Examples of Unilateral Undertaking in a sentence
The simplest type of agreement is known as a Unilateral Undertaking.
Legal FeesTo cover Buckinghamshire Council’s reasonable legal costs and disbursements incurred in connection with the Unilateral Undertaking and the Council’s Monitoring Fee.The monitoring fee is £541.02 and the legal costs will be determined on a case by case basis.
Contributions must be paid to the Local Planning Authority before the commencement of development, unless otherwise agreed.Where a financial contribution towards the Suffolk Coast RAMS is required and there are no other Section 106 planning obligations associated with the application, the payment can either be made upfront or a Unilateral Undertaking (legal agreement) can be entered into to secure payment upon commencement of the development.
There is a related type of agreement borne out of the same requirements and legislation – whereby a developer unilaterally offers a similar set of obligations, often in appeal or similar set of circumstances where a quick route to confirming a commitment to a set of obligations may be needed (a Unilateral Undertaking – a term not used in this study).
Delegation of power to enable Head of Development and Building Control to accept the Unilateral Undertaking and to approve such applications would better streamline the process, for the Council and the applicant.
It was reduced by 4 months primarily because he was a juvenile, first time offender, and admitted guilt.
Unilateral Undertaking) was submitted during the course of the Inquiry by the Appellant and landowners to the County Council (Document ID 17).
A draft Unilateral Undertaking to secure affordable housing and ecology contributions has also been submitted with written confirmation that the applicant agrees to the heads of terms.
Subject to the completion of a satisfactory legal agreement or Unilateral Undertaking, authorise the Head of Planning to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to conditions, including those set out below and with such amendments as are considered appropriate to ensure the acceptable implementation of the development.
The scheme shall be consistent with the terms of the Unilateral Undertaking dated [ 2009].