Examples of WHMT in a sentence
For purposes of applying the special WHMT de minimis test in this paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(D)(2), amounts that result from the complete or partial payment of the outstanding principal balance of the mortgages held by the trust are not included in the amount of trust sales proceeds.
The trustee of a WHMT that meets the requirements of paragraph (g)(1)(ii) of this section is deemed to satisfy para- graph (c)(1)(i) of this section, if the trustee calculates and provides WHFIT information in the manner described in this paragraph (g) and provides a state- ment to the requesting person giving notice that information has been cal- culated in accordance with this para- graph (g)(1).(ii) Requirements.
Pending the issuance of addi- tional guidance, the safe harbor in this paragraph applies to trustees and mid- dlemen of WHMTs that are not eligible to report under the WHMT safe harbor in paragraph (g) of this section because they hold interests in another WHFIT, in a REMIC, or hold or issue stripped interests.(ii) Safe harbor.
To compute the total amount of stated interest remaining to be paid to the WHMT as of the begin- ning of the month and the total re- maining OID as of the beginning of the month, the trustee must use the pre- payment assumption used in pricing the original issue of trust interests.
The measuring date is the date of the last deposit of assets into the WHFIT (not including any deposit of assets into the WHFIT pursuant to a distribution reinvestment program), not to exceed 90 days after the date the registration statement of the WHFIT becomes effective under the Securities Act of 1933.(2) Special WHMT de minimis test.
If a trustee reports WHMT items in accordance with paragraph (g)(1) of this section, the information provided with respect to those items on the Forms 1099 required to be filed with the IRS under paragraph (d) of this section and on the statement required to be furnished to the TIH under paragraph(e) of this section must be determined as provided in this paragraph (g)(2).(ii) Reporting WHMT income, expenses, non pro-rata partial principal payments, and sales and dispositions under the safe harbor.
For purposes of this paragraph (c)(2)(iv), a payment (other than a final scheduled payment) that completely retires a debt instrument (including a mortgage held by a WHMT) or a pro-rata prepayment on a debt instrument (see § 1.1275–2(f)(2)) held by a WHFIT must be reported as a full or partial sale or disposition of the debt instrument.
A WHMT that meets the asset require- ment of paragraph (g)(1)(ii)(E) of this section satisfies the special WHMT de minimis test in this paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(D)(2) if trust sales proceeds for the calendar year are not more than five percent of the aggregate out- standing principal balance of the WHMT (as defined in paragraph (g)(1)(iii)(D) of this section) as of the later of January 1 of that year or the trust’s start-up date.
The trustee also must provide requesting persons with a statement that the WHMT is permitted to report under this paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(C).
If a WHMT meets either the general or the special de minimis test of paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(D) of this section for the cal- endar year, the trustee is not required to report under paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(A) of this section.