Common use of PERFORMANCE/ WARRANTIES Clause in Contracts

PERFORMANCE/ WARRANTIES. 2. 履行/保證 Supplier warrants and undertakes that the Deliverables will be free from defects in material and workmanship and will conform to any specifications or requirements in the Agreement or agreed upon by the Parties in writing. Supplier warrants that if any Deliverable(s) fails to meet any such specifications or requirements or is otherwise nonconforming, Supplier will, at its own cost and expense and within 10 days of its receipt of written notice of such failure, either correct such deficiency or provide a plan acceptable to Accenture for correcting such deficiency. If such deficiency is not corrected within such 10-day period or a corrective plan is not accepted by Accenture, Accenture will have the option to require Supplier to: (i) provide a full refund; or (ii) promptly replace or reperform the Deliverable(s) at no charge. All Deliverables will be subject to an inspection and acceptance by Accenture, even if the Parties have not set forth any specifications or requirements regarding the Deliverables in the Agreement. 供應商保證和承諾,交付成果絕無材質和工藝上的缺陷,並符合本協議約定的或雙方書面同意的一切規格或要求。供應商保證,如果任何交付成果未能滿足這些規格或要求或者在其他方面不合規,供應商將在收到不符合規定及要求的書面通知後 10 天內自費糾正此類缺陷或向埃森哲提交其認可 的缺陷糾正計畫。如果未能在此 10 天期限內糾正缺陷或埃森哲不接受此糾 正計畫,埃森哲將有權要求供應商:(i) 全額退款;(ii) 立即免費更換或重新提供。即使雙方未在本協議中約定有關交付成果的任何規格或要求,所有交付成果也須經過埃森哲的檢查和驗收。

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: . Agreement, 1 Agreement, . Agreement

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PERFORMANCE/ WARRANTIES. 2. 履行/保證 Supplier warrants and undertakes that the Deliverables will be free from defects in material and workmanship and will conform to any specifications or requirements in the Agreement or agreed upon by the Parties in writing. Supplier warrants that if any Deliverable(s) fails to meet any such specifications or requirements or is otherwise nonconforming, Supplier will, at its own cost and expense and within 10 days of its receipt of written notice of such failure, either correct such deficiency or provide a plan acceptable to Accenture for correcting such deficiency. If such deficiency is not corrected within such 10-day period or a corrective plan is not accepted by Accenture, Accenture will have the option to require Supplier to: (i) provide a full refund; or (ii) promptly replace or reperform the Deliverable(s) at no charge. All Deliverables will be subject to an inspection and acceptance by Accenture, even if the Parties have not set forth any specifications or requirements regarding the Deliverables in the Agreement. .供應商保證和承諾,交付成果絕無材質和工藝上的缺陷,並符合本協議約定的或雙方書面同意的一切規格或要求。供應商保證,如果任何交付成果未能滿足這些規格或要求或者在其他方面不合規,供應商將在收到不符合規定及要求的書面通知後 10 天內自費糾正此類缺陷或向埃森哲提交其認可 的缺陷糾正計畫。如果未能在此 天內自費糾正此類缺陷或向埃森哲提交其認可的缺陷糾正計畫。如果未能在此 10 天期限內糾正缺陷或埃森哲不接受此糾 正計畫,埃森哲將有權要求供應商:(i天期限內糾正缺陷或埃森哲不接受此糾正計畫,埃森哲將有權要求供應商:(i) 全額退款;(ii) 立即免費更換或重新提供。即使雙方未在本協議中約定有關交付成果的任何規格或要求,所有交付成果也須經過埃森哲的檢查和驗收。

