Geometric Design. The Engineer shall:
Geometric Design. The CONSULTANT will perform geometric design using the established Project design controls and criteria. The CONSULTANT will also use Project traffic data and results of traffic analysis to design appropriate roadway elements. The CONSULTANT will establish both preliminary vertical profile and horizontal alignments of the mainline. The design of Project alternatives must consider environmental constraints, physical constraints, Context Sensitive Solutions, Complete Streets, and any additional information, as required. See Part 2, Chapter 3 of the PD&E Manual for more engineering and design considerations. For each alternative evaluated in detail, the CONSULTANT shall prepare sketches of plan, profile, and typical sections as appropriate to show existing features, proposed geometry, and location of any environmental and geometric design constraints.
Geometric Design. The report should discuss design concerns regarding geometric requirements for the proposed work. Standard design values (as listed in AS 150/5300-13) based on the design aircraft shall be identified in this report. Examples of these standards include runway/taxiway dimensions, taxiways fillets, separation requirements and etc.
Geometric Design. The Engineer shall review the schematic provided by the State to confirm their understanding of the project and to verify completeness and accuracy of the information. The Engineer shall refine the horizontal and vertical alignment of the design schematic in English units for main lanes, ramps, xxxxxxxx xxxxx, xxxxx xxxxxxx, including grade separation structures. The Engineer shall determine vertical clearances at grade separations and overpasses, taking into account the appropriate percent grade and super-elevation rate. Minor modifications in the alignment must be considered to provide optimal design. Modifications must be coordinated with the State and adjacent Engineers. The State must approve the refined schematic prior to the Engineer proceeding to the 30% milestone submittal, and prior to starting on the bridge layouts. CADD files and the 3D model shall be created using Bentley’s OpenRoads GEOPAK (SS4) software.
Geometric Design. Utilizing the approved schematic plan, GCE shall refine the horizontal and vertical alignments for the FBPTR and typical sections to meet Project requirements. GCE shall develop a geometric project layout (Layout), for the full length of the project to be reviewed and approved by the Client prior to GCE proceeding with the 30% milestone submittal package. The Layout must consist of a planimetric file of existing features and the proposed improvements within the existing and proposed ROW. The Layout must also include the following features: • existing and proposed ROW, • existing and proposed horizontal and vertical alignment and profile grade line, • cross culverts, _ Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority, Fort Bend County, TX August 30, 2023 Page 5 of 15 • lane widths, • cross slopes, • ditch slopes, • pavement structure, • clear zone, dedicated right turn lanes, corner clips, • retaining walls (if applicable) guard rail (if applicable), • and water surface elevations for various rainfall frequencies, etc. • Existing major subsurface and surface utilities must be shown on the Layout. GCE shall develop the proposed alignment to avoid the relocation of existing utilities as much as possible. GCE shall consider Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements when developing the Layout. The Layout must be prepared in accordance with the current Roadway Design Manual. GCE shall provide horizontal and vertical alignment of the project layout for main lanes and cross streets. The project layout must be coordinated with the Client and adjacent Engineers, if any. GCE shall also provide proposed and existing typical sections with the profile grade line (PGL), lane widths, cross slopes, ROW lines, ditch shapes, pavement structures and clear zones depicted, etc. GCE shall also attend necessary meetings to discuss the outcome of the evaluations of the study.
Geometric Design. Xxxxxx will provide geometric design in accordance with FAA AC 150/5300-13 (latest edition) or other local standards. The following design criteria will be used for airfield design: • Airplane Design Group (ADG) – II • Taxilane Design Group (TDG) – II
Geometric Design. The Engineer shall: Refine Schematic. The Engineer shall review the schematic provided by the State to confirm their understanding of the project and to verify completeness and accuracy of the information. The Engineer shall refine the horizontal and vertical alignment of the design schematic in English units for main lanes, ramps, direct connectors, xxxxxxxx xxxxx, xxxxx xxxxxxx, including grade separation structures. The Engineer shall determine vertical clearances at DocuSign Envelope ID: DADDA27D-207C-44D8-A3A7-49A72052A5A9 Contract No. 18-7SDP5010 PS No. 6837 grade separations and overpasses, taking into account the appropriate percent grade and super-elevation rate. Minor modifications in the alignment must be considered to provide optimal design. Modifications must be coordinated with the State and adjacent Engineers. The State must approve the refined schematic prior to the Engineer proceeding to the 30% milestone submittal, and prior to starting on the bridge layouts.
Geometric Design. The Engineer shall refine the horizontal and vertical alignment of the design schematic in English units for main lanes and cross streets. Minor modifications in the alignment must be considered to provide optimal design. Modifications must be coordinated with the State and adjacent Engineers. The State must approve the refined schematic prior to the Engineer proceeding to the 30% milestone submittal.
Geometric Design. The Engineer shall review the schematic provided by the State to confirm their understanding of the project and to verify completeness and accuracy of the information. The Engineer shall refine the horizontal and vertical alignment of the design schematic in English units for main lanes, ramps, direct connectors, xxxxxxxx xxxxx, xxxxx xxxxxxx, including grade separation structures. The Engineer shall determine vertical clearances at grade separations and overpasses, taking into account the appropriate percent grade and super- elevation rate. Minor modifications in the alignment must be considered to provide optimal design. Modifications must be coordinated with the State and adjacent Engineers. The State must approve the refined schematic prior to the Engineer proceeding to the 30% milestone submittal, and prior to starting on the bridge layouts. DocuSign Envelope ID: 81F7252A-C4FA-4500-8C54-29C866EB3486 Contract No. 18-7SDP5011 PS. No. 6838
Geometric Design. The Engineer shall: Contract No. 14-6SDP5013 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6F241E99-CBD7-4989-A074-6D52EF0E6522 PS No. 6339