) Business Recitals Cap 10.4(f) Closing 4.1 Closing Date 4.1 Closing Payment 3.3 Competing Business 7.10(b) Copyrights 1.1 (in Business Intellectual Property definition) Correspondent 7.10(a)(iii) Deductible 10.4(a) Diligence Materials 5.25 Disclosure Memorandum 12.9 Dispute Notice 3.5(d) Employee Release 8.2 ERISA Affiliate 5.13(a) Estimated Closing 5.1(a) Closing Date 5.1(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) Balance Sheet 3.2 Estimated Purchase Price 3.2 Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Branch Offices 2.2(c) Licensed Excluded IP/IT 7.9(f) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements FHHL Recitals FIRPTA Certificate 9.1(i) Fixed Assets Inventory 7.15 Final Calculation Statement 3.5(c) Final Purchase Price 3.5(e) Term Section Knowledge of Purchaser 12.8(b) Knowledge of Seller 12.8(a) Licensed Marks 7.9(b) Licensed Uses 7.9(b) Marks 1.1 (in Damages Intellectual Property definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aMonthly Unaudited Company 7.14 Financial Sheet Mortgage Production Office 7.10(a)(v)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (First Horizon National Corp)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i*** Acquisition Proposal 7.14 Additional Common Option Merger Consideration 3.1(d) Additional Merger Consideration 3.7(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities Alternative Financing 7.11 Appraisal Shares 3.2 Balance Sheet 5.6(b) Balance Sheet Date 5.6(b) Benefits Continuation Period 7.10(a) Certificate 3.1(c) Certificate of Merger 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definition) Closing 5.1(a) 2.2 Closing Date 5.1(a2.2 Commitment Letters 6.6 Common Option Merger Consideration 3.1(d) Common Stock 3.1 Common Stock Merger Consideration 3.1(c) Company Preamble Company Award 5.4(c) Company Benefit Plans 5.13(a) Company Charter Documents 5.1 Company Documents 5.2 Company Fees 4.3 Company Liability Limitation 4.3(g) Company Registered Intellectual Property 5.11(a) Company Related Parties 4.3(g) Company SEC Reports 5.6(a) Company Stock 3.1 Company Tax Benefit 3.7(b) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b7.6 Continuing Employees 7.10(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiCopyrights 1.1 Debt Commitment Letter 6.6 Debt Financing 10.1(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionDebt Financing Sources 6.6 DGCL 2.1 Effective Time 2.3 Epicor Reimbursement 4.3 Epicor Termination Fee 4.3(e) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Equity Commitment Letter 6.6 Equity Financing 10.1(a) ERISA 5.13(a) Estimated Common Option Merger Consideration 3.1(d) Estimated Merger Consideration 3.1(g) Estimated Merger Consideration Elements Sum 3.1(g)(ii) Exercise Number 3.1(d) Existing Policy 7.7(d) Financial Advisor 5.20 Financial Statements 5.6(b) Fund Stockholders 10.11 Indemnitees 7.7(a) Insurance Cap 7.7(d) Letter of Transmittal 3.3(b) Marks 1.1 (in Damages definitionMaterial Contracts 5.12(a) 6.4(aMaterial In-Bound License Agreements 5.11(j) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vMerger Preamble Merger Consideration 3.1(c) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bXxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Elements 3.7(b) IRI Project 6.8(iiMerger Sub Preamble Objection Notice 3.7(b) ISA 6.4(iiiOutside Date 4.1(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iParent Preamble Parent Documents 6.2 Parent Fees 4.3 Parent Plans 7.10(b) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiParent Related Parties 4.3(f) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iPatents 1.1 Present Fair Salable Value 6.7 Pro Forma Financial Information 7.11 Pro Rata Portion 3.7(a) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bReal Property Lease 5.10(a) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bReal Property Leases 5.10(a) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aRemaining Proceeds 3.7(e)(ii) Purchased Assets Restricted Commitment Letter Amendments 7.11 Scheduled Acquisition Cost Amount 3.1(g)(ii) Schedules Article V Section 262 3.2 Solvency 6.7 Solvent 6.7 Specified Termination 4.3(a) STB 10.11 Stockholder Approval 5.2 Stockholders 3.1(c) Stockholders’ Representative Preamble Stockholders’ Representative Obligations Funding Amount 3.7(a) Surviving Corporation 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Termination and Release Agreement 7.13 Termination Fee 4.3(a) Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a1.1 WARN Act 5.14(e)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Epicor Software Corp)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: . Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAdditional Barrels 1.1(e) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionAsphalt Third Party Contracts 1.2(a) Closing 5.1(aAsphalt Transfer Documents 1.1(j) Closing Contracts Option Deadline 1.2(a)(ii) Crude Storage Preamble Cushing Land Rights Agreements 1.1(h) Cushing Lease 1.1(d) Dropdown Effective Date 5.1(a6.3 Eaglwing Preamble Effective Date Preamble Kansas Transfer Documents 1.1(a) Confidentiality KC Asphalt Preamble Line Fill and Tank Bottoms 1.1(e) Line Fill and Tank Bottoms Transfer Document 1.1(e) New Terminal Access Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b1.1(l) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiNew Terminalling Agreement 1.1(k) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow New Throughput Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition1.1(f) Excluded Oklahoma City Lease 1.1(d) Party / Parties Preamble Rejected Contracts 2.1(a) Released Contract Claims 3.1 SCADA Transfer Document 1.1(c) SemCrude Preamble SemGroup Preamble SemGroup Dropdown Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition3.1 SemGroup Dropdown Transfer Documents 1.1(g)(ii) 6.4(aSemGroup Holdings Preamble SemGroup Parties Preamble SemGroup Released Parties 3.1 SemGroup Transferred Assets 4.4 SemGroup Transfer Documents 4.4 SemManagement Preamble SemMaterials Preamble SemMaterials Contracts Option 1.2(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vSemMaterials Software 1.2(b) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bSemMaterials Software Option 1.2(b) IRI Project 6.8(iiSemMaterials Software Transfer Agreement 1.2(b)(v) ISA 6.4(iiiSemMaterials Transition Services Agreement 1.1(m) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iSemOperating Preamble SemPipe Preamble SGEP Preamble SGLP Preamble SGLP Dropdown Assets 3.2 SGLP Dropdown Transfer Documents 1.1(g)(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiSGLP GP Preamble SGLP Operating Preamble SGLP Parties Preamble SGLP Released Parties 3.2 SGLP Transferred Assets 5.4 SGLP Transfer Documents 5.4 Shared Services Agreement 1.1(b) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser SMEP Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiSoftware Option Deadline 1.2(b)(iii) Software Products 6.8(viThird Party Contracts 1.2(b)(ii) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(bSoftware Transfer Costs 1.2(b)(ii) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(bSoftware Transfer Date 1.2(b)(ii) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Specified SemGroup Released Claims 3.2 Specified SGLP Released Claims 3.1

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Master Agreement (SemGroup Energy Partners, L.P.)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section 2007 S Corporation Returns 7.6(a) 2008 Texas Franchise Tax Report 7.6(a) Accounting Fee Reimbursement 3.1 AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i3.3(b) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionRecitals Arbiter 3.3(b) Balance Sheet 5.8(a) Balance Sheet Date 5.8(a) Basket 9.4(a) Cap 9.4(b) Term Section Capex Reimbursement 3.1 Cash Consideration 3.1 Closing 5.1(a4.1 Closing Balance Sheet 3.3(a) Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Closing Date Payment 3.2(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bClosing Net Working Capital 3.3 Closing Net Working Capital Statement 3.3(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiCOBRA 5.17(l) Common Stock 5.4(a) Company Recitals Company Documents 5.2(a) Company Marks 7.4 Company Plans 5.17(a) Company Properties 5.12(a) Company Property 5.12(a) Continuing Employees 7.7(a) Current Assets 3.3 Current Liabilities 3.3 EEG Stockholders Recitals Employees 5.17(a) ERISA Affiliate 5.17(c) Escrow Account 3.2(b) Escrow Agent 10.5 3.1 Escrow Agreement 10.5 3.1 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionAmount 3.1 Estimated Closing Balance Sheet 3.3 Estimated Closing Net Working Capital 3.3 Expenses 9.2(a)(iv) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages FCPA 5.30 Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v5.8(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b9.3(a) IRI Project 6.8(iiLosses 9.2(a)(i) ISA 6.4(iiiMaterial Contracts 5.16(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iMultiemployer Plan 5.17(d) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiN-Line Valves 7.1(a) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iOFAC 5.29 Owned Properties 5.12(a) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bOwned Property 5.12(a) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPersonal Property Leases 5.13(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aProtest Letter 3.3(b) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchase Price Allocation 3.5 Purchaser Preamble Recitals Term Section Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a9.2(a) Purchaser Undisputed Amount 3.3(a) Real Property Lease 5.12(a) Remaining Amount 7.8(b) Restricted Business 7.1(a) Restricted Period 7.1(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i5.2(b) Seller Selling Stockholder Indemnified Parties 10.3(a9.2(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiSellers Recitals Selling Stockholder Recitals Selling Stockholder Undisputed Amount 3.3(b) Software Products 6.8(viSet Aside Account 3.1 Set Aside Account Period 7.8(a) Subsidiary 6.1 Set Aside Amount 3.1 Shares Recitals Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a9.1 Title IV Plans 5.17(c)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (T-3 Energy Services Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the meanings set forth in the sections indicatedindicated below: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAccounting Settlement Firm 3.14(e) Acquisition Transaction 8.11 Additional Parent Shares 3.14(g) Additional Shares 3.15 Adjustment Shares 3.14(g)(ii) ADP 5.15(a) ADP Agreement 5.15(a) ADP Plans 5.15(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionAnti-Corruption Laws 5.19(d) Auditor 8.4 Available Escrow Shares 13.4(c) Benefits Continuation Period 9.3(a) Cash Consideration 3.15 Certificate of Merger 2.1(b) Certificates 3.7(a) Charter Documents 5.1(b) Closing 5.1(a4.1 Closing Consideration Allocation Certificate 4.2(c)(ii) Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Company Preamble A-13 Term Section Company Common Stock 5.2(a) Confidentiality Company Developed Software 5.13(j) Company Disclosure Schedule Article V Company Permits 5.18 Company Plans 5.15(b) Company Properties 5.10(a) Company Registered IP 5.13(f) Company Securities 5.2(d) Company Shareholder Approval 5.3(b) Company Software 5.13(j) Consulting Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bAssignment 4.2(b)(ii) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiContinuing Employees 9.3(a) Copyrights Definition of Intellectual Property Corrections or Removals 5.30(b) Current Parent SEC Documents 7.4 Denominator Spread 3.14(f) Device Laws 5.30(a) Divestiture 8.7 DOL 5.15(c) Effective Time 2.1 Employee 5.13(d) Employee Benefit Plans 5.15(b) Escrow Agent 10.5 3.5 ERISA Affiliate 5.15(d) Escrow Agreement 10.5 3.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Shares 3.5 Estimated Closing Date Balance Sheet 3.14(a)(i)(A) Estimated Closing Statement 3.14(a)(i)(B) Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition7.4 Exchange Ratio 3.2(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Final Closing Date Balance Sheet 3.14(e) Final Closing Statement 3.14(e) Final Promotion Shares Statement 3.13(d) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.5(a) 6.4(aFinancing 8.3(c) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vFIRPTA Affidavit 4.2(c)(xx) Food and Drug Act 5.30(a) Grant Date 5.2(b)(i) Government Official 5.19(c)(i) Governmental Body Consents 8.7 Incentive Plan 5.2(b)(i) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bCap 13.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(iiIndemnified Party 13.3(a) ISA 6.4(iiiIndemnifying Party 13.3(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iInformation Statement 8.9(c) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Internet Resources Definition of Intellectual Property Joint Disclosure Statement 8.10 Letter of Transmittal 3.7(a) Material Contracts 5.14(a) Term Section Merger Recital A Merger Escrow Shares 3.4 Merger Sub Preamble MWM 14.17 NWC/NW Calculation 3.14(g) Outstanding Common Shares 3.1(b) Owned Properties 5.10(a) Parent Preamble Parent Adjustment Shares 3.14(g)(i) Parent Benefit Plans 9.3(a) Parent Board Recommendation 6.2(ii8.9(a) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iParent Capital Stock 7.2(a) PostParent Charter Documents 7.1(b) Parent Developed Software 7.11(j) Parent Disclosure Schedule Article VII Parent Employee 7.11(d) Parent Financial Statements 7.6(a) Parent Group Member 14.17 Parent Incentive Plan 7.2(b) Parent Indemnified Parties 13.2(a) Parent Interim Balance Sheet 7.6 Parent Interim Balance Sheet Date 7.6 Parent Material Contracts 7.12 Parent Options 3.2(a) Parent Option Agreements 3.2(a) Parent Plans 9.3(c) Parent Preferred Stock 7.2(a) Parent Registered IP 7.11(f) Parent Securities 7.2(d) Parent SEC Documents 7.4 Parent Series A Preferred Stock 7.2(a) Parent Series B Preferred Stock 7.2(a) Parent Software 7.11(j) Parent Warrant Agreements Definition of Parent Warrants Parent Warrant Shares Definition of Parent Warrants Patents Definition of Intellectual Property Pay-Closing Covenants 10.1(bOff Letters 3.14(a)(ii) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPersonal Property Leases 5.11(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a10.1(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Post-Closing Decline Date 3.14(e) Post-Closing Denominator Spread 3.14(f) Post-Closing Disputed Items 3.14(e) Post-Closing Notice of Dispute 3.14(d) Prohibited Payment 5.19(c)(i) Promotion Decline Date 3.13(d) Promotion Denominator Spread 3.13(e) Promotion Disputed Items 3.13(d) Promotion Escrow Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii3.5 Promotion Notice of Dispute 3.13(b) Purchaser Term Section Promotion Settlement Firm 3.13(d) Proposed Final Closing Date Balance Sheet 3.14(b) Proposed Final Closing Statement 3.14(b) Proposed Promotion Shares Statement 3.13(a) Qualified Plans 5.15(d) Real Property Leases 5.10(a) Reference Balance Sheet 5.5(a) Reference Balance Sheet Date 5.5(a) SEC 7.4 Section 280G Payments 8.7(b) Securityholders’ Representative 14.1(a) Shareholder Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iShareholder Adjustment Shares 3.14(g)(ii) Purchaser Shareholder Group Member 14.17 Shareholders’ Disclosure Schedule Article VI Spearhead Capital 3.14(a)(iv) Shareholder Indemnified Parties 10.2(a13.2(b) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiSpearhead Capital Fees 3.14(a)(iv) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Definition of Intellectual Property Straddle Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Surviving Corporation 2.1 TBOC Recital A Termination Date 5.2(a12.1(b) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iThird Party Consents 8.6 Threshold 13.4(a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aTrade Secrets Definition of Intellectual Property Trademarks Definition of Intellectual Property Waiver 8.10(b) Written Consent 8.10(b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (OxySure Systems Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAgreement Recitals Antitrust Laws 8.4(b) Asset Acquisition Statement 3.3(h) Balance Sheet 5.6 Balance Sheet Date 5.6 Cap 10.5(a) Claim 8.7(c) Closing 4.1 Closing Date 4.1 Closing Date Balance Sheet 3.3(b) Closing Date Purchase Price Adjustment 3.2 Common Stock 5.4(a) Company Recitals Company Documents 5.2 Company Property 5.10 Company Properties 5.10 Confidentiality Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 8.6(a) Continuing Employees 8.12(a) Copyrights 1.1 (in Business Intellectual Property definition) Environmental Permits 5.18(a) Estimated Closing 5.1(aStatement 3.3(a) Closing Date 5.1(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act Excluded Matter 1.1 (in Affiliate definitiondefinition of Material Adverse Effect) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Final Purchase Price Adjustment 3.3(b) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) 5.6 Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(iiIndemnitees 8.7(a) ISA 6.4(iiiIndependent Accountant 3.3(d) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iLoss 10.2(a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiLosses 10.2(a) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iMarks 1.1 (in Intellectual Property definition) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bMaterial Contracts 5.13(a) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bOld Plans 8.12(b)(ii) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aOwned Property 5.10 Owned Properties 5.10 Patents 1.1 (in Intellectual Property definition) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Personal Property Leases 5.11 Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiPurchase Price Adjustment 3.3(b) Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 7.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iTerm Section Purchaser Plans 8.12(b)(ii) Real Property Lease 5.10 Reference Date 3.3(a) Reference Statement 3.3(a) Restricted Business 8.6 Revised Statement 3.3(h) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Marks 8.10 Stockholder Recitals Stockholder Documents 6.2 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)10.1

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Resource America Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the meanings set forth in the sections Sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Term: Section: Acquisition 2.1 Acquisition Proposal 5.6 Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation Statement 2.9 Apportioned Obligations 6.1(b) Assignment and Assumption Agreement 10.1(c) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in 2.4 Audited Financial Statements 5.3(c) Auditor 5.3(c) Auditor Review Period 2.7(d)(iv) Bills of Sale 10.1(b) Business definitionConfidential Information 5.5 Business IP Licenses 3.6(a) Buyer Preamble Buyer Compliance Certificate 10.2(a) Buyer Indemnified Parties 12.2(a) Buyer Protected Parties 0 Closing 2.6(b) Closing 5.1(aBalance Sheet 2.7(d)(i) Closing Date 5.1(a2.6(b) Closing Statement 2.7(d)(i) Closing Statement Review Period 2.7(d)(ii) Confidentiality Agreement 5.4(a) Contracts 2.2(a) Disclosure Employees 7.1 Dispute Notice 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bDisputed Allocation Items 2.9 Disputed Item 2.7(d)(iii) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiElection Notice 2.7(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionEquitable Exceptions 3.2(c) Estimated Closing Balance Sheet 2.7(b) Estimated Net Working Capital Adjustment 2.7(b)(i) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded 2.3 Exclusivity Period 5.6 Financial Statements 3.3(a) Founder Employment Agreement Recitals Indemnified Party 12.5(b) IP Assignments 10.1(d) Labor Laws 3.8(a)(i) Lxxxx 3.1 Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionLiability Limit 12.3 Material Contract 3.7(a) 6.4(aNotice of Disagreement 2.7(d)(iii) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Outside Closing Date 11.2 Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bTax Period 6.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a6.1(b) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiPreliminary Closing Statement 2.7(b) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iPurchase Price 2.7(a) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aReleased Persons 13.9 Resolution Period 2.7(d)(iii) Responsible Party 12.6 Retained Liabilities 2.5 Retained Litigation 2.3(b) Schedule Supplement 5.8 Securities Act 3.20 Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iCompliance Certificate 10.1(a) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a12.2(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Claims 2.2(b) Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Subsidiaries Recitals Straddle Period 10.1(b6.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b6.3(a) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aThird Party Claim 12.6 Transferred Assets 2.2 Transferred Contracts 2.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iTransferred Employees 7.1 Transferred Intellectual Property 2.2(f) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aTransferred Leases 2.2(l) Transferred Registered IP 2.2(e)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Novume Solutions, Inc.)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquired Entity 5.8(c) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Allocation Schedule 13.3 Antitrust Division 9.4(a) Antitrust Laws 9.4(b) Assumption Motion 9.9(b) Balance Sheet 5.4 Balance Sheet Date 5.4 Bankruptcy Case Recitals Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Cash Purchase Price 3.1 Closing 4.1 Closing Date 4.1 COBRA 5.13(f) Competing Bid 8.1 Copyrights 1.1 (in Business Purchased Intellectual Property definition) Closing 5.1(aCure Amounts 9.9(b) Closing Date 5.1(aDebtor Contracts 9.9(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bDirectors 9.4(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEmployee Benefit Plans 5.13(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act Excess AMT Amount 1.1 (in Affiliate Confirmation Order definition) Excluded Assets 2.2 2.4 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages 2.5 Exhibit A Purchased Assets 2.1(a) Exhibit A Assumed Liabilities 2.1(b) Exhibit B Purchased Assets 2.2(a) Exhibit B Assumed Liabilities 2.2(b) Exhibit C Purchased Assets 2.3(a) Exhibit C Assumed Liabilities 2.4(b) Financial Statements 5.4 FTC 9.4(a) GACC 9.4(a) Gaming Entities 9.4(a) JPM 9.4(a) Line Items 5.4(b) Marks 1.1 (in Damages Purchased Intellectual Property definition) 6.4(aMaterial Contracts 5.12(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vMinimum FG/JPM/GACC Directors 9.4(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bMOU 1.1 (in Plan definition) IRI Project 6.8(iiNew Individual Applicant 9.4(a) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aOpco Term Sheet 1.1 (in Opco Plan Support Agreement definition)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Station Casinos LLC)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assignment and Assumption Agreement 4.2(b) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Balance Sheet 5.4(a) Balance Sheet Date 5.4(a) Balance Sheet Liabilities 5.5 Bxxx of Sale 4.2(a) Cash Consideration 3.1 Closing 4.1 Closing Date 4.1 Closing Statement 3.3(a) COBRA 5.12(d) Confidentiality Agreements 7.3(a) Content License Agreement 4.2(e) Credit Agreement 7.3(a) ERISA 1.1 (in Business definition) Closing 5.1(a) Closing Date 5.1(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate Parent Benefit Plan definition) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Final Working Capital 3.3(e) Financial Statements 5.4(a) Indemnified Party 10.5(a) Indemnifying Party 10.5(a) Independent Accountant 3.3(c) Lenders 7.3(a) Losses 10.2 Marks 1.1 (in Damages Intellectual Property definition) 6.4(aMaterial Contracts 5.11(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vNon-Competition and Non-Solicitation Agreement 4.2(c) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bParent Preamble Plainfield 7.3(a) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Personal Property Leases 5.8 Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Marks 7.5 Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) 10.2 Real Property Lease 5.7 7 Term Section Restricted Marks 7.5 Retained Marks 7.5 Ridgefield Lease Guarantee 7.6 Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) 5.2 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a10.3 Standard Procedure 8.1(c) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiSurviving Claims 10.1 Termination of Employment 4.3(f) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Agreement Third Party Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a10.5(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i3.1 Transferred Employees 8.1(a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Transition Services Agreement 4.2(f) WARN Act 8.2(e) West Preamble

