E-signatures: No Pen or Paper Required

Diana Isyanova
Attorney at Law

How can you best secure your online agreements?

The way we sign contracts has evolved over time—from stamping wax seals to penning our name in a unique flourish. Ultimately, the purpose has been the same: to prevent forgery and ensure contract agreements are legitimate and protected.

Today, as we share and sign more contracts on computers, there are important considerations for electronic signatures that contract drafters must know.

In this Ebook, Diana Isyanova covers the ins and outs of signatures law in the digital age and explains how to ensure your contract agreements are protected. She offers everything you need to know about signing online contracts, including:

  • Legal parameters for a valid signature
  • The difference between digital vs. electronic signatures
  • Advantages and disadvantages to using digital signatures
  • When to avoid using E-Signatures

Attorney Isyanova offers a wealth of information to keep you up to date with identity verification laws, so download now to guarantee your contract agreements are secure!

E-Signatures: No Pen or Paper Required


Diana Isyanova
Attorney at Law

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