SERVICE PROPOSAL. 乙方瞭解,甲方將以乙方申請辦理本件委任投資業務遴選時所提送之委任投資計畫建議書(如本契約附件二所示),檢視乙方有否適切辦理委任投資業務。乙方應遵照委任投資計畫建議書所示關於投資分析、決定、執行、檢討及內部控制等之原則與程序執行本契約所定義務。 The Investment Manager acknowledges that its service proposal submitted (attached as Schedule II hereof) in connection with its bid for the present engagement will be used by the Bureau to review whether the Investment Manager conducts the investment management properly. The Investment Manager shall perform its obligations hereunder in accordance with the service proposal, including the principles and procedures set forth therein with respect to its investment research, investment decision-making, investment execution, post-investment monitoring, internal controls, etc.
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SERVICE PROPOSAL. Within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of a request for a 35 service change from the CITY, CONTRACTOR shall submit a proposal to provide such service.
SERVICE PROPOSAL. This MOU contains the service and financial parameters, and operating performance measures to operate the PROJECT. Annual performance measures for the term of the PROJECT will provide thresholds to gauge the PROJECT’S performance. If the service is failing to meet one or more performance measures, then reasonable efforts will be made to modify the service to improve performance. The service may also be discontinued by termination of the MOU after reasonable efforts have been made.
SERVICE PROPOSAL. Within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of a request for a 1734 service change from the CITY, CONTRACTOR shall submit a proposal to provide such service. 1735 At a minimum, the proposal shall contain a complete description of the following: 1736 22.03.1 Collection methodology to be employed (equipment, manpower, 1737 etc.). 1738 22.03.2 Equipment to be utilized (vehicle number, types, capacity, age, 1739 etc.). 1740 22.03.3 Labor requirements (number of employees by classification). 1741 22.03.4 Type of Carts to be utilized. 1742 22.03.5 Provision for program publicity, education, and marketing. 1743 22.03.6 Five (5) year projection of the financial results of the program's 1744 operations in an operating statement format including documentation of the key assumptions 1745 underlying the projections and the support for those assumptions, giving full effect to the 1746 savings or costs to existing services. 1747 22.04 Other Contractors. CONTRACTOR acknowledges and agrees that CITY may 1748 permit other contractors or companies besides CONTRACTOR to provide additional Collection 1749 Services and such other services not otherwise contemplated if CONTRACTOR and CITY 1750 cannot agree on terms and conditions, including compensation adjustments, of such services in 1751 one hundred twenty (120) calendar days from the date when CITY first requests a proposal from 1752 CONTRACTOR to perform such services. 1753 22.05 Monitoring and Evaluation. If the CITY requests, the CONTRACTOR shall 1754 meet with the CITY to describe the progress of each new program and other service issues. If 1755 applicable, CONTRACTOR shall document the results of the new programs on a monthly basis, 1756 including at a minimum the tonnage diverted by material type, the end use or processor of the 1757 diverted materials and the cost per ton for transporting and processing each type of material 1758 and other such information requested by the CONTRACTOR and/or CITY necessary to 1759 evaluate the performance of each program. 1760 22.05.1 At each meeting, the CITY and CONTRACTOR shall have the 1761 opportunity to discuss revisions to the program. The CITY shall have the right to terminate a 1762 program if, in its sole discretion, the CONTRACTOR is not cost effectively achieving the 1763 program’s goals and objectives. Prior to such termination, the CITY shall meet and confer with 1764 the CONTRACTOR for a period of up to ninety (90) calendar days to resolve the CITY’S 1765 concerns. The...
SERVICE PROPOSAL. 乙方瞭解,甲方將以乙方申請辦理本件委任投資業務遴選時所提送之投資計畫建議書,檢視乙方有否適切辦理委任投資業務。乙方應遵照投資計畫建議書所示關於投資分析、決定、執行、檢討及內部控制等之原則與程序執行本契約所定義務。 The Investment Manager acknowledges that its Service Proposal submitted in connection with its bid for the present engagement will be used by the Bureau to review whether the Investment Manager conducts the investment management
SERVICE PROPOSAL. Within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of a request for a 2538 service change from CITY, CONTRACTOR shall submit a proposal to provide such service. At 2539 a minimum, the proposal shall contain a complete description of the following: 2540 21.03.1 Program objectives and goals to be used in measuring the 2541 success of the program as discussed in Section 21.07 below; 2542 21.03.2 Collection methodology to be employed (equipment, manpower, 2543 etc.); 2544 21.03.3 Equipment to be utilized (vehicle number, types, capacity, age, 2545 etc.); 2546 21.03.4 Labor requirements (number of employees by classification);