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Hollywood Media Corp)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquisition Transaction 6.6(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionRecitals Allocation Statement 8.5(b)(iv) Antitrust Division 6.4(a) Antitrust Laws 6.4(b) Balance Sheet 4.7(a) Balance Sheet Date 4.7(a) Cap 8.4(c) Class A Shares Recitals Class B Shares Recitals Closing 5.1(a2.4 Closing Balance Sheet 2.7(b) Closing Date 5.1(a2.4 Closing Working Capital Statement 2.7(b) COBRA 4.15(p) Common Stock 4.4(a) Company Recitals Company Documents 4.2 Company Permits 4.18(b) Company Plans 4.15(a) Company Properties 4.11(b) Confidential Information 6.7(c) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 6.1 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bBasket 8.4(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiDistributable Assets 6.2(c) Employees 4.15(a) ERISA Affiliate 4.15(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 8.6 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition8.6 Expenses 9.3 Final Closing Working Capital 2.7(c) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition4.7(a) Financing 5.7 FIRPTA Affidavit 2.6(h) FTC 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vGovernment Contract 4.28 Indemnity Escrow Amount 8.6 Losses 8.2(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bMaterial Contracts 4.14(a) IRI Project 6.8(iiMultiemployer Plan 4.15(a) ISA 6.4(iiiPBGC 4.15(i) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iPersonal Property Leases 4.12(b) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchase Price 2.2 Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Documents 7.2(i5.2 Purchaser’s Environmental Assessment 6.10(a) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 8.2(a) QSSS 4.10(v) Real Property Lease 4.11(b) Related Persons 4.23 Rep Basket 8.4(a) Rep Deductible 8.4(a) Representatives 6.6(a) Restricted Business 6.7(a) Section 338(h)(10) Election 8.5(b)(i) Selling Stockholders Recitals Selling Stockholder Documents 3.2 Selling Stockholder Indemnified Parties 8.2(b) Stockholder Representative 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iStraddle Period 8.5(d) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Shares Recitals Survival Period 10.1(b8.1(a) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b8.5(e)(i) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a9.1(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iThird Party Claim 8.3(b) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Title IV Plans 4.15(a) Unresolved Claims 8.6

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (DXP Enterprises Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i2003 Stock 2.3 2003 Stock Transfer 2.3 Abu Dhabi Purchaser Price 2.4 Abu Dhabi Stock 2.3 Abu Dhabi Stock Transfer 2.3 Acquired Stock 2.3 Agreement Introductory Paragraph Arbiter 3.3(b)(iii) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Asset Transfer 2.3 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definition2.7 Balance Sheet 5.7(a) Balance Sheet Date 5.7(a) Cap 9.4(b) Canadian Asset Transfer 2.1 Canadian Assumed Liabilities 2.6 Canadian Purchased Assets 2.1 Canadian Purchased Contracts 2.1(g) Casualty 11.2(b) Casualty Proceeds 11.2(b) Cxxxxxxx Introductory Paragraph Cxxxxxxx Shares 5.4(a) Closing 5.1(a2.10 Closing Balance Sheet 3.3(b)(ii) Closing Date 5.1(a2.10 Closing Working Capital 3.3(b)(i) Confidentiality Closing Working Capital Statement 3.3(b)(ii) Commitment 11.1(a) Companies Recitals Condemnation 11.2(a) Condemnation Proceeds 11.2(a) Consulting Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b2.12(e) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiDeductible 9.4(a) Documents 2.1(h) Effective Time 2.10 Estimated Closing Balance Sheet 3.3(a)(i) Estimated Closing Working Capital 3.3(a)(i) Estimated Closing Working Capital Excess 3.3(a)(ii) Estimated Closing Working Capital Shortfall 3.3(a)(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 9.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) 9.5 Excluded Assets 2.2 2.3 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages 2.8 Term Section Excluded Employee 7.15(b) Existing Surveys 11.1(a) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.7(a) 6.4(aFinancing 7.1 FIRPTA Affidavit 2.12(i) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vFZE Recitals FZE Asset Purchase Agreement 2.12(d) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bFZE Asset Transfer 2.2 FZE Assumed Liabilities 2.7 FZE Purchased Assets 2.2 FZE Purchased Contracts 2.2(c) IRI Project 6.8(iiGeneral Conveyance 2.12(c) ISA 6.4(iiiGeneral Survival Period 9.1 Included Current Assets 3.3(b)(i) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iIncluded Current Liabilities 3.3(b)(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiIndemnity Escrow Amount 9.5 Jebel Ali Stock 2.4 Jebel Ali Stock Transfer 2.4 KMG Introductory Paragraph KMG ILC Introductory Paragraph KMG Luxembourg Introductory Paragraph Loss or Losses 9.2(a) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iMajor Casualty Event 11.2(b) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bMajor Condemnation Event 11.2(a) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bMaterial Contracts 5.15(a) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aNew Jebel Ali Recitals Nonassignable Assets 2.9(b) Noncompetition and Nonsolicitation Agreements 2.12(j) Notice of Cure 11.1(d) Notice of Objection 11.1(c) OHS 5.17(g) Owned Property or Owned Properties 5.12(a) Permitted Exceptions 11.1(b) Personal Property Leases 5.13(b) Purchase Price 3.1 Purchase Price Allocation Statement 3.4(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 2.3 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiContracts 2.2(c) Purchaser Preamble Purchasers Introductory Paragraph Purchaser Documents 7.2(i6.2 Purchasers’ Environmental Assessment 7.10(a) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a9.2(a) Qualified Plan 5.16(b) Real Property Lease or Real Property Leases 5.12(a) Related Persons 5.23 Term Section Reply Period 11.1(d) Sealweld 2003 Recitals Sealweld Abu Dhabi Recitals Sealweld Canada Introductory Paragraph Sealweld Jebel Ali Recitals Sealweld Shares 5.4(a) Sealweld Texas Recitals Seller or Sellers Introductory Paragraph Seller Documents 5.2 Seller Marks 7.9 Seller Permits 5.19(b) Seller Preamble Property or Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iProperties 5.12(a) Seller Shareholder Introductory Paragraph Shareholder Indemnified Parties 10.3(a9.2(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiShares 5.4(a) Software Products 6.8(viStock Transfer 2.3 Straddle Period 9.6(c) Subsidiary 6.1 Survey 11.1(a) Survival Period 10.1(b9.1 Target Working Capital 3.3(a)(ii) Tax 6.16 Tax Third Party Claim 11.4(b9.3(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aTitle Company 11.1(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Title Documents 7.2(i11.1(a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Transferred Employee 7.15(a) Transferred Information 7.14 Unresolved Claims 9.5

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (KMG Chemicals Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2009 Audited Financial Statements 5.18 2010 Unaudited Financial Statements 5.18 Accrued Employee Obligations 2.4(g) Acquired Customers 2.1(a) Actions 5.5 Agreement Preamble Allocation 11.1(b) Antitrust Laws 9.7 Assigned Contracts 2.1(p) Assumed Customer Contracts 2.1(a) Assumed Independent Contractor Contracts 2.1(j) Assumed Intellectual Property 2.1(p) Assumed Intellectual Property Licenses 2.1(p) Assumed Leased Real Property 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionAssumed Personal Property Leases 2.1(g) Assumed Real Property Leases 2.1(i) Assumed Vendor Contracts 2.1(d) Auxiliary Health Preamble Auxiliary Health Assets 8.2 Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Bankruptcy Exceptions 5.3 Breaching Party 10.5 Cash Balance 3.1(a)(ii) Chapter 11 Case Recitals Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 COBRA Continuation Coverage 7.3 Competing Bid 8.1(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bCritical Payables 2.3(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiDeposit 3.2(a) DOJ 9.7(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition3.2(a) Excess Cure Amount 2.5(b) Term Section Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Execution Date Preamble Exempt Trust 5.14(c) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.18 FTC 9.7(a) 6.4(aHEARx West Membership Interest 2.1(q) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vHEARx West Operating Agreement 2.1(q) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bHUSA Preamble Insurance Policies 5.15 Material Contracts 5.7(a) IRI Project 6.8(iiMost Recent Balance Sheet 5.18 Outside Date 4.4(f) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aParent Preamble Purchase Price 3.1(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser’s Documents 6.2 Purchaser Documents 7.2(iDisclosure Schedule Article VI Qualified Plan 5.14(c) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aReal Property Leases 5.11(b) Seller Registered IP 5.6(a) Representatives 9.2(a) Sale Order Deadline 4.4(d) Sellers Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Schedule Article V Sellers’ Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 5.3 Significant Vendors/Suppliers 5.16 Termination Date 5.2(a12.3(b) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transferred Employee 7.1 Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)11.1(a) WARN Act 7.4

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Hearusa Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAgreement Introductory Paragraph Balance Sheet 5.7(a) Balance Sheet Date 5.7(a) Blue Sky Laws 6.4(e) Cap 11.4(b) Cash Merger Consideration 2.2(a) Cash-Only Share Consideration 2.3(c)(i) Term Section Cash-Only Shareholder 2.3(c) Closing 4.1 Closing Cash Consideration 2.2(b) Closing Date 4.1 Closing Indebtedness 2.5(a) Closing Inventory 2.5(c) Closing Inventory Adjustment Amount 2.5(b) Closing Inventory Items List 2.5(c) Common Stock 2.2(a) Confidentiality Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 8.1 Copyrights 1.1 (in Business definitiondefinition of Intellectual Property) Closing 5.1(aCouncill Introductory Paragraph Deductible 11.4(a) Closing Date 5.1(aDisappearing Sub Introductory Paragraph Dissenting Shares 2.3(f) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Distributed Receivables 8.5 Estimated Inventory 2.5(a) Final Effective Time 3.1(b) Final Surviving Entity 3.1(a) Financial Statements 5.7(a) Forward Certificate of Merger 3.1(b) Forward Merger 3.1(a) Fundamental Representations 11.1 General Survival Period 10.1(b11.1 Indemnified Liabilities 8.9(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiIndemnified Party 8.9(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act Indemnity Holdback 2.6 Independent Accounting Firm 2.5(c) Initial Effective Time 2.1(b) Initial Surviving Entity 2.1(a) Inventory 2.1(a) Inventory Holdback 2.6 Inventory Items List 2.5(a) KMG Introductory Paragraph KMG Documents 7.2 KMG Entity 7.2 KMG Indemnified Parties 11.2(a) KMG Reports 7.6 Xxxxxxx Introductory Paragraph Listed Shareholders 8.5 Loss 11.2(a) Marks 1.1 (in Affiliate definitiondefinition of Intellectual Property) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionMaterial Contracts 5.14(a) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aOffered Business 8.13 Owned Property 5.11(a)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (KMG Chemicals Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAlternative Transaction 5.6 (a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 Recitals Amended and Restated Service Contract 5.8 Balance Sheet 3.7 (in a) Balance Sheet Date 3.7 (a) Budget and Business definitionPlan 3.9 (a) Closing 5.1(aCap 7.4 CEC Employees 3.16 (a) CEC Related Persons 3.22 (b) Closing(s) 2.5 (b) Closing Date 5.1(a2.5 (b) Company Recitals Company Documents 3.2 (a) Company Intellectual Property 3.13 (a) Company Owned Property 3.11 (a) Company Owned Properties 3.11 (a) Company Permits 3.18 (b) Company Personal Property Leases 3.12 (c) Company Plans 3.15 (a) Company Property 3.11 (a) Company Properties 3.11 (a) Company Real Property Lease 3.11 (a) Company Real Property Leases 3.11 (a) Company Straddle Tax Return 5.17 Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b5.1 CRC Recitals CVPS Recitals CVPS Documents 3.2 (b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiCVPS Indemnified Parties 7.2 (b) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 CVPS Related Persons 3.22 (in Affiliate definitiona) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities CVPS Tax Claim 7.5 (b) CVPS Tax Return 5.17 Deductible 7.4 Development Note 3.09 (c) Employees 3.16 (b) Evaluation Material 5.1 EWG 3.21 (d) FERC 3.21 (b) Final Purchase 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 3.7 (in Damages definitiona) 6.4(aIndemnified Party(ies) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v7.2 (b) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bIndemnifying Party(ies) IRI Project 6.8(ii7.4 Initial Closing 2.5 Initial Closing Date 2.5 Initial Purchase 2.4 LTIP 6.1 (h) ISA 6.4(iiiMaterial Contracts 3.14 (a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iMultiemployer Plan 3.15 (a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiPBGC 3.15 (f) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iPer Share Purchase Price 2.3 PUHCA 3.21 (a) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets Purchase Commitment 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 4.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a7.2 (a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iPURPA 3.21 (b) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(aQF 3.21 (c) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiRelated Persons 3.22 (b) Software Products 6.8(viRepresentatives 5.6 (a) Subsidiary 6.1 Required Consents 5.3 Shares Recitals Subsequent Closing 2.5 (b) Subsequent Closing Date 2.5 (b) Survival Period 10.1(b7.1 Sweetwater Land Option Agreement 3.09 (c) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(bPackage 5.17 (d) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aReferee 5.17 (c) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iThird Party Claim 7.5 (b) Title IV Plans 3.15 (a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aEmployees 5.2 (c) Transferred Projects 5.20 Underlying Project Owned Property 3.11 (b) Underlying Project Owned Properties 3.11 (b) Underlying Project Property 3.11 (b) Underlying Project Properties 3.11 (b) Underlying Project Real Property Lease 3.11 (b) Underlying Project Real Property Leases 3.11 (b)

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Samples: Stock Subscription Agreement (Central Vermont Public Service Corp)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquired Companies Recitals Acquired Companies Equity Interests 5.4(a) Acquired Company Recitals Act 6.5 Agreed Principles 3.3 Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Introduction Allocation 7.16(j) Term Section Anti-Corruption Laws 5.16(d)(i)(C) Applicable Competition Laws 5.3(b) Audited Financial Statements 5.6(b) Balance Sheet 5.6 Balance Sheet Date 5.6 Base Purchase Price 3.1(a) Buckeye Germany Introduction Business definitionRecitals Business Employees 5.14(f) Carve-Out Financial Statements 5.6(a) Claim Notice 9.4(a) Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Closing Net Working Capital 3.3 Closing Statement 3.3 Closing Statement Delivery Date 3.3 Company Benefit Plans 5.14(k) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival 7.6(a) De Minimis Amount 9.5(c) DPLTA Settlement Accounts 7.15(b)(ii) DPLTA Stub Period 10.1(b7.15(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEstimated Buckeye Germany IP Value 7.16(k)(i) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Estimated GP Nonwovens IP Value 7.16(k)(i) Estimated Loss Transfer Amount 7.15(b)(i)(B) Estimated Profit Transfer Amount 7.15(b)(i)(A) Final Closing Statement 3.4(a) Final Buckeye Germany IP Value 7.16(j) Final GP Nonwovens IP Value 7.16(j) Forum 10.2(a) French Company Recitals French Equity Interests 5.4(a) General Enforceability Exceptions 5.2 German Company Recitals German Competition Law 5.3(b) German Equity Interest 5.4(a) XX Xxxxx 7.10 GP Nonwovens Introduction Governmental Grants 5.20 Indemnified Party 9.4(a) Indemnifying Party 9.4(a) Indemnitees 7.7(a) Initial Closing Company Cash 3.3(b) Initial Closing Company Indebtedness 3.3(c) Initial Closing Net Working Capital 3.3(a) Initial Purchase Price 3.2(a) Term Section Insurance Policies 5.21 IP Tax Claim 7.16(i) IP Value Adjustment 7.2(c) Italian Company Recitals Italian Equity Interest 5.4(a) Joint Defense Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition7.4(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionOutside Date 4.3(a) 6.4(aOwned Properties 5.9(a)(i) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vOwned Property 5.9(a)(i) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bParty Introduction Personal Property Leases 5.10(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPension Commitments 5.14(c) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPeriod 7.2 Pre-Closing Straddle Period 7.16(c) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a7.16(b) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Pre-Closing Tax Return 7.16(a)(i) Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiPurchase Price Bank Accounts 3.3 Purchaser Introduction Purchaser Designated Subsidiary 10.7 Purchaser Documents 6.2 Purchaser Fundamental Representations 9.1 Purchaser Group Member 10.12(a) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iGroup Members 10.12(a) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a9.2(a) Purchaser Parent Recitals Purchaser Parent Guarantee Recitals Real Property Lease 5.9(a)(ii) Real Property Leases 5.9(a)(ii) Registered Intellectual Property 5.11(a) Seller Preamble Introduction Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Fundamental Representations 9.1 Seller Group Member 10.12(a) Seller Group Members 10.12(a) Seller Law Firm 10.12(a) Seller Documents 6.2(i) 5.2 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a9.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Parent Recitals Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiParent Guarantee Recitals Seller Restricted Business 7.12(b) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Steinfurt Facility Recitals Straddle Period 10.1(b7.16(a)(ii) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b7.16(i) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aFee 4.4(b) Total Consideration 4.1 Third Party Claim 9.4(b) Term Section Third Party IP Valuation 7.16(j) Trade Controls 5.16(f)(i) Transaction Documents 7.2(iPayments Statement 4.2(b) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aUnaudited Financial Statements 5.6(c)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Share Purchase Agreement

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings means set forth in the sections indicatedindicated below: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i280G Disclosure Statement 4.12 Acquisition Transaction 4.6(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionAntitrust Division 4.4(a) Antitrust Laws 4.4(b) Closing 5.1(a1.2(a) Closing Date 5.1(aCOBRA 2.16(j) Common Dividend Recitals Common Stock Recitals Company Preamble Company Plans 2.16(f) Company Properties 2.12(a) Confidential Information 4.1, 4.7(c) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b4.1 Conversion Notice Recitals Deductible 7.3(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiDeductible Dividend Defense Costs 7.3(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionDisclosure Documents Recitals Disclosure Documents Actions Recitals Disclosure Schedule 2 Dividend Record Date Recitals Environmental Laws 2.22 ERISA 2.16(g) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Matter Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller definition Existing Credit Facility 4.14(a) Existing Preferred Designation Recitals Existing Preferred Stock 2.2(a) Financial Statements 2.13 Founder(s) Preamble FTC 4.4(a) Fundamental Representations 7.1 Hazardous Substance 2.22 HSR Act 2.6(b) HSR Filings 4.4(a) LLR Recitals Loan Agreement 5.14 Loss(es) 7.5 Material Agreements 6.9(iiiContracts 2.9(a) Software Products 6.8(viMaturity Date 4.14(b) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Most Recent Balance Sheet 2.13 New Reserve Amount 4.13

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Samples: Investment Agreement (Five Below, Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i2013 Financial Statements 5.18 Adjustment Increase Amount 3.2(b) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation 10.1(b) Alternative Financing 8.14(c) Alternative Transaction 8.12(a) Applicable Privacy and Data Security Laws Assigned Contracts 5.7(i) 2.1(c) Assigned Leases 2.1(d) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionAssumed Professional Liability Claims 2.3(h) Assumed Workers Compensation Claims 2.3(g) Term Section Assumption and Assignment Agreement 4.2(a) Audited Financial Statements 5.18 Back-to-Back LCs 8.13 Balance Sheet Date 5.18 Cash Collateral 5.13 Certified Working Capital 3.2(d) Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 COBRA Continuation Coverage 7.4 COBRA Employees 7.4 DOJ 8.6(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bEmployee Plans 5.16(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEstimated Closing Net Working Capital 3.2(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionEstimation Statement 3.2(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Execution Date Preamble Final Working Capital 3.2(c) Final Working Capital Statement 3.2(c) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.18 FTC 8.6(a) 6.4(aL/C Issuers 8.13 Letters of Credit 8.13 Material Contracts 5.8(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vMaterial Permits 5.9(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bMSN Preamble MSNH Preamble MSNHC Preamble MSN Organizational Documents 5.1 New Commitment Letter 8.14(c) IRI Project 6.8(iiNew Fee Letter 8.14(c) ISA 6.4(iiiNon-Assignable Contract 2.5 Outside Date 4.4(b) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Personal Property Leases 5.12 Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiNames 2.1(g) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser COBRA Costs 7.4 Purchaser Disclosure Schedule Article VI Purchaser Organizational Documents 7.2(i6.1 Term Section Qualified Plan 5.16(c) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aReal Property Leases 5.13(b) Seller Representatives 8.2(a) Required Contracts 9.3(f) Review Documents 5.24 Sellers Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Schedule Article V Seller Organizational Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a5.1 Specified Employee 7.1(a)

