Special restrictions card definition

Special restrictions card means a card prepared by the department and issued to a person when non−encoded or lengthy restrictions to a license are necessary.

Related to Special restrictions card

  • Ownership Restrictions means collectively the Ownership Limit as applied to Persons other than the Initial Holder or Look-Through Entities, the Initial Holder Limit as applied to the Initial Holder and the Look-Through Ownership Limit as applied to Look-Through Entities.

  • Investment Restrictions means the investment restrictions of the Fund as set forth in the Declaration of Trust including, without limitation, those described in section 2.0 of this Annual Information Form.

  • Transfer Restriction means any condition to or restriction on the ability of the Subscriber to pledge, sell, assign or otherwise transfer the Shares under any organizational document, policy or agreement of, by or with the Company, but excluding the restrictions on transfer described in paragraph 6(c) of this Subscription Agreement with respect to the status of the Shares as “restricted securities” pending their registration for resale or transfer under the Securities Act in accordance with applicable securities laws.

  • Internal lot restriction means a platted note, platted demarcation, or platted designation that:

  • Transfer Restrictions means restrictions that prohibit the sale, exchange, transfer, assignment, pledge, hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or other disposal (including through the use of any cash-settled instrument), whether voluntarily or involuntarily by the Grantee, of an Award or any shares of Common Stock, cash or other property delivered in respect of an Award.

  • Dealing Restrictions means restrictions imposed by statute, order, regulation or Government directive, or by the Model Code or any code adopted by the Company based on the Model Code and for this purpose the Model Code means the Model Code on dealings in securities set out in Listing Rule 9, annex 1 (of the London Stock Exchange), as varied from time to time;

  • Company Restricted Share means each restricted share of Company Common Stock outstanding as of the Effective Time granted pursuant to any equity or compensation plan or arrangement of the Company.

  • RMB Non-Transferability means the occurrence of any event that makes it impossible for the Issuer to deliver RMB between accounts inside Hong Kong or from an account inside Hong Kong to an account outside Hong Kong (including where the RMB clearing and settlement system for participating banks in Hong Kong is disrupted or suspended), other than where such impossibility is due solely to the failure of the Issuer to comply with any law, rule or regulation enacted by any Governmental Authority (unless such law, rule or regulation is enacted after the Issue Date of the first Tranche of the relevant Series and it is impossible for the Issuer due to an event beyond its control, to comply with such law, rule or regulation);

  • Company Restricted Stock means each share of restricted Company Common Stock issued by the Company, which is subject to vesting conditions and rights to repurchase or reacquire by the Company, whether granted by the Company pursuant to a Company Option Plan, assumed by the Company in connection with any merger, acquisition or similar transaction or otherwise issued or granted and whether vested or unvested.

  • Period of Restriction means the period during which the transfer of Shares of Restricted Stock are subject to restrictions and therefore, the Shares are subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture. Such restrictions may be based on the passage of time, the achievement of target levels of performance, or the occurrence of other events as determined by the Administrator.

  • Non-transferability means the occurrence of any event that makes it impossible for the Issuer to deliver Renminbi between accounts inside Hong Kong or from an account inside Hong Kong to an account outside Hong Kong, other than where such impossibility is due solely to the failure of the Issuer to comply with any law, rule or regulation enacted by any Governmental Authority (unless such law, rule or regulation is enacted after the Issue Date and it is impossible for the Issuer, due to an event beyond its control, to comply with such law, rule or regulation).

  • Restricted Share Agreement means the agreement between the Company and the recipient of a Restricted Share which contains the terms, conditions and restrictions pertaining to such Restricted Shares.

  • Restrictions means the restrictions on sale or other transfer set forth in Section 4.2 and the exposure to forfeiture set forth in Section 3.1.