Examples of Contract in a sentence
The person so nominated shall be deemed to have full authority from the Contractor in respect of the Contract and his acts shall be binding on the Contractor.
As far as this contract provides nothing to the contrary, the provisions of the Swiss Federal Law concerning the Insurance Contract of 2 April 1908 shall be applicable.
The total sum claimed shall be deducted from any sum then due, or which at any time thereafter may become due, to the Contractors under this, or any other, Contract with the Corporation.
The Contractor shall, whenever required, produce or cause to be produced for examination by the District Manager or any other officer authorized by him in this behalf, any cost or other accounts books, account vouchers, receipts, letters, memoranda or writing, or any copy of, or extract from, any such document, and also furnish information and returns, verified in such manner as may be required, relating to the execution of this Contract.
The mere mention of any item of work in this Contract does not by itself confer aright and/ or confirm any right to the Contractor to demand that the work relating to all or any item thereof should necessarily or exclusively be entrusted to him.