Performance Appraisals. 3201 The Employer shall complete a written appraisal of a nurse's performance at least bi-annually. Upon request, the nurse shall be given an exact copy of the appraisal. 3202 The nurse shall have an opportunity to read such document. 3203 The nurse's signature on such document merely signifies that the contents of the document have been read. 3204 If the nurse disputes the appraisal, she/he may file a reply to the document in accordance with Article 29, and/or she/he may file a grievance under Article 12 of this Agreement.
Performance Appraisals. 1. When an employee has been given an overall rating of "Unsatisfactory" on an annual performance appraisal, the employee's supervisor shall inform the employee that the employee has 180 days from the date that the employee receives the performance improvement plan to improve to the level of an overall "Satisfactory" rating. The employee's development plan will be completed to identify the following:
a. an identification of the performance standards/behavioral elements for which performance is unacceptable;
b. description of what the Employer will do to assist the employee and a description of what the employee must do to improve the unacceptable performance during the opportunity period;
c. statement as to when the Employer and the employee decide to meet to evaluate the employee's performance within the 180-day period. Approximately mid-way through the 180-day period, the supervisor shall meet with the employee to discuss the employee's progress in terms of meeting the requirements of the Performance Improvement Plan. Failure to achieve an overall "Satisfactory" rating at the end of the 180-day period shall result in the employee's termination.
2. Under the provisions of State Personnel and Pensions Article, §8-107, Annotated Code of Maryland, an employee may not be denied a pay increase unless substantial reasons of performance were cited on the employee's mid-year or final performance appraisal forms.
Performance Appraisals. 10.01 The Parties recognize the desirability of a performance appraisal system designed to effectively use and develop the human resources of the Employer. The purpose of the performance appraisal is to provide a constructive review of the Employee's performance.
(a) Employees shall receive a written performance appraisal regularly in accordance with the policy of the Employer. The absence of a performance appraisal shall mean the Employee meets expectations.
(b) Meetings for the purpose of the performance appraisal interview shall be scheduled by the Employer with reasonable advance notice. At the interview, the Employee shall be given a copy of their performance appraisal document. The Employee shall sign their performance appraisal for the sole purpose of indicating that they are aware of the performance appraisal, and shall have the right to respond in writing within ten (10) days of the interview and that reply shall be placed in their personnel file.
(a) By appointment made at least three (3) working days in advance, an Employee may view their personnel file at their work site each year or when the Employee has filed a grievance. An Employee may be accompanied by a Union Representative when viewing their personnel file. A request by the Employer to the Union to extend the three (3) day timeline for producing the personnel file shall not be unreasonably denied.
(b) An Employee shall be given a copy of the contents of their personnel file upon request, not more frequently than once in a calendar year, or when the Employee has filed a grievance, provided that they first pay to the Employer a reasonable fee, established by the Employer to cover the cost of copying. Such fees shall be waived where the Employee requests a copy of material related to an individual grievance filed on behalf of the Employee.
Performance Appraisals. 3301 When performance appraisals are conducted, the following guidelines shall apply:
a) performance appraisals shall be in writing and the contents shall be discussed with the employee;
b) the employee shall sign the performance appraisal for the sole purpose of indicating that she is aware of its contents;
c) the employee shall have the right to add comments to be attached thereto;
d) the employee shall be given a copy of the performance appraisal. 3302 If the employee regards the report or evaluation to be inaccurate, unfair or unreasonable, she may also initiate a grievance requesting its correction or removal from her file.
Performance Appraisals. A. An annual performance appraisal shall be conducted by the employee’s immediate supervisor.
B. The employee’s immediate supervisor shall meet with the employee for the purpose of presenting feedback about job performance. Performance appraisals shall not include references to acts of alleged misconduct that were investigated and unfounded, exonerated or not sustained, or sustained and reversed on appeal. The employee shall be given an opportunity to provide written comments on the final appraisal including, but not limited to, agreement or disagreement with the information presented. The employee shall sign the appraisal to acknowledge receipt. Signing the appraisal shall not infer agreement with the review.
C. If an employee wishes to challenge an appraisal, the following steps shall be taken in the following order:
STEP 1 Within fifteen (15) days of receiving the appraisal, the employee may request a meeting with his/her supervisor to address and challenge the appraisal. After the employee has provided the information associated with the challenge, the supervisor shall advise the employee as part of the meeting of his/her determination to either modify the appraisal or preserve it as written. The supervisor shall document the discussion with the employee. If the employee is not satisfied with the supervisor’s response, he/she may appeal to Step 2.
