Examples of SG in a sentence
A Strategic Assessment (SA) was completed identifying the need for change, benefits of addressing these needs and their link to the Scottish Government (SG) five Strategic Investment Priorities below: • Safe; Person-Centred; Effective Quality of Care; Health of Population; Efficient: Value and Sustainability Following the approval of the Initial Agreement a full benefits register was developed by the project team.
Accordingly, the Employer Superannuation Guarantee (SG) will be paid at the relevant SG rate, as determined by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), based on 80% of salary paid during the four years of the deferred salary scheme deductions and then paid at the relevant SG rate during the period of leave.
Hybrid appraisals and the Property Data Report (PDR) are not permitted SG Employment/ Income Verification 4.19.23 Added clarifying language: regarding transcripts • Additional documents, (i.e. copies of cancelled checks for IRS Payment/IRS refund, or electronic filing receipt from the IRS indicating the Submission Identification Number (SID) and AGI that matches the return) may be required on a case-by-case basis.
The Resident shall be responsible for familiarizing himself or herself with the Rules and Regulations, inclusive of all amendments made to this Rules and Regulations from time to time by Management Office that are published by Maple SG Private Limited at the Maple SG website.
In G.R. Newman, R.V. Clarke & S.G. Shoham (Eds.), Rational Choice and Situational Crime Prevention (pp.