  • Proposal Proposal means any information supplied by or on behalf of the insured, deemed to be a completed proposal form and medical questionnaire and other relevant information that the insurer may require.

  • Technical Proposal The technical proposal may be presented in free format. It shall not exceed ten pages, not counting the CVs. It shall respect the following page limit and structure: • Technical methodology (max. 7 pages) • Quality management (max. 1 page) • Project management (max. 1 page) • Resource management (proposal (max. 1 page) + CVs of experts)

  • Financial Proposal Tender Forms – prices By submitting this tender, the tenderer commits to performing this public contract in conformity with the provisions of the Tender Specifications/ – and explicitly declares accepting all conditions listed in the Tender Specifications and renounces any derogatory provisions such as his own general sales conditions. The unit prices and the global prices for each item in the inventory are established relative to the value of these items in relation to the total value of the tender. All general and financial costs as well as the profits are distributed between the various items in proportion to their weight. The value added tax is dealt with on a separate line in the summary bill of quantities or the inventory, to be added to the tender's value. The tenderer commits to performing the public contract in accordance with the provisions of the Tender Specifications for the following prices, given in euros and exclusive of VAT: Should this tender be approved, the performance bond will be constituted under the conditions and deadlines stipulated in the Tender Specifications. The confidential information and/or the information relating to technical or business secrets is indicated clearly in the tender. In order to correctly compare the tenders, the duly signed information or documents mentioned under Preparation of Tenders.

  • Cost Proposal After the Approved Working Drawings are approved by Landlord and Tenant, and the Contractor and subcontractors have been selected pursuant to Section 4.1 above, Landlord shall provide Tenant with a cost proposal in accordance with the Approved Working Drawings setting forth the reconciled bids and copies of all sub-bids, which cost proposal shall include, as nearly as possible, the cost of all Tenant Improvement Allowance Items to be incurred in connection with the construction of the Tenant Improvements (the "COST PROPOSAL"). The Cost Proposal shall reflect bids that will be priced by Contractor on an individual item-by-item or trade-by-trade basis. Landlord and Tenant shall work together in good faith in an attempt to agree upon a mutually acceptable Cost Proposal as soon as reasonably possible. Notwithstanding the foregoing, portions of the cost of the Tenant Improvements may be delivered to Tenant as such portions of the Tenant Improvements are priced by Contractor (on an individual item-by-item or trade-by-trade basis), even before the Approved Working Drawings are completed (the "PARTIAL COST PROPOSAL") for purposes of facilitating the early purchase of items and construction of the same. Tenant shall approve and deliver the Cost Proposal to Landlord within seven (7) business days of the receipt of the same, or, as to a Partial Cost Proposal within five (5) business days of receipt of the same, and upon receipt of the same by Landlord, Landlord shall be released by Tenant to purchase the items set forth in the Cost Proposal or Partial Cost Proposal, as the case may be, and to commence the construction relating to such items. If Tenant disapproves the Cost Proposal or Partial Cost Proposal, Tenant shall provide Landlord with a reasonably sufficient explanation, and in such event, Landlord and Tenant shall use good faith, diligent efforts to work with each other and Contractor to address Tenant's reasons for disapproving the Cost Proposal or Partial Cost Proposal, whichever is the case and a new Cost Proposal (or Partial Cost Proposal, as applicable) shall be prepared and the process described in this Section 4.2 shall be repeated. The date by which Tenant must approve and deliver the Cost Proposal or the last Partial Cost Proposal to Landlord, as the case may be, shall be known hereafter as the "COST PROPOSAL DELIVERY DATE". The total of all Partial Cost Proposals, if any, shall be known as the Cost Proposal.

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