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Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Cross Country Healthcare Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. (a) For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquired Entity 7.12(b)(i) Act 6.5 Adjusted Purchase Price 3.3 Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Antitrust Division 7.4(a) Antitrust Laws 5.3 Balance Sheet 5.7(b) Balance Sheet Date 5.7(b) Benefit Plan 5.14(a) Business Recitals Closing 4.1 Closing Date 4.1 Closing Statement 3.3 8 Term Section Closing Statement Delivery Date 3.3 COBRA 7.10(b)(iii) Communications Act 5.19(a) Companies Recitals Company Benefit Plan 5.14(a) Company Pension Plan 5.14(b) Company Registered IP 5.12(a) Competing Business 7.12(a) Confidentiality Agreement 7.6 Consolidated Audited Financial Statements 7.25(b) De Minimis Business 7.12(e) Disclosure Schedules Article V DTV 5.19(b) Elections 7.15(h)(A) ERISA 5.14(a) Excluded Matter 1.1 (in Business definitiondefinition of Material Adverse Effect) Closing 5.1(aFCC Application 7.4(d) Closing Date 5.1(aFCC Consent 7.4(d) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.7(a) 6.4(aFTC 7.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vIndependent Accounting Firm 3.4(d) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bInitial Closing Working Capital 3.3 Leased Real Property 5.10(a) IRI Project 6.8(iiLXX Xxxxx 7.9 LIN TV of San Jxxx Recitals LIN TV of San Jxxx Common Stock 5.5(c) ISA 6.4(iiiMaterial Contracts 5.13(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iNegative Adjustment 3.3 Notice of Disagreement 3.4(c) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiOwned Property, Owned Properties 5.10(a) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iPersonal Property Leases 5.11(b) Post-Positive Adjustment 3.3 Post Closing Covenants 10.1(bStatement 3.4(a) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPrice Allocation 7.15(h)(B) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a9.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aPurchaser Plans 7.10(b)(ii)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (Lin Television Corp)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounting Referee 3.3(c) Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i2.1(m) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Recitals Allocation 2.7 Alternative Financing 8.11 Antitrust Laws 8.4(b) Asset Acquisition Statement 2.7 Assignment and Assumption Agreement 4.2(b) Assignment of Lease 4.2(e) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Balance Sheet 5.4 Balance Sheet Date 5.4 Xxxx of Sale 4.2(a) Term Section Claim 11.5(a) Closing 4.1 Closing Date 4.1 Closing Statement 3.3(a) Closing Working Capital 3.3(a) Commitment Letter 7.4(a) Confidentiality Agreement 8.6 Copyrights 1.1 (in Business Purchased Intellectual Property definition) Closing 5.1(aDe Minimis Basket 11.4(a) Closing Date 5.1(aDeductible 11.4(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bDefect Basket 11.4(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiDisclosure Schedules Article V Dispute Notice 3.3(b) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionEmployee Benefit Plans 5.13(a) Employment Agreements 10.1(l) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Expenses 11.2(d) Final Working Capital 3.3(e) Financial Statements 5.4 Financing Deadline 4.4(d) Fundamental Representations 11.1 Guaranty 12.13(d) Indemnity Escrow Account 3.2(b) Indemnity Escrow Termination Date 11.5(c) Intellectual Property Assignment 4.2(c) Judicial Action 12.3 Key Employees 4.2(h) Lenders 7.6(a) Loss(es) 11.2(a) Manufacturer’s Defect Claim 8.12 Marks 1.1 (in Damages Purchased Intellectual Property definition) 6.4(aMaterial Contract 5.12(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vNon-Recourse Party 12.13(f) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bNonassignable Assets 2.5(c) IRI Project 6.8(iiNoncompetition and Nonsolicitation Agreement 4.2(d) ISA 6.4(iiiObligations 12.13(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iOutside Date 4.4(a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Owner Recitals Owner Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)6.1

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Headwaters Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i2.1(d) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Agreed Principles 3.3(a) Applications 7.5 Term Section Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionAssignment and Assumption Agreement 9.1(k) Balance Sheet 5.4(a) Balance Sheet Date 5.4(a) Basket 10.5(a) Benefits Maintenance Period 8.2(a) Bxxx of Sale 9.1(j) Cap 10.5(a) Closing 5.1(a4.1 Closing Date 4.1 Closing Statement 3.3(a) Closing Date 5.1(aWorking Capital 3.3(a) CNAM Agreement 9.1(p) Colocation Agreement 9.1(q) Communications Act 5.3(b) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b7.6 Corporate Account Agreement 9.1(r) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiDeposit 3.1(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionDispute 11.2(a) Dispute Notice 11.2(a) Employee Benefit Plan 5.23(a) Environmental Permits 5.12(a) ERISA 5.23(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Contracts 2.2(a) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages FCC 5.3(b) FCC Consent 7.5 FCC Licenses 5.6(c) Final Order 9.1(e) Final Working Capital 3.3(e) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.4(a) 6.4(aFinancing Commitment 4.2(f) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vFRP 8.2(e) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(iiIndependent Accountant 3.3(c) ISA 6.4(iiiInventory 2.1(c) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iLosses 10.2(a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiMaterial Contract 5.7(a) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iMaterial Customers 5.14(a) Material Suppliers 5.14(b) Net Working Capital 3.3(a) Term Section Nonassignable Assets 2.5(b) Non-Transferred Employees 8.1(a) Pension Plan 5.23(d) Personal Property Lease 5.19 Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPP&E 2.1(g) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aPrepaids 2.1(e)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Bell Industries Inc /New/)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation Notice of Objection 10.2(a) Alternative Sale Break-Up Fee Percentage 7.2 Antitrust Division 8.4(a) Antitrust Laws 8.4(b) Antitrust Order 8.4(b) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Auction Date 7.1 Avoidance Actions 2.2(f) Bankruptcy Case Recitals Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Break-Up Fee 7.2 Business definitionRecitals Cash Amount 3.1(a) Chapter 11 Deposits 2.2(g) Chicago License 3.3 Chicago License Condition 3.3 Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Term Section Company Preamble Competing Transaction 7.1 Deposit Amount 3.2 Deposits 2.1(b) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionDivestiture Action 8.4(c) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionFinal Allocation Statement 10.2(a) 6.4(aFTC 8.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vLicense Adjustment Amount 3.3 Necessary Consent 2.6 Outside Date 4.4(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bOwned Real Property 5.4 Parent Preamble Periodic Non-Income Taxes 10.3(a) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Petition Date Recitals Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bStraddle Period 10.3(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bStraddle Period 10.3(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aProposed Allocation Statement 10.2(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 2.1(b) Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iReferee 10.3 Seller or Sellers Preamble Straddle Period 10.3(b) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i4.4(a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a10.1 WARN Act 2.4(f)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Flowers Foods Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquisition Transaction 7.6(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Recitals Antitrust Laws 7.4(b) Asset Acquisition Statement 2.8 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Balance Sheet 5.4(a) Balance Sheet Date 5.4(a) Book Value 3.1 Book Value Escrow Amount 3.5(b) Business Marks 7.11(a) Cap 10.4(c) Closing 4.1 Closing Date 4.1 Closing Payment 3.3 Confidential Information 7.7(c) Copyrights 1.1 (in Business Intellectual Property definition) Closing 5.1(aDeductible 10.4(a) Closing Date 5.1(aDisclosure Memorandum 12.9(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bDispute Notice Exhibit 3.4 Duration Multiple 1.1 (in Pipeline Loan Adjustment definition) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEmployee Benefit Plans 5.13(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 3.5(a) Escrow Agreement 10.5 3.5(a) Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionAmount 3.5(b) Estimated Book Value 3.2 Estimated Closing Balance Sheet 3.2 Estimated Pipeline Premium 3.2 Estimated Purchase Price 3.2 Excess Severance Escrow Amount 3.5(b) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Employee 8.1(b) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages FDIC 6.3(b) Term Section Final Balance Sheet Exhibit 3.4 Final Book Value Exhibit 3.4 Final Pipeline Premium Exhibit 3.4 Final Pipeline Premium Calculation Statement Exhibit 3.4 Final Purchase Price Exhibit 3.4 Final Purchase Price Adjustment Exhibit 3.4 Financial Statements 5.4(a) FIRPTA Affidavit 9.1(g) Hedging Instrument 2.2(k) Indemnification Escrow Amount 3.5(b) knowledge 12.8 Knowledge of Parent 12.8 Knowledge of Seller 12.8 Losses 10.2(a)(i) Market Movement 1.1 (in Damages Pipeline Loan Adjustment definition) 6.4(aMarks 1.1 (in Intellectual Property definition) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vMaterial Contracts 5.12(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bNonassignable Assets 2.6(c) IRI Project 6.8(iiOTS 6.1 Parent Recitals Parent Marks 7.11 Parent URL 7.11 Patents 1.1 (in Intellectual Property definition) ISA 6.4(iiiPersonal Property Leases 5.10(b) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iPipeline Loans 2.1(a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Pipeline Premium 3.1 Pipeline Premium Escrow Amount 3.5 Premium 3.1 Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiPurchaser Recitals Purchaser 401(k) Plan 8.1(g) Purchaser Preamble Benefit Plans 8.1(d) Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Real Property Lease 5.9(a) Receivables 2.2(c) Representatives 7.6 Resolution Period Exhibit 3.4 Restricted Business 7.7(a) Revised Statements 2.8 Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Recitals Seller Documents 6.2(i) 5.2 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a10.2(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Property 5.9(a) Severance Agreements 6.9(iii8.1(h) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b10.1 Third Party Claim 10.3(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iTerm Section Trade Secrets 1.1 (in Intellectual Property definition) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aTransferred Employees 8.1(a)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (New York Mortgage Trust Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAdditional Designated Executory Contract 2.5(b) Additional Designation Period 2.5(b) Aggregate Trade Payables 2.3(h) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation Statement 11.3 Antitrust Division 8.4(a) Antitrust Laws 8.4(b) Assumed Contracts 2.1(b)(xi) Assumed Leases 2.1(b)(x) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Assumed Secured Debt 3.1 Assumed Trade Payables 2.3(h) Auction 7.2I Auction Date 4.4(j) Avoidance Actions 2.2(g) Bankruptcy Case Recitals Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Bid Deadline 7.2(a) Business definition) Recitals Cash Portion of the Purchase Price 3.1 Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 COBRA 9.3(c) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bCompany Preamble Cure Costs Deadline 2.5(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) Effective Date Preamble Essex Preamble Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.15(a) 6.4(aFTC 8.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vHedging Participants 10.1(d) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bInitial Assumed Executory Contracts 2.5(a) IRI Project 6.8(iiInventory 2.1(b)(ii) ISA 6.4(iiiLeased Machinery and Equipment 2.1(b)(i) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iLeased Real Property 5.13(b) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiMachinery and Equipment 2.1(b)(i) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iMaterial Contracts 5.11(a) Miscellaneous Secured Debt 2.9(a) Non-Debtor Consents 8.3 Owned Machinery and Equipment 2.1(b)(i) Payoff Deadline 2.9(b) Periodic Taxes 11.2 Post-Closing Determination Period 2.5(c) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aPayments 3.1(c)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Essex Rental Corp.)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, each of the following terms have meanings is defined in the Section set forth in the sections indicatedopposite such term: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAdditional Deposit 3.2 Agreement Recitals Term Section Allocation 11.3 Antitrust Bureau 8.4(b) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Antitrust Division 8.4(b) Assigned Contracts 2.1(d) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Bankruptcy Case Recitals Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Business definitionRecitals Business Confidential Information 8.6(b) CBAs 5.11(c) Clinical Affiliation Agreement 2.10 Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 COBRA 9.2(g) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bCON Termination Date 4.4(c)(iv) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Cure Amount 2.5 Escrow Agent 10.5 3.2 Escrow Agreement 10.5 3.2 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) Funds 3.2 Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Excluded Matter 1.1 Excluded Owned Property 2.2(f)(i) Excluded Personal Property Leases 2.2(e) Excluded Real Property 2.2(f)(ii) Excluded Real Property Leases 2.2(f)(ii) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.4 FTC 8.4(b) 6.4(aHealthcare Applications 8.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vHealthcare Programs 5.12(b) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bHospice Recitals Initial Deposit 3.2 Interim Agreement 8.13 Interim Balance Sheet 5.4 Material Contracts 5.9(a) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Nonassignable Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a2.6(b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i3.3(b) Adjusted Closing Date Payment 3.3(c)(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation Schedule 2.7 Antibody and Assay Design Business 7.3(a) Asset Acquisition Statement 2.7 Assigned Insurance Policy 2.1(k) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Xxxx of Sale and Assignment and Assumption Agreement 4.2(a)(ii) BDO 3.3(b) Board 7.12(b) Business definitionRecitals Change of Seller Board Recommendation 7.13(e) Claim Notice 10.4(a) Clarification Agreement 7.14(d) Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Closing Date Payment 3.2 Deductible 10.5(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bDeed 4.2(a)(iv) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiDestroy/Destroyed 7.13(d) Direct Claim 10.7 Disclosure Schedules Article V Term Section Disputed WC Items 3.3(b) Due Date 10.8(b)(i) End Date 9.1(a)(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) Distribution Date 3.4 Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Contracts 2.2(a) Excluded Employees 7.14(a) Excluded Intellectual Property 2.2(d) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Final Closing Date Balance Sheet 3.3(a) Final Net Working Capital 3.3(b) Final Purchaser Working Capital Payment 3.3(e) Final Seller Working Capital Payment 3.3(d) Final Working Capital Deficit Amount 3.3(c)(iii) Final Working Capital Surplus Amount 3.3(c)(ii) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v5.5 Hired Employees 7.14(c) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bNotification Date 10.1(a) IRI Project 6.8(iiIndemnity Escrow Amount 3.4 Independent Accountant 3.3(b) ISA 6.4(iiiInsurance Policies 5.19 Intellectual Property Assignment 4.2(a)(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iIntellectual Property Licenses 5.13(b) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiLeased Fixtures and Improvements 5.7(d)(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iLeased Real Property 5.7(d) PostLiability Cap 10.5(a) Material Contracts 5.14(a) Material Customers 5.21 Material Suppliers 5.21 Net Working Capital Threshold 3.3(c)(iv) Nonassignable Assets 2.5(b) Non-Closing Covenants 10.1(bCompete Area 7.3(a) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bOwned Fixtures and Improvements 5.7(e)(i) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aOwned Real Property 5.7(e) Parent Preamble Party Preamble Proprietary Rights Agreement 5.15(c) Proxy Statement 7.12(a) Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Contracts 2.1(a) Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiIntellectual Property 2.1(g) Purchased Permits 2.1(i) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a10.2 Term Section Real Property Leases 5.7(d) Required Stockholder Vote 5.2 Retention and Severance Agreements 7.14(d) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iBoard Recommendation 7.12(b) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a10.3 Seller SEC Reports 5.4 Seller Stockholder Meeting 7.12(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiSeller’s Affidavit 4.2(a)(xii) Software Products 6.8(viTermination Fee 9.3(a) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Third Party Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a10.6(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) 3.1 Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a7.15(b) Transferred Employees 7.14(a) TUPE 7.14(g) WC Dispute Notice 3.3(b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Strategic Diagnostics Inc/De/)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAccounting Firm 7.4(d)(ii) Adjustment Amount 3.3(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionArbiter 3.3(d) Audited Financial Statements 5.6(a) Balance Sheet 5.6(a) Balance Sheet Date 5.6(a) Benefit Plans 5.14(a) Cap 9.1(b) Certificate of Merger 2.2 Closing 4.1(a) Closing 5.1(aBalance Sheet 3.3(b) Closing Date 5.1(a4.1(a) Company Preamble Company Common Stock Recitals Company Documents 5.2 Company Fundamental Representations 9.4 Company Owned Intellectual Property 5.12(a) Company Licensed Intellectual Property 5.12(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 7.6 Continuing Employees 7.14 Debt Financing 8.1(e) Disputed Items 3.3(c) Dissenting Shares 3.1(d) Dissenting Stockholders 3.1(d) Xxxx-Xxxxx Act 6.5(a) Effective Time 2.2 Employee 5.14(a) Engagement Agreement 10.1(a) ERISA 5.14(a) Estimated Balance Sheet 3.3(a) Term Section Estimated Aggregate Merger Consideration 3.3(a) Estimated Closing Date Cash 3.3(a) Estimated Net Working Capital 3.3(a) Exchange Act 6.5(a) Final Adjustment Report 3.3(b) Final Aggregate Merger Consideration Report 3.3(b) Financial Statements 5.6(a) Holdback Amount 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiXxxxx Employment Agreement Recitals Indemnified Party 9.3(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Indemnifying Parties 9.3(a) Interim Balance Sheet 5.6(a) Interim Balance Sheet Date 5.6(a) Lease Documents 5.1 Leased Real Property 5.1 Leased Real Properties 5.1 Letter of Transmittal 3.2(a) Material Contract(s) 5.13(a) Material Customer 5.21(a) Material Supplier 5.22 Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Objection Notice 3.3(c) Option Changes 7.17(b) Outside Date 4.2(a) Parent Preamble Parent Documents 6.2 Parent Fundamental Representations 9.4 Parent Indemnitees 9.1(a) Parent SEC Documents 6.5(a) Preliminary Adjustment Report 3.3(a) Preliminary Aggregate Merger Consideration Report 3.3(a) Related Person 5.13(a)(v) SEC 6.5(a) Securities Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition6.4 Series A Conversion 7.17(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Series A Preferred Stock Recitals Sellers’ Representative 10.1(a) Seller Tax Return 7.4(d)(ii) SOX 6.5(a) Straddle Period 7.4(a) 18 Term Section Surviving Corporation 2.1 Surviving Corporation Common Stock 3.1(a) Tax Representations 9.4 Tax Claim 7.4(f) Tax Contest 7.4(e)(i) Third Party Claim 9.3(a) Threshold 9.1(b) Unaudited Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.6(a) 6.4(aWarrant Changes 7.17(c) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Written Consent Recitals

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Glowpoint, Inc.)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionAntitrust Division 7.7(a) Antitrust Laws 7.7(b) Audited Financial Statements 5.6 Balance Sheet 5.6 Balance Sheet Date 5.6 Benefit Plans 5.16(a) BPR Initiative 5.31 Cash-Out Options 3.2(d)(ii) Certificate(s) of Merger 2.2 Claim 7.10(b) Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 COBRA 5.16(b) Common Stock Election 3.2(f)(i) Company Recitals Company Common Shares Recitals Company Common Stock Recitals Company Documents 5.2 Company Stock Recitals Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b7.9 Delivery Date 7.1(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiDisclosure Statement 7.1(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Dissenting Shares 3.2(e) Dissenting Stockholders 3.2(e) Effective Time 2.2 EGTRRA 5.16(c) Employee 5.16(a) ERISA 5.16(a) ERISA Affiliate definition5.16(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Existing Policy 7.10(c) Financial Advisor 5.21 Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.6 Form of Election 3.2(h)(ii) 6.4(aFTC 7.7(a) Foreign Tax Withholding H-1B Documentation 5.17(i) Holding Company Preamble Holding Company Common Stock Recitals Holding Company Option Plan 7.14 Holding Company Shares Recitals I-9 Forms 5.17(h) Indemnitee(s) 7.10(a) Interim Balance Sheet 5.6 Interim Balance Sheet Date 5.6 ISS 5.26 ISS Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vof Merger 2.2 ISS Merger Recitals ISS Merger Sub Preamble ISS Merger Sub Common Stock Recitals ISS Surviving Corporation 2.1(b) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bISS Written Consent Recitals Xxxxxx Xxxxx 7.20(a) IRI Project 6.8(iiLetter of Transmittal 3.3(a) ISA 6.4(iiiLicensed Intellectual Property 5.13 Material Contract(s) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i5.14(a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiMaterial Customers 5.15(a) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iMaterial Vendors 5.15(b) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bMaximum Holding Company Share Number 3.2(c)(iii) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bMerger Sub(s) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Preamble

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (RiskMetrics Group Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquisition Transaction 6.6(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionRecitals Arbiter 2.4(b)(iii) Balance Sheet 4.7(a) Balance Sheet Date 4.7(a) Cap 8.4(b) Closing 5.1(a2.5 Closing Balance Sheet 2.4(b)(ii) Closing Date 5.1(a2.5 Closing Working Capital 2.4(b)(i) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Closing Working Capital Statement 2.4(b)(ii) Company Recitals Company Documents 4.2 Company Marks 6.10 Company Permits 4.19(b) Company Property 4.12(a) Deductible 8.4(a) Effective Date 2.5 Estimated Closing Balance Sheet 2.4(a)(i) Estimated Closing Working Capital 2.4(a)(i) Estimated Closing Working Capital Excess 2.4(a)(ii) Estimated Closing Working Capital Shortfall 2.4(a)(ii) Financial Statements 4.7(a) FIRPTA Affidavit 2.7(g) General Survival Period 10.1(b8.1 Included Current Assets 2.4(b)(i) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiIncluded Current Liabilities 2.4(b)(i) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionLoss or Losses 8.2(a) Excluded Assets Material Contracts 4.15(a) Owned Property 4.12(a) Personal Property Leases 4.13(b) Purchase Price 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Stock Recitals Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Documents 7.2(i5.2 Purchaser’s Environmental Assessment 6.11(a) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a8.2(a) Qualified Plan 4.16(b) Real Property Lease 4.12(a) Related Persons 4.23 Representatives 6.6(a) Restricted Business 6.7(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Recitals Seller Documents 6.2(i) 3.1 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a8.2(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiShares 4.4(a) Software Products 6.8(viStraddle Period 8.5(c) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b8.1 Target Working Capital 2.5(a)(ii) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b8.5(d)(i) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aThird Party Claim 8.3(b) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iWheels Lease Assignment 7.1(j) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Zedi Recitals

