Observation Report. Length of Observation - minimum of twenty (20) minutes up to one full class period.
Observation Report. A written summary of the situation observed during a formal
Observation Report. Each member of the evaluation team who participates in an observation will follow these steps.
1. The observer will attend and observe one (1) class session, part of a class session, or a reasonable portion of student contact-related duties of allied faculty members. Online observations will be limited to approximately one (1) week of online learning or one (1) module of teaching.
2. The Observation Report form requires a written narrative. It also includes criteria for job performance. Observers are encouraged to use the approved rubric when applying these criteria. This rubric informs, but does not determine, the rating on the Final Report.
3. For each section observed, the observer will distribute and collect anonymous student evaluations, using an approved Student Evaluation form. If more than one (1) evaluator is observing a particular section, the team will coordinate so that only one (1) set of student evaluations is collected. Student Evaluation forms for online classes will be sent electronically and gathered confidentially. A classified employee will tally student evaluations in a confidential manner; student workers will not be allowed to perform this work.
Observation Report. The evaluator shall write a report on all such observations; the employees shall receive, within forty-‐eight (48) hours, a copy of such report.
Observation Report. Each member of the evaluation team who participates in an observation will follow these steps.
Observation Report. Following each observation, a written report shall be prepared on the appropriate forms. A copy of this report shall be given to the teaching staff member within five (5) working days of the observation. The teaching staff member and the observer shall sign the report at a post observation conference held within six (6) working days from the receipt of the written observation and placed in the teaching staff member’s personnel file. The teaching staff member’s signature shall not indicate acceptance or rejection of the report, but shall indicate that the member is aware of its contents.
Observation Report. Teacher School Grade/Subject Date Observer Beginning Time Ending Time The observation report will identify the teacher's moves and patterns of behavior (CLAIMS) supported by quotes or descriptions of behavior (EVIDENCE). The report will also include the effect on students or the significance of the teaching act (INTERPRETATION) and the evaluator’s assessment of the teaching (JUDGMENT). SUGGESTIONS or RECOMMENDATIONS for growth and/or improvement may also be included. For non-teaching positions, this page will be used for a description of performance. Signature of Observer Date Signature of Teacher Date The teacher's signature on this form indicates that he/she has seen all the comments on the form. The teacher's signature does not necessarily indicate agreement with the observation report. Comments from the teacher are welcomed. School Assignment Date
Observation Report. Each member of the evaluation team who participates in an observation will follow these steps.
1. The observer will attend and observe one (1) class session, part of a class session, or a reasonable portion of student contact-related duties of allied faculty members. Online observations will be limited to approximately one (1) week of online learning or one (1) module of teaching.
Observation Report. A written summary of the situation observed during a formal observation.
Observation Report. Following each observation or series of observations, the principal or other evaluator shall document the results of the observation in writing and give a copy to the employee within three (3) working days.