Examples of Significant Adverse Impact in a sentence
Code Regs.§897[a]), there is a legal presumption that “timber harvesting is expected to and will occur on such lands.” The regulations further specify that timber harvesting on such lands “shall not be presumed to have a Significant Adverse Impact on the Environment” (14 Cal.
In the event Interconnection Customer suspends work required under this LGIA pursuant to this Article 5.16, and has not requested the Participating TO to recommence the work or has not itself recommenced work required under this LGIA on or before the expiration of three (3) years following commencement of such suspension, this LGIA shall be deemed terminated.
Significant Environmental Impact (Significant Adverse Impact on the Environment).
The DEIS considered three alternatives—a No Action Alternative, a No Unmitigated Significant Adverse Impact Alternative, and the Lot 95 Exemption Alternative.In addition, a technical memorandum (Technical Memorandum 001) assessing whether the modifications to the Proposed Actions (ULURP No. C200061 (A) ZSM) would alter the conclusions presented in the DEIS, is available on DCP’s website.
Approval of PROCEDURE for Determining and Responding to Significant Adverse Impact and Verification of Fair Market Price 13.
A working paper titled “Preliminary Assessment of the Risk of Significant Adverse Impact (SAI) of Fishing Activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area” (FC WP 08/37 Revision 3) was prepared encapsulating the recommendations and comments arising from the deliberation of the WGFMS.
No Significant Adverse Impact On Wildlife Habitat Wildlife habitat serves a variety of functions in support of wildlife.
The "No Unmitigated Significant Adverse Impact Alternative" only considers project goals that include the current projected capacity for a Manhattan facility, and therefore is not considered feasible as this facility would be forced to decrease capacity were it to be built with no significant adverse impacts.However, this in and of itself may be a viable and quite realistic alternative.
The difference in g factor arises due to a different spin-orbit interaction for electrons and holes.
Therefore, there is no feasible No Unmitigated Significant Adverse Impact Alternative that would meet the purpose and need of the Proposed Project while avoiding a significant adverse impact.