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Purchase and Sale Agreement (Powersecure International, Inc.)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section 80 Pine Relocation 2.8(a) AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i11.3(b) Accrued Employee Benefits 8.2(d) Additional Monthly Financial Data 7.16 Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Recitals Allocation Schedule 2.7 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Available Financial Data 7.16 Xxxx of Sale and Assignment and Assumption Agreement 9.2(a) Circuit Inventory Database 7.14 Closing 4.1 Term Section Closing Date 4.1 Confidentiality Agreement 7.6 Copyrights 1.1 (in Business Purchased Intellectual Property definition) Closing 5.1(aCustomer Contracts 2.1(f) Closing Date 5.1(aDeposits from Customers 2.1(b)(ii) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bDeposits with Third Parties 2.1(b)(i) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiDisconnect Order 5.4(c) Employee Benefit Plans 5.10 Employee List 8.1(a) Equipment 2.1(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) 3.2 Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Expenses 10.2(a)(iii) Financial Statements Data 5.4 Indemnification Claim 10.4(a) Indemnity Escrow Amount 10.6 Losses 10.2(a)(i) Marks 1.1 (in Damages Purchased Intellectual Property definition) 6.4(aMonthly Access Cost Cap 7.12(b) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vNon-assignable Assets 2.5(c) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bPatents 1.1 (in Purchased Intellectual Property definition) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) [**] [**] Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiContracts 2.1(g) Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Purchaser Plans 8.2(b) [**] [**] Relocations 7.2(b) [**] [**] Restricted Activities 7.13(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Recitals Seller Documents 6.2(i) 5.2 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a10.3 Selling Subsidiaries 2.1 Standard Procedure 8.1(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiStraddle Amounts 3.4(b) Software Products 6.8(viThird Party Claim 10.1 Transferred Employees 8.1(a) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Transferred Leases 5.7 Term Section Transition 7.2(b) TSA Escrow Amount 3.3 [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] Unresolved Claims 10.6 Working Teams 7.2(b) Worship Street Relocation 7.2(b) Worship Street Relocation Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a8.3(c)(i)(B)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Global Crossing LTD)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAccounting Referee 3.3(c) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Additional Asset 2.5(c) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Balance Sheet 5.5(b) Basket 10.4 Business 1.1 Business Assets 5.7 Business Financials 7.10 Business Insurance Policies 2.5(g) Claim 10.3 Closing 4.1 Closing Date 4.1 Closing Statement 3.3(a) Closing Net Assets 3.3(a) Completion Date 2.5(d) Copyrights 1.1 (in Business Intellectual Property definition) Closing 5.1(a) Closing Date 5.1(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionExcluded Accounts Receivable 2.2(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Expenses 10.2(a)(5) Financial Statements 5.5(a) Investment Center 5.4(b) Joint Intellectual Property 2.1(f) Losses 10.2(a)(i) Marks 1.1 (in Damages Intellectual Property definition) 6.4(aMinimum Level 10.5 NDA Agreements 2.5(f) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vNet Assets 3.3(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bNew Hire Method 8.1(a) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiNon-Assignable Asset 2.5(b) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i5.23(b) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPatents 1.1 (in Intellectual Property definition) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aPurchase Price 3.1 Purchased Accounts Receivable 2.1(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Personal Property Leases 2.1(c) Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiProposals 2.1(i) Term Section Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Purchaser Related Confidential Information 7.6(g) Purchaser Restricted Business 7.6(b) QSS 7.12 Redundant Asset 2.5(c)(ii) Rollover Method 8.1(a) SEC 5.5(c) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Recitals Seller Documents 6.2(i) 5.3 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a10.2(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Related Confidential Information 7.6(h) Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiRestricted Business 7.6(a) Software Products 6.8(viSigning Net Assets 3.3(a) Subsidiary 6.1 Signing Statement 3.3(a) Subcontracting Agreement 2.5(d) Survival Period 10.1(b10.1 Target Employees 8.1(a) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(bTransferred Employees 8.1(a) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Trustee 3.2 VAT Amount 3.23.2

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Verint Systems Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: indicated:‌ Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquired Assets 2.1 Acquired Intellectual Property Rights 2.1(f) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation Schedule 11.1(b) Assigned Contract Assumption Notice 2.8(a) Assigned Contracts 2.1(d) Assignment and Assumption Agreement 4.2(b) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionAudited Financial Statements 5.12 Back-up Bidder 8.1(c) Term Section Balance Sheet Date 5.12 Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Xxxx of Sale 4.2(a) Chapter 11 Case Recitals Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 COBRA Continuation Coverage 7.3 Competing Bid 8.1(b) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bDeposit Escrow 3.2(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEquipment 2.1(b) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) Exceptions 5.2 Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Corporate Records 2.2(j) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Excluded Plans 2.4(f) Execution Date Preamble Executory Contract List 2.7(a) FDA 5.13(c) FDCA 5.13(a) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.12 Health Care Laws 5.13(a) 6.4(aImprovements 2.1(b) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vInsurance Policies 5.20(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bInterim Financial Statements 5.12 IP Contracts Leased Real Property 2.1(d) IRI Project 6.8(ii2.1(a) ISA 6.4(iiiMaterial Contracts 5.7(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iNamed Insured 4.2(h) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiOriginal Agreement Recitals Outside Back-up Date 8.1(c) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iOutside Date 4.4(b) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPrevailing Bidder 8.1(c) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiPurchase Price 3.1(a) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iDisclosure Schedule ARTICLE VI Recharacterization 9.12 Reimbursement Receivables 2.2(q) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aRepresentatives 9.2(a) Safety Notices 5.13(f) Sale Order 8.2 Term Section Seller Preamble Seller Broker Fee 5.11 Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Schedule ARTICLE V Seller Documents 6.2(iRegistered Intellectual Property Rights 5.8(a) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(aSoftware 5.8(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(viStraddle Period 11.1(b) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(bEquity Interest 2.1(v) Tax 6.16 Tax Third Party Claim 11.4(b12.3(a) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iThird Party Insurance Policies 5.20(c) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aTax 11.1(a) Transferred Employee 7.1 VAT Receivables 2.2(p)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iActual Closing Date Working Capital 3.3(a) Actual Closing Date Working Capital Statement 3.3(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Recitals Allocation Statement 2.2(c) Antitrust Laws 8.4 Arbiter 3.3(b) Audited Financial Statements 5.6 Balance Sheet 5.6 Balance Sheet Date 5.6 Basket 10.5(a) Cap 10.5(a) Closing 4.1 Closing Date 4.1 Common Stock 5.4(a) Company Recitals Company Documents 5.2 Company Plan 5.14 Company Properties 5.10 Confidentiality Agreement 8.6 Consolidated Returns 8.13(a) Continuing Employees 8.9(a) Co-op Agreement 9.1(i) Copyrights 1.1 (in Business Intellectual Property definition) Closing 5.1(aDealer Agreement 9.1(i) Dealer Incentive Agreement 9.1(h) Employee Benefit Plan 5.14 Environmental Permits 5.18(a) Equipment 5.11 ERISA 5.14 Estimated Closing Date 5.1(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act Working Capital 3.2 Estimated Closing Date Working Capital Statement 3.2 Excluded Matter 1.1 (in Affiliate definitiondefinition of Material Adverse Effect) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionExpenses 10.2(a)(ii) 6.4(aExtra Taxes 8.13(c) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vFinancing 8.14 Golden Parachute 5.9(p) Incentives 3.1 Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(iiIndemnified Party 10.4(b) ISA 6.4(iiiIndemnifying Party 10.4(b) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iLosses 10.2(a)(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiMarks 1.1 (in Intellectual Property definition) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iMaterial Contracts 5.13(a) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bMultiemployer Plan 5.14 Patents 1.1 (in Intellectual Property definition) Personal Property Leases 5.11 Plan 5.14 Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPeriods 8.13(a) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Preliminary Statement 3.2 Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 7.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Purchaser Plans 8.9(b) Real Property Lease 5.10 Revised Statements 2.2(c) Securities Act 7.5 Sxxxxxx Documents 6.2(i) Seller 6.2 Sxxxxxx Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Shares Recitals Supplemental Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 8.10 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 10.1 Tax Claim 11.4(b8.13(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aTerritory 8.11(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Unaudited Financial Statements 5.6 Units Recitals Welfare Plan 5.14

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Unit Purchase Agreement (Simmons Co)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the The following terms have meanings set forth are defined in the sections indicatedthis Agreement as follows: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcceptance Notice 3.4(d) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionArbitration Notice 13.2 Baidu Director 5.2(a)(iii) Closing 5.1(aBitauto Preamble Bitauto Directors 5.2(a)(iv) Closing Date 5.1(aBreaching Drag-Along Shareholder 3.6(c) Confidentiality Company Preamble Confidential Information 9.1 Dispute 13.2 Drag-Along Event 3.6(a) Drag-Along Proxy Holder 3.6(c) Drag-Along Sale 3.6(a)(i) Drag-Along Shareholders 3.6(b) Dragging Shareholders 3.6(a) Electing Offeree 3.4(c) Excess Offered Shares 3.4(c) Excess Securities 4.3(a) First Refusal Allocation 3.4(c) First Refusal Right 3.4(a) fully diluted basis 1.3(h) Fully Participating Shareholder 4.3(a) HKIAC 13.2 Issuance Period 4.3(c) Issuance Securities 4.1(a) JD Director 5.2(a)(ii) New Appointment 7.11 non-diluted basis 1.3(h) Non-Electing Offerees 3.4(c) Notices 11.1 Offer Period 3.4(c) Offer Price 3.4(b) Offered Shares 3.4(b) Offerees 3.4(b) Permitted Transferee 3.3(d) Preemptive Acceptance Notice 4.3(a) Preemptive Acceptance Period 4.3(a) Preemptive Offer 4.2(b) Preemptive Offer Notice 4.2(a) Prior Shareholders Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bRecitals Proposed Issuance 4.2(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiProposed Recipient 4.1(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionRemaining Shares 3.4(f) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionReplacement 7.11 Representatives 9.1 Sale Transaction 3.6(a)(ii) 6.4(aSeries A Investors Preamble Series B Investors Preamble Shareholders Meeting 5.1 Tag-Along Notice 3.5(a)(ii) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vTag-Along Offeree 3.5(a)(ii) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bTag-Along Right 3.5(a)(i) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iTencent Directors 5.2(a)(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a3.1 Transfer Notice 3.4(b) Transferee 3.4(b) Transferring Shareholder 3.4(b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Shareholders Agreement (Bitauto Holdings LTD)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA 338 Election 7.10(d) 401(k) Plan 5.12(c) Accounts Payable 2.3(a) Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Adverse Post-Closing Tax Proceeding 7.10(a) Adverse Pre-Closing Tax Proceeding 7.10(a) Affiliate 1.1 Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation Schedule 7.10(d) Annual Financial Statements 5.4(a) Assets 2.1 Assigned Agreements 2.1(e) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Balance Sheet Date 5.4(a) Benefit Plans 5.12(a) Bxxx of Sale 2.5(a) Books and Records 2.1(h) Business Recitals Business Balance Sheet 5.4(a) Business Day 1.1 (in Business definitionEmployee 1.1 Business Intellectual Property 1.1 CableTech Business 2.2(h) Canada Employees 5.13(c) Canada Non-Competition Covenant 7.13(a)(i) Canadian Purchaser 1.1 Canadian Seller 1.1 Cap 9.2(a)(ii) Capital Leases 5.11(a)(xv) Clearance Certificate 7.10(e) Closing 5.1(a4.1 Closing Date 4.1 Closing Date Statement 3.1(b)(ii) Closing Date 5.1(aWorking Capital 3.1(b)(ii) COBRA 5.12(h) 7 Term Section Code 1.1 Concord Facility 2.2(h) Confidential Information 1.1 Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b7.5(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiConsent 5.2(b) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act Contract 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionCopyrights 1.1 Deductible 9.2(a)(i) Draft Transfer Report 7.8(g)(i) Environmental Law 1.1 Environmental Permits 5.16(a) Estimated Statement 3.1(b)(i) Estimated Working Capital 3.1(b)(i) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Claim 9.3(c)(i) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Final Determination 9.3(c) Final Working Capital 3.1(b)(v) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a5.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vBenefit Plan 5.12(h) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bForeign Transferred Subsidiaries 5.7(f) IRI Project 6.8(iiGAAP 1.1 General Assignment 2.5(a) ISA 6.4(iiiGovernmental Body 1.1 Hazardous Material 1.1 HSR Act 1.1 Independent Accountants 7.8(g)(i) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iIndependent Accounting Firm 3.1(b)(iii)(2) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiIn-Licensed IP 1.1 In-Licenses 5.10(f) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iInstruments of Assignment 2.5(a) Instruments of Assumption 2.5(b) Intellectual Property 1.1 Interim Financial Statements 5.4(a) Inventory 2.1(j) IRS 1.1 KERP 7.8(d) Knowledge of Seller 1.1 Law 1.1 Lease Assignments 2.5(a) Leased Real Property 2.1(f) Legal Proceeding 1.1 Liabilities 1.1 Lien 1.1 Losses 9.1(a) Marks 1.1 8 Term Section Material Adverse Effect 1.1 Material Contracts 5.11(a) NDAs 1.1 Noncompetition Period 7.13(a)(i) Off-the-Shelf Software 1.1 Order 1.1 Ordinary Course of Business 1.1 Other Instruments 2.5(a) Owned Properties 5.8(a) Owned Property 5.8(a) Parent Preamble Parent Plans 5.12(a) Patent Assignment 2.5(a) Patents 1.1 Permits 1.1 Permitted Exceptions 1.1 Person 1.1 Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Tax Period 1.1 Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a1.1 Pre-Closing Tax Proceeding 7.10(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiPreliminary Purchase Price 3.1(a) Products 1.1 Purchase Price 3.1(b)(vi) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iCanadian Plan 7.8(g)(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a9.1(a) Purchaser Plans 7.8(b) Real Property Lease 5.8(b) Real Property Leases 5.8(b) Rebate 1.1 Registered IP 5.10(c) Release 1.1 Remaining Concord Assets 5.9 Remedial Action 1.1 Representative 1.1 Retained Aviation Products 5.19 Retained Subsidiaries 1.1 Securities Act 6.5 Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Acquisition Date 5.4(b) Seller Documents 6.2(iCanadian Plan 7.8(g)(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a9.1(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiMarks 7.11(a) Software Products 6.8(vi1.1 Stock Powers 2.5(a) Subsidiary 6.1 Straddle Period 1.1 9 Term Section Subsidiaries 1.1 Superintendent 7.8(g)(i) Supply Agreement 7.9(a) Survival Period 10.1(b10.1 Tangible Personal Property 1.1 Target Working Capital 1.1 Tax 1.1 Tax Authority 1.1 Tax Laws 1.1 Tax Proceeding 7.10(a) Tax 6.16 Tax Returns 1.1 Taxes 1.1 Technology 1.1 Third Party Claim 11.4(b9.3(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aTrademark Assignment 2.5(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i1.1 Transfer Report 7.8(g)(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a7.10(d) Transferred Benefit Plans 5.12(a) Transferred Employees 7.8(a) Transferred Marks 7.11(a) Transferred Securities 2.1(b) Transferred Subsidiaries 2.1(b) Transferred Subsidiary 2.1(b) Transferred Subsidiary Tax Returns 7.10(b) Transition Services Agreement 7.9(b) Undertaking 2.5(b) WARN Act 5.13(b) Working Capital 3.1(b)(i)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Gentek Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections at section indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definition) Assets 3.18 Balance Sheet 3.5 Closing 5.1(a) 2.1 Closing Date 5.1(a2.1 Companies Recitals Company Employees 3.15(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bCompany Permits 3.8(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiCompany Plans 3.15(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act Company Systems 3.16(k) Confidential Information 6.1 Continuing Employees 6.5(a) Contracting Parties 8.14 Copyrights 1.1 (in Covid-19 Claim 6.6 Disclosure Schedule ARTICLE 3 D&O Indemnitees 6.4(a) D&O Insurance 6.4(c) ERISA ERISA Affiliate definition3.15(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages 3.15(a) Financial Statements 3.5 Leased Real Property 3.11(b) Marks 1.1 (in Damages definitionMaterial Contract 3.13(a) 6.4(aMaterial Customers 3.17(b) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vMaterial Suppliers 3.17(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bMeridian Preamble MTBC Warrants 2.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(iiMTBC Warrant Shares 2.4(b) ISA 6.4(iiiNonparty Affiliates 8.14 Origin Preamble Owned Registered Intellectual Property 3.16(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiPatents 1.1 Payoff Letters 2.3(b)(iv) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iDisclosure Schedule ARTICLE 5 Purchaser Plans 6.5(a) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aReleasee 8.13(b) Purchaser Releasors 8.13(a) Registrable Securities 6.9(a) Registration Statement 6.9(a) Rule 144 6.9(h) SEC 5.9(b) SEC Documents 5.9(b) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iIndemnitors 6.4(b) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(aReleasee 8.13(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Releasors 8.13(b) Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiWarrants 4.7 Shares Recitals Side Letter 2.4(b) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iSubrogation Waiver 6.7 Territory 6.2(a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)2.5

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (MTBC, Inc.)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation Statement 11.2 Amendments 8.12(a) Antitrust Division 8.4(a) Antitrust Laws 8.4(b) Assigned Benefit Plans and Policies 2.1(b)(xi) Assigned Permits 2.1(b)(x) Assignment and Assumption Agreement 4.2(b) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionAuction 7.2(a) Auction Date 7.2(a) Bankruptcy Case Recitals Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Base Amount 3.1(a)(ii) Break-Up Fee 7.2(b) Cash Consideration 3.1(a)(ii) Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Competing Transaction. 7.1 Cure Amount 2.5(b) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bDisclosure Schedules 8.8 Electronic Delivery 12.11 Estimated 503(b)(9) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiClaims Amount 3.1(c) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionEstimated 503(b)(9) Claims Excess 3.1(a)(ii) Excluded 503(b)(9) Claim 3.1(d) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionExclusivity Period. 7.1 Existing L/Cs 8.10 First Lien Payoff Letter 3.1(b) 6.4(aFTC 8.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vTerm Section Held Contract 2.5(d) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bHeld Contract Assumption Notice 2.5(d) IRI Project 6.8(iiHybrid Agency Agreement 2.5(e) ISA 6.4(iiiImprovements 5.12(d) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iLayoff List 9.5 Material Contract 5.11(a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiMaterial Suppliers 5.16 Necessary Consent 2.6 Payoff Letters 3.1(b) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aPetition Date Recitals Purchased Assets 2.1(b) Purchased Assets 2.1 Contracts 2.1(b)(vi) Purchased Shares 3.1 Intellectual Property 2.1(b)(viii) Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiInventory 2.1(b)(iv) Purchased Leased Real Property 5.12(a) Purchased Leases 2.1(b)(v) Purchased Owned Real Property 2.1(b)(xv) Purchase Price 3.1(a) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iPlans 9.3 Purchaser’s Representatives 8.1 Second Lien Payoff Letter 3.1(b) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aSeller(s) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iStore Closing Locations 2.5(e) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transactions Recitals Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aTransferred Employees 9.1 Transition Services Agreement 8.9 Withheld Excess Cure Amount Schedule 2.5(b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquisition Transaction 7.5(a) Agreed Principles 3.5(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Introductory Paragraph Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Balance Sheet 5.4(a) Balance Sheet Date 5.4(a) Bank Accounts 2.1(d) Basket 10.4(a) Cap 10.4(b) Cash Receivables 2.2(a) Closing 4.1 Closing Amounts 3.5(a) Closing Date 4.1 Closing Statement 3.5(a) Confidential Information 7.6(c) Copyrights 1.1 (in Business Intellectual Property definition) Closing 5.1(aCustomers 5.22(a) Closing Date 5.1(aEmployee Benefit Plans 5.13(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bERISA Affiliate 5.13(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiTerm Section Escrow Agent 10.5(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition10.5(a) Estimated Closing Amounts 3.3(a) Estimated Closing Adjusted Eligible Receivables 3.3(a) Estimated Closing Fixed Assets 3.3(a) Estimated Closing Inventory 3.3(a) Estimated Closing Other Assets 3.3(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Employee 8.1(c) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Executive Employees 8.1(b) Financial Statements 5.4(a) FIRPTA Affidavit 9.1(i) Guaranty 10.8 Indemnification Claim 10.6(a) Indemnity Escrow Account 10.5(a) Indemnity Escrow Amount 10.5(a) Independent Accountant 3.5(c) Joinder Preamble Loss 10.2(a) Losses 10.2(a) Marks 1.1 (in Damages Intellectual Property definition) 6.4(aMaterial Contracts 5.12(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vMonthly Financial Statements 7.12 Multiemployer Plan 5.13(b) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bNonassignable Assets 2.5 Objection 10.5(b) IRI Project 6.8(iiOffered Employees 8.1(a) ISA 6.4(iiiOwned Properties 5.9(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iOwned Property 5.9(a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiPatents 1.1 (in Intellectual Property definition) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPayment Account 2.8 Payment Agency Agreement 2.8 Payment Agent 2.8 Personal Property Leases 5.10(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bReceivables 3.6(a) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aPurchase Price 3.1 Purchase Price Certificate 3.3(b) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Introductory Paragraph Purchaser Documents 7.2(i6.2 Purchaser’s Environmental Assessment 7.10(a) Purchaser’s Structural Assessment 7.10(a) Term Section Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Real Property Lease 5.9(a) Real Property Leases 5.9(a) Related Persons 5.21 Representatives 7.5(a) Restricted Business 7.6(a) SCAN Lease 9.1(u) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Introductory Paragraph Seller Documents 6.2(i5.2(a) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a10.2(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Marks 7.9 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiPermits 5.16(b) Software Products 6.8(viSeller Property 5.9(a) Subsidiary 6.1 Seller Properties 5.9(a) Seller Representative 10.6(a) Special Provisions 10.4(a) Survival Period 10.1(b) 10.1 Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Clearance Certificate 11.4 Termination Date 5.2(a4.2(a) Third Party Claim 10.3(b) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i3.1 Trade Secrets 1.1 (in Intellectual Property definition) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aUnresolved Claims 10.5(d)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Core-Mark Holding Company, Inc.)

