Revenue Generated definition

Revenue Generated meanss the Gross Profit before taxes.
Revenue Generated means all amounts actually collected by Affiniscape in the prior 12 month period for subscriptions and job postings purchased through the Association Career Center reduced by any taxes or tariffs, sales discounts, allowances, credits or returns given.
Revenue Generated means (a) the sum of Closed-Won Revenue of all opportunities of deals with (x) a Company-Created Account for Opportunities created after the Account was created, and (y) any Company-Created Contacts in an Opportunity Contact Role (in the case of Customer’s CRM being Salesforce), or (b) the sum of Annual Recurring Revenue of all deals with (x) any Company-Created Account for Opportunities created after the Account was created, and (y) any Company- Created Contacts as Deal Contacts (in the case of Customer’s CRM being Hubspot), as confirmed by Company via API read access to these objects within Customer’s CRM; (ii) “Company-Created Contact” means (a) a Contact that was created by Company or that previously existed in Customer’s CRM but did not have any Activity and was updated by Company, or (b) a Lead that was created by Company or that previously existed in Customer’s CRM but did not have any Activity and was updated by Company; and (iii) “Company-Created Account” means an Account that was created by Company or that previously existed in Customer’s CRM but did not have any Activity and was updated by Company; (iv) “Contact,” “Lead”, “Closed-Won Revenue”, “Opportunity Contact Role”, “Annual Recurring Revenue”, “Deal Contact” and “Activity” shall have the meanings customarily given to them by users of Customer’s CRM platform. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the “Money Back Guarantee” set forth in this section shall not apply to Order Forms with an Initial Service Term of less than twelve (12) months.

Examples of Revenue Generated in a sentence

  • Table 5 shows the revenue yield for all rate scenarios developed by the Project Team.Table 5: Annual Residential Property Revenue Generated (3,140 Residential Properties x Rate) The residential fee is based on the assumption that an average property has approximately 6,632 ft2 of impervious surface and, therefore, all properties are billed for 1 ERU per year.

  • In the modern era of competitive Air Conditioning market, where demand is stagnant and the market volume stays the same, companies are struggling to maintain their position in the market.

  • Turbine Output (kW)Table 5 Revenue Generated on a Yearly Basis Net Present Value (NPV); the NPV investment appraisal method considers all of the costs and benefits of the turbine installation, and makes a logical allowance for the timing of these costs and benefits.

  • Allocations July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 Expenditures July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 Revenue Generated Comments related to budget decisions, concerns, cuts, reallocations, etc.

  • Funding Resources and Revenue Generated 179 Disposal Fees 180 Designation Fees 181 Other Sources of District Revenue 183 Summary of District Revenue 183 B.

  • Revenue Generated per AMI (Red) and Systemwide (Blue) Bills Figure 2.

  • Asset Classes and Percent of Gross Revenue Generated by Each • Other resources (530,202 acres): Solar and wind energy; special uses such as archery clubs, underground storage, golf courses, and research agreements; right-of-way access; and special forest products such as floral greens (for example, salal) and boughs.

  • YEARPRODUCTION (CARATS)EXPORTS (US$)20118,719,000233 741 247201212,000,000563 561 495201316,900,000 (anticipated)-Table 1: Diamonds Production Levels and Revenue Generated from Exports(Source: Budget Statement: 2013) In June 2012, the Chairman of Mbada Diamonds, the largest producer of diamonds in the country informed the Committee that their company had remitted over US$293 million to Treasury.

  • Quantitative metrics contained in the FACT Fund application used to operate the NSI2 are as follows: Companies Assisted Capital Raised Revenue Generated Companies Attracted Year 1 200 $10 million $10 million 10 • Companies Assisted relates to companies that engage with NSI2 EIRs and team to receive business advice.

  • Tax reforms can be defined by the instruments that are used to determine the amount of revenue generated in Lagos State.…………………………………………………………………………(2)Where:TGR = Total Revenue Generated in Lagos State TPY = Tax PayersTED = Tax Education and ProgrammesThis study takes into consideration the problem of non-stationarity that are common when macroeconomic variables are involved.

Related to Revenue Generated

  • X-ray high-voltage generator means a device which transforms electrical energy from the potential supplied by the X-ray control to the tube operating potential. The device may also include means for transforming alternating current to direct current, filament transformers for the X-ray tube(s), high-voltage switches, electrical protective devices, and other appropriate elements.

  • Co-generation means the sequential production of electricity

  • Eligible generator means a developer of a base load or mid-

  • Captive generating plant means a power plant set up by any person to generate electricity primarily for his own use and includes a power plant set up by any co-operative society or association of persons for generating electricity primarily for use of members of such cooperative society or association;

  • On-Site Generators means generation facilities (including Behind The Meter Generation) that (i) are not Capacity Resources, (ii) are not injecting into the grid, (iii) are either synchronized or non-synchronized to the Transmission System, and (iv) can be used to reduce demand for the purpose of participating in the PJM Interchange Energy Market.

