Examples of School Psychological Services in a sentence
The program is based on the Accreditation Domains and Standards of the American Psychological Association and the Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services endorsed by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP).
The services delivered are the psychological services articulated in current Federal and Maine State Education regulations and under the domains of practice in the current Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services developed and published by the National Association of School Psychologists.
The services delivered are the services articulated under the domains of practice in the current Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services developed and published by the National Association of School Psychologists.[PL 2011, c.
Students are required to complete psychological evaluations in the outpatient clinic maintained by the Center and to provide School Psychological Services to training sites arranged by the Center.
Qualification StandardsTo qualify for national certification, a school psychologist must meet established standards of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP): Standards for Training and Field Placement Programs in School Psychology, Standards for the Credentialing of School Psychologists, Standards for the Provision of School Psychological Services, and Principles for Professional Ethics.
The services delivered are the psychological services articulated in current Federal and Maine State Education regulations and under the domains of practice in the current Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services developed and published by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP).
Independent DirectorsAll Independent Directors on the Board are Non-Executive Directors as defined under Regulation 16(1)(b) of the SEBI Listing Regulations.
The purpose of this Compact is to facilitate the interstate practice of School Psychology in educational or school settings, and in so doing to improve the availability of School Psychological Services to the public.
In 2010, the National Association of School Psychologists published its Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services, which generally recommends a ratio of one psychologist per 1,000 students, with even lower ratios recommended when more intensive services are needed.
School Psychology Specialization (21 hours): EDPSY 5143 Introduction to School Psychological Services EDPSY 5403 Non-Traditional AssessmentPSYCH 5313 Adv Educ PsychPSYCH 5333 Behavioral Intervention w/ Children PSYCH 5403 Intellectual AssessmentPSYCH 5433 Diagnostic AssessmentPSYCH 5473 Adv Psych of Childhood & Adolescence III.