Disposiciones económicas Cláusulas de Ejemplo

Disposiciones económicas. ARTÍCULO 2
Disposiciones económicas b) Pliego de condiciones técnicas particulares:
Disposiciones económicas. El precio de los Componentes no incluye el Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido, ni ningún otro importe correspondiente a tasas, impuestos o precios públicos. 6.3.- In the absence of a written complaint submitted within the stipulated terms, PURCHASER will be barred from complaining to XXXX XXXXX for defective Components or non-conformity with the delivery or because of damages and/or prejudices that, directly or indirectly, might have been suffered. 6.4.- After notifying its complaint, PURCHASER will make the Component units concerned available for XXXX XXXXX’x inspection. In the event of accepting the complaint, the only obligation undertaken by XXXX XXXXX, at its own option, will be limited either to the substitution or repair of the Component or to the repayment of its purchase price; expressly excluding whatever other XXXX XXXXX liabilities to PURCHASER due to late delivery, defects in the Components furnished, and/or compliance with legal and contractual obligations and specifically excluding also, except in the event of gross negligence or willful misconduct, any and all liability which could arise out of indirect damages and prejudices, loss of income and/or production stoppages. 6.5. - Returns will only be admissible when previously and expressly accepted by XXXX XXXXX through an RGA form (Return Goods Authorization). The acceptance of returns does not imply the acknowledgment of a complaint for faults or defects. Seventh. - Packaging materials and Transport. Transport cost Regarding the term of FCA, when packaging materials are supplied, their price will be added to the invoice. Likewise, the invoice shall break down the detail of transport costs of the Purchase Order which shall be borne by the PURCHASER. Eighth. - Economic terms Prices of Components do not include Added Value Taxes or any other amount chargeable and corresponding to public prices, fees or taxes.
Disposiciones económicas. La retribución del personal se ajustará a la estructura salarial establecida en el ámbito de la empresa.
Disposiciones económicas. Artículo 38
Disposiciones económicas. Durante la vigencia de este Convenio el salario base para todas las categorías y niveles profe- sionales, sea cual fuere la categoría de la Sala para la que presten sus servicios, queda fijado en las siguientes cuantías: Año 2010: — Salario anual: 12.175,49 euros. — Salario mensual: 811,70 euros. Los trabajadores fijos de trabajo discontinuo y a tiempo parcial, percibirán su salario a prorrata de las horas realmente trabajadas.
Disposiciones económicas. Artículo 16