  • Operating Profits means, as applied to any Person for any period, the operating income of such Person for such period, as determined in accordance with GAAP.

  • Waste generator means and includes every person or group of persons or institutions, residential, and commercial establishments including Indian Railways, Airport, Port and Harbour and Defense establishments, places of worship which generate plastic waste ;

  • Operating Profit means the excess of Gross Revenues over the following deductions (“Deductions”) incurred by Manager, on behalf of Owner, in operating the Hotel:

  • Exempt Wholesale Generator has the meaning provided in 18 C.F.R. Section 366.1.

  • Individual generation site means the contiguous site at or on which one or more hazardous wastes are generated. An individual generation site, such as a large manufacturing plant, may have one or more sources of hazardous waste but is considered a single or individual generation site if the site or property is contiguous.

  • wind turbine generator or “WTG” means a structure comprising a tower, rotor with three blades connected at the hub, nacelle and ancillary electrical and other equipment which may include J-tube(s), transition piece, access and rest platforms, access ladders, boat access systems, corrosion protection systems, fenders and maintenance equipment, helicopter landing facilities and other associated equipment, fixed to a foundation;

  • Normal Minimum Generation means the lowest output level of a generating resource under normal operating conditions.

  • Base Load Generation Resource means a Generation Capacity Resource that operates at least 90 percent of the hours that it is available to operate, as determined by the Office of the Interconnection in accordance with the PJM Manuals.

  • Gross weight means the aggregate weight of a vehicle or combination of vehicles and the load

  • CAISO Revenues means the credits, fees, payments, revenues, interest or similar benefits, including imbalance energy payments, that are directly assigned by the CAISO to the CAISO Global Resource ID for the Generating Facility for, or attributable to, Scheduling or deliveries from the Generating Facility under this Agreement.

  • Revenue means the price for iron ore from the mineral lease the subject of any shipment or sale and payable by the purchaser thereof to the Company or an associated company less all export duties and export taxes payable to the Commonwealth on the export of the iron ore and all costs and charges properly incurred and payable by the Company from the time the ore shall be placed on ship at the Company’s wharf to the time the same is delivered and accepted by the purchaser including — (1) ocean freight; (2) marine insurance; (3) port and handling charges at the port of discharge; (4) all costs properly incurred in delivering the ore from port of discharge to the smelter and evidenced by relevant invoices; (5) all weighing sampling assaying inspection and representation costs; (6) all shipping agency charges after loading on and departure of ship from the Company’s wharf; and (7) all import taxes by the country of the port of discharge;

  • Efficiency means the gas turbine manufacturer's rated heat rate at peak load in terms of heat input per unit of power output based on the lower heating value of the fuel.

  • Capture efficiency means the weight per unit time of VOC entering a capture system and delivered to a control device divided by the weight per unit time of total VOC generated by a source of VOC, expressed as a percentage.

  • Operating Revenue means amounts accrued or charge to customers, cli- ents, and tenants, for the sale of prod- ucts manufactured or purchased for re- sale, for services, and for rentals of property held primarily for leasing to others. It includes both reimbursable costs and fees under cost-type con- tracts and percentage-of-completion sales accruals except that it includesonly the fee for management contracts under which the contractor acts essen- tially as an agent of the Government in the erection or operation of Govern- ment-owned facilities. It excludes inci- dental interest, dividends, royalty, and rental income, and proceeds from the sale of assets used in the business.

  • Internally Generated Cash means, with respect to any period, any cash of Borrower and its Subsidiaries generated during such period, excluding Net Asset Sale Proceeds, Net Insurance/Condemnation Proceeds and any cash that is received from an incurrence of Indebtedness, an issuance of Equity Interests or a capital contribution.

  • Proved Developed Producing Reserves means Proved Reserves which are categorized as both “Developed” and “Producing” in the Definitions, “Proved Developed Nonproducing Reserves” means Proved Reserves which are categorized as both “Developed” and “Nonproducing” in the Definitions, and “Proved Undeveloped Reserves” means Proved Reserves which are categorized as “Undeveloped” in the Definitions.

  • On-site generation facility means a generation facility,

  • System Revenues means all rates, rents, fees, charges,

  • Pupil Generated Content The term “pupil-generated content” means materials or content created by a pupil during and for the purpose of education including, but not limited to, essays, research reports, portfolios, creative writing, music or other audio files, photographs, videos, and account information that enables ongoing ownership of pupil content.

  • Transit-oriented development means infrastructure improvements that are located within 1/2 mile of a transit station or transit-oriented facility that promotes transit ridership or passenger rail use as determined by the board and approved by the municipality in which it is located.

  • Moderate-income household means a household with a total gross annual household income in excess of 50 percent but less than 80 percent of the median household income.