Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu Yang Bertentangan Dengan Sample Contracts

Dr. Ahmad Redi, S.H., M.H.
Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu Yang Bertentangan Dengan • February 5th, 2021

Legal protection for workers in a certain time work agreement at PT. Dasa Windu Agung has an important role to guarantee the main rights possessed by workers without discrimination to achieve the welfare of workers and their families. This research aims to find out whether the judges' considerations in the decision number 859K / Pdt.Sus-PHI / 2019 are in accordance with Act of The Republic Of Indonesia Number 13 year 2003 concerning Manpower and to find out the legal protection of workers in a certain time work agreement at PT.Dasa Windu Agung Based on Act of The Republic Of Indonesia Number 13 year 2003 concerning Manpower. The type of research used in this research is normative legal research and uses primary legal materials including laws, secondary legal materials in the form of books, using a statutory approach and a case approach related to the problems under study. The author analyzes the data with a deductive method. The judge's consideration in the decision number 859K / Pdt.S