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: . Agreement, . Agreement

PERFORMANCE/ WARRANTIES. 2. 履行/保證 保证 Supplier warrants and undertakes that the Deliverables will be free from defects in material and workmanship and will conform to any specifications or requirements in the Agreement or agreed upon by the Parties in writing. Supplier warrants that if any Deliverable(s) fails to meet any such specifications or requirements or is otherwise nonconforming, Supplier will, at its own cost and expense and within 10 days of its receipt of written notice of such failure, either correct such deficiency or provide a plan acceptable to Accenture for correcting such deficiency. If such deficiency is not corrected within such 10-day period or a corrective plan is not accepted by Accenture, Accenture will have the option to require Supplier to: (i) provide a full refund; or (ii) promptly replace or reperform the Deliverable(s) at no charge. All Deliverables will be subject to an inspection and acceptance by Accenture, even if the Parties have not set forth any specifications or requirements regarding the Deliverables in the Agreement. 供應商保證和承諾,交付成果絕無材質和工藝上的缺陷,並符合本協議約定的或雙方書面同意的一切規格或要求。供應商保證,如果任何交付成果未能滿足這些規格或要求或者在其他方面不合規,供應商將在收到不符合規定及要求的書面通知後 供应商保证和承诺,交付成果绝无材质和工艺上的缺陷,并符合本协议约定的或双方书面同意的一切规格或要求。供应商保证,如果任何交付成果未能满足这些规格或要求或者在其他方面不合规,供应商将在收到不符合规定及要求的书面通知后 10 天內自費糾正此類缺陷或向埃森哲提交其認可 的缺陷糾正計畫。如果未能在此 天内自费纠正此类缺陷或向埃森哲提交其认可 的缺陷纠正计划。如果未能在此 10 天期限內糾正缺陷或埃森哲不接受此糾 正計畫,埃森哲將有權要求供應商:(i天期限内纠正缺陷或埃森哲不接受此纠正计划,埃森哲将有权要求供应商:(i) 全額退款;(ii全额退款;(ii) 立即免費更換或重新提供。即使雙方未在本協議中約定有關交付成果的任何規格或要求,所有交付成果也須經過埃森哲的檢查和驗收立即免费更换或重新提供。即使双方未在本协议中约定有关交付成果的任何规格或要求,所有交付成果也须经过埃森哲的检查和验收

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: . Agreement

PERFORMANCE/ WARRANTIES. 2. 履行/保證 保证 Supplier warrants and undertakes that the Deliverables will be free from defects in material and workmanship and will conform to any specifications or requirements in the Agreement or agreed upon by the Parties in writing. Supplier warrants that if any Deliverable(s) fails to meet any such specifications or requirements or is otherwise nonconforming, Supplier will, at its own cost and expense and within 10 days of its receipt of written notice of such failure, either correct such deficiency or provide a plan acceptable to Accenture for correcting such deficiency. If such deficiency is not corrected within such 10-day period or a corrective plan is not accepted by Accenture, Accenture will have the option to require Supplier to: (i) provide a full refund; or (ii) promptly replace or reperform the Deliverable(s) at no charge. All Deliverables will be subject to an inspection and acceptance by Accenture, even if the Parties have not set forth any specifications or requirements regarding the Deliverables in the Agreement. 供應商保證和承諾,交付成果絕無材質和工藝上的缺陷,並符合本協議約定的或雙方書面同意的一切規格或要求。供應商保證,如果任何交付成果未能滿足這些規格或要求或者在其他方面不合規,供應商將在收到不符合規定及要求的書面通知後 供应商保证和承诺,交付成果绝无材质和工艺上的缺陷,并符合本协议约定的或双方书面同意的一切规格或要求。供应商保证,如果任何交付成果未能满足这些规格或要求或者在其他方面不合规,供应商将在收到不符合规定及要求的书面通知后 10 天內自費糾正此類缺陷或向埃森哲提交其認可 的缺陷糾正計畫。如果未能在此 天内自费纠正此类缺陷或向埃森哲提交其认可 的缺陷纠正计划。如果未能在此 10 天期限內糾正缺陷或埃森哲不接受此糾 正計畫,埃森哲將有權要求供應商:(i天期限内纠正缺陷或埃森哲不接受此纠 正计划,埃森哲将有权要求供应商:(i) 全額退款;(ii全额退款;(ii) 立即免費更換或重新提供。即使雙方未在本協議中約定有關交付成果的任何規格或要求,所有交付成果也須經過埃森哲的檢查和驗收立即免费更换或重新提供。即使双方未在本协议中约定有关交付成果的任何规格或要求,所有交付成果也须经过埃森哲的检查和验收

