Yard, Front definition

Yard, Front means a yard extending across the full width of the lot between the Front Lot Line of the lot and the nearest part of the nearest building or structure on the lot.
Yard, Front means and refer to a yard extending across the full width of the lot unoccupied other than by steps, walks, terraces, driveways, lamp posts and similar structures, the depth of which is the least distance between the front lot line and the building line
Yard, Front means the area extending across the full width of a lot from the front lot line to the nearest wall of any main building or structure on the lot.

Examples of Yard, Front in a sentence

  • Yard (front, rear, and side) are identified in the definition section of this Code.

  • Yards for Corner Lot Adjacent to Key Lot: The side-yard setback on the street side of the corner lot, within twenty (20′) feet of the side property line of the key lot, shall be equal to the front-yard of the key lot, as defined in Section 30-2, "Yard, front," and no structure, excluding barriers, may be permitted within five (5′) feet of the rear property line on the corner lot.

  • Yard, front, means a yard extending across the full width of the lot, the depth of which is the least distance between the lot line or road easement or right-of-way line and the front building line.

  • Yard, front, means the yard extending across the full width of the lot between side lot lines and from the front lot line to the front of the building line.

  • Yard, front means a yard extending across the full width of the site and measured, as to depth, at the least horizontal distance between the front street line and the nearest projection of the principal building as shown in Figure 3.

More Definitions of Yard, Front

Yard, Front means a yard extending across the full width of the lot between the front lot line and the nearest wall of any main building on the lot for which the yard is required.
Yard, Front. - means that portion of the parcel extending across the full width of the parcel from the front property boundary line of the parcel to the front wall of the main building. In the case of lake front lots, the front yard is the area between the lake shore property line (or, if the front property line is not a fixed point, the standard mean high water mark as defined by Alberta Environmental Protection) and the wall of the main building facing the lake;
Yard, Front. Means a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the front lot line and the nearest wall of any principal building or structure on the lot.
Yard, Front means a yard extending across the full width of the lot, the depth of which is the minimum horizontal distance between the front lot line and a line parallel thereto on the lot as required for a particular district.
Yard, Front or "front yard" means an open, unoccupied landscaped yard extending across the full width of a lot or parcel, having at no point a depth of less than the minimum required horizontal distance between the front lot line, or its tangent, and the closest permissible location of the main building. Said distance shall be measured by a line at right angles to the front lot line, or its tangent.
Yard, Front means a yard extending across the full width of a lot and situated between the front lot line and the nearest portion of the principal building;
Yard, Front means a yard extending across the full width of the lot between the front lot line and the nearest main wall of the main building on such lot.