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Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections following Sections so indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iApportioned Obligations 6.7(b) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assigned Contracts 2.1(e) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definition2.3(a) Balance Sheet 2.6(a) Balance Sheet Objection 2.6(d) Benefit Plan 4.12(b) Bxxx of Sale and Assignment 2.8(a)(v) Buyer Opening Paragraph of this Agreement Buyer Indemnified Parties 7.2 Buyer Health Plans 6.6(f) CERCLA 4.16(e) Claims Threshold Amount 7.4(b) Closing 5.1(a) 2.7 Closing Apportionments 3.8 Closing Date 5.1(a2.7 Closing Statements 3.3(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival COBRA 4.12(d) Collective Bargaining Agreements 4.10(a)(ii) Contingent Price 2.10 Contingent Price Notice 2.10(a) Contingent Price Resolution Period 10.1(b2.10(c) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiContingent Price Review Period 2.10(b) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionContingent Price Year 2.10 Cover Letter 4.10(a)(xi) Deeds 3.3(b) EBITDA Target 2.10 Estimated Closing Balance Sheet 2.6(b) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Final Closing Balance Sheet 2.6(f) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition4.5(a) 6.4(aGeneral Partner 4.1 Hired Employee 6.6(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vIGMH 2.10(g) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bCap 7.4(c) IRI Project 6.8(iiIndependent Accountant 2.6(e) ISA 6.4(iiiIntellectual Property Licenses 4.18(c) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iInterim Financial Statements 4.5(a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiIP Assignments 2.8(a)(vi) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iIRS In definition of Taxing Authority Lease Assignments 2.8(a)(xii) Post-Leased Real Properties 2.1(f) Limited Partner 4.1 Material Contract 4.10(a) Multiemployer Plan 4.12(a) Other Benefit Plan 4.12(a) Outstanding Contingent Price Objections 2.10(d) Owned Real Properties 2.1(g) Parent Opening Paragraph of this Agreement Parent Bxxx of Sale 2.8(a)(v) Parties and Party Opening Paragraph of this Agreement Pension Plan 4.12(a) Personal Property Transfer Taxes 6.7(a) Plating Line 6.15 Preliminary Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aBalance Sheet 2.6(c) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Intellectual Property 2.1(i) Purchase Price 2.4 Real Properties 2.1(g) Real Property Leases 2.1(f) Real Property Escrow 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiRecent Balance Sheet 4.5(a) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iRequired Plating Line Work 6.15(b) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aRestricted Period 6.3(a) Retained Liabilities 2.3(b) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Opening Paragraph of this Agreement Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) 7.3 Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(bInsurance Policies 4.7 Statement of Contingent Price Objections 2.10(c) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(bBenefit 7.5 Tennessee I Facility 2.2(c) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aTennessee I Lease 2.2(c) Total Consideration Tennessee II Property 2.2(d) Tennessee II Property Lease 2.8(a)(ix) Title Company 3.1 Title Policies 3.6 TTI 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iTransition Services Agreement 2.8(a)(xiii) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aClaims 6.12(a) Warranty Costs 6.12(a) Welfare Plan 4.12(a)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Accuride Corp)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i1060 Forms 7.16(h)(iii) 338(h)(10) Forms 7.16(h)(ii) Acquired Company Recitals Acquired Company Equity Interests Recitals Act 6.5 Agreed Principles 3.3 Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Introduction Allocation 7.16(h)(iii) Anti-Corruption Laws 5.17(d)(i)(C) Balance Sheet Date 5.6(a) Base Purchase Price 3.1 Benefit Plan 5.15(f) Bestwall Lease Discharge Costs 7.21 Business definitionRecitals Certificate of Substantial Compliance 7.4(a)(ii) Claim Notice 9.4(a) 11 Term Section Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Net Working Capital 3.3 Closing Statement 3.3 Closing Statement Delivery Date 3.3 Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b7.6(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiDe Minimis Amount 9.5(c)(i) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionFacility Recitals Final Closing Statement 3.4(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.6(a) 6.4(aForum 10.2(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vGeneral Enforceability Exceptions 5.2 XX Xxxxx 7.10 HR Transition Preparations 7.22(b) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bIdentified Business Guarantees 7.14(a) IRI Project 6.8(iiIndemnified Party 9.4(a) ISA 6.4(iiiIndemnifying Party 9.4(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iIndemnitees 7.7(a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiInitial Closing Company Cash 3.3 Initial Closing Company Indebtedness 3.3 Initial Closing Net Working Capital 3.3 Initial Purchase Price 3.2(a) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iInsurance Policies 5.21 Interim Balance Sheet 5.6(a) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bIT Transition 7.22(a) Joint Defense Agreement 7.4(a) Outside Date 4.3(a) Material Contracts 5.13(a) Memphis Site Recitals Party Introduction Personal Property Leases 5.11(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPeriod 7.2(a) Pre-Closing Straddle Period 7.16(c) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a7.16(b) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Pre-Closing Tax Return 7.16(a)(i) Pre-Closing Workers’ Comp Claim 7.24 Pre-Signing Reorganization Recitals Pre-Signing Reorganization Documents 5.8 Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiPurchase Price Bank Account 3.3 Purchaser Introduction Purchaser 401(k) Plan 7.12(e) Purchaser Preamble Designated Subsidiary 10.7 Purchaser Documents 7.2(i6.2(a) Purchaser Fundamental Representations 9.1 12 Term Section Purchaser Group Member(s) 10.11(a) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a9.2(a) Real Property Lease(s) 5.10(a) Registered Intellectual Property 5.12(a) Section 338(h)(10) Election 7.16(h)(i) Second Request 7.4(a)(ii) Seller Preamble Introduction Seller Disclosure Letter 6 401(k) Plan 5.15(g) Seller Benefit Plans 5.15(f) Seller Fundamental Representations 9.1 Seller Group Member(s) 10.11(a) Seller Guarantee 7.14(a) Seller Law Firm 10.11(a) Seller Documents 6.2(i) 5.2 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a9.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Parent Recitals Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiParent Guarantee Recitals Seller Restricted Business 7.13(b) Software Products 6.8(viServices Schedule 7.22(c) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Shared Contract 7.3(c) Straddle Period 10.1(b7.16(a)(ii) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b7.16(g) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aFee 4.4(b) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iThird Party Claim 9.4(b) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aTrade Controls 5.17(f)(i) Unidentified Service 7.22(b) WARN Act 5.15(l)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Share Purchase Agreement (Glatfelter Corp)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i338(h)(10) Election 9.14 Acquisition Proposal 8.15 Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Recitals Antitrust Laws 8.4(b) Balance Sheet 5.6(a) Balance Sheet Date 5.6(a) Cap 11.5(a) Closing 4.1 Term Section Closing Date 4.1 Closing Net Amount 3.3(b) Closing Statement 3.3(b) Closing Working Capital 3.3(b) Closing Working Neutral Amount 3.3(a) Closing Working Neutral Deficiency 3.3(a) Closing Working Neutral Excess 3.3(a) COBRA 5.14(g) Collar Amount 3.3(a) Common Stock 5.4(a) Company Recitals Company Benefit Plan 5.14(a) Company Documents 5.2 Confidentiality Agreement 8.6 Continuing Employees 8.9(a)(i) Copyrights 1.1 (in Business Intellectual Property definition) Critical Representations 11.1(b) Current Assets 3.3(a) Current Liabilities 3.3(a) De Minimis Amount 11.5(a) Deductible 11.5(a) Environmental Permits 5.17(a) ERISA 5.14(a) Estimated Closing 5.1(aWorking Capital 3.3(a) Closing Date 5.1(aEstimated Working Capital Adjustment 3.3(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bFinal Working Capital 3.3(f) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiFinancial Statements 5.6(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act Indemnification Claim 11.4(b) Indemnified Party 11.4(b) Indemnifying Party 11.4(b) Independent Accountant 3.3(d) Losses 10.2(a) Lower Working Capital Collar 3.3(a) Marks 1.1 (in Affiliate Intellectual Property definition) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements Material Contracts 5.13(a) Negative Closing Adjustment Amount 3.3(b) Negative Estimate Adjustment Amount 3.3(a) Net Working Capital 3.3(b) Parent Guaranty 8.17 Patents 1.1 (in Damages Intellectual Property definition) 6.4(aPersonal Property Leases 5.11 PII 5.23(b) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vPolicies 5.19 Positive Closing Adjustment Amount 3.3(b) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bTerm Section Positive Estimate Adjustment Amount 3.3(a) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 7.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a11.2(a) Purchaser Plans 8.9(a)(ii) Purchaser Tax Indemnitee 9.1 Real Property Leases 5.10 Released Claims 8.14 Released Parties 8.14 Securities Act 7.5 Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Recitals Seller Documents 6.2(i6.2 Seller Indemnified Parties 11.3(a) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(aTaxes 9.1 Seller Tax Indemnitee 9.2 Shares Recitals Subsequent Loss 9.5(c) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a4.2(d) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iThird Party Intellectual Property Rights 5.12(b) Trade Secrets 1.1 (in Intellectual Property definition) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a9.12 Upper Working Capital Collar 3.3(a)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (RDA Holding Co.)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAccepted Contracts 8.12(a) Accepted Intellectual Property Licenses 8.12(a) Accepted Real Property Leases 8.12(b) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Antitrust Division 8.4(a) Antitrust Laws 8.4(b) Asset Acquisition Statement 11.2 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Avoidance Actions 2.2(c) Bankruptcy Case Recitals Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Bxxx of Sale 4.2(a) Business definition) Recitals Cash Purchase Price 3.1 Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 COBRA 9.1(e) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bCollective Bargaining Agreements 5.30(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiCompany Preamble Company SEC Documents 5.4 Deposit Amount 3.2 ERISA Affiliate 5.10(b) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 3.2 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition5.4(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements Excluded Matter 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 definition) Expense Reimbursement 7.2 FIRPTA 4.2(d) FTC 8.4(a) Indemnified Persons 11.1 J.X. Xxxxxxx Preamble Leased Real Properties 5.7(b) Leased Real Property 5.7(b) Term Section Letter of Credit Purchase Price 3.1 Listed Employee Plan 5.10(a) Loss 10.5 Lost Profits 10.5 Material Contracts 5.9 Material Intellectual Property License 5.8 Material Owned Real Properties 5.7(a) Material Property Loss 10.5 Parent Preamble Parent Shares 3.1 Personal Property Leases 5.7(g) Petition Date Recitals Purchased Assets 2.1(b) Purchase Price 3.1 Purchaser Preamble Real Property Lease 5.7(b) Real Property Leases 5.7(b) Referee 11.3 Rejected Contracts 8.12(a) Subscription Rights 3.1 SEC 5.4 Securities Act 5.4(a) Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Preamble Sellers Preamble Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Preamble Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)11.1

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (American Real Estate Partners L P)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquired Companies Recitals Acquired Companies Equity Interests 5.4(a) Acquired Company Recitals Act 6.5 Agreed Principles 3.3 Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Introduction Allocation 7.16(j) Term Section Anti-Corruption Laws 5.16(d)(i)(C) Applicable Competition Laws 5.3(b) Audited Financial Statements 5.6(b) Balance Sheet 5.6 Balance Sheet Date 5.6 Base Purchase Price 3.1(a) Buckeye Germany Introduction Business definitionRecitals Business Employees 5.14(f) Carve-Out Financial Statements 5.6(a) Claim Notice 9.4(a) Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Closing Net Working Capital 3.3 Closing Statement 3.3 Closing Statement Delivery Date 3.3 Company Benefit Plans 5.14(k) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival 7.6(a) De Minimis Amount 9.5(c) DPLTA Settlement Accounts 7.15(b)(ii) DPLTA Stub Period 10.1(b7.15(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEstimated Buckeye Germany IP Value 7.16(k)(i) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Estimated GP Nonwovens IP Value 7.16(k)(i) Estimated Loss Transfer Amount 7.15(b)(i)(B) Estimated Profit Transfer Amount 7.15(b)(i)(A) Final Closing Statement 3.4(a) Final Buckeye Germany IP Value 7.16(j) Final GP Nonwovens IP Value 7.16(j) Forum 10.2(a) French Company Recitals French Equity Interests 5.4(a) General Enforceability Exceptions 5.2 German Company Recitals German Competition Law 5.3(b) German Equity Interest 5.4(a) XX Xxxxx 7.10 GP Nonwovens Introduction Governmental Grants 5.20 Indemnified Party 9.4(a) Indemnifying Party 9.4(a) Indemnitees 7.7(a) Initial Closing Company Cash 3.3(b) Initial Closing Company Indebtedness 3.3(c) Initial Closing Net Working Capital 3.3(a) Initial Purchase Price 3.2(a) 11 Term Section Insurance Policies 5.21 IP Tax Claim 7.16(i) IP Value Adjustment 7.2(c) Italian Company Recitals Italian Equity Interest 5.4(a) Joint Defense Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition7.4(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionOutside Date 4.3(a) 6.4(aOwned Properties 5.9(a)(i) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vOwned Property 5.9(a)(i) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bParty Introduction Personal Property Leases 5.10(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPension Commitments 5.14(c) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPeriod 7.2 Pre-Closing Straddle Period 7.16(c) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a7.16(b) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Pre-Closing Tax Return 7.16(a)(i) Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiPurchase Price Bank Accounts 3.3 Purchaser Introduction Purchaser Designated Subsidiary 10.7 Purchaser Documents 6.2 Purchaser Fundamental Representations 9.1 Purchaser Group Member 10.12(a) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iGroup Members 10.12(a) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a9.2(a) Purchaser Parent Recitals Purchaser Parent Guarantee Recitals Real Property Lease 5.9(a)(ii) Real Property Leases 5.9(a)(ii) Registered Intellectual Property 5.11(a) Seller Preamble Introduction Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Fundamental Representations 9.1 Seller Group Member 10.12(a) Seller Group Members 10.12(a) Seller Law Firm 10.12(a) Seller Documents 6.2(i) 5.2 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a9.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Parent Recitals Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiParent Guarantee Recitals Seller Restricted Business 7.12(b) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Steinfurt Facility Recitals Straddle Period 10.1(b7.16(a)(ii) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b7.16(i) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aFee 4.4(b) Total Consideration 4.1 Third Party Claim 9.4(b) Term Section Third Party IP Valuation 7.16(j) Trade Controls 5.16(f)(i) Transaction Documents 7.2(iPayments Statement 4.2(b) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aUnaudited Financial Statements 5.6(c)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Share Purchase Agreement (Glatfelter P H Co)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAccounting Referee 3.5(c) Actual Financial Statements 5.11 Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation Statement 11.2 Antitrust Division 8.4(a) Antitrust Laws 8.4(b) Applicable Lease Marketing Period 2.5(e)(i) Assigned Permits 2.1(b)(ix) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Audited Financial Statements 5.11 Bankruptcy Case Recitals Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Base Cash Consideration 3.1(a) Business definition) Recitals Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Company Preamble Competing Transaction 7.1 Cost File 3.5(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bCredit Bid Amount 3.1(c) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiDeposit Amount 3.2 Dropout Property 2.5(e(iv) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionEligible Inventory Value 3.5(a) Environmental Liability 2.4(k) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Existing L/Cs 8.10 Final Eligible Inventory Value 3.6 Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.11 FTC 8.4(a) 6.4(aGreat American Preamble Inventory Completion Date 3.5(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vInventory Date 3.5(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bInventory Deposit 3.2(a)(ii) IRI Project 6.8(iiInventory Taking 3.5(a) ISA 6.4(iiiInventory Taking Instructions 3.5(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iInventory Taking Service 3.5(a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiLease Assumption Notice 2.5(e)(v) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iMaterial Contracts 5.10 Operational Expenses 2.5(e)(i) PostP&L Statements 5.11 Periodic Taxes 11.1(a) Petition Date Recitals PLVTZ Preamble Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bEligible Inventory Value 3.5(a) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bInventory Statement 3.5(a) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aProperty Dropout Notice 2.5(e)(iv) Purchased Assets 2.1 2.1(b) Purchased Shares Contracts 2.1(b)(v) Purchased Intellectual Property 2.1(b)(vii) Purchased Leases 2.1(b)(iv) Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiPurchase Price Deposit 3.2(a)(i) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iReference Balance Sheet 5.11 Retained Employee Notice 2.5(e)(vi) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aRevocation Notice 2.5(e)(ii) Seller or Sellers Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(viStore Closing Locations 2.5(c) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Preamble Termination Date 5.2(a4.4(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iTransactions Recitals Transfer Tax Returns 11.1(b) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a11.1(b) Transferred Employees 9.1 Unpaid Expenses 2.5(e)(ii) WARN Act 9.1(c)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the meanings set forth in the sections Sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAccounting Principles 2.4(a) Acquisition Transaction 6.4(a) Adjustment Statement 2.4(b) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionBalance Sheet 4.7(a) Balance Sheet Date 4.7(a) Breakup Fee 7.5(b) Buyer Preamble Buyer and Company Released Parties 6.13(a) Buyer Documents 5.2 Buyer Indemnified Parties 8.2(a) Buyer’s Representatives 6.1 Claims 6.13(a) Closing 5.1(a2.6 Closing Payment 2.3(a) Closing Common Share Payment 2.1(b) Closing Date 5.1(a2.6 Company Preamble Company Database 4.13(n) Company Documents 4.2 Company Permits 4.17(b) Company Property or Company Properties 4.11(a) Computer Systems 4.13(k) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant 6.1 Deductible 8.4(a) Earnout Item of Disagreement 2.5(b) Earnout Statement 2.5(a) Earnout Statement Notice of Objection 2.5(b) Earnout Statement Review Period 2.5(b) Effective Time 2.6 Escrow Agreement 2.7(h) Estimated Cash 2.4(a) Estimated Closing Debt Amount 2.4(a)(iii) Estimated Closing Statement 2.4(a) Estimated Closing Working Capital 2.4(a)(i) Estimated Transaction Expenses 2.4(a)(iv) FCPA 4.24(a) Fees and Expenses 7.5(a) Final Amounts 2.4(c) Final Closing Cash 2.4(c) Final Closing Debt Amount 2.4(c) Final Closing Working Capital 2.4(c) Final Transaction Expenses 2.4(c) Financial Statements 4.7(a) Financing Marketing Documents 6.15(b)(i) Fundamental Cap 8.4(b) General Cap 8.4(b) General Survival Period 10.1(b8.1 Government Official 4.24(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiHK Agreement 2.7(v) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionHK Alliance Recitals HKFS Aviation Recitals HSR Filing 6.14 Immigration Laws 4.23 Independent Accountant 2.4(c) Excluded Assets Leases 2.7(q) Letter of Transmittal 6.20 Loss or Losses 8.2(a) Material Contracts 4.14(a) Negative Consent Notice 6.16 Occurrence Policies 6.9(a) Payoff Letters 2.7(d)(ii) Personal Property Leases 4.12(b) Private Sector Counterparty 4.24(a) Proposed Amounts 2.4(b) Purchase Price 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionPurchase Price Allocation 8.7(f)(ii) Purchased Shares Recitals R&W Exclusions 8.4(a) R&W Insurance Policy 2.8(e) R&W Insurance Provider 5.7 Real Property Lease or Real Property 4.11(a) Leases Related Person or Related Persons 4.21 Representatives 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vRestricted Business 6.10(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bSection 338(h)(10) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aElection 8.7(f)(i) Seller or Sellers Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) 3.1 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a8.2(c) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiReleasing Parties 6.13(a) Software Products 6.8(viSellers’ Representative Preamble Significant Customer 4.25(a) Significant Provider 4.25(c) Straddle Period 8.7(b) Subsidiary 6.1 or Subsidiaries Recitals Subsidiary Interest 4.5 Survival Period 10.1(b8.1 Tail Policy 6.9(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b8.7(c)(i) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aFee 7.5(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Third-Party Claim 8.3(b) Transaction Documents 7.2(iExpense Statements 2.7(d)(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Transition Services Agreement 2.7(s) Unresolved Claims 8.5

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (Blucora, Inc.)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquisition Transaction 6.6(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Arbiter 2.4(b)(iii) Authorized Action 10.2(c) Balance Sheet 4.7(a) Balance Sheet Date 4.7(a) Basket 8.4(a) Business definitionIntellectual Property 4.13(a) Closing 5.1(a2.5 Closing Balance Sheet 2.4(b)(ii) Closing Date 5.1(a2.5 Closing Statement 2.4(a)(i) Closing Working Capital 2.4(b)(i) Closing Working Capital Statement 2.4(b)(ii) COBRA 4.15(h) Common Stock 4.4(a) Company Preamble Company Documents 4.2 Company Permits 4.18(b) Company Released Claims 6.11(c) Company Releasees 6.11(b) Term Sect ion Company Releasors 6.11(c) Confidential Information 6.7(d) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b6.1 Continuing Employee 6.15(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEmployee Plans 4.15(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Employees 4.15(a) ERISA Affiliate definition4.15(b) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Estimated Closing Balance Sheet 2.4(a)(i) Estimated Closing Working Capital 2.4(a)(i) Expenses Pay-off Amount 2.4(b)(i) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition4.7(a) 6.4(aFIRPTA Affidavit 7.1(m)(iv) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vFounders Preamble Xxxxxxx Learning Contract 6.11(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bLeased Property 4.11(a) IRI Project 6.8(iiLosses 8.2(a) ISA 6.4(iiiMaterial Contracts 4.14(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iMultiemployer Plans 4.15(b) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiNew Plan Sponsor 6.15(a) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iPBGC 4.15(h) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPersonal Property Leases 4.12(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchase Price 2.2 Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 5.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a8.2(a) Real Property Lease 4.11(a) Real Property Laws 4.11(h) Registered Intellectual Property 4.13(a) Related Persons 4.22 Representatives 6.6(a) Section 338(h)(10) Election 8.6(j)(i) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iReleased Claims 6.11(b) Seller Releasees 6.11(c) Seller Releasors 6.11(b) Selling Stockholders Preamble Selling Stockholder Documents 3.1 Selling Stockholder Indemnified Parties 10.3(a8.2(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiStockholder Representative Preamble Straddle Period 8.6(c) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Shares Recitals Survival Period 10.1(b8.1 Target Working Capital 2.4(a)(ii) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(bProceeding 8.6(d)(i) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a9.1(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iThird Party Claim 8.3(b) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Unresolved Claims 8.5