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: . Agreement

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PERFORMANCE/ WARRANTIES. 2. 履行/保證 保证 Supplier warrants and undertakes that the Deliverables will be free from defects in material and workmanship and will conform to any specifications or requirements in the Agreement or agreed upon by the Parties in writing. Supplier warrants that if any Deliverable(s) fails to meet any such specifications or requirements or is otherwise nonconforming, Supplier will, at its own cost and expense and within 10 days of its receipt of written notice of such failure, either correct such deficiency or provide a plan acceptable to Accenture for correcting such deficiency. If such deficiency is not corrected within such 10-day period or a corrective plan is not accepted by Accenture, Accenture will have the option to require Supplier to: (i) provide a full refund; or (ii) promptly replace or reperform the Deliverable(s) at no charge. All Deliverables will be subject to an inspection and acceptance by Accenture, even if the Parties have not set forth any specifications or requirements regarding the Deliverables in the Agreement. 供應商保證和承諾,交付成果絕無材質和工藝上的缺陷,並符合本協議約定的或雙方書面同意的一切規格或要求。供應商保證,如果任何交付成果未能滿足這些規格或要求或者在其他方面不合規,供應商將在收到不符合規定及要求的書面通知後 .供应商保证和承诺,交付成果绝无材质和工艺上的缺陷,并符合本协议约定的或双方书面同意的一切规格或要求。供应商保证,如果任何交付成果未能满足这些规格或要求或者在其他方面不合规,供应商将在收到不符合规定及要求的书面通知后 10 天內自費糾正此類缺陷或向埃森哲提交其認可 的缺陷糾正計畫。如果未能在此 天内自费纠正此类缺陷或向埃森哲提交其认可的缺陷纠正计划。如果未能在此 10 天期限內糾正缺陷或埃森哲不接受此糾 正計畫,埃森哲將有權要求供應商:(i天期限内纠正缺陷或埃森哲不接受此纠正计划,埃森哲将有权要求供应商:(i) 全額退款;(ii全额退款;(ii) 立即免費更換或重新提供。即使雙方未在本協議中約定有關交付成果的任何規格或要求,所有交付成果也須經過埃森哲的檢查和驗收立即免费更换或重新提供。即使双方未在本协议中约定有关交付成果的任何规格或要求,所有交付成果也须经过埃森哲的检查和验收

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: . Agreement

PERFORMANCE/ WARRANTIES. 2. 履行/保證 Supplier warrants and undertakes that the Deliverables will be free from defects in material and workmanship and will conform to any specifications or requirements in the Agreement or agreed upon by the Parties in writing. Supplier warrants that if any Deliverable(s) fails to meet any such specifications or requirements or is otherwise nonconforming, Supplier will, at its own cost and expense and within 10 days of its receipt of written notice of such failure, either correct such deficiency or provide a plan acceptable to Accenture for correcting such deficiency. If such deficiency is not corrected within such 10-day period or a corrective plan is not accepted by Accenture, Accenture will have the option to require Supplier to: (i) provide a full refund; or (ii) promptly replace or reperform the Deliverable(s) at no charge. All Deliverables will be subject to an inspection and acceptance by Accenture, even if the Parties have not set forth any specifications or requirements regarding the Deliverables in the Agreement. 供應商保證和承諾,交付成果絕無材質和工藝上的缺陷,並符合本協議約定的或雙方書面同意的一切規格或要求。供應商保證,如果任何交付成果未能滿足這些規格或要求或者在其他方面不合規,供應商將在收到不符合規定及要求的書面通知後 10 天內自費糾正此類缺陷或向埃森哲提交其認可 的缺陷糾正計畫。如果未能在此 10 天期限內糾正缺陷或埃森哲不接受此糾 正計畫,埃森哲將有權要求供應商:(i天期限內糾正缺陷或埃森哲不接受此糾正計畫,埃森哲將有權要求供應商:(i) 全額退款;(ii) 立即免費更換或重新提供。即使雙方未在本協議中約定有關交付成果的任何規格或要求,所有交付成果也須經過埃森哲的檢查和驗收。

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: 1 Agreement

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