Written plan definition

Written plan means a document prepared by an operator, timber owner or landowner that describes how the operation is planned to be conducted.
Written plan means a document prepared by an operator, timber owner or land-
Written plan has the meaning set forth in Section 4.17(e).

Examples of Written plan in a sentence

  • Written plan submitted by industrial users as an alternative to TTO monitoring, which specifies the toxic organic compounds used, the method of disposal used and procedures for assuring that toxic organics do not routinely spill or leak into wastewater discharged to the POTW.

  • PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT [REVOKED]450:23-13-1 Performance improvement program [REVOKED]450:23-13-2 Written plan [REVOKED]450:23-13-3 Performance improvement activities [REVOKED] 450:23-13-4 Monitoring and evaluation process [REVOKED] 450:23-13-5 Incident reporting [REVOKED] SUBCHAPTER 15.

  • UTILIZATION REVIEW [REVOKED]450:23-15-1 Utilization review [REVOKED]450:23-15-2 Written plan [REVOKED]450:23-15-3 Methods for identifying problems [REVOKED] SUBCHAPTER 17.

  • Contractor’s Written plan of repair must at a minimum include an estimated time of completion, explain why they are unable to meet the time frames, and describe how Contractor will provide alternative Service until completion of the repair.

  • For example, a cafeteria plan may not provide for retirement health benefits for current employees beyond the current plan year or group-term life insurance with a permanent benefit, as defined under §1.79-0.(c) Written plan requirements--(1) General rule.

More Definitions of Written plan

Written plan means a document prepared by an operator, timber owner or landowner that describes how the operation is planned to be conducted. [1971 c.316 §3; 1987 c.919 §9; 1991 c.547 §1; 1991 c.634 §3; 1991 c.919 §1; 1995 s.s. c.3 §39; 1996 c.9 §2; 1999 c.59 §166; 2001 c.451 §1; 2003 c.740 §2; 2011 c.276 §6]
Written plan means a document prepared by an operator, timber owner or landowner that describes how the operation is planned to be conducted.Division 603ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 629-603-0000Adaptive Management Program Purpose(1) The purpose of the adaptive management program rules is to provide science-based recommendations and technical information to assist the Board of Forestry in determining when it is necessary or advisable to adjust rules, guidance, and training programs to achieve the biological goals and objectives.(2) OAR 629-603-0000 through 629-603-0600 shall be known as the adaptive management program rules.(3) It is the policy of the State of Oregon that regulation of forest practices for the protection of aquatic species shall, in addition to other statutory requirements, be subject to a process of adaptive management, whereby forest practice rules are:
Written plan means a document prepared by an operator,
Written plan. The program must have an organized, written plan (program standards) embodying the terms and conditions of employment, training, and supervision of one or more apprentices in an apprenticeable occupation. Some of the key components required in program standards are provisions that address:
Written plan means a plan that describes how an operation will be conducted, including specifically how the Contractor will conduct Contract work so that it will be completed in a specified amount of time.
Written plan means a plan submitted by an operator, for written approval by the State Forester, which describes how the operation will be conducted, including the means to protect resource sites described in ORS 527.710 (3)(a) and information required by ORS 527.745 and 527. 750, if applicable.
Written plan means a document prepared by an operator, timber owner or land- owner that describes how the operation is planned to be conducted.