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (American Public Education Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i2021 Earn-Out Deficiency 3.3(c)(i) 2022 Earn-Out Deficiency 3.3(c)(ii) 2021 Earn-Out Period 3.3(c)(i) 2022 Earn-Out Period 3.3(c)(ii) 2023 Earn-Out Period 3.3(c)(iii) 2021 Revenue Earn-Out Obligation 3.3(c)(i) 2022 Revenue Earn-Out Obligation 3.3(c)(ii) 2023 Revenue Earn-Out Obligation 3.3(c)(iii) 2021 Revenue Earn-Out Target 3.3(c)(i) 2022 Revenue Earn-Out Target 3.3(c)(ii) 2023 Revenue Earn-Out Target 3.3(c)(iii) Agent 6.9 Agreed Principles 1.1(a) (in definition of Net Working Capital) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionAllagash Earn-Out Obligation 3.3(a) Allagash Earn-Out End Date 3.3(a) Allocation Statement 3.2(a) Ancillary Lease Documents 4.10(b) Anti-Bribery Laws 4.23 Balance Sheet 4.7 Balance Sheet Date 4.7 Bxxx Dxxx Laws 4.12(m) Buyer Preamble Buyer Documents 5.2 Certificates 2.7(a) Charges 10.11(d) Closing 5.1(a2.2 Closing Cash 3.2(b) Closing Net Contract Position 3.2(b) Closing Date 5.1(a2.2 Closing Debt 3.2(b) Closing Statement 3.2(b) Closing Working Capital 3.2(b) Company Preamble Company Disclosure Schedule Article IV Company Documents 4.2 Company Equity Incentive Plans 6.14 Company Government Contract 4.28(a) Term Section Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b6.5 Customer Earn-Out Obligation 3.3(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiCustomer Earn-Out End Date 3.3(b) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 DGCL Recitals DLLCA Recitals Dispute Notice 3.2(c) D&O Tail Policy 6.6 DTC Information 3.1(a) Earn-Out Consideration 3.3(a) Earn-Out Obligation(s) 3.3 Earn-Out Obligation Determination 3.3(d) Earn-Out Spreadsheet 3.3(i) Effect 1.1(a) (in Affiliate definition) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller definition of Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiEffect) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Effective Time 2.3

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Plug Power Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities Balance Sheet 5.7 Balance Sheet Date 5.7 Certificate of Merger 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionCGCL 3.2(h) Closing 5.1(a) 2.2 Closing Date 5.1(a2.2 COBRA 5.16(d) Common Stock 3.1 Common Stock Merger Consideration 3.1(c)(ii) Company Preamble Company Adverse Recommendation Change 7.8(c) Company Documents 5.2(a) Company Plans 5.16(a) Company Stock Options 3.1(e)(i) Company Stockholder Approval 5.2(c) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b7.9 Deductible 9.2(d) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiTerm Section DGCL 2.1 Dissenting Holder 3.2(h) Dissenting Share Payments 9.2(d) Effective Time 2.3 Employees 5.16(a) ERISA Affiliate 5.16(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 3.1(g) Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition3.1(g) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Escrow Payment 3.1(d)(ii) Escrow Period 9.3(b) Expiration Date 9.1(a) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.7 Management Notes 1.1(a) 6.4(aMaterial Contracts 5.14 Material Technology Partners 5.9(l) Foreign Tax Withholding Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble Merger Sub Common Stock 3.1 Multiemployer Plan 5.16(b) Officer’s Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v9.3(b) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Parent Preamble Purchaser Parent Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser 6.2 Parent Indemnified Parties 10.2(a9.2 Parent Indemnifiable Losses 9.2(d) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Paying Agent 3.2(a) Payment Fund 3.2(a) Preferred Stock Merger Consideration 3.1(d)(ii) Representatives 7.8(a) Series A Preferred Stock 3.1 Series B Preferred Stock 3.1 Series C Preferred Stock 3.1 Series D Preferred Stock 3.1 Series E Preferred Stock 3.1 Stock Certificate 3.1(d)(ii) Stockholder Representative 10.1(a) Stockholder Representative Documents 6.2(i10.1(h) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(aSurviving Corporation 2.1 Tax Losses 9.5(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Technology Partners 5.9(l) Third-Party Interests 5.5 Title IV Plans 5.16(b) Unresolved Claim 9.3(b) Voting Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Recitals

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (NextWave Wireless LLC)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAccounting Firm 4.3(b) Acquisition Transaction 7.11 Aggregate Merger Consideration 4.1(a) Aggregate Options 4.1(b) Aggregate Securities 4.1(b) Aggregate Shares 4.1(b) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Recitals Alternative Financing 7.12 Antitrust Division 7.4(a) Antitrust Laws 7.4(b) Audited Financial Statements 5.6(a) Bankruptcy and Equity Exception 5.2 Buying Parties 11.11(a) Capitalized Leases 1.1 (in Business definitiondefinition of Indebtedness) Certificate 3.3(b) Certificate of Merger 2.2 Claim 7.7(b) Closing 5.1(a10.1 Closing Cash 4.3(a) Closing Date 5.1(a10.1 Closing Indebtedness 4.3(a) Confidentiality Closing Statement 4.3(a) Closing Transaction Expenses 4.3(a) Term Section Commitment Letters 6.7 Committed Debt Financing 6.7 Common Stock 3.1(b) Company Recitals Company Benefit Plan 5.13(a) Company Disclosure Document 7.9(b) Company Disclosure Schedules Introductory paragraph to Article V Company Documents 5.2 Company Employees 7.9(a) Company Intellectual Property 5.11(a) Company Pension Plan 5.13(d) Company Tender Costs 7.13 Contributed Shares Recitals Contribution Recitals Contribution Adjustment 4.4 Contribution Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bRecitals Contributors Recitals Debt Commitment Letter 6.7 Debt Financing 6.7 Effective Time 2.2 Employment Laws 5.14(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEquity Commitment Letter 6.7 Equity Financing 6.7 ERISA 5.13(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition3.4 Estimated Cash 4.2(b) Estimated Indebtedness 4.2(b) Estimated Merger Consideration 4.2(a) Estimated Option Cancellation Amount 4.2(a) Estimated Statement 4.2(a) Estimated Transaction Expenses 4.2(b) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Representations 8.1(a) Final Merger Consideration 4.3(e) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.6(a) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Financing 6.7

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Michael Foods Inc/New)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections at section indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAccountant 2.12(c) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities Alternative Financing 7.5(c) Alternative Financing Commitments 7.5(c) Antitrust Laws 7.2(b) Xxxx Common Investment Recitals Xxxx Investment Recitals Xxxx Preferred Investment Recitals Benefit Plans 3.15(a) Certificate of Merger 2.2 Change 1.1 Closing 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definition) Closing 5.1(a) Closing Date 5.1(a2.3 Closing Statement 2.12(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bCommon Certificate 2.9(c) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiCommon Stock Consideration 2.9(c) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionCompany Preamble Company Intellectual Property 3.13(b) Excluded Assets Company IT 3.13(d) Company Owned IP 3.13(b) Company Related Parties 9.2 D&O Tail Insurance 6.2(b) Debt Financing 4.4 Debt Financing Commitments 4.4 Debt Financing Documents 7.5(a) DGCL Recitals Direct Claim 10.5(b) Term Section Dissenting Shares 2.13(c) DOJ 7.2(a) Effective Time 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages End Date 9.1(b) Equity Financing 4.4 Equity Financing Commitment 4.4 Equity Financing Source Recitals ERISA 3.15(a) Estimated Cash and Cash Equivalents 2.11 Estimated Closing Date Company Indebtedness 2.11 Estimated Closing Date Joint Venture Indebtedness 2.11 Estimated Mesa Receivable Amount 2.11 Estimated Seller Expenses 2.11 Estimated Working Capital 2.11 Executive Agreements 3.12(a)(xi) Final Cash and Cash Equivalents 2.12(d) Final Company Indebtedness 2.12(d) Final Joint Venture Indebtedness 2.12(d) Final Mesa Receivable Amount 2.12(d) Final Seller Expenses 2.12(d) Final Working Capital 2.12(d) Financial Statements 3.6(b) Financing 4.4 Financing Commitments 4.4 FTC 7.2(a) HIPAA 1.1 (in Damages definitionHistoric Audited Financial Statements 3.6(a) 6.4(aIndemnitees 6.2(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vIndemnitors 6.2(b) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bIndemnity Escrow Release Date 10.7(a) IRI Project 6.8(iiIntercompany Account Balances 3.6(d) ISA 6.4(iiiInterim Financial Statements 3.6(b) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iLatest Balance Sheet 3.6(b) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiLatest Balance Sheet Date 3.6(b) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iLeased Real Property 3.16(b)(i) Leases 3.16(b)(ii) Letter of Transmittal 2.6(b) Merger Recitals Merger Sub Preamble NSH Recitals NSH Wyoming Recitals Objection Notice 2.12(c) Option Consideration 2.10(b) Option Surrender Letter 2.6(d) Orders 3.10(b) Owned Real Property 3.16(a) Paying Agent 2.13(a) Payment Spreadsheet 2.11 Payoff Letters 5.3 Term Section Permits 3.11 Physician Contracts 3.20(b) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Representation 11.16 Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bStatement 2.11 Preferred Certificate 2.9(b) Pre-Closing Tax Preferred Stock Consideration 2.9(b) Protected Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii6.3(a) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iPlans 6.3(b) Purchaser Indemnified Related Parties 10.2(a9.2 Real Property 3.16(b)(i) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iRelated Parties 9.2 Related Party 9.2 Released Parties 11.17 Releasing Parties 11.17 Restricted Commitment Amendments 7.5(a) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(aSection 280G 5.5 Sequoia Escrow Release Date 10.7(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(bXxxxx Law 1.1 Surviving Corporation 2.1 Tax Claim 7.8(c) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(bStatement 7.8(b)(ii) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iFee 9.2 Third-Party Payor 3.10(h) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)7.8(a) Waived 280G Benefits 5.5 Waiving Parties 11.16 Written Consent Recitals Wyoming Distribution Recitals Wyoming Stock Recitals

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Surgery Partners, Inc.)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation Notice of Objection 10.2(a) Antitrust Division 8.4(a) Antitrust Laws 8.4(b) Antitrust Order 8.4(b) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Auction Date 7.1 Avoidance Actions 2.2(f) Bankruptcy Case Recitals Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Break-Up Fee 7.2 Business definitionRecitals Cash Amount 3.1(a) Chapter 11 Deposits 2.2(g) Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) 4.1 Company Preamble Competing Transaction 7.1 Deposit Amount 3.2 Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionFinal Allocation Statement 10.2(a) 6.4(aFTC 8.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vNecessary Consent 2.6 Parent Preamble Periodic Non-Income Taxes 10.3(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Petition Date Recitals Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bStraddle Period 10.3(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bStraddle Period 10.3(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aProposed Allocation Statement 10.2(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 2.1(b) Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iReferee 10.3 Seller or Sellers Preamble Straddle Period 10.3(b) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i4.4(a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a10.1 WARN Act 2.4(f)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Intellectual Property Purchase Agreement (Flowers Foods Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionArticles of Merger 2.2 Basket 7.4(a) Book-Entry Shares 3.2 Cap 7.4(b) Certificates 3.2 Closing 5.1(a) 2.2 Closing Date 5.1(a2.2 Company Preamble Company Common Stock 3.1(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bCompany Documents 4.2 Company Marks 6.4 Company Permits 4.18(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiCompany Plan 4.15(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionDEA 4.23(a) Excluded Assets Disclosure Schedule Article IV Effective Time 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionFCPA 4.18(a) 6.4(aFTC 4.23(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vFundamental Representations 7.1 HIPPA 4.23(h) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bInsurance Policies 4.19 IP Agreements 4.13(h) IRI Project 6.8(iiLeased Real Property 4.11(a) ISA 6.4(iiiLoss or Losses 7.2(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iMaterial Contracts 4.14(a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiMerger Recitals Merger Consideration 3.1(a) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iMerger Sub Preamble Multiemployer Plan 4.15(b) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bTerm Section Multiple Employer Plan 4.15(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiNCBCA Recitals Parent Preamble Previously Leased Real Property 4.11(a) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 5.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a7.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iReal Property Lease 4.11(a) Related Persons 4.20 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a7.2(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Sellers Preamble Shareholder Preamble Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 7.1 Surviving Corporation 2.1 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i8.3 Third Party Claim 7.3(b) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a8.4 TRx Recitals USDA 4.23(a)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Cerecor Inc.)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquisition Transaction 7.5(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities Recitals Alternative Financing 7.10(a) Assignment 12.7 Balance Sheet 4.7(a) Balance Sheet Date 4.7(a) Breach 4.27(c) Carryforward Tax Savings 11.7(a)(i) Cash Consideration Amount 3.4(a)(i) Certificate 3.5(a) Certificate of Merger 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionClaim 12.2(b) Closing 5.1(a) 2.2 Closing Date 5.1(a2.2 Closing Merger Shares 3.4(a)(ii) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bCOBRA 4.15(h) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiCompany Recitals Company Charter Documents 12.1(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionCompany Documents 4.2 Company Equity Plan 3.2(b) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionCompany Fundamental Representations 10.1(a) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Company Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material 4.1 Company Permits 4.18(b) Company Plans 4.15(a) Company Properties 4.11(a) Company Stock Option 3.2(a) Company Subsidiary 4.5(a) Company Warrant 3.3 Confidentiality Agreement 7.2 Confidential Information 7.2; 7.6(a) Consulting Agreement 8.2(g) Continuing Employee 7.11(a) Control Share Consideration 3.4(a)(iii) Current Coverage 12.2(c) Delaware Law Recitals Dissenting Shares 3.6 Dissenting Stockholder 3.6 DistributionCo Recitals D&O Indemnified Parties 12.2 Effective Time 2.3 Employees 4.15(a) ERISA Affiliate 4.15(a) Escrow Account 10.6(a) Escrowed Shares 3.4(a)(iii) Expense Fund Amount 12.1(e) Expense Fund 12.1(e) Expense Fund Remainder 12.1(e) Financial Agreements 6.9(iii5.9 Financial Statements 4.7(a) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Financing 5.9 Financing Commitment 5.9

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Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Gentiva Health Services Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i“Advantage” Preamble “Agreement” Preamble “Allocation” 12.1(b) Agreement “Assumed Intellectual Property” 2.1(q) “Assumed Personal Property Leases” 2.1(n) “Assumed Plans” 2.1(u) “Assumed Real Property Leases” 2.1(o) “ACA” 5.17(h) “Auction” 9.1(b) “Bankruptcy Code” Recitals “Bankruptcy Court” Recitals “Bankruptcy Exceptions” 5.3 “Bidding Procedures” 9.1(b) “Closing” 4.1 “Closing Date” 4.1 “COBRA Continuation Coverage” 8.3 “Concession Counterparty” 5.22 “Credit Bid And Release” 3.1(b)(i) “Debtor” Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 “DIP Facility” Recitals “End Date” 4.1 “Excluded Assets” 2.2 “Excluded Documents” 2.1(z) “Excluded Liabilities” 2.4 “Excluded Plans” 2.2(i) “Execution Date” Preamble “Exempt Trust” 5.17(c) “Financial Statements” 5.24 “FSNA” Preamble “FSNA Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionLiabilities” 2.6 “FSNA Disclosure Schedule” Article VI “FSNA Documents” 6.2 “FSNA Excluded Contract Termination Notice” 2.7(d) Closing 5.1(a“FSNA IT Assets” 6.5(b) Closing Date 5.1(a“FSNA Organizational Documents” 6.1 “FSNA Permits” 6.6(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bTerm “FSNA Personal Property Leases” Section 6.9 “FSNA Purchased Assets” 2.5 “Insurance Policies” 5.20(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii“Material Contracts” 5.8(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition“Most Recent Balance Sheet Date” 5.24 “Most Recent Balance Sheet” 5.24 “Named Insured” 4.2(h) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition“Non-Assignable Purchased Assets” 10.3(a) 6.4(a“Organizational Documents” 5.1 “OTA Agreements” 2.1(cc) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v“Parent” 5.18 “Party” Preamble “Personal Property Leases” 5.12 “Petition Date” Recitals “Purchase Price” 3.1(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b“Purchased Names” 2.1(q) IRI Project 6.8(ii“Purchaser” Preamble “Purchaser Disclosure Schedule” Article VII “Purchaser Released Parties” 10.12 “Purchaser’s Documents” 7.2 “Qualified Bidder” 9.1(b) ISA 6.4(iii“Qualified Plan” 5.17(c) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i“Record Destruction Date” 10.7 “Registered IP” 5.7(a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties “Representatives” 10.2(a) “Retained Bank Accounts” 2.1(y) “Seller” Preamble “Seller Preamble Assumed Liabilities” 2.3 “Seller Chapter 11 Case” Recitals “Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Schedule” Article V “Seller Documents 6.2(iIT Assets” 5.7(f) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(aPermits” 5.9(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Purchased Assets” 2.1 “Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiReserves” 5.23 “Seller’s Documents” 5.3 “Significant Vendors/Suppliers” 5.22 “Subsequent Designated Executory Contract” 2.7(c) Software Products 6.8(vi“Subsequent Designated FSNA Contract” 2.7(d) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b“Third Party Insurance Policies” 5.20(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b“Transfer Taxes” 12.1(a) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a“Transferred Employee” 8.1 “Transferring Party” 10.15(b) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aTerm Section “Transition Services Agreement” 4.3(f)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAccounting Firm 3.3 Accounting Referee 3.4(c) Acquisition Transaction 7.14(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Annual Incentive Plan 7.10(i) Antitrust Authorities 7.3(c) Antitrust Division 7.3(c) Assigned Contracts 7.13(b) Term Section August 2006 Financial Statements 5.8(a) Basket 9.6(b) Business definitionRecitals Business Assets 7.13(c) Business Records Definition of Stoneville Package Closing 5.1(a2.2 Closing Balance Sheet 5.8(a) Closing Date 5.1(a2.2 Closing Date MAE 8.1 Closing Financial Statements 5.8(a) Closing Net Working Capital 3.4(a) Closing Statement 3.4(a) Company Recitals Company Balance Sheet 5.8(b) Company Financial Statements 5.8(a) Company Property or Company Properties 5.12(a) Company Germplasm Definition of Stoneville Package Company Technology Definition of Stoneville Package Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b7.7(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiContinuation Contracts 7.13(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Continuing Employees 7.10(a) Covered Claim 9.6(a) Deal Expenses 11.2 Exclusive Company Technology Definition of Stoneville Package Final Net Working Capital 3.4(e) FTC 7.3(c) General Enforceability Exceptions 5.2 German Affiliate definitionRecitals HSR Forms 7.3(c) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Indemnified Party 9.4 Indemnifying Party 9.4 Indemnity Claim 9.6 Interim Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.8(a) 6.4(aIRCA 5.19(n) Foreign Key Employee Agreements 7.10(l) Key Employees 7.10(l) Leased Real Property 5.12(a) Losses 9.2 Material Contracts 5.17(a) Net Working Capital 3.4(a) Net Accounts Receivable 7.15 Outside Date 4.1(a) Owned Property or Owned Properties 5.12(a) Ownership Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vPeriod 10.1(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Personal Property Lease 5.13 Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a10.2(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 10 Term Section Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i6.2 Purchaser Incentive 7.10(i) Purchaser Incentive Period 7.10(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aPersons 9.2 Purchaser Plans 7.10(c) Real Property Lease or Real Property Leases 5.12(a) Rebates 5.31 Release 2.3(a)(ii) Second Request 7.3(d) Securities Act 6.4(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Benefit Plans 5.18 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(aPersons 9.3 Seller-Provided Benefits 7.10(c) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiShares Recitals South Africa Agreement of Sale 2.3(b)(iv) Software Products 6.8(viSpecial Representations 9.1(a)(ii) Subsidiary 6.1 Specified Breach 2.3(c)(vii) Straddle Period 10.1(a) Straddle Period Tax Return 10.1(a) Subject Marks 7.9 Survival Period 10.1(b9.1 Third Person 9.5(a) Tax 6.16 Tax Third Person Claim 11.4(b9.5(a) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aTitle Company 7.5(d) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Transition Services Agreement 7.12

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Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (Monsanto Co /New/)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAccounting Referee 3.4(c) Act 6.5 Adjusted Purchase Price 3.3 Agreed Principles 3.3 Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Recitals Allocation Statement 7.16(a) Antitrust Division 7.4(a) Antitrust Laws 5.3 Balance Sheet 5.7 Balance Sheet Date 5.7 Claim 7.7(b) Closing 4.1 Closing Date 4.1 Closing Statement 3.3 Closing Statement Delivery Date 3.3 COBRA 7.11(b) Company Recitals Company Benefit Plan 5.14(a) Company Pension Plan 5.14(b) Company Savings Plan 7.11(b) Confidentiality Agreement 7.6 ERISA 5.14(a) Excluded Matter 1.1 (in Business definitiondefinition of Material Adverse Effect) Final Closing 5.1(aStatement 3.4(a) Final Closing Date 5.1(aWorking Capital 3.4(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bFinal Working Capital 3.4(e) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiFinancial Statements 5.7 FTC 7.4(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act Indemnification Claim 9.4(a) Indemnitees 7.7(a) Initial Closing Working Capital 3.3 Xxxx Marks 7.10 Losses 1.1 (in Affiliate definitiondefinition of Loss) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionMaterial Contracts 5.13(a) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Membership Interest Recitals Negative Adjustment 3.3 Net Working Capital 3.3 Owned Property 5.10 Owned Properties 5.10 Personal Property Leases 5.11 Positive Adjustment 3.3 Term Section Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a9.2(a) Purchaser Plans 7.11(b) Purchaser Savings Plan 7.11(b) Real Property Lease 5.10 Real Property Leases 5.10 Reference Working Capital 3.3 Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Recitals Seller Documents 6.2(i) 5.2 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a9.3(a)