STEP 2 Within fifteen (15) days following the meeting with his/her supervisor, the employee may request a meeting with the supervisor's commanding officer (or civilian equivalent) to address and challenge the appraisal. After the employee has provided the information associated with the challenge, the commanding officer shall advise the employee as part of the meeting of his/her determination to either modify the appraisal or preserve it as written. The commanding officer shall document the discussion with the employee. If the employee is not satisfied with the commanding officer’s response, he/she may appeal to Step 3 only if the employee alleges: (1) factual inaccuracy in the appraisal, including references to acts of misconduct that were investigated and unfounded, exonerated or not sustained, or sustained and reversed on appeal; and/ or (2) lack of prior notice of the conduct that the supervisor has identified as part of the performance appraisal.
STEP 3 Within fifteen (15) days following the meeting with his/her commanding officer the employee may request, through the SPD Director of Human Resources, a r...
Performance Appraisals. Performance appraisals are prepared for several purposes, including for the purpose of giving notice to employees whose performance is deficient or unacceptable. Performance appraisal, including documents attached to the appraisals, shall be placed in the employees official personnel file, and shall be removed only upon written authorization of the appointing officer.
Performance Appraisals. When a formal appraisal of an employee's performance is carried out, the employee shall be given the opportunity to read and review the appraisal. Provision shall be made on the appraisal form for an employee to sign it. The form shall provide for the employee's signature in two places: one indicating that the employee has read and accepts the appraisal, and the other indicating that the employee disagrees with the appraisal. The employee shall sign in only one of the places provided. The employee who disagrees with the appraisal and so signifies in the appropriate place, shall have the right to amplify the reasons for any objections in writing, and such amplifications shall be attached to and become part of that appraisal. No employee may initiate a grievance regarding the contents of an appraisal form unless the signature indicates disagreement with the appraisal. Employees who sign a performance appraisal as agreeing with it are nonetheless entitled to have any comments attached to and become part of the appraisal. An employee shall, upon request, receive a copy of this appraisal form. An employee appraisal shall not be changed after an employee has signed it without the knowledge of the employee.
Performance Appraisals. An employee shall have at least one (1) Performance Review with his/her supervisor each year. This review shall include the completion of an appraisal form by the supervisor which shall be given to the employee. The employee shall have the right to review the form and attach written comments to the form. The form and any comments shall be put into the employee's personnel file. The substantive judgment of the employee’s superior regarding his/her performance is not a grievable or arbitrable matter.
Performance Appraisals. 1. When an employee has been given an overall rating of "Needs Improvement" on an annual performance appraisal, the employee's supervisor shall inform the employee that the employee has 180 days from issuance of the rating to improve to the level of "Meets Standards." The employee's development plan will be completed to identify the following:
a. an identification of the performance standards/behavioral elements for which performance is unacceptable;
b. description of what the Employer will do to assist the employee and a description of what the employee must do to improve the unacceptable performance during the opportunity period;
c. statement as to when the employer and the employee decide to meet to evaluate the employee's performance within the 180-day period. Failure to meet standards at the end of the 180-day period shall result in the employee's termination.
2. When an employee has been given an overall rating of "unsatisfactory" on an annual performance appraisal, the employee's supervisor shall inform the employee that the employee has 90 days from issuance of the rating to improve to the level of "Meets Standards." Approximately midway through the 90-day period, the employee and the employee's supervisor shall meet to evaluate the employee's progress toward meeting standards.
3. Failure to meet standards at the end of the 90-day period shall result in the employee's termination.
4. An employee may not receive an overall rating of "unsatisfactory" on the employee's annual performance appraisal unless during the rating period the employee has been given written notice, citing specific examples, (and accompanied by supporting documentation) that the performance is "unsatisfactory" and has received an “unsatisfactory” or “needs improvement” rating on the employee's previous mid-year appraisal.
5. Under the provisions of State Personnel and Pensions Article, §8-107, Annotated Code of Maryland, an employee may not be denied a pay increase unless substantial reasons of performance were cited on the employee's mid-year or final performance appraisal forms.
Performance Appraisals. (a) Performance appraisals may be done in each unit in accordance with the procedures for that unit. In the case of sessionals teaching more than one course per year, appraisals should rely on a variety of sources, including, but not limited only to student evaluation forms.
(b) The purpose of performance appraisals will be to recognize employees’ abilities in meeting job objectives and to assist them in performing job responsibilities.
(c) Performance appraisals will not be used to discipline. Where it is necessary to implement disciplinary action in response to performance problems, this will be done in accordance with Article 8.