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Samples: Purchase Agreement (Oneok Inc /New/)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Acquisition Financing 6.6 Alternative Transaction 7.2 Asset Acquisition Statement 12.2 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Auction 7.2 (c) Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Bid Deadline 7.2(a)(ii) Break-Up Fee 7.1 Chapter 11 Case Recitals Closing 4.1 Closing Date 4.1 Confidential Information 8.5 (c) Copyrights 1.1 (in Business Purchased Intellectual Property definition) Closing 5.1(a) Closing Date 5.1(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) Cure Amounts 2.5 DNA Preamble Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Expense Reimbursement 7.1 Expenses 11.2 (a)(v) Financial Statements Statement 5.5 (a) Financial Statement Date 5.5 (a) Indemnification Claim 11.3 (a) Losses 11.2 (a)(i) Marks 1.1 (in Damages Purchased Intellectual Property definition) 6.4(aMaterial Contract 5.10 (e) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vNon-Solicitation Period 7.3 (a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aPatents 1.1 (in Purchased Intellectual Property definition) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a11.2 (a) Restricted Business 8.5 (a) Revised Statements 12.2 Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) 5.2 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a11.2 (b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Marks 8.8 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiRepresentatives 7.3 (a) Software Products 6.8(viStarting Auction Bid 7.2 (c) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b11.1 TeraForce Preamble Trade Secrets 1.1 (in Purchased Intellectual Property definition) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(bTransferred Employees 9.1 (a) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Unresolved Claims 11.6

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Teraforce Technology Corp)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAccounting Referee 7.15 Agreement Recitals Allocation Statement 7.15 Antitrust Division 7.4(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Antitrust Laws 5.3 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definition) Balance Sheet 5.7 Balance Sheet Date 5.7 Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 COBRA 7.11(c) Company Savings Plan 7.11(b) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) 7.6 ERISA 5.14 Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements Matter 1.1 (in Damages definitiondefinition of Material Adverse Effect) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vFinancial Statements 5.7 FTC 7.4(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b9.4(a) IRI Project 6.8(iiXxxx Marks 7.10 Material Contracts 5.13(a) ISA 6.4(iiiNonassignable Assets 2.5(c) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Owned Property 5.10 Owned Properties 5.10 Term Section Personal Property Leases 5.11 Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a9.2(a) Purchaser Plans 7.11(c) Purchaser Savings Plan 7.11(b) Real Property Lease 5.10 Real Property Leases 5.10 Retained Liabilities 2.4 Seller Preamble Recitals Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Benefit Plans 5.14 Seller Documents 6.2(i) 5.2 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a9.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iTransferred Employees 7.11(a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)10.1

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Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Oneok Inc /New/)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Access Agreement 9.1 (w) Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i2.1 (d) Agreed Principles 3.2 (a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assignment and Assumption Agreement 9.1 (p) Assignment Applications 7.5 (a) 7 Term Section Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Balance Sheets 5.4(a) Balance Sheet Date 5.4(a) Basket 10.5(a) Bxxx of Sale 9.1(o) Business definitionIntellectual Property 5.9(a) Business Software 5.9(a) Calculation Notice 3.2(c) Cap 10.5(a) Cash Consideration 3.1 Clinton Sub-Lease Agreement 9.1(u) Closing 5.1(a4.1 Closing Balance Sheet 3.2(a) Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Closing Net Current Assets 3.2(a) Closing Outstanding Checks 3.3 Communications Act 5.3(b) Confidential Information 7.7(b) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b7.7(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiContracts Security Agreement 9.1(m) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Copyright Assignment 9.1(q) Copyright Security Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition9.1(j) Demand 10.4(c) Dispute 10.4(b) Dispute Notice 10.4(b) Employee Benefit Plan 5.22(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Contracts 2.2(a) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionFCC 5.3(b) 6.4(aFCC Consent 7.5(a) FCC Licenses Closing 7.5(c) FCC Licenses Closing Date 7.5(c) Final Balance Sheet 3.2(d) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vOwnership Application 7.5(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bHarmful Code 5.9(f) IRI Project 6.8(iiIndependent Accountant 3.2(d) ISA 6.4(iiiInitial Calculation 3.2(b) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iInstrument of Assignment 9.1(x) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiInventory 2.1(c) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iJxxxxxx Lease Assignment Agreement 9.1(v) PostJackson Sub-Closing Covenants 10.1(bLease Agreement 9.1(v) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bLender Consents 7.6 License Agreement 9.1(t) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aLicensed Intellectual Property 5.9(a) Purchased Term Section Loss or Losses 10.2 Material Contracts 5.7(a) Material Customers 5.14(a) Material Suppliers 5.14(b) Net Current Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii3.2(a) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aNeutral Accounting Firm 2.7(a)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Bell Industries Inc /New/)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Recitals Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Balance Sheet 5.4 (a) Balance Sheet Date 5.4 (a) Closing 4.1 Closing Date 4.1 COBRA 5.13 (d) Confidential Information 7.1 (c) Contingent Consideration 3.1 Copyrights 1.1 (in Business Purchased Intellectual Property definition) Closing 5.1(aDebt Certificate 3.2 (b) Closing Date 5.1(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 Delayed Stock Consideration 3.1 ERISA Affiliate 5.13 (in Affiliate definitiona) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Employee 8.1 (b) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Expenses 10.2 (a)(v) Financial Statements 5.4 (a) Indemnification Claim 10.3 Initial Cash Consideration 3.1 Initial Stock Consideration 3.1 Litigation Certificate 3.1 (c) Losses 10.2 (a)(i) Marks 1.1 (in Damages Purchased Intellectual Property definition) 6.4(aNonassignable Assets 2.5 (c) Foreign Non-Compete Agreements 2.7 Non-Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vSurvival Period 10.1 Patents 1.1 (in Purchased Intellectual Property definition) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bPer Share Value 3.1 Personal Property Leases 5.10 (b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Prospectus 6.6 Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a10.2 (a) Real Property Leases 5.9 (a) Registration Statement 5.24 Restricted Business 7.1 (a) SEC 5.24 SEC Documents 6.7 Securities Act 6.5 Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Recitals Seller Documents 6.2(i) 5.2 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a10.2 (b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Marks 7.4 Stock Consideration 6.5 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) 10.1 Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i3.1 Trade Secrets 1.1 (in Purchased Intellectual Property definition) Transferred Employees 8.1 (a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)11.2 Unresolved Claims 10.5

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Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Technology Solutions Company)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquired Assets Recitals Agreed Principles 3.4(b) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Asset Acquisition Statement 3.3 Asset Seller Preamble Balance Sheet 5.6(b) Balance Sheet Date 5.6(b) Basket 10.5(a) Bundled Contracts 3.6 Business definitionEmployee 8.11(a) Cap 10.5(a) Closing 5.1(a4.1 Closing Date 4.1 Closing Obligations 10.9(a) Closing Date 5.1(aStatement 3.4(b) Closing Working Capital 3.4(b) Company Recitals Term Section Company Benefit Plan 5.14(a) Company Documents 5.2 Company Pension Plan 5.14(c) Competitive Activities 8.16 Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b8.6 Copyrights 5.12(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiDestroyer 8.8 Environmental Permits 5.18(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionERISA 5.14(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Matter 1.1(a) — Definition of Material Adverse Effect Final Adjustment Amount 3.4(a) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.6(a) 6.4(aFSA 8.11(d) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vIM Asia Pacific Preamble IM Australia Preamble IM Canada Preamble IM India Recitals IM New Zealand Preamble IMIM Preamble Immigration Act 5.22 In-Bound Licenses 5.12(c) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(iiIndemnitees 8.7(a) ISA 6.4(iiiIndependent Accountant 3.4(d) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iInitial Purchase Price 3.1 Intellectual Property 5.12(a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiIntellectual Property Rights 5.12(a) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iLocal Asset Agreement 6.4(b) Local Share Transfer Agreement 6.4(a) Losses 10.2(a) Marks 5.12(a) Material Contracts 5.13(a) Net Working Capital 3.4(b) Newco India 8.17 Non-Destroyer 8.8 Non-U.S. Business Employees 8.11(e) Nondisclosure Agreements 5.12(i) Out-Bound Licenses 5.12(d) Parent Preamble Parent Benefit Plan 5.14(a) Party Recitals Patents 5.12(a) Personal Property Leases 5.11(a) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)

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Samples: Purchase and Sale Agreement (Iron Mountain Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation Notice of Objection 10.2(a) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionAvoidance Actions 2.2(g) Bankruptcy Case Recitals Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Cash Amount 3.1(a) Chapter 11 Deposits 2.2(h) Circular 698 Return 10.1(b) Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing IP Contract Rejection 7.2 Company Preamble Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival 8.7 Consumer Data 2.1(b)(v) Cure Cost Determination Date 2.6(c) Deposit Amount 3.2 Deposits 2.1(b)(i) Deferred Asset 2.9(a) Deferred Closing 2.9(b) Deferred Closing Date 2.9(b) Deferment Election 2.9(a) Deferment Period 10.1(b2.9(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionTerm Section Deferred Equity 2.9(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Filing Recitals Final Allocation Statement 10.2(a) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.9 FTC 8.4(a) 6.4(aManager 2.9(c)(iii) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vNecessary Consent 2.6(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iPeriodic Non-Income Taxes 10.3(a) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bStraddle Period 10.3(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bStraddle Period 10.3(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aProposed Allocation Statement 10.2(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 2.1(b) Purchased Shares Companies 2.1(b)(v)) Purchased Contracts 2.1(b)(ii) Purchased Equity 2.1(b)(v) Purchased Intellectual Property 2.1(b)(iv) Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iSeller or Sellers Preamble Straddle Period 10.3(b) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i4.4(a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)10.1 Transferred Employee 8.13 TSA 8.8 TSA Amendment 8.8 UK Trademarks 2.10

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Samples: Purchase Agreement (Radioshack Corp)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i9.3(b) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Allocation Statement 8.1(d) Balance Sheet Date 3.5(a) Balance Sheet Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 3.6 Baseline Recitals Benefit Plans 3.12(a) Closing 2.5 Closing Date 2.5 Closing Net Debt 2.4(a) Closing Statement 2.4(a) Closing Working Capital 2.4(a) COBRA 6.6(b)(iii) Common Stock 3.3(a) Company Recitals Company Benefit Plans 3.12(a) Company Documents 3.2 Company Property 3.9(a) Company Properties 3.9(a) Continuing Employees 6.6(a) Copyrights 1.1 (in Business Intellectual Property definition) Closing 5.1(aEnvironmental Permits 3.17(a) Closing Date 5.1(aERISA 3.12(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act Excluded Matter 1.1 (in Affiliate definitiondefinition of Material Adverse Effect) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Final Net Debt 2.4(e) Final Working Capital 2.4(e) Financial Statements 3.5(c) Fundamental Representation 7.1 Indemnitees 6.2(a) Indemnified Party 7.4(a) Term Section Indemnifying Party 7.4(a) Independent Accountant 2.4(c) Losses 7.2 Marks 1.1 (in Damages Intellectual Property definition) 6.4(aMaterial Contracts 3.11(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vNet Debt 2.4(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bNet Purchase Price 2.3 Net Working Capital 2.4(a) IRI Project 6.8(iiOwned Property 3.9(a) ISA 6.4(iiiOwned Properties 3.9(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iPatents 1.1 (in Intellectual Property definition) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiPension Plan 3.12(b) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iPersonal Property Leases 3.10(a) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchase Price 2.2 Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Marks 6.5 Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 5.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a7.2 Real Property Lease 3.9(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(iReal Property Leases 3.9(a) Reference Statement 2.4(a) Restricted Marks 6.5 Retained Marks 6.5 Revised Statements 8.1(d) Screenline Balance Sheet 3.5(b) Screenline Capital 3.3(c) Section 338(h)(10) Election 8.1(a) Securities Act 5.5 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a7.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiSelling Stockholder Preamble Selling Stockholder Documents 4.2 Selling Stockholder Plans 3.12(a) Software Products 6.8(viShares Recitals Subsidiary 3.4(a) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(bTarget Working Capital 2.4(a) Tax 6.16 Term Section Tax Claim 11.4(b8.4(a) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aThird Party Claim 7.4(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iU.S. Balance Sheet 3.5(a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aU.S. Companies 3.5(a) U.S. Financial Statements 3.5(a) U.S. Interim Financial Statements 3.5(a)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Stock Purchase Agreement (Hollywood Media Corp)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iActual Closing Amount 3.4(c) Actual Customer Rebate Amount 3.4(c) Actual PTO Amount 3.4(c) Acquisition Transaction 7.6(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Introductory Paragraph Asset Acquisition Statement 2.7 Assignment and Assumption Agreement 9.1(n) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Balance Sheet 5.5(a) Balance Sheet Date 5.5(a) Bank Accounts 5.25 Business definitionData 5.12(n) Business Property 5.10(a) Business Properties 5.10(a) Business Systems 5.12(l) Claim 10.3(a) Closing 5.1(a4.1 Closing Adjusted Eligible Receivables 3.3(b)(iv) Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Closing Deposits 3.3(b)(iii) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bClosing Fixed Assets 3.3(b)(i) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiClosing Inventory 3.3(b)(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Closing Other Assets 3.3(b)(v) Closing Statement 3.4(a) Confidential Information 7.7(c) Deductible 10.8(a) Disclosure Schedule Article V Divestiture Action 7.4(d) Early Release Date 3.6(a) Employee Benefit Plans 5.14(a) ERISA Affiliate definition5.14(b) Estimated Closing Amount 3.3(b) Estimated Closing Purchase Price 3.3(b) Estimated Customer Rebate Amount 3.3(b) Estimated PTO Amount 3.3(b) Excluded Assets 2.2 EXHIBIT HAS BEEN REDACTED AND IS THE SUBJECT OF A CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUEST. CONFIDENTIAL PORTIONS OF EXHIBIT ARE MARKED WITH [***] AND HAVE BEEN FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION. Term Section Excluded Employee 8.1(d) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Executive Agreements 9.1(k) Executive Employee 9.1(k) Executive Employment Agreements 9.1(k) Executive Non-Competition and Non-Solicitation Agreements 9.1(k) Facility Lease Agreement 9.1(r) Xxxxxx-Xxxxxx Introductory Paragraph F-B Building Introductory Paragraph Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.5(a) 6.4(aFundamental Representations 10.1 Holdback Amount 3.6(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Indemnified Parties 10.2(b) Independent Accountant 3.4(c) Interim Statements 5.5(a) Key Employees 9.1(l) Loss 10.2(a) Losses 10.2(a) Material Contract 5.13(a) Nonassignable Assets 2.5(c) Notice of Claim 10.3(b) Offered Employees 8.1(a) Owners’ Approvals 7.1 Personal Property Leases 5.11(b) Primary Facility Lease Agreement 9.1(r) Purchase Price Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a3.3(b) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Introductory Paragraph Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Real Property Lease 5.10(a) Real Property Leases 5.10(a) Related Persons 5.22 Representatives 7.6(a) Revised Statements 2.7 Restricted Business 7.7(a) Restricted Material Contract 9.1(i) [***] [***] Secondary Facility Lease Agreement 9.1(r) Term Section Seller Documents 6.2(i5.2 Seller Estimated Statement 3.3(a) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a10.2(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Marks 7.11 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiPermits 5.17(b) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Sellers Introductory Paragraph Sellers’ Representative Introductory Paragraph Survival Period 10.1(b) 10.1 Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Clearance Certificate 11.3 Termination Date 5.2(a4.2(a) Third-Party Claim 10.3(b)(ii) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) 3.1 Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a11.4 Transferred Documents 2.1(i)

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Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Core-Mark Holding Company, Inc.)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionAudited Financial Statements 5.5 Base Purchase Price 3.2 Basket 10.5(a) Cap 10.5(b) Xxxxxxx Bid 9.1 Closing 5.1(a4.1 Consents Copyright Act 5.3 5.15(c) Closing Term Section Customer Lists 5.22 Designated Employees 8.1 Easements 5.9(d) Effective Date 5.1(aPreamble Employee Benefit Plan(s) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b5.11(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEnvironmental Permits 5.19(a) Escrow Account 3.3(b) Escrow Agent 10.5 3.3(b) Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Funds 3.3(b) Estimated Adjustments Amount 3.4(f) Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition7.18(c) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages 2.3 Fairness Opinion 7.18(d) Final Asset Acquisition Statement Final Report 2.7 3.4(g) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) 5.5 Guarantor 6.8 Guaranty 6.8 Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(iiIndemnity Escrow Agreement 3.3(b) ISA 6.4(iiiIndependent Accountants 3.4(g) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iInitial Payment 3.1 Leased Real Property(ies) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii5.9(b) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iLimited Partners’ Meeting 7.18(b) Loss(es) 10.2(a) Major Customers 5.23 Material Consents 9.1(e) Non-Competition Period 7.15 Nonassignable Assets 2.5(b) Northland Marks 7.8 Owned Property(ies) 5.9(a) Phase I Reports 7.1(c) Phase II Assessments 7.1(c) Post-Closing Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aPreliminary Report 3.4(f) Proposed Asset Acquisition Statement 2.7 Proxy Statement 7.18(c) Purchase Price 3.2 Purchase Price Adjustments 3.4(f) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Term Section Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Purchaser Plans 8.2(b) Purchaser Objection Notice 3.4(f) Qualified Plans 5.11(b) Real Property Lease(s) 5.9(b) Refund Amount 4.2(a) Representation and Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a) Retransmission Consent Agreements 7.2(c) Restricted Area 7.15 Restricted Party 7.15 Revised Statement 2.7 Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) 5.2 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiProperty(ies) Software Products 6.8(vi5.9(b) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(bSpecified Representations 10.1(a) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(bSub-Basket 10.5(a) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aSystem Recitals System Contracts 5.10(a) System Reports 5.5 Title Defect 7.17 Total Consideration 4.1 3.2 Transaction Documents 7.2(iRecitals Transferred Employees 8.1 Transition Services 7.9(a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Transition Services Agreement 7.9(a) Usage Period 10.1(a)7.8

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Northland Cable Properties Seven Limited Partnership)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Alternative Recovery 8.5(d) Asset Allocation 2.8 Assigned Permits 2.1(g) Assumed Claims 2.1(k) Assumed Contracts 2.1(f) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Assumption Notice 8.4(b)(i) Business definitionBenefit Plan 5.13(a) Cash Consideration 3.1 Closing 5.1(a4.1(a) Closing Date 5.1(a4.1(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b7.3(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionEquipment 2.1(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Claims 2.1(k) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionExecution Date Preamble Hire Date 7.6(a) 6.4(aIndemnified Person 8.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vIndemnifying Person 8.4(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bIndemnity Notice 8.4(a) IRI Project 6.8(iiInterim Period 2.5(c) ISA 6.4(iiiInvestigation Period 8.4(b)(i) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iLoss Threshold 8.5(a) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiMajor Customers 5.10(a) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iMajor Suppliers 5.10(b) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bNonassignable Asset Refund Date 2.5(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bNonassignable Assets 2.5(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i6.3 Purchaser Employer 7.6(a) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aPersons 8.2 Purchaser Savings Plan 7.6(c) Purchaser Welfare Benefit Plans 7.6(d) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Documents 5.3 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Fundamental Representations 8.1 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(aPersons 8.3 Seller Marks 7.8 Seller Note 3.1 Seller Savings Plan 7.6(c) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiSubject Xxxxx 7.9(b) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iSWDs 2.1(d) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a9.1(a) Transferred Employee 7.6(a) Union 5.12 Vehicles 2.1(b)

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Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Key Energy Services Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAffected Creditor Approval 2.3(b) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Recitals Antitrust Division 7.3(a) Antitrust Laws 7.3(b) Bankruptcy Case Recitals Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Break-Up Fee 6.3 Business definition) Recitals Closing 5.1(a) 3.1 Term Section Closing Date 5.1(a3.1 Company Recitals Debtor Securities 4.5 Debtors Recitals Disputed Amount 2.3(b) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bEmployee Benefit Plans 4.14(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEstimated Closing Liabilities 2.3(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition5.6 Final Determination Date Finally Determined 2.3(f) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages 2.3(b) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition4.4(a) 6.4(aFirst-Lien Debtholders Recitals FTC Hold-Back Amount HSR Authority 7.3(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v2.3(c) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b7.3(d) IRI Project 6.8(iiLeased Property 4.7 Material Contract 4.11 Opco Outside Date Recitals 3.4(a) ISA 6.4(iiiOwned Intellectual Property 4.10(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iParent Recitals Parent Filed SEC Reports 5.6 Petition Date Recitals Plan Recitals Purchase Price 2.2 Purchaser Recitals Qualified Plans 4.14(c) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiRPGI 6.3 Registered Intellectual Property 4.10(a) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iSEC 5.6 Second-Lien Debtholders Recitals Second Request 7.3(b) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets Stock Purchase 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a3.4(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iThird Party TIA 6.2 7.3(e) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Title IV Plans 4.14(a) Trading Value 6.2

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Bankruptcy Agreement

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquiring Company 8.8(b) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Introductory Paragraph Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Balance Sheet Date 5.4(a) Cap 11.4(b) Closing 4.1 Closing Date 4.1 Closing Creosote Inventory 3.3(c) Closing Creosote Inventory Items List 3.3(c) Closing Inventory 3.3(a) Competing Business 8.8(a) Competing Company 8.8(c) Confidentiality Agreement 8.1 Copyrights 1.1 (in Business definitiondefinition of Intellectual Property) Closing 5.1(aCreosote Inventory 3.3(a) Closing Date 5.1(aCreosote Inventory Items List 3.3(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bDeductible 11.4(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionEstimated Creosote Inventory 3.3(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Contract 2.2(d) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 5.4(a) FIRPTA Affidavit 10.1(e) Fundamental Representations 11.1 Independent Accounting Firm 2.6 Inventory 2.1(a) Loss 11.2(a) Marks 1.1 (in Damages definitiondefinition of Intellectual Property) 6.4(aMaterial Contracts 5.11(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vMinimum Loss 11.4(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bNegotiation Period 8.8(d) IRI Project 6.8(iiParent Introductory Paragraph Parent Documents 6.2 Patents 1.1 (in definition of Intellectual Property) ISA 6.4(iiiPersonal Property Leases 5.9(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Introductory Paragraph Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 7.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a11.2(a) Release 10.1(i) Retained Receivables 2.2(c) Restricted Period 8.8(a) Required Consents 8.3 Required Governmental Consents 8.4 Term Section Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Introductory Paragraph Seller Documents 6.2(i) 5.2 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a11.2(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Marks 8.7 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiPermits 5.14(b) Software Products 6.8(viSeller Welfare Plan 5.12(d) Subsidiary 6.1 Specified Matter Schedule 2.2(j) Specified Party Schedule 2.2(j) Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax 11.1 Third Party Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a11.3(b) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i3.1 Transferrable Permits 2.1(h) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aTrade Secrets 1.1 (in definition of Intellectual Property) Transition Services Agreement 10.1(h)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (KMG Chemicals Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Asset Acquisition Statement 2.7 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Xxxx of Sale and Assignment and Assumption Agreement 4.2(a)(i) Business definitionRecitals Cap 10.5(a) Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Closing Inventory Value 3.3(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b7.4 Designated Expert 3.3(c) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEmployee Benefit Plans 5.10(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionEnvironmental Permits 5.15(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages FCPA 5.21 Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) 5.4 Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(iiIndemnified Party 10.4(b) ISA 6.4(iiiIndemnifying Party 10.4(b) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iIntellectual Property Assignment 4.2(a)(iv) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiTerm Section Intellectual Property Licenses 5.8 Inventory Adjustment 3.3(a) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iLoss and Losses 10.2(a) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bMaterial Contract 5.9(a) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bMinor Claims Amount 10.5(a) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aMW Entity #1 Preamble MW Entity #2 Preamble Multiemployer Plans 5.10(a) Nonassignable Assets 2.5(b) Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Contracts 2.1(a) Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiIntellectual Property 2.1(d) Purchased Permits 2.1(f) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Qualified Plans 5.10(b) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) 5.2 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Marks 7.7 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Schedule Supplement 7.9 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 10.1 Termination Date 5.2(a) 4.1 Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i3.1 Transferred Employees 8.1(a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aTransition Services Agreement 4.2(a)(ii)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Strategic Diagnostics Inc/De/)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2009 Audited Financial Statements 5.18 2010 Unaudited Financial Statements 5.18 Accrued Employee Obligations 2.4(g) Acquired Customers 2.1(a) Actions 5.5 Additional Deposit 3.2(b) Affiliated Debtors Preamble Agreement Preamble Allocation 11.1(b) Antitrust Laws 9.7 Assigned Contracts 2.1(p) Assumed Customer Contracts 2.1(a) Assumed Independent Contractor Contracts 2.1(j) Assumed Intellectual Property 2.1(p) Assumed Intellectual Property Licenses 2.1(p) Assumed Leased Real Property 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionAssumed Personal Property Leases 2.1(g) Assumed Plans 2.1(k) Assumed Real Property Leases 2.1(i) Assumed Vendor Contracts 2.1(d) Back-up Bidder 8.1(d) Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Bankruptcy Exceptions 5.3 Bidding Procedures Issuance Deadline 4.4(e) Cash Balance 3.1(a)(ii) Chapter 11 Case Recitals Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 COBRA Continuation Coverage 7.3 Competing Bid 8.1(b) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bDeposit 3.2(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiDOJ 4.4(o) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition3.2(a) Excluded Assets 2.2 Term Section Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Execution Date Preamble Exempt Trust 5.14(c) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.18 FTC 4.4(o) 6.4(aHUSA Preamble Initial Deposit 3.2(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vInsurance Policies 5.15 Material Contracts 5.7(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bMost Recent Balance Sheet 5.18 Outside Back-up Date 8.1(d) IRI Project 6.8(iiOutside Date 4.4(i) ISA 6.4(iiiPrevailing Bidder 8.1(d) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aPurchase Price 3.1(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Purchaser’s Documents 7.2(i6.2 Qualified Plan 5.14(c) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aRegistered IP 5.6(a) Seller Representatives 9.2(a) Sellers Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Sellers’ Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) 5.3 Significant Vendors/Suppliers 5.16 Transferred Employee 7.1 Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)11.1(a) WARN Act 7.4

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Hearusa Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iABN Cumulative Losses 11.2(a) ABN Litigation 11.2(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Recitals Alternative Transaction 4.4(h) Asset Acquisition Statement 12.2 Asset Price 3.1 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definition2.2 Balance Sheet 6.4 Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Bankruptcy Exception 5.5 Term Section Cap 11.5(iii) Cash Balance 3.1 Chapter 11 Case Recitals Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 Company Recitals Company Documents 6.3 Confidential Information 9.5(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b9.5(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiContinuing Officers 9.10 Cutoff Date 6.4 Deductible 11.5(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionDe Minimis Amount 11.5(i) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vExpenses 11.2(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(b11.4 LB1 Recitals LBSF Recitals Losses 11.2(a)(i) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets Notes 2.1 Purchased Shares Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Recitals Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 7.2 Revised Statements 12.2 Sellers Recitals Seller Documents 6.2(i) 5.3 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Marks 9.8 Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Representative 13.8 Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 benefit 11.6 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i4.4(a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)12.1 Unresolved Claims 11.10

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Note and Equity Purchase Agreement

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i*** Acquisition Proposal 7.14 Additional Common Option Merger Consideration 3.1(d) Additional Merger Consideration 3.7(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities Alternative Financing 7.11 Appraisal Shares 3.2 Balance Sheet 5.6(b) Balance Sheet Date 5.6(b) Benefits Continuation Period 7.10(a) Certificate 3.1(c) Certificate of Merger 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definition) Closing 5.1(a) 2.2 Closing Date 5.1(a2.2 Commitment Letters 6.6 Common Option Merger Consideration 3.1(d) Common Stock 3.1 Common Stock Merger Consideration 3.1(c) Company Preamble Company Award 5.4(c) Company Benefit Plans 5.13(a) Company Charter Documents 5.1 Company Documents 5.2 Company Fees 4.3 Company Liability Limitation 4.3(g) Company Registered Intellectual Property 5.11(a) Company Related Parties 4.3(g) Company SEC Reports 5.6(a) Company Stock 3.1 Company Tax Benefit 3.7(b) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b7.6 Continuing Employees 7.10(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiCopyrights 1.1 Debt Commitment Letter 6.6 Debt Financing 10.1(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionDebt Financing Sources 6.6 DGCL 2.1 Effective Time 2.3 Epicor Reimbursement 4.3 Epicor Termination Fee 4.3(e) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Equity Commitment Letter 6.6 Equity Financing 10.1(a) ERISA 5.13(a) Estimated Common Option Merger Consideration 3.1(d) Estimated Merger Consideration 3.1(g) Estimated Merger Consideration Elements Sum 3.1(g)(ii) Exercise Number 3.1(d) Existing Policy 7.7(d) Financial Advisor 5.20 Financial Statements 5.6(b) Fund Stockholders 10.11 Indemnitees 7.7(a) Insurance Cap 7.7(d) Letter of Transmittal 3.3(b) Marks 1.1 (in Damages definitionMaterial Contracts 5.12(a) 6.4(aMaterial In-Bound License Agreements 5.11(j) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vMerger Preamble Merger Consideration 3.1(c) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bMerger Consideration Elements 3.7(b) IRI Project 6.8(iiMerger Sub Preamble Objection Notice 3.7(b) ISA 6.4(iiiOutside Date 4.1(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iParent Preamble Parent Documents 6.2 Parent Fees 4.3 Parent Plans 7.10(b) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiParent Related Parties 4.3(f) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iPatents 1.1 Present Fair Salable Value 6.7 Pro Forma Financial Information 7.11 Pro Rata Portion 3.7(a) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bReal Property Lease 5.10(a) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(bReal Property Leases 5.10(a) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aRemaining Proceeds 3.7(e)(ii) Purchased Assets Restricted Commitment Letter Amendments 7.11 Scheduled Acquisition Cost Amount 3.1(g)(ii) Schedules Article V Section 262 3.2 Solvency 6.7 Solvent 6.7 Specified Termination 4.3(a) STB 10.11 Stockholder Approval 5.2 Stockholders 3.1(c) Stockholders' Representative Preamble Stockholders' Representative Obligations Funding Amount 3.7(a) Surviving Corporation 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Termination and Release Agreement 7.13 Termination Fee 4.3(a) Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a1.1 WARN Act 5.14(e)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Activant Solutions Inc /De/)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Asset Acquisition Statement 2.6 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionBase Purchase Price 3.2 Closing 4.1 Commitment Properties 7.15(a) Closing 5.1(aCommunity Preamble Consents 5.3 Consent Condition 7.3(b) Closing Easements 5.9(b) Effective Date 5.1(aPreamble Exchange Act 7.10(b) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bEmployee Benefit Plans 5.11(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEmployee Schedule 5.11(a) Escrow Account 3.3(b) Escrow Agent 10.5 3.3(b) Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionFunds 3.3(b) Estimated Adjustments Amount 3.4(e) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Final Report 3.4(f) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition) 6.4(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(v) 5.5 Indemnification Claim 10.4(b) IRI Project 6.8(iiIndemnity Escrow Agreement 3.3(b) ISA 6.4(iiiIndependent Accountants 3.3(f) MediVision ESE Initial Payment 3.1 Leased Real Property 5.9(c) Limited Partners’ Meeting 7.10(a) Losses 10.2(a) Non-Competition Period 7.13 Nonassignable Assets 2.5(b) Owned Real Property 5.9(a) Phase I Assessment 7.18 Phase II Assessment 7.18 Preliminary Report 6.4(i3.4(e) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiProxy Statement 7.10(b) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(aPurchase Price 3.2 Purchase Price Adjustments 3.4(e) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Purchaser Objection Notice 3.4(e) Qualified Plans 5.11(c) Real Property Leases 5.9(b) Restricted Area 7.13 Restricted Party 7.13 Revised Statements 2.6 Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) 5.2 Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiMarks 7.6 Title Commitments 7.15(a) Software Products 6.8(viTitle Company 7.15(a) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(bTitle Defect 7.15(c) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(aTitle Policies 7.15(b) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i3.2 Transferred Employees 8.1(a) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Transition Services Agreement 7.7

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Northland Cable Properties Seven Limited Partnership)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the The following terms have meanings set forth are defined in the sections indicatedthis Agreement as follows: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcceptance Notice 3.4(d) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Arbitration Notice 13.2 Baidu Director 5.2(a)(iii) Bitauto Preamble Bitauto Directors 5.2(a)(iv) Breaching Drag-Along Shareholder 3.6(c) Company Preamble Competing Business definition7.15(a) Closing 5.1(aCompetitor 7.15(a) Closing Date 5.1(aConfidential Information 9.1 Dispute 13.2 Drag-Along Event 3.6(a) Confidentiality Drag-Along Proxy Holder 3.6(c) Drag-Along Sale 3.6(a)(i) Drag-Along Shareholders 3.6(b) Dragging Shareholders 3.6(a) Electing Offeree 3.4(c) Excess Offered Shares 3.4(c) Excess Securities 4.3(a) First Refusal Allocation 3.4(c) First Refusal Right 3.4(a) Fully Participating Shareholder 4.3(a) HKIAC 13.2 Investee 7.15(c) Issuance Period 4.3(c) Issuance Securities 4.1(a) JD Director 5.2(a)(ii) New Appointment 7.11 Non-Electing Offerees 3.4(c) Notices 11.1 Offer Period 3.4(c) Offer Price 3.4(b) Offered Shares 3.4(b) Offerees 3.4(b) Permitted Transferee 3.3(d) Preemptive Acceptance Notice 4.3(a) Preemptive Acceptance Period 4.3(a) Preemptive Offer 4.2(b) Preemptive Offer Notice 4.2(a) Principal Business 7.15(a) Prior Shareholders Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bRecitals Proposed Issuance 4.2(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiProposed Recipient 4.1(a) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitionRemaining Shares 3.4(f) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definitionReplacement 7.11 Representatives 9.1 Sale Transaction 3.6(a)(ii) 6.4(aSeries A Investor Preamble Series A Investors Preamble Series B Investor Preamble Series B Investors Preamble Series C Investor Preamble Series C Investors Preamble Shareholders Meeting 5.1 Tag-Along Notice 3.5(a)(ii) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vTag-Along Offeree 3.5(a)(ii) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bTag-Along Right 3.5(a)(i) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Tax Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iTencent Directors 5.2(a)(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a3.1 Transfer Notice 3.4(b) Transferee 3.4(b) Transferring Shareholder 3.4(b)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Shareholders Agreement (Bitauto Holdings LTD)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquired Business 3.4(a) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Introductory Paragraph Assignment and Assumption Agreement 4.2(a) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Balance Sheet 5.4(a) Balance Sheet Date 5.4(a) Basket 9.4(a) Cap Cash Payment 9.4(b) 3.1 Term Section Closing 4.1 Closing Time 4.1 Consulting Agreements 4.2(h) Copyrights 1.1 (in Business definitiondefinition of Intellectual Property) Closing 5.1(aDeficit 3.3(b) Closing Earn-Out Determination 3.4(e) Earn-Out Determination Date 5.1(a3.4(e) Confidentiality Earn-Out Payments 3.4(a) Employment Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii4.2(g) Escrow Agent 10.5 9.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) 9.5 Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Employee 8.1(b) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 5.4(a) First Year Earn-Out Payment 3.4(b) General Survival Period 9.1 Indemnity Escrow Account 9.5 Indemnity Escrow Amount 9.5 Independent Accountant 3.3(b) Loss 9.2(a) Marks 1.1 (in Damages definitiondefinition of Intellectual Property) 6.4(aMaterial Contracts 5.12(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vNon-Competition Agreements 4.2(f) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bNonassignable Assets 2.5(d) IRI Project 6.8(iiSupply Agreement 4.2(l) ISA 6.4(iiiPatents 1.1 (in definition of Intellectual Property) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iPersonal Property Leases 5.10(b) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchase Price 3.1 Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Introductory Paragraph Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) 6.2 Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a9.2(a) Purchaser’s Proposed Net Working Capital 3.3(b) Real Property Lease 5.9(a) Related Persons 5.20 Request Form 1.1 (in definition of Strategic Customer Contract) Restricted Business 7.1(a) Restricted Period 7.1(a) Second Year Earn-Out Payment 3.4(c) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Introductory Paragraph Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a9.2(b) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Marks 7.5 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iiiPermits 5.16(b) Software Products 6.8(viTerm Section Seller Property 5.9(a) Subsidiary 6.1 Specified Taxing Authorities 2.3(c) Sublease 4.2(n) Survival Period 10.1(b9.1 Tax Certificates 2.3(c) Tax 6.16 Tax Third Party Claim 11.4(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a9.3(b) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i3.1 Trade Secrets 1.1 (in definition of Intellectual Property) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a10.1 Transferred Employees 8.1(a) Transitional Items 2.1(g) Voting Trustee Introductory Paragraph Working Capital Closing Statement 3.3(a) Working Capital Escrow Amount 1.1 (in definition of Working Capital Escrow Account) Working Capital Estimate 3.3(a)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (Goodman Networks Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(iAcquired Assets 2.1 Acquired Intellectual Property Rights 2.1(f) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Allocation Schedule 11.1(b) Assigned Contract Assumption Notice 2.8(a) Assigned Contracts 2.1(d) Assignment and Assumption Agreement 4.2(b) Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities 1.1 (in Business definitionAudited Financial Statements 5.12 Term Section Back-up Bidder 8.1(c) Balance Sheet Date 5.12 Bankruptcy Code Recitals Bankruptcy Court Recitals Xxxx of Sale 4.2(a) Chapter 11 Case Recitals Closing 5.1(a) 4.1 Closing Date 5.1(a4.1 COBRA Continuation Coverage 7.3 Competing Bid 8.1(b) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(bDeposit Escrow 3.2(a) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(iiEquipment 2.1(b) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definition) Exceptions 5.2 Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Corporate Records 2.2(j) Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Excluded Plans 2.4(f) Execution Date Preamble Executory Contract List 2.7(a) FDA 5.13(c) FDCA 5.13(a) Financial Statements 1.1 (in Damages definition5.12 Health Care Laws 5.13(a) 6.4(aImprovements 2.1(b) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vInsurance Policies 5.20(a) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bInterim Financial Statements 5.12 IP Contracts Leased Real Property 2.1(d) IRI Project 6.8(ii2.1(a) ISA 6.4(iiiMaterial Contracts 5.7(a) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(iNamed Insured 4.2(h) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(iiOriginal Agreement Recitals Outside Back-up Date 8.1(c) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(iOutside Date 4.4(b) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(bPrevailing Bidder 8.1(c) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iiiPurchase Price 3.1(a) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(iDisclosure Schedule ARTICLE VI Recharacterization 9.12 Reimbursement Receivables 2.2(q) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(aRepresentatives 9.2(a) Term Section Safety Notices 5.13(f) Sale Order 8.2 Seller Preamble Seller Broker Fee 5.11 Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Schedule ARTICLE V Seller Documents 6.2(iRegistered Intellectual Property Rights 5.8(a) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(aSoftware 5.8(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(viStraddle Period 11.1(b) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(bEquity Interest 2.1(v) Tax 6.16 Tax Third Party Claim 11.4(b12.3(a) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(iThird Party Insurance Policies 5.20(c) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(aTax 11.1(a) Transferred Employee 7.1 VAT Receivables 2.2(p)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement (BIND Therapeutics, Inc)

Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have meanings set forth in the sections indicated: Term Section AAA Accounts Receivable 12.5 2.1(i1998 Plan 3.2(d) 2000 Plan 3.2(d) Aggregate Merger Consideration 3.2(e) Agreement Preamble Arbitrator 12.5 Assumed Liabilities 2.3 Belgian Activities Balance Sheet 5.6 Balance Sheet Date 5.6 Certificate of Merger 3.1(c) Closing 3.1(b) Closing Date 3.1(b) COBRA 7.10(b)(iii) Commitment Letters 6.6 Company Preamble Company Benefit Plan 5.13(a) Company Documents 5.2 Company Pension Plan 5.13(b) Company Units 3.2(c) Confidentiality Agreement 7.6 Credit Facility 1.1(a) (in definition of Financing Transactions) DLLCA 3.1(a) Effective Time 3.1(c) Environmental Permits 5.17(a) ERISA 5.13(a) Excluded Matter 1.1 (in Business definitiondefinition of Material Adverse Effect) Closing 5.1(aExisting Policy 7.7(d) Closing Date 5.1(aFinancial Statements 5.6 High Yield Debt Financing 1.1(a) Confidentiality Agreement 12.7 Covenant Survival Period 10.1(b) Decision Disputes Elop 12.5 12.5 6.8(ii) Escrow Agent 10.5 Escrow Agreement 10.5 Escrow Fund 10.5 Exchange Act 1.1 (in Affiliate definitiondefinition of Financing Transactions) Excluded Assets 2.2 Excluded Liabilities 2.4 Extraordinary Damages Financial Statements 1.1 Indemnitees 7.7(a) Xxxxxxx Plan 3.2(d) Material Contracts 5.12(a) Merger Recitals Merger Consideration 3.2(c) Merger Sub Preamble New Parent LLC Agreement 8.1(h) Notified Party 7.13(b) Owned Property 5.9 Term Section Owned Properties 5.9 Parent Preamble Parent Documents 6.2 Parent Held Units 3.2(h) Parent Plans 7.10(b)(ii) Per Unit Portion 3.2(g) Personal Property Leases 5.10 Present Fair Salable Value 6.9 Real Property Lease 5.9 Real Property Leases 5.9 Residual Merger Consideration 3.2(f) Right 3.2(d) Rights Plan 3.2(d) Rollover Agreements Recitals Rollover Holders Recitals Rollover Transaction 2.1 Sale/Leaseback Transaction 1.1(a) (in Damages definitiondefinition of Financing Transactions) 6.4(aSeries B Preferred Merger Consideration 3.2(a) Foreign Tax Withholding Certificate 8.11 IAS 6.4(vSeries C Preferred Merger Consideration 3.2(b) Indemnification Claim 10.4(bSolvency 6.9 Solvent 6.9 Surviving Entity 3.1(a) IRI Project 6.8(ii) ISA 6.4(iii) MediVision ESE Report 6.4(i) MediVision Product 6.17 MediVision Product Certifications 6.18 MediVision Recommendation 6.2(ii) OCS Funded Technology 6.15(i) Post-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Covenants 10.1(b) Pre-Closing Tax Period 11.3(a) Purchased Assets 2.1 Purchased Shares 3.1 Purchased Trade Secrets 6.8(iii) Purchaser Preamble Purchaser Documents 7.2(i) Purchaser Indemnified Parties 10.2(a) Seller Preamble Seller Disclosure Letter 6 Seller Documents 6.2(i) Seller Indemnified Parties 10.3(a) Seller Material Adverse Effect 6.1 Seller Material Agreements 6.9(iii) Software Products 6.8(vi) Subsidiary 6.1 Survival Period 10.1(b) Tax 6.16 Susser Rollover Agreement Recitals Tax Claim 11.4(b7.13(b) Tax Return 6.16 Termination Date 5.2(a4.1(a) Total Consideration 4.1 Transaction Documents 7.2(i) Transfer Taxes 11.1 Warranty Survival Period 10.1(a)Unitholder 3.3 Unitholder Group 10.12

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement and Plan of Merger (Susser Holdings CORP)

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